Playground Games' Fable reboot opened today's Xbox Games Showcase 2023 - and it looks absolutely phenomenal through the title's first in-game trailer.
Of course, we've dropped the new video clip up above, which provides just a sneak peek at Xbox's upcoming reboot of the famous RPG franchise. For now, we don't have a release window on this one, so we'll have to wait a wee bit longer to hear when we can go hands on with Fable!
The title was first revealed way back in 2020 when Microsoft began showcasing its 'next-gen' lineup, and we've been largely in the dark on it since. Here's hoping that Fable reaches the finish line in a reasonable time frame!
While we're waiting for that all-important date, here's Playground's latest synopsis on a new beginning for Fable:
"What does it mean to be a Hero? Well, in the fairytale land of Albion, that is entirely up to you. With a dark threat looming, and in a world where your reputation precedes you, your choices will change Albion forever."
When do you expect Fable to launch? Give us your best guesses down below.
Comments 60
No actual gameplay shown, this isn't from an xbox for all I care, if it was they would be loudly slamming "in-game footage xbox series x" watermark
No release date either, this is as good as we have received so far on the fable reboot
I have to respectfully disagree here... as someone who has played and loved fable 1, 2, and 3, this COMPLETELY missed the mark for me.
It doesn't hit the tone of the series at all. And this clearly wasn't gameplay footage at all.
Looks terrible. Playground clearly didnt play the originals and/or didnt understand it in the slightest.
No gameplay shown, I also didn't like its vibe, but I never played any fable so maybe it's my problem
In-game engine cinematic is still just a cinematic. People want gameplay
This tells us nothing. No gameplay footage and they have been working on this for at least five years.
Hahaha the negative Nellie's. As if playground hasn't ever made amazing games. And clearly it's still being made. It's just awesome to see the update. I get it, you need to complain about something or you might realise you're miserable
Jaw dropping visuals and i love the change in style, still feels like Fable but different in a good kind of way.
Very disappointed in how the characters look.
Was cool but just a movie.
Was hoping for some gameplay tbh maybe that was expecting too much.
I wasn't expecting all this negativity. 100% excited about this, It looked awesome and I enjoyed what they showed. I think that it will be released in 2025 but 2024 is packed.
Surprised people are hating on it. This was my highlight of the show and what a way to open. Would have been good to see something more in-depth but I wasn’t even sure the game would be there at all.
Not much to see here.
But that's fine... the game aint gonna be here until at least 2025; so y'all hold your whining until we get a real look at the game.
The cinematic was an entertaining enough way to kick off the presentation though 👍
@Romans12 They haven't been working on it for 5 years. If you been following the game. it only really started development last year as they were still hiring people for key positions
@LX_FENIX Expecting a true fable style fable game in 2023 was always a huge ask. There was a lot of stuff from the earlier games that would probably rub the over sensitive 2020 crowd the wrong way. It was always going to be a completely different game with just the name stamped on
Its the bit at the end of the showcase that worried me with Phil "we showcased Fable redeveloped for the modern era while staying true to the british style" Redeveloped for the modern area screams to me "We started it then went back to the drawing board to make sure we can make it 21st century friendly enough"
I honestly hope I am proved wrong and if I am I will come back to this thread and say I am full of rubbish.
Looked amazing to me. The people complaining must have never played the originals or forgot what the characters looked like, Fable was never about photo realistic characters or worlds.
Looks like it could be phenomenal. Looking forward to it!
C'mon dude... please don't drag the culture wars stuff into this.
Let's try and keep this forum a happy, friendly and positive space 👍
Great to have everyone here sharing opinions (including you), but let's keep the divisive political stuff out of this nice little corner of the interwebs 🙂
@Banjo- One thing I learned growing up is that no matter what you do there's always gonna be someone/people complaining. It's best to ignore those because their a lot of the time entitled, miserable or both.
@Utena-mobile people here will rip me to shreds on this, but the humor was one thing thst felt really off. It felt forced. Like they were trying to be really hip and funny but missed the mark.
The original was VERY tongue in cheek. It's humor felt natural, and that it was full satire of that time.
I am going to keep an open mind on it, but this trailer didn't capture the magic for me. I need to see gameplay to be certain of my option.
@antstephenson I don't do or care for culture wars do my head in, I get your point so I have edited my comment to remove the term that would maybe trigger a few people but my point still stands.
More often than not "redeveloped for the moden era and/or modern audiences" often removes the "culture" or "environment" of the original games or the franchise to avoid causing unneccessary offence.
Look at what happened with Saints Row. I really hope it does not happen with this.
Only thing that annoys me about this is the female protagonist. Was a good trailer on the whole though. And why’s she ugly?
@torne Because it was a script for presenting the game, I thought it was great. It doesn't mean that the game will be talking to the players.
@Solidchief If it's early gameplay, it looks like crap. If it's a cinematic trailer, it's not gameplay. If it's running on Series X, it doesn't tell me anything... That's what I have read today. So what do they have to do? 🤣 It was the best show of the year and yes, every one may miss something but that doesn't mean that it was bad.
@Baler I'm pretty sure that you can design/choose your own character.
@torne agree with you here. Its a short trailer but the biggest takeaway is it may have moved from the classic tongue in cheek humour to cheesy nonsense.
I hope that does not end up being the case.
@Jaxx420 According to our interactions in the past, you are a big Sony fan and you don't like Xbox so it's also possible that you're trying to ruin what was the highlight for many. Just saying.
Removed - trolling/baiting; user is banned
@Banjo- yeah you probably can it just felt off in this trailer.
I'm a bit long in three tooth... 51 years old... but, I've learned to roll with the times 🙂
Holding on to old certainties will only cause frustration.
Change is inevitable... often necessary... and occasionally good.
"Go with the flow" is a secret to a long and happy life... "Change ", "different", "new"... It's all ok 👍
And if occasionally it doesn't work... well it's just a video game 🙂
@Banjo- Every game shown could have had a release date and they'd still complain about it. You can't win 😂😂
Dude, you've trolled me before on here over culture war stuff... not cool.
I'm sure you're capable of being a better person... chill and enjoy the weekend.
Removed - flaming/arguing; user is banned
@antstephenson not cool
@Utena-mobile As a Fable fan, I was not disappointed today. I saw what I think that will become a great game. I understand that the script was meant to present the game and not what the NPCs and the game narrator will do.
@Banjo- do you really want to have a tit for tat battle here?
Own all 3 have done for years I love Fable followed since Project Ego. Molyneux's ambiton always outweighed the tech available sadly but well intentioned. I just worry about the direction it might be taking here but happy to be proved wrong.
If you can prove in my comment history I am a Sony "fan" as you put it I will happily clarify otherwise its a bit of an attack on me that and that is sad.
Your comment history tells me you come out swinging on anything negative with Xbox thinking anyone posting it is a Sony fanboy that needs putting back in their box, fair play there is a few of them on here but trust me that aint me. I just like to game.
@Banjo- yes its a script for presenting a video game. A script that is supposed to entice people to want to play. And as I said... in MY opinion it did not do that.
In my opinion it missed the mark. That's it...
I said I'm keeping an open mind, but this trailer did not do it and I need to see more
@AverageGamer I have been following the game. "In early 2018, Eurogamer reported that a fourth Fable game had started development by Playground Games." Now follow me on this next sentence - If you add up early 2018 to June 2023, you get over five years in development. Unless denominations have changed, I am correct. Educate yourself before posting.
Removed - trolling/baiting
@torne And I respect that you don't like what you heard, I'm just saying that a trailer script doesn't necessarily mean that "they didn't hit the tone of the series at all" in the game. We just don't know.
@FenIsMightier for me it just didnt show enough. Richard Ayaode added a bit of grandiose to it but after the time in development was just hoping to see some gameplay.
The regular sized guy complaining about the giant’s pumpkin patch is very Fable and made me giggle. The rest of the trailer massively missed the mark. A little worrying.
When is this thing set? Why was giant Ayoade wearing modern glasses?
@Jaxx420 Unless this is not your first account or you have a double, maybe I'll tell you my opinion about The Last of Us and others just to find out😉.
Looked great! looking forward to seeing more in the future
@Benjamin My understanding is that Ayoade and his glasses are not featured in the game. Now that I think about it, I think that he is the present-day narrator in Fable 4 telling us the story that takes place in the past.
@Banjo- whatever floats your boat. I have plenty of negative views on The Last of Us 2 for example. But this isnt the right thread for it.
I deleted my comment as it was going way off topic. Unfortunately no PM option for you to air the problem you have got with me.
I will repeat the end of my comment to end it. You do you and I will do me but comment histories are there and for those with multiple accounts also shows any posts from old usernames. I do have one old account but again nothing there to stack it up. Maybe you have the wrong person?
I can only go by me. I am over 60 and seen all of it including the old Amiga/Spectrum arguments. Console wars give me a headache want no part of it.
Staying on topic my concern with this as a long time Fable fan is it losing its charm for the sake of modernisation. I hope I end up being wrong.
I dont think we can judge anything from this trailer, except that the game engine seems up to the task.
Certainly the tone of the humour seems to split opinions! I can see why, but its surely too early to make any judgements.
The great thing is its still coming and the engine is up to the job. The bad thing is we got to wait till at least 2025 to find out.
@Jaxx420 The graphics look great. The fact that the original game is more realistic and this game has more fantasy is not bad. The script is clearly a trailer script. Ayoade is probably the present-day narrator but the story takes place in the past. You can probably design or choose your character. I expect the NPCs to reflect what makes Fable special. I can't find any reason to be disappointed so soon. It has the potential to be one of the best games of the generation and it's different from the kind of video games we get on any platform. It's that kind of game that it's "the game" because it's good, unique and AAA on top of that.
looks nothing like fable tbh. i guess being "progressive" is having half white half black as the main character. good to know.
The 'made for modern audiences' part they said worries me. Much like Saints Row or GTA, you either don't change the way Fable is or you just don't make a new entry, because then it's not the same series. Obviously way too early to tell, but I'm not sure there's anything with that phrase tagged on that wasn't a hollow shell of what it used to be.
@Banjo- The graphics do look great. And I am not dissapointed myself yet just worried.
Game has been ages in development and still no gameplay is a concern for me.
I really want to be proved wrong on it, its one of my favourite franchises. Its reasonable to expect a reboot after Fable 3 just hope it goes in the right direction.
As for Richard Ayoade Im not sure his involvement extends beyond being in the trailer but if it does yep he will probably be the narrator guiding the player through the timeline.
I just hope the staples stay and get expanded like jobs and property buying. After I lost the time needed to play things like the sims properly this was my go to.
@Utena-mobile They are on Game Pass so you don't have anything to lose. My first Xbox was the Xbox One Elite bundle, I mention this because I played Fable 1 with the Elite controller mapping the buttons and using the paddles because I felt that there was something weird about the controls. If you feel it too, you can also map buttons on a normal controller with the Xbox accessories app. The more you play it, the more you like it, it only gets better. It's original, funny yet deep and addictive.
@Jaxx420 The development hasn't been that long. They were recruiting and expanding the studio for this game recently.
@shoeses I understood that sentence as related to technology and graphics because, honestly, I can't see the developers of the Fable reboot/sequel being politically correct. Impossible.
Without Peter Molyneux's involvement, it was never going to be the original Fable. It's a new Fable, and it looks great. I loved the old one (and 2, 3 not so much thanks to the end) and I miss Peter M, one of the greatest video game devs of all time, you have to be over a certain age and primarily a PC gamer to really know just how great a designer he was.
This new one looks like a whole new thing, that doesn't make it bad. Playground has made nothing but great games, the trailers for this so far have been great, and I can't wait to play it and I hope it's a great game.
@Banjo- But that's my concern - this is a different developer team from the original 3 games. The original studio went under from bad management back around 2016 or 2017.
@shoeses Wait and see... wait until 2025, I mean... 😂
@Romans12 Starting development doesn’t mean full production. It just means that they can put job ad for positions. They hadn’t even hired a writer until 2020. So while it started “development” 5 years ago, it only been in full production for probably less than 2 years.
Poor Dave. That is so not cool. Feels like fable… as irreverent and absurd as ever and I always feel like even when I play 100% good that I am the villain of someone else’s story. Like Dave’s. Dave didn’t deserve that.
@KezelPaso Lighting engineer from Playground confirms this was captured on a Series X:
I played all the original Fable games and they we're okay in my opinion. So personally, I'd be happy to see them take this in a new direction. And a British-humor medieval fantasy adventure game sounds like it could be a lot of fun! So I'm less concerned about some naysayers saying "well it doesn't seem like the same Fable I remember!" — chances are you're much older now and your view of things have changed, so you might not like the originals now in the same way remember liking them. Bottom line, if the new game is a good game, I really don't care how close it is to the original Fable or not.
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