Today's the day for Ghostwire: Tokyo on Xbox Game Pass! The game arrived for Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S and PC (and Xbox One as part of Xbox Cloud Gaming) earlier today, and players have begun sharing their first impressions.
And those impressions are... well, they're a little mixed. Some people are really enjoying the game, but others have pointed out that there are a lot of FPS drops in Performance Mode, and the controls also feel quite sluggish.
In terms of the latter specifically, we've seen quite a few suggestions about how to improve the feeling of the game by changing various settings. So, if you want to make a few adjustments, here's what you can do:
Even though we've seen some mixed feedback about the game in these early hours, the reviews on Metacritic have actually generated a higher average than the PS5 version so far, currently sitting at an 84 for Xbox Series X.
Despite our best attempts, we weren't able to obtain review access for Ghostwire: Tokyo on Xbox ahead of release, but we'll nevertheless have a review to share here at Pure Xbox in the near future.
How are you finding Ghostwire: Tokyo so far on Xbox Game Pass? Tell us in the comments below.
What Do You Think Of Ghostwire: Tokyo So Far On Xbox? (409 votes)
- It's amazing, I'm loving it!
- It's pretty good, yeah
- It's OK, not bad
- It's not that good really
- It's terrible!
Comments 46
I wanted to love this game in PS5. I got all trophies, and I'm a big fan of Evil Within and traditional folklore/horror as well, but there were lots of things that just didn't click. 6/10 all day long for me. I do hope others enjoy it though, as I wish nothing but the best for Tango
Yeah…. I think I’ll pass.
I’m finding the controls less of an issue than I did with Atomic Heart, but…..again….performance is a real issue on Series X.
I really don’t understand how a first party game can be released in this state, especially one year after it came out on PS5. What’s been happening over the past year? Why hasn’t it been optimised and polished to within an inch of its life for the Xbox release?
You’d think having to wait an extra year for a Microsoft owned IP wouldn’t result in having to mess with settings to make the game more playable due to dead zone issues… I mean they’ve literally had the luxury of hindsight. The feedback from the ps5 release has been readily available for a year…why not simply add an option within control settings to address that feedback 🤷🏻
@StrawberryWave it’s a crazy mindset that ultimately results in the value of gamepass suffering. MS raised the price of their own games to £70 now to add further value to gamepass…meaningless if the quality of those games don’t hold the expectations gamers should have on £70 games just because it’s part of their GP sub.
Hopefully MS can turn around this ‘gamepass effect’ meaning lack of quality stigma they’re currently brandished with - which Xbox gamers are definitely contributing towards with the ideology of ‘free pass because free game’ as it’s part of their subscription service MS valued at £140 per year
I've heard it a decent game but a mess technically isn't this supposed to be a 1st party xbox game as well
Really enjoying the game so far and no issues with controls for me. Only issue I really have is the FPS can drop sometimes but that can be fixed with an update.
Yep and all this doesn’t help.
As world wide and in the UK sales continue to be way behind the competition and month on month get lower and lower console wise. ie
Jan to feb to March 2023.
Third parties don’t care much about Xbox
Resident Evil 4 remake total sales percentage disc and digital 15% on Xbox. We can’t blame them.
Not that I want this to happen but I have that feeling that Xbox is going now where really this generation. Hope I’m wrong, but they need to deliver and create games that get everyone on board like the competition do.
Gamepass not doing that well considering it’s all devices sales. And if Gamepass was that a wow factor consoles would be selling miles better.
Not getting less and less each month in 2023.
This isn’t a new generation for Xbox it’s a slow tired worn out generation for Xbox.
Lifeless and soulless game wise.
Again the 12tf fiasco
I've seen screenshots where reflections look better on ps5 and blurry on Series X. I'm not too ar5ed as I have a Series S but tf is going on with all that "powah"?
This game is just really not very good in my opinion. I did around four hours before giving it the boot on PS5.
Tried this on ps plus only got about 3 or 4 hours in and that was enough for me.
I guess I'm just an old man cuz I played it for about an hour last night on performance mode and thought it ran just fine.
as per ususal with any day 1 release i will wait a month before playing it
what have they been doing for the last year ?
The number of players who never go into the settings menu is baffling to me
As someone with limited gaming time i ain't messing around with all these things. Do your job and ship a finished product. It's not ready, don't ship. It's why I never play anything at release, it's never actually ready. Can't tell me they didn't know about the issues.
@Dezzy70 resi 4 remake was released on ps4 and ps5, but only on xbox series. 20% on xbox is decent when you consider the higher install base on ps5 and the lack of a last gen version on xbox. Infact I thought it would of been higher as you have over 100million more consoles to sell to.
@Dezzy70 I'm mostly satisfied with the Series X but I got it for Flight Simulator which is essentially the standout current gen exclusive albeit a niche genre. At this point I really do believe Microsoft will be leaving the console space and concentrating on publisher and developer spaces. I guess we'll have to wait and see if the COD on Gamepass factor really boosts console sales to a point where MS consider further consoles but I can see them going the way of Sega only much larger with Gamepass accessible on other consoles as well as PC.
Yes it would not be great but I can see something like that happening with Xbox in the future.
They seem to have lost most brand recognition and what good game reputation they had.
With console sales going down each month so far as 2023 goes by, remembering they were not that great to start with. Third party games not selling well on Xbox.
Things don’t look great and surly can’t stay as is for to long.
@Dezzy70 @TJ81 The writing has kind of been on the wall for a while now.
The Xbox console is just a piece of hardware dedicated to running Microsoft Store games.
From Microsoft's eyes, it's no different than say a Surface product - it's an option in a certain hardware category that lives within Microsoft's ecosystem: and Microsoft is okay with this.
It just wants to make enough hardware sales to justify manufacturing said product, not be the leader in that hardware category.
These developer/publisher acquisitions are nothing more than getting revenue in the gaming space, not a means to "beating" the competition.
That being said, I don't see Microsoft leaving the console space any time soon. It's an easy-to-use solution to play games. I could even see Microsoft having a few different models of the next console just like PC: a cloud-based model, a "base" model, a mid-range model, and a high-end model - where console specs for would be based on the minimum, recommended, and Ultra hardware specs that the developers put out for PC games.
This is why "console wars" are stupid as Microsoft is playing an entirely different game than Sony. Microsoft wants you vested in its ecosystem - be it Xbox console, PC, mobile, streaming stick - it couldn't care less if it "sells more units".
This game is the definition of mediocre, not offensively bad or stupendously good. Ok while your playing not memorable at all when your not. It would have been better if modern japan wasn’t so over used as a location in modern gaming.
@TJ81 Why would they do that? I guess you missed the GDC where they were teasing a new console then. Sony have already refused to have gamepass on their console.
So, since it has been out for a while and issues are not Xbox specific, it's kind of a known by now this game is not great. Not sure why Xbox community was as excited about it, it's just hyping up expectations that were never going to be met.
Putting that aside, it seems like there is some real issues with integrating controls lately on Xbox. I've tried Guilty Gear recently, and it's unplayeable on my Series S. Controls are so lazy and dead zones huge, not sure how the game even passed QA. (similar for RE4)
Yes but if you sell more Xbox console units.
Say they like 120 million this generation then you can get more game pass subscriptions.
One leads to the other.
Don’t forget on all systems total there is only about I think 25 million Gamepass subscribers and I can’t see that increasing to much at the moment.
@Dezzy70 I could see the number of PC Game Pass subscriptions jumping up pretty significantly when/if Blizzard games drop on Game Pass PC.
I always turn off chromatic aberration, film grain, motion blur anyway. It ran great last night, played chapter 1 on performance mode on SX and Oled with VRR, no issues.
I didn't notice anything wrong with the movement like I did with Atomic Heart, immediately felt how clunky and slow it was. I'll look at the deadzone and see if it makes a difference, but honestly felt fine to me.
One thing I do appreciate is that I can enable HFR Quality mode despite not having my TV not supporting 120Hz.
My TV can do VRR up to 60Hz (and down to 40Hz) so being able to play Quality mode at Higher than 30fps is very welcome - and the input lag is significantly reduced!
I guess I could play using Performance Mode, but I kind of like the RT Reflections being used here.
I will try out some of these settings soon. I'm enjoying the game, but so far it feels a little light in depth across the board. I'd argue we've been spoiled by Bioshock and so every story-driven FPS ever since just reminds us of "what could've been".
Had no problems playing it so far. Playing with default settings on performance mode.
I am really happy to see some ppl like this game. I bought it at full price for my PS5 and not regretted it when it came out.
I really hope they make a sequel with a longer story.
@Nexozi I honestly hope they do stick with Xbox. I'd like to see a higher end console perhaps aimed at people like me who would like a high end PC but certainly can't afford $3k+. Gotta look up this console tease you speak of....
@GamingFan4Lyf Interesting points. I'd like to see a high end Xbox that can get closer to a high end PC performance for a third of the cost. Wishful thinking maybe but I can dream!
Might try it but really want to see a patch before I try again. Honestly the performance is an embarrassment.
@TJ81 Yea, I hope they don't stop making consoles. I'm not sure if they could keep the Xbox branding if they don't have an Xbox. I saw it on reddit, was a picture of all the xboxes inside glass boxes and then an empty glass box with a question mark over the top of it. Was a flatter rectangle shape, which seems to be hinting at moving away from the tower design.
So many obvious CoD and BF players. This isn't an action off the wall game. It's to learn about culture, have fun traversing and some mild combat.
I don't think a lot of you understand the game and that's fine but don't trash talk something if you don't understand it. Perfect example
motion blur off, High Refresh rate on
right stick dead zone 5
y axis sensitivity 40
camera aimimg 40
bow drawn 20
camera accelleration 100
camera decelleration 50
This fixed the control feeling so unwieldy n weightless at times. Much better n more playable now, hope this helps.
I don't see the problem here. The settings are there for a reason, use them. If something feels off, that's the first thing I check. I do it all the time. GoWR felt horrible to me until I messed around in the settings a bit, same with HFW and Gears 5. It's no big deal. Good advice in this article though, appreciate it.
Its a shame really. The game itself isnt that bad, somewhat linear but still not bad. But man...what were they thinking with the control mechanism? Its like its lagging out and speeding up. Trying to hit ANYTHING is almost impossible. I have to admit, I fiddled about with the settings and gave up...I bet thousands of others did the same., which like I said in the beginning, is a shame.
It's... meh. I waited a while to play it, and honestly wish I hadn't bothered.
Gamepass Ghostwire
I played for an hour its annoying, I died a lot in the smoke when following the game map, the controllers and the graphics settings are poor, trying to change game several. uninstalled it. I have pre ordered the dead island 2 retail instead. Gamepass is getting worse.
I played it on my Series S for about an hour and a half and, performance issues aside, Ghostwire Tokyo is a pretty fun game. Hope they fix these issues soon though, because the frame drops were often.
I started it last night and after only doing my standard tweeks (no motion blur and head bob or filters, performance mode and on this case remove horror parts ) the game runs perfectly well for me on series X. However I have only played up to and hour.
@StrawberryWave I gotta disagree. I'd say the complaints are the same, if not more because it's free. If you paid full price for it, you're more likely to lump it or return it. If it's free, you can say whatever boneheaded thing you want about it.
Having a good time with it. The controls were too "floaty" on default but that's what options menus are for. Little bit of tweaking here and there and it's all good.
@TJ81 - Same. Next Xbox should launch with an RTX 4080 level of performance in order to properly game in 4K. It's still impressive as it is now considering that it's not using a card that is as good as even an RTX 3070, yet works with 4K.
And, hopefully they give us a motion controls for those games that don't support mouse+keyboard =(.
I'm forced to play this on my laptop instead thanks to Game Pass.
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