Arkane has delivered the big launch trailer for Redfall, and it's a goodie! We're treated to lots of new shots of Redfall gameplay here, perfectly matched with a sombre cover of Soundgarden's Black Hole Sun. Splendid.
As we recently highlighted as part of the game's latest preview, the team has again focused on how solo play compares to grouping up with buddies in this trailer, and it's looking a real treat whichever way you want to play!
Here's Arkane's latest rundown of what you can expect from Redfall on Xbox Game Pass:

"In signature Arkane style, you will choose your path across the island and through the vampire masses as you discover what caused this plague of bloodsuckers. Explore a beautifully hand-crafted open world packed with detail and shine a light on the island’s darkest corners as you fight to uncover the vampires’ secrets. Choose from a roster of heroes with unique, upgradeable skills and gear them up with customizable weaponry found all over the island."
Are you getting hyped for Redfall yet? Let us know what you think of the new trailer!
Comments 23
I think it looks pretty fun. I guess we'll find out Tuesday.
Wish redfall out this weekend. I want to play it bad.
Trailer is OK, but I'm still on the fence with this. Good job its GP and can see for myself
BUT, that version of 'black hole sun' is the possibly the worst cover I've ever heard. Shockingly bad and total cringe....
I did notice they did the release trailer in 30fps.
I do hope 60fps comes sooner than later.
I'll be completely entrenched in Tears of the Kingdom on the 12th, so if it drops during that time, Redfall will have to wait.
I really liked this trailer, now I’m very much looking forward playing this game next week!
It’s no wonder that Xbox struggles to build a brand name, when even its ‘pro’ sites only talk about game pass.
The article reads as though it isn’t available outside of games pass.
This trailer actually get's me excited for this again.
@PsBoxSwitchOwner I think most readers are intelligent enough to know that. Like 0.0% of people who read this will think it's only on Game Pass and not available retail.
Well...great to hear a bit of Soundgarden there though 😅
It looks fantastic. Just a shame 60fps isn't ready for launch. Looking forward to playing this once it's done.
Only thing keeping me from playing co op first time around is that story progression does not carry over! Once I finish it with one character, I will go back and play online with another.
@Trmn8r You have way more faith in people than I do. I'm positive there are some people out there that would read the headline and think Redfall is only available on game pass. The rest of the article doesn't even mention it's available to purchase separately. A little bit of additional clarification would have done no harm.
@GamingFan4Lyf Tears of the kingdom should run a steady 24FPS. Not trying to be that guy. But i mean Switch games run awful and yet they are fun and sell in the millions.
@Green-Bandit I don't mind 30fps as long as it's stable and input latency is low.
But I know 60fps is a sticking point for many and I want to see this game succeed. I want to see 60fps drop quickly to up the interest among the "I'll wait for 60" crowd.
I'll still being playing Redfall on release day until May 12th and then it will be put on hold for a while.
@Green-Bandit I understand your point, but most nintendo titles are not fast paced 3d shooters. Theres no question that such titles benefit from the faster response and smother scrolling that higher refresh rates bring and this was suppossed to be one of the advatages of having a higher powered console?
.... And every preview ive read of the new zelda game have said how difficult it is to deal with the awful frame rate, even as they praise the remarkable new systems (which excite me a lot)
@Green-Bandit My thing with 30fps is that by and large 3rd person is okay, and 1st person is dreadful. Something I've always noticed too is, the smaller the display the less the lower framerate seems to bug me. I basically only play my Switch handheld, outside of multiplayer games, because it's usually pretty intolerable docked with the low resolution and low frames. Handheld often kinda sucks too, but it's usually the lesser of two evils.
@Kevw2006 Well, if those people do exist, they probably shouldn't be trusted to handle a game console, much less, plug it into a power outlet properly.
Pretty excited for it, I think it'll be even better than what we expect.
Is this 60fps?
I've never been particularly hyped for this, so for me personally Ghostwire is actually higher priority for me on GP than this. Honestly Ghostwire is outperforming all my preconceptions about it, I really am liking it a lot. Underrated, weird game IMO. or maybe I'm just a weeb. Ok I am a weeb but it's still a cool game. Now back to Soul Hackers 2.
@Moonglow As a PC user, I wish our issue was as simple as the game not running at 60FPS. I have a feeling this is about to another craptastic UE port that will either eat VRAM, barely run at 60FPS, and will be a stuttering mess. I went ahead and canceled my preorder.
The lack of 60 FPS put a damper on my excitement, but there's still some hope that the gameplay will make up for it. Though that's a large mountain to overcome to be sure.
@GamingFan4Lyf i agree, i want it to do well also. I will play it in 30 at launch, but for sure dive deeper into it with the 60fps. I mean it’s a tad let down for launch i won’t lie, but the fact it’s coming is what matters to me, now don’t make it come a year later. But if it’s a few months it should be fine.
@SplooshDmg yeah for sure buddy, i really like to see 60 or more for my shooters. I think most do. But it’s coming and hopefully not long after launch. I hope the game does well and is fun. But i think the reviews will be a mixed bag of course.
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