CD Projekt RED is bringing a brand new ray tracing mode to Cyberpunk 2077, dubbed RT 'Overdrive', and an early look from the team at Digital Foundry shows just how much of a difference this new mode makes to the game's visuals.
For now, this upcoming mode is only coming to PC, with no announcement made yet for the console versions of Cyberpunk 2077. Still, it's worth a quick look because it absolutely transforms the game's graphics in most scenes, as shown in the video up above.
CDPR's recent next-gen version of its cyberpunk RPG did introduce a form of ray tracing on Xbox Series X and PS5, but it was a limited version of the technology that focused on ray traced shadows only. Will some form of this 'RT Overdrive' mode come to consoles some day? It seems unlikely given the sheer horsepower needed for ray tracing of any kind, but never say never given the amount of updates this game has received!

We do have confirmation of some other upcoming Cyberpunk 2077 goodness for Xbox players though. The game's 'Phantom Liberty' expansion is coming to Xbox Series X and S, although the dev team is leaving the last-gen Xbox One behind for its upcoming DLC pack.
What do you make of this new PC-only RT mode? Hoping it comes to Xbox one day? Let us know what you think!
Comments 35
Considering this cripples an RTX 4090 without the use of DLSS 3.0, this might run on the successor to the Series X.
@BrilliantBill 😄 by the time CDPR is done with CP77 there might be a new console out!
Considering this needs AI help to run above 14 fps on the most powerful graphics cards we probably not going to see this for another gen or two.
My 4090 is ready, bring it on
@Cheesyman I'm jelly of your 4090. I have a 3080ti, so I'm just a humble peasant now. My days of hardware supremacy are over.
@SplooshDmg don't be, the 3080ti is still an awesome card!
@Cheesyman Oh, I know. I'm mostly just being goofy. I'm pretty envious of DLSS 3.0, though. However, this card was expensive, and I'll probably hang onto it until it just takes a crap on me. It can clobber pretty much anything at 1440 still, but I imagine only having DLSS 2.0, this CP2077 patch will clobber it. Lol
@SplooshDmg oh man DLSS 3 really does wonder!
@BrilliantBill That's the most depressing thought imaginable, really.
When I read that this is crushing a RTX 4090 I know I'm years away from building a new PC. These GPUs need to tamper their MSRP.
While i don’t see this running on a Series X Pro, this is why i would like to see a Series X & PS5 PRO. Cause with added RT games can really look good, but we all know that comes at a hit. Now this game is just insane amount of RT and most games this gen won’t have, but if certain games can use it more on the Pro models vs base models and keep a decent frame rate, that will be the justification for why Sony and Microsoft make them, vs last gen it was the 4K tv adoption.
@Green-Bandit The problem here is they haven't even figured out how to fully utilize the existing hardware. I would prefer they figure it out first so they can build a proper pro version or use that info for the next generation. We have yet to see what the Velocity Architecture with Direct Input and RT cores can even do.
With Nintendo’s partnership with Nvidia, I’d look for this to run on future Nintendo hardware before Xbox. 🤣🤣🤣
Full-on pathtracing being a standard viable option is at least a generation away for consoles. AMD really needs to get serious about competing in this arena with Nvidia.
@iplaygamesnstuff While i agree, most of why we haven’t seen that is the Switch to Unreal Engine 5 and how long it takes to produce those levels of fidelity. Coalition showed a face rendering on UE5 that was large than the first Gears of war game. So I think that is slowing things down, but the games would just scale up in the pro case and down in the X/S case. It would work in the same way producing for different graphic cards are. Covid held up the process in games by a year, so what we are seeing in 2023 is what we should have had in 2022. So this Gen seems like they are further behind than the PS4 gen and thats true due to the pandemic and steep cost of making games on UE5. Notice right now there are still no games out using UE5, when that dam breaks it’s going to be awesome, but also we are already seeing signs of games being 30FPS instead of 60, big rumor is the delay in Starfield was for them to get the FPS straighten out across PC/X/S , if thats true that is a telling sign for the generation that was built on better FPS. I think Sony is full go on the PS5 Pro and MS rumors of their pro is a little more quiet but it will heat up soon i am sure. I am all for more power without building a PC, so i would welcome both the PS5 and Series X pro models.
@Green-Bandit Actually Ninja Theory are building HellBlade II in Unreal Engine 5.
The main problem this gen is not that it's taking longer to make games, it's that developers are flat out refusing to use the Velocity Architecture features because they're too busy focusing on PS5, much to my annoyance.
As for the Xbox Series X Pro, I don't think that's a realistic possibility because last gen it was Xbox One S and then the "Pro" was Xbox One X. This gen Xbox basically made their S and X models right off the bat rather that wait until later into the gen.
There's also the very real issue of what do you do with all those Xbox Series S owners if you release a Series X "Pro" model, as the gap between the two consoles would be significant.
“Xbox WHEN!?”
Not anytime soon. I’d temper expectations; this would probably make a Series X or PS5 catch fire.
@Acurisur you would scale the game across all 3 sku’s much like they do for the PC market, not saying it’s perfect for Series S, which from the start was in question, but games scale across hardware every day, this is no different. I agree that most dev’s program with PS5 in mind over Xbox’s offering, some of that is cause sony uses easy to use software that does the work for them vs MS’s stronger yet longer to work with offerings. And yes Hellblade 2 among many other games are using UE 5, that’s why none of them have release dates yet. There was just an article on here the other day saying Ark 2 was delayed, and it was saying cause of UE5. Hopefully dev’s get the hang of it and start showing off some amazing games, cause UE5 is a beast from what has been shown of it.
It can look as shiny as it wants, but the illusion shatters the second you interact with the world. Still waiting for a dev to have enough gall to make a fully interactive world and AI that isn't braindead.
"Xbox WHEN?"
I'm sorry but there's no chance this is coming to current consoles and their incredibly limited ray tracing performance. Maybe when AMD finally get their act together in this regard for a future console 😂
@SplooshDmg it's kind of funny to think of a 3080ti as a 1440p card, it just goes to show that 4K is an ever moving goalpost. I went for the 4070ti which is about the same performance as yours before SER for improved RT and DLSS3 and its weirdly one of the best value GPU's on the market despite being crazy priced for something called a 70
@Green-Bandit Looking at what developers are already saying about the difficulties of scaling games to Series S, adding in an even more powerful model like a Series X Pro is just going to make that process even harder.
The main issue that Xbox has right now in terms of RT performance isn't even solved by hardware, as AMD are quite far behind NVIDIA in terms of their GPU RT capabilities, hence why over on PC these new RT effects are limited to the NVIDIA 40 series (and possibly the 30 series but in a more stripped down version).
What Xbox would probably need for better RT performance is a software solution that's more along the lines of DLSS 3 which can generate more frames in highly graphically intense games.
@Acurisur Agree Nvidia is miles ahead of AMD in GPU RT, i still kind of wish Sony and MS didn’t fall in bed in AMD, but here we are. I like AMD don’t get me wrong and NVIDA charges a premium for their cards, but i always like Nvidia more when i was into PC. Many studios have made great performing games on the S, but remember it’s always easier and faster in most cases to scale up than down. Down takes a lot more work, hence 3rd party starting to give up on switch, it’s too much work to try and make something work, vs having extra power to play with. But I understand your points and concerns.
@Green-Bandit When they get the Velocity Architecture working as intended they then need to get developers onboard with software development kits. It's been a while since gaming has taken a hardware turn like this. Even PC is still in early stages of using direct storage. The benefits will be huge.
@carlos82 Yeah, my 3080ti can still handle pretty much anything in 4K at 60fps maybe with or without DLSS 2.0. However, some of these new ray tracing options and stuff are the Achilles heel for it. I can handle CP2077 in 4K30 ultra with psycho ray tracing, but if I take that 30fps cap off, nothing good will happen. However, I can manage 1440p60 with those settings easily. So, I'm curious to see how it holds up over this generation once the cross-gen stuff fully stops and these heavier ray tracing options become more widely used.
I'd love to have a 4070, I think that's absolutely the best card to buy today. I certainly don't need one, though. I'll be due for a CPU upgrade before a GPU, so I'm gonna try to hold out a good long while and just build a whole new PC when I eventually go for a new GPU. I'm still rocking a Ryzen 3700x, but I'd like to maybe jump back over to Intel eventually.
@iplaygamesnstuff I certainly hope so, Xbox is starting to scare me again, the console seems to have very little traction outside of GP. Sony fixed their stock issue and are blasting past the Xbox in units and that only makes dev’s more inclined to support Sony’s feature sets more. Especially since most games are selling 70-80% on PS vs Xbox. Side rant i am also concerned that Xbox controllers are taking a huge back seat to the Dual Sense and MS needs a killer Elite 3 and a revised controller to gain back some users, 3 of my friends ( small sample size i know) switched to PS5 this gen cause of the feel of DS over the smaller Xbox pad and less features, i only included this rant cause outside of GP xbox seems to once again be trailing Sony and not forging ahead or innovating, i m pleased that Xbox built good hardware, unlike the launch Xbox One, but overall the stronger system isn’t getting it much press or player attention.
@Green-Bandit I've been saying it for a while now. I like Xbox, I'm a fan of Xbox, but I'm over Game Pass. When you aren't entrenched in just trying to squeeze value out of Game Pass, it's a bit hard to get excited about what Xbox offers. I have PC Game Pass, and I just hardly use it. Which for what it's worth, when my PS+ Premium lapses, that's gone too. I'm just not convinced that the whole gaming subscription thing makes sense for most people. It was exciting when it was brand new, but now it's just me staring down a bunch of games I paid for and don't have time for or want to play.
I think in due time, MS is going to crank out some killer games, Starfield is basically the only AAA game I'm currently dying to get my hands on. However, I think this gen is already in checkmate. The Xbox software is just taking too long. In the beginning Xbox looked to have a fighting chance with the stock issues, but it's obvious now that the PS5 is a runaway success, and I just don't see how Xbox could catch up now. Which is a shame. However, Rome wasn't built in a day... But it probably burnt down in less than a week. All of this said, it frustrates me because I want Xbox to do better.
@SplooshDmg “All of this said, it frustrates me because I want Xbox to do better”
That comment is my feeling to the point. I have been with Xbox since the OG, i loved Xbox and Xbox 360 and boy did the Xbox one do the brand zero favors, now the Series X is good hardware with a slightly dated controller, still comfy, but old tech, with no games and a Halo that looks like a high school coding team put it together for a project and the teacher gave them a C for effort. That won’t cut it, so here we are now hoping games like Starfield don’t have a messy launch or this year could be a wash, RedFall as much as i want to try it, don’t seem like a killer title. Redfall is a lock for a 78-82 meta score. Starfield needs to be great cause again if it flops and has a buggy or messy launch, here comes Spider-Man 2 and Final Fantasy among others that will eat well for Sony. I just want them to do better and fix the Ui, Controller and of course games. I agree i am done with GP and never even got PS+, Services for me don’t do much, not to sound arrogant, cause i am not wealthy, but i make enough money to support this hobby with whatever games i want to buy. I don’t need the value of a subscription service and play games i don’t want to fill the need of paying for it. Here we are 2.5 years in and i am starting to swing to the PS5 side if Team green don’t make some changes. My Diablo 4 purchase at the moment is up in the air if it goes to Xbox or PS, whichever i buy that for is where i will be for a long while as i will play D4 for years and years.
@Green-Bandit I'm of course largely a PC player. I basically only use my PS5 for Genshin Impact, because I figure I need to use my PS5 for something at least. But really like you, games aren't that expensive. I'm not out here blitzing through a game every week and rushing out to buy another $70 title. My Steam and Switch backlogs are currently menacing. I don't have a lack of money, I have a lack of time. If my time is limited, my time is valuable. I'm not going to dedicate that time to games I otherwise wouldn't have even bought, just because they're cheap to access. This is the problem with Xbox's current strategy. Not every player cares about raw value, because it's not what they're looking for. They're putting too many eggs in one basket.
@Green-Bandit It's not just Microsoft, the Playstation has the same problem. 3rd parties need to get onboard with the new hardware, part of it is on the console manufacturers to create tools for developers. First party games will roll out using some of these features. Epic confirmed they are working on Unreal Engine 5 to incorporate direct storage input. Not all developers are onboard yet. Consoles are a great environment to test because they are proprietary, it's just going to take a little more time, PC games aren't even using Direct Storage Input that I'm aware of. When they have it up and running pro models or successor models can be spec'd out to take advantage of things learned from making the switch. In my personal opinion which I'm sure means nothing to Microsoft and Sony, new hardware would be premature, and could be very costly if it doesn't work out like it did on paper.
@SplooshDmg agreed i ain’t chewing through 3 $70 dollar games a month that i need value. I just need more AAA games spread out through the year and i am good to buy and play as i go. But for those that GP is awesome for, i am glad it’s there and do see the value for some players for sure. My GP expires on 5/9/23 so i will use it for one week to try RedFall and then i am done with it for a while as i will buy Diablo 4 and play that non stop for quite a while, unless Starfield in September is just killer.
@iplaygamesnstuff i mean you make great points, i see no holes in that logic others than new more powerful hardware will scale alongside the others and just have more power for FPS and more detail, which i am all for seeing as i game on LG oleds and have surround sound speakers and what not. So i am always wanting that extra juice in the hardware. But i see and respect your points. They make sense. PS don’t have much more 3rd party games than Xbox, but they have made more games in house of course and Xbox needs to quickly erase that 2022 they had. Cause so far it’s like 16 months straight of very little.
@Green-Bandit There is a lot going on here that if you don't read into it, you won't find it. The idea of the Direct Storage Input allows the internal SSD directly using assets from the SSD instead of loading them into memory. This frees up the CPU and GPU to handle other tasks vastly improving games across the board, which may be more effective than just adding more power. To do this games have to be written differently than they have in the past. If they start to use these features they will know what needs to be changed to make a proper pro version or successor console. Just adding power is just brute force, the things driving next gen on PC at the moment are RT cores and AI machine learning via DLSS or FSR which the Series consoles use both RT cores and AI features including FSR. Direct input will be some next level stuff. I really wish they had things playable so people would understand. But this is likely the big reason we don't have pro versions for now. Even the Series S will start impressing when they get everything working as intended on paper.
@iplaygamesnstuff Makes sense, i mean anything that free’s up the GPU and CPU are huge gains, DLSS is a game changer and i am so hopeful the Switch 2 uses it. Seems like a no brainer, but with Nintendo who know’s. I’ve seen a video or two talking about this, but i like the way you explained it for some reason better. I do know some of the Xbox’s architecture and it hasn’t been used yet, as we have seen next to nothing fully using the Series consoles yet. Barely but maybe 2-3 on PS5. PS5 advantage is double the SSD speeds, 5.5 vs 2.4, loading assets on PS5 is suppose to be an advantage for them. Wether that plays out or not yet is to be seen. I try and read or watch the tech specs as much as i can, cause i like to be informed as much as i can. I appreciate you taking the time to help me learn and understand more of what the vision is for the consoles. 😀
@Green-Bandit I wish I had better information but the technology they teased before the consoles launched just aren't what we are getting at the moment. How much is gained has yet to be seen but on paper it sounds amazing. Sony and Microsoft are both betting on this technology. So it's just a matter of time. I do think a pro version makes sense, I just hope they know what they are doing before they do it. Until we see something already promised, I don't believe they are ready.
@iplaygamesnstuff i mean that makes sense to me, have to know where the limitations are and see what dev’s are asking for before making a Pro console that is normally there to clean up deficiencies in the base models. PS5 was rumored to have a dual GPU, which i think isn’t going to happen, but it was on a reputable website. I’ve seen nothing related to the Series X Pro. But how nice would it be if they included a new controller with it and it had haptics. That could be neat. Phil said they are open to controller improvements and even said they were thinking an overhaul before launching Series X and went against it at the last minute. Maybe we see that, but i should be less excited about new hardware and more excited to see where the heck the games are.
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