Hi-Fi RUSH has proved a bit of a departure for Xbox studio Tango Gameworks, a team which has been known for its horror-focused titles since The Evil Within burst onto the scene in 2014. Despite the dramatic shift in style, the game has been incredibly well-received so far, and the developers themselves seem pretty thrilled with how things have turned out as well.
In a recent interview on Major Nelson's Xbox podcast, John Johanas, the creative director on Hi-Fi RUSH, stated that he believes it's the best game Tango has produced so far.
"This is a big surprise from our studio, it's unexpected, but we are absolutely excited that people can literally just go on Game Pass right now and play the whole game."
"It's a game that, from our studio, we think it's the best thing that we've ever made. We think it's something that you really want to try, so we encourage that."
Here at Pure Xbox HQ, a few of us have done just that, and we've been mighty impressed with what we've played. Check out our full written review down below!
Having said all that, Tango has produced some very, very good, and very, very different games since the studio's inception, and it's tough to say which is the absolute best. So, we've thrown together a little poll down below, giving you the chance to tell us which Tango title you like the most:
Comment down below on why your choice is the best Tango title so far!
[source youtu.be]
Comments 39
I agree with him. It’s at least better than both Evil Within games, as much as I enjoyed Evil Within 2. I do still need to give Ghostwire Tokyo a go though.
Will there be a physical version?
I liked it but the Evil Within games are superior.
@Sakisa ghostwire is a good game not wow but its good
This is simply their best game ever just cause of the stellar performance at launch. Both Evil Within and Ghostwire Tokyo had major performance issues.
This is easily their best game. The Evil Within 2 is good, though. In fact, I’m up for a replay soon. I really enjoyed their semi open world, and there were a lot of moments that was cool and totally optional if you just explored.
I disagree, the evil within 2 was a very good game to me. One of the best survival horrors I've played that's not a resident evil.
I haven't played Hi-fi Rush but Evil Within 2 has to be, for me, the best game from Tango. Thought the hub-base open world was fantastically done.
EvilWithin 2 is such an underrated gem. I still get to finish hi fi rush and I can say it's a goty contender for sure. Though EW2 is closer to my heart . Will probably replay it soon
I wouldn't really compare all these games Tango made. I just think they strived to make a really fun game rather then their other games that are more on a serious side. And they succeeded a lot. Hope they have more creativity like this up their sleeves.
Hi-Fi Rush is easily my favorite of their games, it’s such a unique, entertaining, and charming game.
Is it a good idea to compare The Evil Within and Hi-Fi Rush? It surprises that he's doing that. The Evil Within is beautifully crafted and eerie and this is the opposite tone. I appreciated The Evil Within more in my second playthrough, it runs smoother on Series X and on OLED I was able to appreciate how truly good the art is. It's a masterpiece although it's not as polished as the sequel, which is not as intense in any case.
xbox will only be releasing the top of the top AAA tentpole games on physical.
such a shame.
so many smaller and quirky games get released on ps4/ps5 and i prefer the oddball diferent games to the big games most of the time.
things like hi-fi rush i would equate to something like stray on ps5 so it should have a physical release but because ms is focused on changing gaming to a digital/subscription/streaming ecology they are just purposefully not releasing smaller games physically anymore.
i'm so disapointed, after loving 360 and skipping xboxone i was really pleased with my series x but now i have realised they just won't be hardly any games physically released for it and i prefer ps5 for muliplatform games which seem to be the only things really releasing physically.
Agreed, and CNMN is the best character they ever created
Gamepass really hurting these games budgets.
@GodofCapcom What does this even mean?
I’d say I agree with them. Hifi Rush was such an absolute joy to play through. It starts a little slow with the tutorial level, but I think the game really becomes hard to put down after the third boss. The characters are absolutely fantastic, and there’s even a couple of great emotional moments near the end. I have a feeling this is a game I’ll play through every year.
Gamepass can't sustain big budget games so they have to make these smaller offerings in between (also further making the development of that AAA console seller longer since they have to make these). If this is the norm, we are not getting the 360 xbox era back.
Always good to see new talent at a studio take root. Shinji Mikami is a legend but new blood needs to come through too. Seems like GD John Johanas and his team have made something great and completely outside their normal wheelhouse. Well done.
@GodofCapcom Hmmm, it appears we’re getting both, and I like what I’m seeing. A steadier stream of content, and some fantastic smaller offerings.
Not steady at all.
@GodofCapcom Since Series X dropped, we’ve gotten FS2022, Forza Horizon 5, Halo Infinite, Pentiment, Grounded, and As Dusk Falls. Since this article, we’ve also gotten Hifi Rush and AoE2 console. On PS5, we’ve gotten Astrobot, Demon’s Souls, Ratchet, Horizon, God of War, Returnal, GT7, and Stray. The output isn’t too bad to be honest. We all want some AAA titles, but I think we all know that is coming soon.
Only one worth something is fh5.
If it doesn't make sense, just look at the recent ps reports.
@GodofCapcom 90, 92, 86, 82, 77, 88, & 86 for one console. 83, 92, 88, 88, 94, 86, 87, & 83 are the metacritic scores for the other. Both consoles are doing great. Sounds like you might be hanging out in the wrong forums. Maybe Xbox isn’t for you.
Halo Infinite is not an 87. It has ended the halo franchise for good.
The rest are just indies, which it would be fine if they weren't a console maker. 10 indies could not amount how many consoles starfield could potentially move, plus people buy next gen consoles for... well, next gen games, or at least a "graphical upgrade". Hfw is crossgen and is the best looking game so far. I don't "hang out" here. There is still a big deal going on that will affect ps users if you didn't know.
I also liked Bethesda, but it seems Xbox is just going to produce double A and indie games with them so they should've been bought by someone else if that's the case. I'm going to miss doom it seems.
@GodofCapcom I’m not a big Halo guy, but I enjoyed the campaign fine. I definitely wouldn’t argue an 87 for the campaign. I don’t play Halo mp, so I can’t speak to that. By definition, none of them are indies, though AA would describe half of them. Hifi Rush is as good and fresh as anything I’ve played on PS5, honestly, and God of War was personal GotY last year. I’m not telling you Xbox is winning the console war right now, but they have lots of really great games (albeit smaller) right now, with some big games on the horizon. And as much as people want to say MS mismanages their studios, every single game released this gen has been a critical success, and they have way more in the pipeline. Of people don’t want to play them because they’re on Xbox, that’s their loss. As far as Halo is concerned, I don’t think people will ever be satisfied with Halo again. The characters are one dimensional, the story has always been pretty generic, and the gameplay isn’t really doing anything that other games aren’t. It has so much baggage with it, I think it’s about done. Master Chief has never even been that interesting.
I don't care about the console wars, but if xbox is here to stay, they need to check themselves before the wreck themselves. Stealing publishers is not going to fix the issues they have with double A and AAA games.
@GodofCapcom Still not sure about their issues. Fans and critics seem to enjoy them (outside of Halo mp, i guess). PS fanboys are the ones that shower the most hate on Xbox games, but they don’t even play them, so whatever.
Enjoy the offerings but I find xbox exclusives offerings very anemic. More and more I feel like they can only make good games if they have small budgets, which for me it gives me 0 games I want to play but whatever.
@GodofCapcom Hey, Sony is ****ing the bed on making the smaller quirky experiences I want, which they used to be good at. Xbox leaning into AA and smaller projects at least fills the niche for those of us that Sony left in the dust. Go play your cookie cutter AAA open world game on Playstation if that's what you want, it's all they ever make anymore.
Because smaller games will make sony shutdown. Small games don't make consoles move. They also have something called VR. That's more innovating than indie games that use cookie cutter gameplay from retro games.
I love hollow knight, but it's just a modernized mario bros. So idk where the cookie cutter comes from because there is little risk of making games like hi rush or pentinent. It seems you forget how a company should be run.
Tlou, returnal, gt7, ratchet, uncharted, factions aren't exactly open world but okay!!!!!! You got it boss.
@GodofCapcom I don't see how variety would make Sony shut down, and comparing Hollow Knight to Mario Bros is laughable considering they aren't even the same genre. I don't care about the risk factor, i'm a consumer that was a fan of games like Ape Escape, Puppeteer, and Gravity Rush, they didn't set the world on fire for your basic b**** gamer that just wants to consume the big stuff God of War and Last of Us, but they also weren't as big a budget risk either. Sony decided to go all in on their AAA audience that doesn't care to dig beneath the surface and find the actual interesting games, and leave everyone else behind, and that has alienated a part of their audience, even if it's a smaller part.
Pentiment tells a better story than anything first party Playstation has ever put out, not least of all their bland ass 'zombies but it's fungi' series for the Walking Dead crowd out there.
Returnal is the one good game on PS5 i'll grant you, that seems like a fluke more than anything. It decided to be a fun game instead of a style of substance bloated slog fest with a standardized checklist of objectives.
Some genres will never sell millions. It is what it is man. Sony has tried making the games you want, but they don't have a big pull. Ask sony Japan. You would do the same as a manager. Again, they have VR so. That's more variety that xbox will ever have.
Hollow Knight, Dead cells are 2d side scrollers, yes? They get inspired by other side scrollers, yes? Games like tunic, hades are top down view games that were inspired by top down games. I just don't see the whole "indie is doing something different" argument. People confuse that with uncommoness in AAA.
You don't care about the risk factor, but sony does. Basic what? You're really sad if playing indie games makes you feel like non basic b/superior.
Now you're calling WD crowd normies? Yisus man. Resentful much?
You think whatever you like. Indies are not that innovating in my eyes.
@GodofCapcom A game doesn't need to be a million seller to justify its existence. A sensibly made game with no crunch and a ballooned budget can recoup its cost without selling millions. It's when you only try to make the biggest, most expensive games that it needs to sell millions which is WHY they are basic and very market tested without much identity or passion in it.
I consider people that swear by AAA and only AAA to be basic, yes. It's the equivalent of the Marvel/summer blockbuster crowd in movies that won't explore other areas in film. They're the most marketed, most known, and most easily digestible for a common audience. Basic. That's the realm the likes of God of War and Last of Us occupy.
Indies for the most part do get more experimental. You won't see a game telling the story that Pentiment does on a large scale.
And really, boiling all 2D sidescrollers down to the same genre? There's straightforward platformers, puzzle games, metroidvanias, beat 'em ups, survival horror, etc that are 2D sidescrollers and far from the same thing.
AAA games almost all run together to me and are far from innovative in my eyes either, the eyes that can't use VR so that's a non-point for me and another way Sony is turning me away. Have fun with it though I guess, I much prefer the path Xbox is taking right now than Playstation so i'll stick with my truth.
For a consoler manucfacturer, it does need to sell millions.
Lots of recent sony games had no crunch (hfw and ratchet). They also bought support studios to reduce that.
Bare in mind, sequels are sequels and should be very similar to their previous title. Outside of that, yes, ofc they will make things that sell. I really don't see why is that a complaint to sony. Should be towards gamers and even then you shouldn't belittle what others play. It's not a good personality trait.
Basic huh? Maybe you should talk to someone who isn't interested in video games about that. They'll give their very honest opinion of that thought.
Ofc indies can be more experimental, it's less risk. I don't see why you find a problem.
So, a lot of the indies genres you mention have existed in multiple forms before. Again, I just don't see the innovation. You'll get tired of those genres too and then say gaming is doomed or whatever.
I want the path that makes me comfortable investing in them, and xbox does not cater to consoles or AAA and they could call it quits on consoles any day now. It seems sony is trying to make 30m consoles this fiscal year. If Xbox is by 30m by then, it's a clear lost again. I don't want to invest on unsure things, and the way xbox talks and the games they make, I just don't want to invest in them. Starfield is their most important game. Yes, that normie game in your eyes.
Seems they are on their last strings. Gamepass is a mission fail. If they put cod there, their sales will plummet.
Doubt iD will make a better game than Doom under them, and that's my most cared IP they own right now.
Very anemic offerings for my normie brain.
@GodofCapcom And I have little to no interest in Starfield, Halo, Gears and Forza the same way I have no interest in God of War, Uncharted, Ghost of Tsushima and Last of Us. Yet Xbox is still finding ways to put out games I care about. Japan Studios, the best part that Sony had is effectively dead but the Summer of Arcade still lives.
Thing is, every single game Sony makes does not need to break bank and be some big AAA game. They don't all need to be multi-million dollar epics, there's room for smaller games in there. They had a balance with this stuff before Jim Ryan came in and doubled down on one thing while jettisoning the other. Both can exist, and both Xbox and Nintendo find ways to do that. Sony does not, at least not anymore. And honestly it's why those kinds of games are starting to flock more and more to Switch than anything else, which is probably for the best.
The best part of sony, lmao. Is not the worst, but they're kind of there.
They do the smaller scale games with third party devs. That's how they do it. Sifu, stray, little devil inside etc.
I would't put nintendo on this discussion because of their ps3 strong console. Their AAA look double A.
Anyways we're done. Point was made.
@GodofCapcom The point that it's AAA or nothing for you?
Yup, and i've made mine, that Sony has abandoned the stuff I care about.
We aren't going to change each other's minds I can see, but understand that for some, what you and others demand of Xbox is not what some people with Xbox want. Less crap like Last of Us, more stuff like Hi-Fi Rush.
Yeah, 95% for me is AAA.
I get it, but they will become irrelevant that way. They do them I guess. Puts extra pressure on starfield and that game is not looking good.
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