One of the highlights of the roundup of new Xbox releases for December 2022 is Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Reunion, which arrives on December 13th and serves as a remaster of the 2008 PSP game of the same name.
Ahead of launch, various critics have been getting hands-on with the PS5 and PC versions, so we've got a few early opinions to share. We were also hoping to publish our review of the Xbox version this week, but some technical issues with accessing the review codes have meant that we'll need to postpone our verdict for the time being.
So, here's what the critics are saying about Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Reunion right now:
The Escapist (9/10)
"Ultimately, Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Reunion doesn’t do anything too crazy beyond massively upgrading the visuals and expanding the audio. And frankly, that’s good enough."
PC Gamer (86/100)
"Crisis Core Reunion is an engrossing action-RPG with no patience for fluff or filler, and a game that escapes Final Fantasy 7's long shadow with ease. As someone who can still remember playing through Crisis Core on PSP I found the vastly upgraded graphics and reworked battle system here well worth the replay..."
VG247 (4/5)
"Repackaged into one of the sharpest Remaster releases I’ve ever seen, it’s a relatively irresistible package - warts and all. The blemishes upon its carefully airbrushed visage are, in many ways, part of the charm. This is a joyous little time capsule of 2000s Square - and perhaps a curious aperitif before Remake part 2. It’s easy to recommend."
Push Square (7/10)
"Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Reunion is a top tier remaster of a flawed and often comically awkward spinoff. But for all of its angsty melodrama, the story of Zack Fair is an endearingly daft tale that only adds to the world of Final Fantasy VII. It's hard not to enjoy the blatant fan service and completely over-the-top cinematics, while the overhauled combat system is infinitely better than it once was. A worthy second chance."
VGC (3/5)
"Crisis Core Reunion has plenty to offer as a remaster, with improved visuals and tighter combat than the PSP original. The fragmented structure of the game, however, remains more suited to a handheld machine, and a poor English script is sadly unchanged. If you’re hankering for more Final Fantasy VII, though, it’s well worth diving in."
It's a pretty good start for Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Reunion, then, which currently holds a Metacritic score of 76 for PlayStation 5 and 83 for PC. If you like what you're hearing, you can pre-order the game right now on the Xbox Store!
Are you still wanting to give The Callisto Protocol a go? Let us know down below.
Comments 32
Shame on you PureXbox. I have had to follow your sister site PushSquare to get info on Japanese games that have been announced for Xbox including FF7:Crisis Core.
Why even bother to release it on Xbox when it seems it won't ever get 7 remake or future installments.
I hope Square Ennix expect poor sales on Xbox. Might as well just announce it as a Sony exclusive franchise at this point.
@cragis0001 @Kaloudz We try to cover what we can... we're a relatively small team (for now) so have to prioritise accordingly!
In terms of the Xbox review, as mentioned in the article, there have been some technical issues that have prevented us from accessing a code, otherwise we'd have published a review today
@FraserG to be fair it's my only criticism I have against your team as I visit everyday & find your site is one of the best to go to for the latest xbox news. I get you can't report on everything & why the review isn't ready. But that wasn't a concern as I enjoy your site's round up of reviews. Just using Crisis Core as an example. It was just the lack of info in between that concerned me specially lately when SquareEnix has been hyping the game up with new trailers etc over the passed week.
@Cyberpsycho hope they continue to bother as i enjoy these games a lot
@cragis0001 Yeah, no offense taken! Happy to accept constructive criticism - and we'll definitely take it on board.
Just know that we'd LOVE to cover everything, but sometimes we have to pick and choose when it comes to things like highlighting new trailers and minor news updates.
@Carck Hope your happy waiting many years or never for them to arrive on Xbox
@Kaloudz it's not the lack of review I was being critical about. As that's out of the teams control. It felt like when it comes to certain games, specially certain Japanese games were getting little to no attention when as a community we should be pushing the fact we are getting them so they do well & we get more.
@Notoriousmakavel Makes no difference the fact remains that this franchise might as well be Sony exclusive. I can't see many people bothering with this on Xbox with the other games not releasing on this platform including the online game.
@FraserG cheers for the reply. I will remember from now on that it's out of your control & to keep my expectations in check 👍
That PCGamer saying it has "no patience for filler" is very funny, because "filler" was one of the main criticisms of the game upon initial release. Way too many tedious "go here, kill these guys, come back" missions with little to no relevance to the overall plot.
@Cyberpsycho Kind of agree, but getting it on now is better than adding another to wait for later. Keep in mind that the only FFs NOT on Xbox are the old NES/SNES titles, 7 remake 1 & 2 (for now?), 16 (for now?), and 14 mmo (which Square and MS have said will be coming....there's no exclusivity, they just haven't done it yet.) This adds CC to the list, so it's really only 4 core FF games plus one in limbo and a few 8/16-bit retro games not on XB. SOMEDAY the others will join. PS probably won't buy exclusivity into next gen, so more of the library in place means a more complete collection even if it's late.
@FraserG @cragis0001 @Kaloudz I totally agree in general on the sentiment RE Japanese games. It's a huge moment for XB that it's starting to pull in a ton of Japanese games, and a big enough strategy for MS that in the summer showcase they brought Phil out specifically for the Japan segment only.
I've made the same argument in defense of you guys on this topic that PXB is small and can't cover as much and the biases of staff will play a role, but seriously, half the real news of the past year has been Japanese game after Japanese game coming to XB which really changes the dynamic of the console competition's traditional strongholds, but mostly just followed the games on PS and NL instead - Diofield and Soul Hackers 2 basically got no more than a mention here! I know ratings are ratings, I get it, but sometimes you guys spent more time covering Sony exclusives, controversy, and Jim Ryan dramas than the dozen plus Japanese games coming to XB!
@Cyberpsycho this game’s coming out right now.. what are you on about
@Carck I'm talking about the missing ones on Xbox that seem unlikely to get released. Mainly 7 remake and XIV
I'm certainly not buying this when other games can't be played and no guarantee that there coming. Many people will think the same as me so they will have low sales for this game.
@Cyberpsycho id rather enjoy what games i get to play than seethe over what is on a different console. If I really wanted to play XIV id get a ps4. Not sure why the fact some FF games aren’t on Xbox should influence in any way the existence of others.
@FraserG in regard to the comments,
@Kaloudz I agree, I'd like more Japanese coverage on Pure Xbox. @cragis0001 and @NEStalgia explained it perfectly, it's not just the reviews but everything in between. If you don't cover those games but use all your resources for covering the same Western games again and again and the multiplatform drama, you're not contributing on a popular website to what many fans have been fighting for over the years: localisation of Japanese games and an Xbox release. It's not one thing or the other but a balance between news and prestige, between compulsive clicks and long-term engagement.
Lately, we've seen historic moments like Dragon Quest, Kingdom Hearts and Persona joining Xbox for the first time, along with others like Soul Hackers and the resurrection of Project Zero/Fatal Frame. I'm sure that the few Final Fantasy games that haven't been released yet will eventually. Xbox used to be great because of services and certain genres but now it's becoming the most comprehensive and gamer-friendly platform. If Phil travels to Japan and I pre-order a Japanese digital game, Pure Xbox can also make an effort to make it even better.
@Banjo- @NEStalgia Thanks for your comments, folks! Will definitely keep your feedback in mind for 2023 👍
@FraserG Thank you!
@Kaloudz Thank you and the others pointing this out, too! I also missed trailers and whole games because of that, and I usually ask @NEStalgia what the acronyms he uses mean because I don't have a clue what games they refer to (and it's a pity because you can enlighten others!). I'm sure that there are many more Japanese games joining Xbox than what most people think.
@Kaloudz That's a game I want to play soon and it's on Game Pass.
@Kaloudz I see 😁. I just realised that it's on Game Pass because you mentioned it and I looked, so I added it to my Play Later list, which is a handy feature.
@Kaloudz No problem, I didn't know about the sequel until now and that proves we are right about its coverage!
@FraserG glad I could help 👍
@Kaloudz I will. I usually write about games I beat here. I will tag you.
@FraserG Awesome! Glad to hear it!
@Carck @Cyberpsycho 7R is uncertain, but XIV is eventually coming, both Square and MS have said so, so it's just a matter of waiting and whenever Square does whatever they plan to do. Originally something on the XB side was the bottleneck, I don't remember what, but it may have been requiring Gold which isn't an issue anymore, so there's no legal or technical barriers and both parties have intent to bring it. I'm guessing with XIV the main issue is Square can't handle the volume they have (last year's expansion took down the servers with so many playing and they actually had to suspend sales on PSN for a while to catch up) and will probably use an XB launch to revitalize it some when it starts losing players.
There's also Fair chance this ends up on GP as most (all?) of the FF's that Square has brought has been in GP for some period, which, if so, will expand it's presence on XB. That depends on if Sony secures it for Extra though, but they're likely to not want to cannibalize native sales.
@Banjo- " I'm sure that there are many more Japanese games joining Xbox than what most people think"
That's definitely true. There's been games that, following mostly this site, I didn't know myself were coming. The usual pattern is read about it on Push, get tricked by this family of site's penchant where it just lists that it's coming to the platforms of that site (PS for Push, XB for Pure, NSW for NL), go search the official publisher page for it, and then check of it's on XB!
I've had conversations on Push with people about Japanese games and the platforms, and why PS is the best for Japanese games, and they listed a bunch of games that are not on XB....except over half that list WAS on XB! People just aren't aware, and since these were non-XB players, most of their XB knowledge probably comes from casually checking this site.
There's definitely not total parity, outside the paid exclusivity games, there are definitely Japanese games are still PS-only. Falcom is a notable absentee on XB. Atelier series, some of the really niche stuff from NIS, XSeed, and the anime-tie-in games. OTOH, a lot of that may depend on MS, how hard Phil keeps pushing in Japan which is intensifying, and how seamless they make porting Windows games to Xbox. Most of these PS-only or Switch-only series are on PC which is now a huge market for Japanese games, and if it were easy to put their Windows games on XB, I think most smaller Japanese devs would be open to XB ports now that they see their larger peers (Square, Sega, Bamco) committed to it.
A few years ago it was impossible to believe Xbox would have Yakuza, DQ, all FF that's not bought in exclusivity, KH, all the Spike-Chunsoft VNs, the major Atlus games, No More Heroes, MonHun, Star Ocean of all things, Soul Hackers sequel to a niche Sega Saturn game, that became a niche 3DS game. It's not their biggest sales channel, so it says a lot both in terms of MS's outreach to Japanese studios being successful, and also PS's western shift abandoning a lot of these companies to the point that Windows is now a bigger sales channel, and XB can come along for the ride .
It's funny, because my past 6 months non-Switch game purchases are:
PS: HFW, Stray, GT7
XB: Soul Hackers 2, Diofield, Star Ocean, Sonic, Mass Effect Legendary (which I found out days after was going to be free on PS..... ) AI Som 2 (pending sale, it was on sale on PS and Sw, but not XB last week.)
If you asked me 5 years ago, those lists would ave been reversed as to which was the PS list! Falcom is the combo breaker though, they still have the western release of the older Legend of Heroes series coming, though IIRC it looks and performs better on the Switch version where PS is a port of the PS2 game which Switch got an all new remaster.
@Kaloudz I wouldn't be surprised to see Soul Hackers 2 and Diofield Chronicle hit Game Pass over the year. They're not exactly lighting sales charts on fire on any platform. Both are niche. Maybe the new Star Ocean, too. I bought it on the Black Friday Sale because I hate myself and can't resist paying money for Star Ocean despite being jaded from the last entry (It was seriously bad.) Reviews say the new one is good though! I assume MS is paying big money to get the Japanese publishers preferred GP treatment because the synergy of making GP more attractive in Japan and thus making XB more attractive to devs works hand in hand, and Japan is ripe for subscription cloud gaming in general.
@Kaloudz Soul hackers (Atlus) is a niche. It's a Shin Megami Tensei spinoff like Persona, but it's the pure dungeon crawler spinoff. The first game was was from the 90s, Japan only on Sega Saturn, then PS, also Japan only. It was localized for the west a decade or so ago for 3DS. But that's it. The sequel is almost a new series that borrows the old name, but the gameplay is in line with the original. But fans (all 20 of them, all from 3DS....) are split, because they art direction became Persona-like and colorful instead of gritty, dark, cyberpunk. I've been so into so many games I haven't properly played enough of it, but what I have, it's good, if you're into dungeon crawlers/turn based JRPG/MegaTen. IMO the only thing that will delay/prevent it from going to GP soon is the fact that 3 Personas are going to be on GP, so Atlus may not want a 4th title competing for their play time at the same time. It may have to wait until Persona drops off. And really...who has time for them all?
Diofield is a new IP, interesting but flawed, there's a free demo if you're interested. It's kind of like the hero control parts of an RTS game on PC (Warcraft 3, AoE, etc), you can pause it, and there's no base building or unit construction, but it feels very RTS-like. It's cool, but the problem is grindiness. It seems like you have to replay levels multiple times to level up. However a conversation with someone on Push that played it said they played it without having to do that, and were always at the right there may be something to it I'm doing wrong.
All 3 were on the Black Friday sale. Sh2 and Dio have been anemic in sales, so they're ripe for subscription. Star Ocean just launched a few weeks ago, so that might have more legs.
I think in terms of media in general, Japanese games just aren't close to the popularity of big western games outside Japan, by sales, so media overall doesn't cover it as much. Xbox gained its "dudebro shooters" status by mid-360 so the Xbox market has generally not been the "weeb" market which was cornered by PS and Nintendo, so ratings-wise it wasn't as sensible to cover it. But that's changing now that PS has more or less ignored Japan, MS is spending tons of effort courting Japan, and Japanese gamers in general have shifted from PS and Nintendo toward PC and, as MS hopes, toward streaming on the ultra-dominant mobile.
Right now it's just inertia. Fans of Japanese games have always bought them on PS, and are used to buying them on PS, and there's not a huge incentive other than use of Game Pass to convince them to change that, especially when there's games that miss the platform that don't miss PS. But it's also changing where we have games like Octopath that are on Nintendo and Xbox and for some reason NOT on PS. There's been a marked shift of Japanese games toward PC out of nowhere. I think XB has been heavily benefiting from that. Switch may be dominant in Japan, but in Japan the old adage of "Nintendo players only buy Nintendo games" is true. It's mostly the same Nintendo series that sell, plus MonHun, and a lot of the 3rd party JRPGs sell much better on PS or PC.
@Kaloudz MegaTen = Shin Megami Tensei/SMT
SMT is the "mainline" series and has been Nintendo-only for the past several entries, but most assume SMT V will show up on PS/XB eventually.
Persona is the most popular subseries/spinoff by far.
There's also Devil Survivor the SRPG (like Fire Emblem) subseries, and Devil Summoner the dungeon crawler subseries. Soul Hackers is part of Devil Summoner, though it dropped that name from the title. It's just a whole metaverse.
Like with FF there's similar things between the games, like similar monsters, spell names, etc, etc.
MH Rise is huge! I suck so badly at MH, but I still sunk a lot of hours getting nowhere in that game in Switch. I came for the dancing cats, and I was not disappointed.
NEStalgia wrote:
It reminds me of those lists of exclusive first-party games on Switch that we had to refute!
Thanks for all those games mentions without using acronyms (don't use abbreviations either MegaTen LOL), I've written them down to read a bit about each and not miss anything I may like. If there are more, let us know. A lot of Japanese goodness on Xbox, who would have thought!
@Kaloudz My first Monster Hunter game was Tri on Wii, which became one of my favourite games, especially because of the online. I bought the Wii Speak (that turned out to be rubbish) and a keyboard. Monster Hunter World is great and smooth on Series X. I'm looking forward to Monster Hunter Rise on Xbox, I deliberately skipped it on Switch. Answering your question on another thread, yes, the Switch has serious hardware limitations, more serious than you can imagine 😂.
@Kaloudz It is 😅.
I played The Gunk because it might leave Game Pass soon and As Dusk Falls which is an interesting interactive story. I wrote about them on the Last Game You Beat thread. I'd like to play The Walking Dead The Final Season because I played all the others on Game Pass and they hooked me. Game Pass is perfect for this kind of games. After that, something more game-y! 😁
Let us know what you think of Dying Light and Ghostbusters!
@Kaloudz Wallets 😅. Same here, Game Pass has allowed me to enjoy full games that I wouldn't have bought.
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