Starfield was probably the biggest game of Xbox's summer showcase, with a 15-minute deep dive finally showing us Bethesda's next game in action. Well, if that deep dive wasn't enough, and you're desperate for any Starfield you can lock your eyes onto, a few more clips have cropped up via a new Game Pass trailer.
They're extremely brief, and don't show a whole lot of gameplay, but to our eye they are new, showing what appears to be unseen planets from within Starfield's vast universe. There's a lush green land that looks particularly inviting, along with something much darker and more mysterious.

We can't wait to find out just how much variety Starfield holds within its planets, factions, storylines and more. So far, things are looking pretty good ahead of the game's release in early 2023.
Will you be jetting off into Starfield on day one? Let us know down in the comments!
Comments 9
Nice to see some more shots, even though its clear they need a little more work (the material on that creature is very plasticky).
Im hoping that planet conditions will affect the experience and we will get difficult envoromental issues that we will need to consider too.
The more variety, the better I feel...
I just hope the writings good. The pool of sci fi movies is so big to pull from. I want actual meaningful side quests. I want to see intelligent alien races. Go to that blade runner looking environment and have to track one of them down etc.
The thing that concerns me about both this and redfall is that as good as Arkane is, and as good as Bethesda are, are creating worlds to explore…the weakest part of their games has shooting mechanics…and both their new games seem to be focused on shooting.
Now that I think about it AI hasn’t been the best either…
@Bleachedsmiles Absolutely hit the nail on the head. Though i've just been replaying Mass Effect 1, who's combat isn't great at all, and it reminds me that as long as the questing, exploration, world building etc. is great none of these things matter nearly as much.
@Titntin I don't expect things like the plasticy materials to be worked on. No matter the power of the console, Bethesda is forever trapped on Gamebryo. Even with internal id knowhow salvaging it into Creation, Gamebryo just plain sucks, always has, always will, and brute forcing it on powerful hardware to be mediocre in appearance is the best they can really get out of it. But they have so much tooling based on it and their games are so massive, it's just a reality for Bethesda games.
Then again, I still come from the school of thought that RPGs should always look worse than shooters and racers because the size and scale of the game is just so darned expensive, something has to take cuts, and it's always the graphics.
@Bleachedsmiles Haha, yeah I thought that right away "OMG a Bethesda shooter..." Not that fallout doesn't have guns...and they're terrible....but...yeah, that worried me. Granted, they do have id to lean on for gunplay and engine now, so it may not matter as much now.
@NEStalgia you can’t get away with in in fallout to some extent with VATS…also 60fps helps. Starfield looks like it will have neither.
I guess the engine just isn’t suited for an fps game (as you’d assume they’d get ID on board for the gun play)…so incorporating fps gameplay is never going to feel as good as say cod or halo. Maybe as you spec your guns up they’ll feel better. Maybe every time you collect one of these mystical pieces you gain powers to pause time etc and that goes towards combat. Who knows.
I did really like it when those crab like creatures reacted to you pointing a gun at them and walked away…I hope we see more of that.
Im hoping there’s still some big unannounced thing for starfield they’re sitting on. Like co op…that would be pretty sweet if there was a whole online part of it where you and mate get quests to do some smuggling or become bounty hunters. Share the same ship - one flying, one on guns.
Or least I hope they go into more detail on just what the ai crew does on your ship. I don’t want it to be simply a case of talking to them occasionally to get a side quest (like outerworlds). It would be cool if they actually had pivotal roles in how the ship functions…a mechanic repairs on the fly if you get damage etc. give commands to somebody operating shields.
In fallout shelter you could send people out to go on scavenger missions without you and then reap the rewards if they services. I’d like to see something like that too
@Bleachedsmiles Definitely no VATS, but I'm assuming it will have 60fps. I've no doubt all the footage we've seen is 30fps/4k, but I fully expect a first party XSX title to include 60fps even if it drops to 2k since high fps is a platform priority overall.
Yeah Gamebryo was always bad, but it was always geared toward mouse-based menu-driven games. Things like the Sid Meyer games and the like all used it. Epic Mickey 1 & 2 used it (two more games with bad performance issues.) Oddworld used it. It was never intended originally for shooter-y type games and always lagged behind even in the 00's PC landscape.
Bethesda uses "Creation" now which is a fork of the Oblivion version of Gamebryo, and id does work on the improvements, which is the only reason it can hold up reasonably ok-ish, but even id's magic can't truly save what was a rickety engine to begin with. But Bethesda really can't change it, they have too many tools and systems they'd have to rewrite from scratch for something else, and their games are already too huge to work on, so they kind of have to accept the limitations they have and work around them.
Still, with id, things are looking up to some degree. Starfield will be the first true showing of the id version of the engine, though FO 76 is probably a good enough indicator. But if gunplay is only 76-like.....that's going to be awkward. But like mightyant said, ME1 has horrid, Bethesda-like gunplay and is still the best of the trilogy in a lot of ways.
Definitely no time pause/VATS type thing, though, the whole point of that was the emulate the original Fallout series actual turn-based play in a real-time game, kind of "for the fans." I don't see them replicating that in Starfield, popular though it may be in FO, it's really a nod to the series 90's legacy as a turn based RPG than a mechanic made for the new games.
Coop would be pretty cool....but.....can you imagine a Bethesda game with online?! I mean just think of the pure horror in bugs and brokennes! I'm not sure that's a thing that we should want to exist. Gamebryo netcode is probably based on Windows ME.
A lot of this game seems to be a love letter to 70's sci-fi. Even the box art and color pallette is sooooooo 70's it hurts (Bethesda really has a thing for the 70's and I love them for it!) And it looks like it's kind of a love letter to classic 90's PC space and sci-fi in areas, too (less NMS/Elite, more IW, Wing Commander, etc. They said something about mechs too. It's no Mechwarrior, but we haven't even seen that yet, so that's really cool. And really 70s.... I do expect some nods like you talk about like ship crew having an effect on managing the ship etc. We don't know but that would really fit the spirit of the game.
Starfield looked suprisingly good graphics wise to me...maybe because I had low expectations...but still I thought it looked very nice for the most part
Well there doesn't seem to be any NEW footage here but it is at a higher bitrate and I think StarField looked great from the outset mechanics are never Bethesdas priority the npc and world interactions within the sim are what gets me there and the side quests keep me there...everything else ..whatever...
I hope i’m wrong but i have a feeling this is gonna be a disappointment. All the hype, the amount of time it took to show us actual gameplay footage, the alleged size of the game. 1000 different planets is it? Hope it’s not a case of planet 1, it’s dark. Planet 2, same but it’s sunny. Planet 3, same but it’s raining. Planet 4, same but the floor’s red instead of grey. Planet 227, same but it’s desert like. Planet 650, same but more good guys. Planet 998, same but more bad guys. I wait with bated breath. 🙏 🙏
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