Earlier this week, we pointed out that a Rare employee recently unlocked an achievement in GoldenEye 007 for Xbox, and now the full list of achievements for the game is actually being displayed publicly on the Xbox website.
Each achievement is also accompanied by a screenshot from the game, and they appear to show that its graphics are very similar to the original N64 release, with character models looking very blocky and low-quality in particular.
The fact that we're seeing these achievements and their accompanying images appears to suggest that we'll get some kind of announcement about the game this coming week, and possibly even a shadow drop.
It would make sense if GoldenEye 007 shows up at the Xbox and Bethesda Games Showcase on Sunday the 12th, possibly even as a surprise Game Pass addition, so hopefully it won't be long until we find out more.
Do you think we could be playing GoldenEye 007 on Xbox this time next week? Give us your thoughts below.
Comments 22
Seems my decision to hold off on starting Creed Origins was the right one.
Can't wait to play this on my Series X with a stable frame rate! I still plug in my N64 every few years for a playthrough but my controller stick is horribly busted and the frame rate with explosions grinds the game to a halt.
Newer gamers will probably wonder what all the fuss is about but for me, this has been a Looooooooong time coming. Starfield Garfield, I want some Goldeneye multiplayer again, online! Super stoked.
If the reference to Dr Doak is removed, I also suspect the Klobb will be renamed as well (another Rare staff member reference to Ken Lobb)
@pip_muzz Same here! As a side note, I still don't get why the achievements screenshots necessarily mean N64 in-game graphics. I'm sure that this will be the Xbox remaster and will include dual graphics (original/Xbox remaster). I also think that this Xbox title will have online multiplayer 👍🏻.
Really hope it is a remaster not playing through the bog standard N64 version again.
Doesn't look good in the leaks. Hasn't aged well
It will be on Nintendo Switch as well, with online cross-play, so both consoles will receive the same enhanced N64 port. The 360 remake is not part of the deal.
Seriously can’t believe that I’m hyped to play a game that was brought out 25 years ago but I can’t help it lol.
In all honesty, a NSO/Gamepass announcement is the most realistic good news I can think of coming from the Xbox presentation. Would probably end up being my most played game on Xbox this year if we don’t have any other big surprises.
Nice, I would love to play Goldden Eye again..
Gonna sound like a broken record, but I hope the controls are updated.
@Dezzy70 I'd be amazed if it wasn't at least on the level of Perfect Dark which is a great update.
Any chance they will re-release the 007 games by EA from the early to mid 2000s?
I really hope so, at the time when I played originally on N64 it was a brilliant game for me.
I liked the structure that if you played on the harder difficulty levels, Each hardness gave you an extra level to play.
Can’t believe many games have not copied that additional level structure as reward for playing the game on harder difficulty settings.
This had been my favorite game of all time up until only recently. But idk how much time I'd put into a N64 port. (I still have my old N64.) I was really hoping this would be the remastered version developed for the 360 that never released ... but, it's better than nothing, I suppose.
@Dezzy70 Right? Perfect Dark did the exact same thing by having the extra objectives on harder difficulties.
I’ve played it recently In its standard form. It still stands up and many FPS still don’t touch it…. Such a good game.
Don’t rename the Klobb!!!
Forgot about that so it did.
I think it is a great formula and should be used far more in modern games.
Great reward for doing the harder difficulty settings
I remember the original had a control scheme that actually let you use two controllers to play single player where each controller was a different thumb stick. This might’ve been the first dual thumb stick console game.
The only catch is the move and looks sticks are reverse to what we have now.
I usually don't get my hopes up. But now my hopes are up. I'm vulnerable. Please don't crush my spirits.
I have hope, because it's MS doing the remaster and not Nintendo. MS has been surprisingly great with legacy content.
A part of me wants XBox to get a remastered version, and for Nintendo to just dump the ROM on NSO, purely for the chaos that will follow. But I'd much prefer to see a remaster get released across all platforms.
Nostalgia...Hell of a drug
Hoping it will be a polished remaster, as good as the original was (and I loved it) I’m not sure I could play again if it is still fuzzy N64 graphics. Heck, even a 360 version should by now be enhanced - look at the Series X enhanced versions of Kameo, Assassins Creed 1, Mirrors Edge, etc as examples of what a 4K 60fps boosted version can look like.
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