Get your diaries, your calendars, and whatever else you stick dates in! The Xbox and Bethesda Showcase will officially return on Sunday, June 12th, beginning at 10am PT / 1pm EST / 6pm BST.
Microsoft says the event "will include everything you need to know about the diverse lineup of games coming soon to the Xbox ecosystem," and we'll of course be getting plenty of Xbox Game Pass announcements too.
As usual, it'll be streamed across the web, and we'll be covering it LIVE here at Pure Xbox on the day.
"This show will feature amazing titles coming from Xbox Game Studios, Bethesda, and our partners around the world. We’ll see you on Sunday, June 12."
Excited? What are you hoping to see? Let us know down in the comments section below.
Comments 74
This is going to be epic. It’s also typical of them to not show much of their game(s) trailer wise months before releasing, so for people complaining about not having any footage of what this game looks like: look at their track record, dates of official trailers for their games and then subsequent release.
Starfield is getting unveiled and gamepass price is getting raised. Mark it
Shows how big Bethesda are having to be mentioned in the title. I'm really looking forward to this one and seeing Starfield and hopefully something from id Software
Yes that's it. Can't wait.
Xbox Game Studios: Hellblade 2 Gameplay, Avowed Gameplay, Forza Motorsport Gameplay
Bethesda: Starfield Gameplay, Redfall Gameplay
Deathloop GamePass release date. Surprise new additions on Game Pass. I predict Judgement and maybe Lost Judgement and Cyberpunk.
Yes. Excitement!
Great time as well UK wise Sunday 6pm
Can’t wait finally some news.
Was hoping for May given all that's happening before that showcase for Xbox as far as we know is Halo Infinite Season 2 but it's still nice that we have an event confirmed to exist.
Do you mean 6pm UK British Summer Time
As it is British summer time here now.
So 6pm GMT UK mean 7pm BST?
Here's hoping they manage to figure out a way of live streaming the event that doesn't look like trash! The compression of live streams on YouTube is awful.
Oh yes!! Was waiting for the date for the big one. Cannot wait!
Excited for this but really want Xbox to genuinely surprise us. For all of Nintendo’s flaws; I love when they whip a game out of nowhere and drop it a month or so later.
@Dezzy70 Apologies! Yes, it's 6pm BST.
gameplay(!) trailers for Starfield, a more in depth CG trailer for Avowed (with a possible release date), actual footage of Fable (MAYBE a release date), a deep dive on Forza (which may even launch this year), something along the lines of "FF7 Remake is coming to Game Pass....today!!", maaaybe Persona 5 or Persona 4 Golden (Atlus and Microsoft have been playing nice lately) 2-4 new game announcements, a couple former PS5 exclusive games coming over, etc.
I would be hype but on the day to watch it I'd either have to put up with loud music from my neighbours, or my dog will come running into my room leaving a trail of p155 behind him so until then, I'm not anything so I don't jinx it. Being wished a good weekend at work has resulted in one or both those things happening.
Can't wait for not E3!
Oooo something to look forward to. We are finally going to see Starfield I guess! Hopefully plenty of other treats in store too.
My main hope is something more on Fable but I know that's a bit of a stretch. Probably going to be heavily focused on Starfield I would imagine.
@armondo36 Final Fantasy mainline games will not be coming to Xbox this gen as confirmed by Square Enix back in January.
Source: https://www.google.co.uk/amp/s/gamingbolt.com/mainline-final-fantasy-games-likely-wont-launch-for-xbox-series-x-s-rumour/amp
Fable development is very slow and likely behind schedule. So we probably won't see that this year.
Source: https://www.google.co.uk/amp/s/www.thegamer.com/fable-development-slow/amp/
Please show Starfield, please show Starfield.
Anyone think some Activision games are going to be announced that day or is it wishful thinking?
I think I look forward to these more than a kid looks forward to xmas day tbh. ☺
Prediction: Microsoft wins E3.
I'm glad to see the "spirit of E3" is still here at least with MS. I'm hoping Ninty and others join in. Sony of course took their ball and went home years ago. Plus they may or may not be accepting Plus subs by the time of E3....
Does that make this E1 though? Or....E One? Too soon?
Hopefully Avowed & Fable gameplay will be shown plus release dates for them and others
Final Fantasy 7 Remake please.
I can't wait. I hope they follow the format of the last one, just pure game trailers/gameplay and have all the interviews as optional content on YouTube. I enjoy the in depth interviews IF it's about something that interests me...so let me choose what to watch.
It’ll be a full hour of Deathloop…
I'll be satisfied as long as we get a good amount of information on Starfield. For a game supposedly releasing this year, we know next to nothing about it.
@NEStalgia I'm sure there will be the customary Nintendo Direct. I do hope E3 shuttering doesn't mean the end of Treehouse streams, though.
From Bethesda, you can expect Starfield and Redfall to be there as both are expected to release before the end of the year. I would expect Deathloop to be there too - maybe with 'extra' content to release on the same day which will also be available on PS5 too. I don't think anyone else has mentioned it yet, but I wonder if we will hear anything from Machinegames and their Indiana Jones project.
As for Xbox, Forza Motorsport is 'expected' and likely to see Hellblade 2 as well. They do have a number of games we know of in development - Fable, Perfect Dark, Everwild, Outer Worlds 2, State of Decay 3 etc but whether we see 'much' of these, I don't know. Some studio's, like Compulsion, Coalition etc may have something to share...
Of course, Xbox will also have their ID@Xbox showcase, 3rd Party partnership games as well as Game Pass news and 'updates' coming to older games (FH5 DLC, MSFS 'Top Gun' DLC,...). As for Hardware, an Elite 'V3' or maybe some Game Pass streaming dongle, a special edition Starfield Series console and controller.
Even if they just focus on the year ahead, they probably have enough content to easily fill 2hrs without talking about projects expected Summer 2023+
I can dream but I'm still hoping for a Morrowind remaster
@BAMozzy Outer Limits? Holy crap, now i want that!
@Rmg0731 Yes, the price may go up soon. But why would they announce a price hike at a games showcase?
@Ralizah I figure it's still TBD if there will be a June direct. They just did a big direct, then did random announcements like XC3 dropping early and Splat3's date and preorders. Nintendo's hard to predict with that stuff. Without an E3, they may just go rogue again and do random stuff at random times.
I'll miss Treehouse though if they don't do it. But they've been scaling Treehouse back heavily for years even with E3. It used to be like 4 days of 5 hours of coverage. Then it was 3 days with most of the same games repeated over multiple sessions. Then it was like a day and a half or less, but with a random Treehouse for one game along with a random direct other times of the year.
It really hasn't been what it was back in the Iwata/Miyamoto/Trinen era for a while. The last "true" Treehouse was the Switch launch and post-Switch E3 when the girls were going on about shirtless link, lol. It's been less "deep dive" and more "marketing infomercial" since then.
But I still secretly want them to do it, even if I know it'll be a 2 hour marketing stunt rather than 4 days of dev commentary. Especially since they have multiple big drops this year and almost no coverage on them so far. Shadow dropping XC3 is so Nintendo.
I really hope we get a redemption arc for 2022 with Xbox’s release schedule. I honestly can’t wait. I have a feeling that Starfield is Elden Ring’s competition this year, but seriously I’ve been waiting and waiting for a release date roadmap for Q3 and 4. I’m buying a house on June 1st, I gotta budget. Lol.
Motorsport is probably a given. I've assumed all along they were waiting for GT7 to release before presenting FM8 just because being the "newer" game automatically gives it an image boost.
Though Sony handed them a gimmie with the mtx drama. $70 for the older game with "real world" mtx valuations, or "free with subscription" + mtx for the newer game is an easy sell. Even if they both gouge on mtx, free+mtx and newer always looks better than $70+mtx and older.
@Rural-Bandit I thought the typical Bethesda cycle was show next to nothing. Then release the game. Then finish making the game. Then sell the anniversary edition of the game, but include only the original version without the finished version, then sell the whole thing remastered later?
Hyped but would have preferred a real e3
Deathloop Xbox edition
Starfield should all be there
Goldeneye might make an appearance and maybe some footage from an Obsidian project.
At least that’s my guess.
Now, I don’t think we’ll see anything FF there but it is possible we get a DQ update.
On a serious note, this will be a bit make or break for Microsoft to propel the Xbox brand and its consoles into gamer stratosphere or stay at an average level rolling along for the next 2 years.
This should be the Xbox showcase of all showcases for 2022 and 2023.
Also we should see some real new generation games only and no cross generation stuff.
Series x 12tflop stuff.
Again Microsoft have the chance to lead and show the way here and propel the Xbox brand.
Yo, guys! I just wanted to share that this will be a memorable date for my family: our first baby girl will be born on June 12th (or sooner...). So I won't be able to watch this thing, but I'll definitely be checking out Pure for some info. Please, send us some good vibes on that day!
Starfield is obviously the big one but I'd like to see Avowed and Fable as well. Feels like it's definitely time to show something from those two.
i hope the rumors of inxile remaking fallout 1 are true. an inxile isometric RPG in fallout would be badass.
@NEStalgia “Prediction: Microsoft wins E3”
Counterprediction: PS fanboys will say the event was lackluster and underwhelming, and declare Nintendo (for some reason) the actual winner.
@Clankylad much appreciated friend.
@Hypnotoad107 LOL you're right, that's a skilled prediction. Patcher will be proud!
Though by comment #13, the thread will descend into how E3 presentations are irrelevant in an era of State of Plays, somehow connect Phil Spencer to the delay of BotW2, argue about Game Pass losing money, Demonize MS for not talking about "buying the entire industry" during the presentation (followed by why Sony should buy Square-Enix and Sega), and then @Dezzy70 will remind everyone that he saw no less than 3 Xboxes on the shelf in a Korean grocery store in Podunkshire, Wales, as proof of the Xbox presentation failing.
Man it's about time, I'm starving for xbox news.. Should be a great showing..
I’m eagerly awaiting a huge Japanese announcement of some sort either by acquisition or a secured exclusive or two. And maybe they finally show or tell us something about the rumored Kojima game.
Fantastic! It'll be exclusive exclusive world premiere world premiere one after the other, and some game play from pre announced titles.
Yes, finally haha. I think we're ready for a huge huge showcase.
AB: We might see the upcoming COD and maybe a release date for Diablo 4.
Bethesda: Starfield. Maybe Machine games will reveal their Indiana Jones game and iD might tease doom 3, my fav modern FPS. Redfall too.
Xbox Division Studios: I'm expecting gameplay from Coalition, Compulsion, Everwild, Fable, more of Hellblade 2, Forza Motorsport, Perfect Dark, Avowed and State of Decay 3.
Not to mention third party stuff. Want to see Contraband and Stalker 2 too.
@OldgamerDave Congrats man. Hope everything goes well.
@NEStalgia Xenoblade, Splatoon and Bayonetta franchises all got dedicated Directs for the previous new entry so I think it may be the only things that'll happen in June for Nintendo are a Pokemon Presents, a trailer for MK8 Deluxe DLC wave 2 and a Xenoblade 3 Direct.
@Grumblevolcano meh, I'll take the xc3 direct, but pretty unenthused if Nintendo E3 with a direct and days of treehouse are reduced to Pokemon updates and a single game presentation.
At this point, the ONLY place I get my annual dose of gaming news is Microsoft's pseudo e3 showcases. Sony and Nintendo happen quietly and I find out later. Xc3 news was a fluke of reading the nl front page on the only day the whole thing isn't just indie news of games I've never heard of.
All aboard the Hype train!
I will be looking out for those Xbox’s
Don’t forget the Falkland Islands as well 😂
@RevGaming thank you very much, friend!
@Rmg0731 You could load up 3 years of Game Pass before any price hike.
OK so since everyone is doing this: my predictions:
Deathloop Definitive Edition (with extra content) release date announced for September 2022
Gameplay for Redfall
Deep dive on Starfield
Maybe a teaser on Wolfenstein 3
Maybe a date for Scorn along a trailer
@Rmg0731 there is zero chance they would announce a price hike in such a presentation.
Also, I personally don't expect a price hike at all until way after they simply eliminate XBLG and the base Game Pass models, keeping only Game Pass Ultimate as the only tier.
After that, I would expect any price hike over the years to be similar to the ones in Netflix (1 or 2 dollar increases every few years,) if they do it at all outside generation hops.
@RevGaming I probably would scratch seeing Stalker 2 anytime soon. That game has been delayed indefinitely due to whole issue with Ukraine. GSC Game World is based in Kyiv, Ukraine.
I wonder why they are still including Bethesda in the title when Xbox now owns them. When they own Activision-Blizzard, will their presentations be called Xbox & Bethesda &Activision-Blizzard Games Showcases?
Q) Excited? What are you hoping to see?
A) Excitement hasn't quite set in; I'd say my mood is more pleased. My excitement will likely ramp up the closer we get to the presentation.
As for what I hope to see, my main two hopes are Avowed and Fable. In general I'd like rough release dates for the many games Xbox studios are currently working on. It's better to weigh up my potential game purchases when I know when they are set to be.
@OldgamerDave congrats buddy! My son was born late last year and it’s the best (and scariest!) thing ever. Good luck to you and your family.
(I managed to sneak some Metroid Dread in at the hospital )
@Souldin I believe Bethesda is still a separate publishing arm under Xbox, alongside Xbox Game Studios.
@Souldin Even though Xbox owns them. They have repeatedly said that Bethesda more or less operate at it owns publisher alongside along side Xbox Game Studios
@K1LLEGAL Thanks for the kind words, mate! I wish you and your family the best as well! (*I won't be gaming, but I'm fully supplied with quality reading on my phone - Berserk!)
@BAMozzy very well said, I find myself agreeing with pretty much all your points. I reckon your hardware predictions are solid too, but maybe it's just wishful thinking on my behalf
Doom , quake , gears of war & a reboot of crackdown that's completely different to the 3rd game 🤞🏻
@nofriendo overshadow the news of a price hike with big games & hope people only talk about the games
@Dezzy70 not that I care about terraflops but the series X having 12 is irrelevant because the series S has 4 & any game they develop for series X has to also be playable on the series S
Congratulations sir! Good luck in advance with recovering your sleep debt.
@Akimi Thanks! Yup, I'll need all the luck for that :/
@Chaudy I have a feeling most of what you predicted will come to pass.
@Rickyl We won't be seeing any Activision/Blizzard games, outside of third party ones.
Shareholders have approved the deal yes, but the FTC won't be done reviewing the merger until June 2023.
@Floki I forgot. Thanks for the reminder. Not the war, that they were a Russian developer hehe.
Xbox got so many things in the works, all that was mentioned in previous posts, but also Pentiment, A Plague Tale Requiem, Party Animals, Slime Rancher 2, Somerville, Ark 2, As Dusk Falls, Project Mara, Project Dragon , Project Belfry, Project Shaolin, Project Cobalt... probably forgot a couple. Also Gamepass is still in the user acquisition mode so don't expect a price hike this year, but hopefully they will introduce the Gamepass Family Plan (5 people in one country , what I've heard) , lovingly called Famepass.
Looking forward to watching this!
I just hope id reveal the rumoured Quake reboot 🤩
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