This past week was one of the busiest not just in Phil Spencer's time as Head of Xbox, but also for the Xbox brand itself, and the Microsoft Gaming CEO has been using his downtime to analyse Microsoft's new purchase.
Multiple Xbox fans have been pointing out that they've spotted Spencer ("P3" on Xbox) playing the recently released Call of Duty: Vanguard — and to be honest, it probably shouldn't come as much of a surprise...!
One of the biggest bits of news to come out of the Activision Blizzard deal this week was that Spencer "desires" for Call of Duty to remain a multiplatform title, which means the intent is for PlayStation owners to still be able to play it.
As for the rest of Activision Blizzard's properties? It remains to be seen. Team Xbox say they can't really talk about the acquisition much right now until the deal is done, so we might have more questions than answers for a while yet.
What do you make of this? Let us know down in the comments section below.
Comments 27
Are the single player modes even any good? Last single player call of duty I played was on ps3 and was so short. And the multiplayer part was always the same and I sucked hard hence why I haven't touched a call of duty since.
Hopefully this means that he's interested in expanding on the single-player portion of CoD and giving the studios more time to work on that. Maybe they'll go the Halo route and create open worlds with different objectives.
It'd be interesting to see if Microsoft will allow the multiplayer portion of CoD to release on PlayStation while keeping the (hopefully) more expanded single-player mode exclusive to Xbox. Because we all know the casual audience on e.g. PlayStation don't really care about single-player CoD.
So, no loss for you then. Good. Move along.
@UltimateOtaku91 I've played Ghosts, the Modern Warfare trilogy and Black Ops 1 and they have excellent campaigns. Highly underrated if you ask me.
I'm not a fan of CoD but I really enjoyed the Modern Warfare and WW2 campaigns, but only because I didn't have to pay for them (PS Plus mostly). At a deep discount- I'd say they're worth it. Once they hit Game Pass... well, you know the answer 🙂
I've added Phil on my Xbox. He's always playing something. Dude has all the billboards smashed in Forza Horizon 5 lol. I criticize him a lot for things, but I'm thankful he is a gamer. Less prone to being out of touch like a lot of the other CEO types.
I agree, great campaigns. My personal favorite is the Black Ops story trilogy. And when I say Black Ops trilogy, I mean World at War, BO1 and BO2. And insane saga that starts in WWII and ends in the future.
@gollumb82 Well that's the thing, if Microsoft adds all the previous CoD titles on Game Pass, then people would finally have a good reason to check out the campaigns because you wouldn't need to fork out so much money for such short experiences. You could probably even finish all CoD campaigns in one month of Game Pass.
I genuinely hope that more people will get to experience the older CoD campaigns and realise how fantastic they are. Even if you're not interested in multiplayer, the single-player portion of those older titles is just so good!
@isturbo1984 I've been wanting to play the campaigns of CoD 2, 3, World at War, WWII, Vanguard, Modern Warfare (2019) and more, so hopefully I'll get that chance when the games arrive on Game Pass!
Out of curiosity, do the Black Ops games after the second one have campaigns? I vaguely remember hearing that they dropped it in one of the titles at least.
@LtSarge @gollumb82 sounds like I will give them a try when they come to gamepass and I'd say its a pretty safe guess I can play them in any order?
Hopefully they bring the single player campaigns gamepass without the multiplayer side due to install sizes etc, plus imagine bringing 15 call of duty's with the online part to gamepass (sorry don't know how many there is) it would massively split the online player base between the games
@UltimateOtaku91 I don't know how important it is to play the World War II games in order (i.e. CoD 1, 2, 3 and so on), but you definitely need to play the Modern Warfare and Black Ops games in order. I didn't even realise that World at War was the first game in the Black Ops story arc until @isturbo1984 pointed it out. I've already played through the first Black Ops so I guess I'll have to wait until WaW gets added to GP before I continue with that arc.
There are some standalone games though like Ghosts, Advanced Warfare and Infinite Warfare.
@LtSarge @UltimateOtaku91
Spot on! To be honest, I'm at a point in my life when shorter games are more appealing to me (less than 50 hours, 15-25 being the sweetspot). Hopefully more people get to play those games when they come to Game Pass. However, that SSD expansion will become mandatory then 🤣
As for the order- yup, I played MW 4 remastered, MW 2019, MW2 remastered and WW2. Even played some multiplayer. Wasn't as bad as many people claim or I just got lucky.
Sidenote: just wanted to say that I lol'd hard when I realised that the voice over guys for Anderson and Hackett from Mass Effect star in MW2 remastered and one character is actually named Shepard 🤣
@gollumb82 Did you know that the voice over guy for Anderson also voiced a gangster in the first Saints Row? I genuinely can't see him as a gangster! I guess he was just all over the place back then, lol.
@LtSarge Yeah, the Russia arc in WaW introduces Victor Reznov. It's clear they didn't intend to have him be a main character until after production of Black Ops, but its more relevant to the BO storyline than BOIII & "IIII" were. BOIII is Black Ops in name only. Decent campaign, honestly, but the only ties to the rest of the games is a brief mention of the villain in BOII.--The game takes place even further in the future after BOII. And BO4 was the battle royale one with no story I never touched.
I didn't! But it made sense for Anderson and Hackett to be in CoD due to their military background 🙂
@isturbo1984 Ohh, okay that makes a lot more sense. I'll definitely be playing WaW first before I get to BOII and eventually BOIII. I'll basically skip BO4 then!
@gollumb82 Haha yeah, but can you imagine the lovely Captain Anderson say things like: "Alright Shepard, we're going to be f****** up some b****** now. Move out soldier!". I just can't
Actually, that would be something I'd expect from a guy in command in such a situation, but no... We got Standard RP and PEGI 13 dialogues in ME3 🤣
@LtSarge so the last call of duty campaign j played (with the only exception being ww2) was Call of Duty 2 on 360. I sort of quit call of duty when it went to modern warfare because at the time I loved the ww2 era so much. But the way you’re talking about black ops and modern warfare as a story arc makes me look forward to trying those out!
As a side note, I’d love to see an expanded COD stand alone story (separate from multiplayer) with a lot of time and care put into it.
@xMightyMatt14x The CoD page on Wikipedia compiles the "subseries" nicely I think, under table of contents: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Call_of_Duty
You got the World War II games, the Modern Warfare games, the Black Ops games and the standalone titles. I think this would be a good list to follow if you ask me.
But yeah, definitely check them out once they're added to GP. You have so many great campaigns to look forward to!
Totally what I’m waiting for, I left COD as the single player campaigns got shorter and shorter.
Now on gamepass I can try them out for free.
Hope they turn up very soon.
@UltimateOtaku91 they've made the single player add ons now so when you buy it you have to then download the campaign separately if you want to play it
@LtSarge modern warfare's campaign has been broken for ages but Activision can't be bothered to fix it
I've never played CoD before. I might give one a shot once they hit Game Pass, but honestly probably not since there are so, so many other games I'd rather play instead.
Never cared a bit about CoD multi but I've played a few campaigns. The two that came to wiiu I think (call of doggy from the infamous x1 reveal and ghosts). It was short, simple, and the auto aim is just kinda depressing, but I can't say it was any less fun or well put together than uncharted 1 and 2. Was kind of weird having an actual defence secretary in a video game. Haven't tried the modern ones though. I got the impression they didn't care about campaign anymore. I did try blops when Sony gave it away in plus and wasn't really impressed and didn't play far. At the end of the day it was a standard shooting gallery with a Jerry Brukheimer veneer, but a well made one. They could do more with the franchise.
[calm] Let's take the fight to the reapers.
>[Paragon]< I think the crew needs a pep talk before we go.
[Renegade] it's time for bloody payback!
Alright Shepard, we're going to be f****** up some b****** now. Move out soldier!".
Spencer really reminds me of the CEO at my current place of employment. Pretends to be a nice guy but really he's just a greedy, money grabbing schmuck.
Let's get it on Gamepass now Phil!
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