The Xbox Series X has been out in the wild for the past week-or-so, with various journalists and influencers getting their hands on the system and testing out its backwards compatible features.
Sony hasn't yet done the same with the PS5 on a wide scale (although some Japanese YouTubers have been demoing it this weekend), but nevertheless we've already got some size comparisons between the two.
This is the result of Augmented Reality, which is using the official dimensions of the PS5 to provide a near-accurate representation of how the two consoles will look side-by-side. And as you can see from the video above and a separate (possibly slightly less accurate) comparison below, Sony's system is looking particularly huge.
Again, we should note that these Augmented Reality comparisons aren't always perfectly accurate, but nevertheless this gives us a good example of how the two consoles will stack up this November.
Ultimately, they're both much larger than anything we've become used to in recent years due to their immense power, but the Xbox Series X - and obviously the Series S - definitely aren't quite as overwhelming as the PS5.
What are your thoughts on the size of the Xbox Series X and PS5? Let us know down below.
Comments 47
It's not just the size but it's also very tacky.
It's just so weird how polar opposite each company has been regarding next generation compared to this one. For example, PS4 was much smaller than the giant VCR that was the Xbox One at the start of this generation. Now the PS5 is much larger than the Series X, it's crazy.
But yeah, I prefer the look and size of Series X much more than the PS5. In 3-4 years we're going to get a PS5 Pro which will most likely be much smaller than the regular one and then we'll look back and laugh at how ridiculously huge the original PS5 was.
The PS5 is really ugly, especially in white it put me off getting one just yet. In comparison I like the design of the X, simple and black.
Remember when the original Xbox was considered comicality huge?
The PS5 is ridiculously huge & hideous.
I'd forgive it if it was cheaper, or more powerful, or needed the additional space to store extra hardware to run PS1-3 games, or had larger internal memory. I'm sure the PS5 Pro or slim will be fantastic consoles eventually, but I just don't see the value in this version or buying one this early.
I think the PS5 looks pretty good, It's definitely unique looking..
There's videos of Japanese publications testing the ps5 and it looks much nicer than this augmented reality crap.
Though people dont buy consoles because of there design...
And if they do, then they aren't Gamers
@VenomousAlbino the OG Xbox was big when you included the power supply! What a machine that was though!
@Xiovanni the 360- now that’s a real world comparison I’d love to see.
@Valhalla91 really because the size was cited as one of the reasons the OG Xbox didn’t do well in Japan.
But I do agree it does look better in person. It’s sticks out a lot less than the CGI stuff makes it look.
@Bmartin001 it looks like it's melted.
@mousieone hmm I'm pretty sure the Japanese just didn't like xbox (being an American company), and the size excuse was just to sugar coat it
@Valhalla91 probably but we are a dealing a country that has square watermelons.
All the comments about the Series X being 'big' or beefy doesn't make sense to me. It seems more like the back half of the Xbox One X has been chopped off and stuck on underneath the front half - thus making it more square but still having a similar volume.
The PS5 looks big - and I think it will be deceptively bigger in real life when the Curves don't disguise so much of the bulk...
@Xiovanni well the S does weigh less than my purse, and hid in plain sight for months.
I think form factor could be selling point of both models for sure. Honestly, the X has a great body for skins and special editions.
As for adult content, yeah it’s an issue. Although, MS has done a bit the last two years to help fix this. I mean Grounded, Minecraft Dungeons, and Ori and the Will of the Wisps all had good launches this year. Plus, I think the ID@Xbox does a good job with bringing content for all ages. And they promote it, which is important. It may not be perfect at the moment, but I do think they are trying to make an effort. I mean the S makes a great secondary system for kids.
While I’m not keen on the actual size of the ps5 I quite like the design. Is brave! Would prefer it in black though...
Ungly *****
Saw a picture of an RTX3090 compared to an XSX last night, the GPU is longer (or taller depending on how you compare it) than the entire console lol.
To be expected though for a GPU much more powerful than the console.
@Menchi nothing that needs to be hidden in an oven is small >.>
@mousieone Bigger is better!
@Xiovanni 360 didn't launch with the family friendly vibe. They did that as a reaction while chasing Wii. And arguably it is what hurt them, it started to. I think they're going about it right. Ps5 is really all about the adult and adolescent image. Xsx seems to take most of it's design cues from Surface and is almost a business like device, store, and general branding. Both of them have family games they're promoting so that's a wash. Maybe not"family" in the hardware but an unobtrusive home internet appliance look versus the post modernist impressionism ps5 is going for, like the offspring of rembrandt and astro bot.
@redd214 looks about 4 inches to me. The thing that makes ps5 look so monolithic is the curves.... It balloons out like an exclamation point and has a contour that gives the impression it's thinner at the bottom than the top, even if it's just the popped collar giving it that look.
@redd214 Thanks! I'm still going to be on pins and needles until everything arrives safe and sound, but I'm looking forward to getting into them (and in ps5s case finding out what features it actually has.... ). I'm expecting the retailers to ship on release day rather than release day delivery, but I'll be a wreck those days waiting for confirmation they shipped!
@redd214 4 inches is massive (or so I keep telling my wife.)
Xbox series X will fit nicely into my TV cabinet. PS5 would have no chance. I'm going to wait for smaller model to arrive before I get one.
I can see the PS5's size causing a bit of an issue with some Japanese players since space is at a premium.
I mean in my victorian terraced house I'd struggle to get a PS5 in where it both well ventilated and not just utterly dominate the room.
Microsoft should definitely NOT focus on doing a more “family friendly” vibe, like you suggest.
They did that at the end of the 360 era (trying to scoop up some Nintendo $) & it almost ruined them. If you want that stuff, go buy a Switch.
The design of the PS5 has definitely grown on me over time, but man it's a beefy boy... I'll be holding off on getting one until they come out with a black model or a slim model, whichever comes first.
All I know is that technology is awesome, and I'm not talking about video game consoles. Just the fact that we can say "Hmm, I'd really like to shoot a video of this thing, but it doesn't actually exist. Eh, not gonna let that stop me - c'mere phone, WE DOIN' THIS," is frankly awe-inspiring.
...And also more than a little unsettling to dwell on, but that's another story.
@NEStalgia @KelticDevil I don’t know about @Xiovanni But there is a world of difference between “family friendly” and “casual audience”. I’ll use Ori is my example, and yes MS needs more of this. Then there is Banjo? There are a ton of people on this board that would kill for a good a Banjo remake. Viva Piñata? Which was release in the early days of the 360 not in later. Anyway, All of these are are considered “family friendly”, so yes there is a difference, and yes MS could use some more content like them.
And what hurt them was the Kinetic and games that focus not on being games. (And not being you know game focused, but “tv”). In the long run it hurt Nintendo as well. Don’t think it didn’t.
Anyway, again I’m not sure what you guys are thinking about but when I think family friendly and Xbox, I dream about Banjo =p
It took a while but i am 100% convinced, Xbox it will be this generation.
The PS5 is trying to look 'futuristic', but none of that really works anymore. The designer must have been an old fan of 1970's Star Trek.
Seriously though, from a boring practical point of view, if you knock or catch yourself on a corner it'll either snap or pull that side off.
@BAMozzy XSX is definitely bigger than an Xbox One X. I've seen different estimates that range from 50% to 75% larger volume.
I'm not sure how it compares to OG Xbone or Phat PS3, but I consider those to be the absolute max size, if not over, what I'd accept for a console.
@Xiovanni I've been fairly open about calling both consoles ugly, but honestly the XSX is just bland rather than ugly. Like the Series S, it's a better shape, but the lack of lines or interesting shape just doesn't do it for me. In contrast the PS5 over does it.
The PS3 slim, 360 S&E, the Xbone S&X, are all just right for me. Like Goldilocks designs. Bland enough to not be garish but with enough features to be interesting to look at.
@Beermonkey well done sir LOL!
Sorry, I should clarify my statement.....
I would love a new Banjo & Viva Piñata. VP was one of the most underrated games on the 360, in my opinion.
Heck, I have been wanting them to do something like 1 vs 100 again. That was soooo much fun & a great idea!
What I meant was that I don’t want them going back to the days of avatars, Kinect style mini-game compilations, focus on TV, etc. They tried to copy Nintendo & it was embarrassing as an Xbox fan.
And to your point.....there were rumors that the PS5 was having issues with cooling during production. Who knows if those rumors are true or not, especially these days.
But Sony doesn’t say anything about......well anything, so there is that. Lol.
IMO it helps to consider XBox's legacy with the shape (Apology for huge images, but NL's forum sites doesn't resize things automatically and these were the best examples I found:)
In that comparison it seems reasonably clear it follows the overall "boxy" design trend of the Sega line (minus the 90's plastic "flare" in favor of currently trendy minimalism), through OG X-BOX. In that regard, Genesis/Megadrive and 360, are the outliers. 1X is really a box too, but it's hidden bybeing so small and having that "overhang" to the shape.
Series X is maybe too minimalistic, but when we look at other popular hardware from Apple, MS, Google, Amazon, Samsung etc, basic rectangles is the electronics design language of the current times (for better or worse) and doesn't deviate from the 90's legacy Sega left it other than simplifying the angles. It's language says "home appliance" like a
telescreenhome speaker.The PS5 on the other hand really, really, really looks like it is Sony's classic retro console from 1981, if they had made a console in 1981.
In fact the design language reminds me a lot of those old Bambino consoles from the late 70s....almost to the point of wondering if the same designer is actually alive and involved.....
@TC2020 Part of me happens to be a fan of 70/80's "retro future" design, so I should really like the throwback that is the PS5. Though I'm not sure "throwback" is quite the word Sony was hoping people would use. In that sense I love that aspect of it. It needs knobs and buttons now. Or to have woodgrain panel replacement panels for it. That would look slick next to my old 2600 that is sadly decaying visibly.
So I love the retro-future aspect of it in that regard. I'm stuck in the 80's, Japan's stuck in the 80's, so let's just redo the 80's! But something about it seems just....a bit much muchness and seems like they're using the shape to hide the girth, like a dual axel pickup that tries to go wedge shaped with a spoiler to look sporty and maneuverable but really only looks like a pickup that's trying to look like an 80's sports car.
OTOH, beyond Astrobot there's some evidence this is just standard sony design least from the 90's (we're getting somewhat more modern here....)

Who doesn't love Aibo. Maybe it's a sign we're getting Aibo 3. Like ROB for Nintendos.
@mousieone I think my interpreretation of the "family friendly" image was less about the games, since all the consoles have family friendly games. It's more about the environment. When I think 360 versus all the PS consoles and X1/XSeries, I think Avatars, costumes, the color white, avatars, Kinektimals, the color white, avatars, Miis...wait what? It had that casual Wii thing going on more and more as it went on. When I got my 360 because my PS3 ran things like Assassins Creed 2 at like 20fps with smeared blur from the upres & scaling, I wanted a Jasper unit to avoid RROD, and the only way to guarantee one was the Arcade model. So I bought that and the HDD separately. The box literally has Mii's....I mean Avatars all over the front of the box smiling all over, jumping in the air. Had a cool Halo or some such back of box like the Series X does, but the front was just...happy Mi...err Avatars. Yes, my first game for it was B&K Nuts and Bolts because as an adult, Halo and Call of Doggy can wait, cartoon bears come first. But the Miivatars always rubbed me wrong, much as I loved the console. When they started selling Miivatar costumes as mtx it crossed a lot of lines. That was Matrick ,of course.
@Richnj of course there is likely to be a bit more volume as I am sure its more than 'double' the height so even if you could cut the back off of the XB1X and stick it on top to make it more 'square' it still wouldn't be quite as tall. Its footprint on the shelf though is significant smaller - even horizontally.
Point I was trying to make is that its not that 'big' and bulky - especially compared to the OG Xbox One which if you did cut the back half off and stick it on top of the front half, it would take up much more room - have a bigger footprint!
@KelticDevil @NEStalgia I had a feeling that’s what you talking about, but I wanted make it clear. “Family Friendly” can easily be misinterpreted maybe “all ages” would work better?
Good point.
Or I could have just said, “Don’t do what Mattrick did.” & that would have summed it all up! 😂
@Thretosix Yeah, I found this image as well which really puts the size into perspective next to the 1X. It's the same length, is taller, but is not as deep. It's somewhat more volume than a 1X, but generally not all that much more. It has a larger presence, but actually a smaller footprint.
PS5 has a massive presence, footprint, and, yeah, those corners that can catch things like cables and topple. Or horizontally it sits on that cradle thing. Which given past experience with Vita's cradle makes me a little cautious to think of using it.
@Medic_Alert I posted a meme the other day that the PS5 is the "Notice me, Senpai!" console.
Also ran across this gif that I couldn't resist sharing here:

@Deadcow I'm not sure. I saw an image of the back of the console and it almost looks to be exclusively ventilation. The image could be fake though so who knows.
@HisD1sc1ple Yeah, the same people that say that they like the PS5 design will say it's hideous when Sony releases a smaller normal-looking revision.
@NEStalgia Oh! What's the name of the last console that looks like PS5? Bambino what? The white vertical one. It's basically a PS5! 😂
And how do you cross out?
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