There's been plenty of discussion over the past few days about whether the Xbox Series X runs overly hot, although the vast majority of reports have suggested the console's heat production is nothing unexpected.
Now, GM of Xbox Games Marketing Aaron Greenberg has responded personally to those rumours and reports, explaining that the heat leaving the console is "not significantly different than Xbox One X."
"The console will output system heat out of the exhaust, just as any other console will. Our engineering team confirmed the heat leaving the console is not significantly different than Xbox One X. This matches my experience at home quiet, fast & impressive power for the size."
So, there you go! We've heard it directly from Microsoft - there shouldn't be anything to worry about in terms of the heat the console gives off, and it ultimately shouldn't run much hotter than the Xbox One X.
Has this cooled any concerns you might have had? Let us know in the comments below.
[source twitter.com]
Comments 33
Most of the complaints are about the body of the Xbox being hot.
But from the breakaway they showed forever, same one pictured here, it should've been obvious it would be. The chassis is an integral part of the cooling system with the split motherboard design. The chassis is then just wrapped in a plastic facia to look like a final product.
That's reassuring and I'm happy to know that there will be no problem with my pre-order.
Jez had to write tweets to explain that Sony fanboys created FUD from his comments. He said that the console itself is cool to the touch and only the air coming out of the console is hot, which means that the cooling of Series X is very efficient.
@BlueOcean Don't let facts get in the way of a good console war.
@NotoriousWhiz On Push Square the first poster on an article about PS5 cooling solution says that "Series X is crazy hot" 😅.
I would think after the whole RROD debacle, Microsoft now ensures that the internals of their consoles stay within acceptable temperatures at all times. Internals being the key word.
Really nothing to see here. Atleast Microsoft has sent this prototype units to hundreds and some usual suspects are twisting words from 1 or 2 individuals without quoting their full original statements and the biased media has jumped into the bandwagon with it. PC components generate heat too and runs at almost twice as high as 45C. It means Series X is operating properly and ventilating heat efficiently as it’s supposed to without any noise.
I trust them here. We've come a long way since the 360 era and I'm still impressed with how quiet the One X is today.
I'm pretty sure there was an article about 6 months ago claiming the PS5 over heats as well. That was before they were even handed out. Guess its just fans boys of both sides stoking the fires with this one. Will look forward to the same articles for the PS6 and Xbox next version X.
I wasn't concerned in the first place - have you felt the heat of a PS4 Pro - the actual console itself?
It was obvious that these consoles would generate heat - the fact is that they are running at speeds few PC's run at and in an 'enclosed' and densely packed form factor so they need to exhaust a LOT of heat to keep the internals running at a 'reasonable' temperature considering.
There is no way MS would send many consoles out to press, youtubers etc if they had concerns about temperature - knowing full well these people would be running them for hours and hours, day after day - and then be able to make their opinions and findings public. I know NDA's will stop them talking about 'certain' things, but if there was a major problem, that would get out. Someone who had a console that no longer does because of an 'issue' would be very difficult to hide...
Its still amazing how they managed to get the power and performance of the XB1X into that form factor - including an internal PSU so I highly expect MS to have learned a lot about heat management that they could bring to the series S/X
@StonyKL Those reports were about the first version of PS5 or the development console which was shaped like a V and had six small fans. It's entirely possible that it had heating problems as reported and that Sony made the final console much bigger. In the recent tear-down video, we can see that the heat pipe and fan are traditional stuff, no vapour cooling or anything, but oversized in order to improve the air circulation. The console itself is unusually huge and the design wasn't shown until recently.
As usual, Microsoft shuts down any dumb, negative rumor that is out there.
I’m not worried but it’s reassuring to hear. Playing some games on my phone can cause it to get pretty hot, game consoles are far more powerful so of course some heat will be generated, no way around it.
@BlueOcean Ha Ha! Just read the report, thanks. It has some dude saying "my mate said" and then article details concerns about the PS5 needing to look like the Series X to be able to work without RROD issues and having to redesign last minute. It then says at the end:
"It's worth noting that the sources of the reports remain anonymous, and the information contradicts previous leaks about PS5's cooling system".
The article says it would cause up to 12 months delay which obviously is garbage (they have since upped the initial numbers to meet demand), and it comes from Windows Central (don't know what that is but assume its MS based on it being about windows).
I mean come on. You really should know better.
Thanks for the link though as I had heard the odd mention here and there in comments but didn't realise this was the source.
I'll end up with both PS5 and an Xbox so in summary it'll be hot in the StonyKL household this xmas...
@Medic_Alert "Sony's way is no doubt a more engineered solution to the problem and more interesting in many ways "
The PS5 Digital Edition is the cheapest Dyson I've ever bought!
But we all know that the more effective the cooling solution the cooler the air coming out of the exhaust because it keeps getting hotter and hotter, presumably until it melts or ignites the plastics, otherwise because variable speed fans don't exist and cooling works just like combustion engines..... I laughed at first and then had to stop responding to that one. You can't argue physics with a madman....
Although now I do want a combustion powered console. The steampunk aesthetic is too awesome to ignore.
@StonyKL Hmmm, I think you misunderstood everything I said. You talked about those reports and I posted the link. I read that months ago and I have never posted it until now after you mentioned it.
What I said was that if it is true it is related to a previous version of PS5, so I was actually defending the final version of PS5 as an improvement.
@AJDarkstar Oh it's nice that you're accusing me of what you've been doing. You can't quote me because I'm right so you just vomit your bile. By the way, didn't you say you had ignored me or you just can't say one single truth? You're nothing more than a liar and a toxic troll. What can we do about it...? Prove you wrong, like we always do 😉. This is what good posters do.
The poster that you are defending wrote (I quote instead of intoxicating like you always do)...
@Lacerz wrote:
"Reports on the XSX is that it's quiet but crazy hot (link)".
"The difference is that the PS5 uses its massive heatsink to cool the air before dispersing it, and when it is dispersed it is spread across the rear, not centered at one focal point. There's a reason Microsoft has an embargo preventing people from talking about its heating issue and Sony doesn't".
"The embargo prevents them from saying it's hot or cool...streamers say it is hot, but are now having to backtrack or be face the wrath of a multibillion dollar corporation".
"Where there's smoke, there's fire...or a Xbox Series X".
@BlueOcean wrote:
"On Push Square the first poster (@Lacerz) on an article about PS5 cooling solution says that 'Series X is crazy hot' 😅".
According to @AJDarkstar, "@BlueOcean is one of these Xbox fanboys that (blah blah blah)" and @Lacerz "was merely expressing concern while posting a link to the PC Mag article raising the Series X running hot concern".
Could anyone be more dishonest than @AJDarkstar?
One more time, it has been proven that @AJDarkstar is a toxic troll who is trying to intoxicate another innocent, @NotoriousWhiz.
@BlueOcean we are. I just read that for the first time and thought it was crazy that it was ever published. Certainly not worth worrying about anyway.
I’ve never read so much on these sites until recently. Reckon it’s mix of nothing else to do these days being locked in and us being so close to next gen. I can almost smell it...
@Medic_Alert Oh Em Gee.......my eyes are watering.... I can't stop laughing. I tuned out when I read the email notification going on about blowing fans at heated rocks. I missed the joy of the rest of the conversation with 710. I tried, I really tried to make it all the way through he potato post, but after my mind kept getting hung up on POTATO METAL I stopped even trying That has got to be the funniest thing I've ever seen on the internet.
That explains the size of PS5 - it's meant to store your potatoes. Makes sense, they'll be ready for dinner by the time you're done with CoD. Maybe the extra starch is what keeps the collar popped.
@StonyKL I see what you mean now. Well, I read it months ago but I didn't pay much attention to it. If a provisional console (like PS5 "V") gets too hot well, design another. I think that Sony tried different designs and that's the reason why we haven't seen the final console until recently. I'm sure that they have tested it enough to believe that it's a safe design and it certainly looks like a safe design with the oversized heat pipe, big fan and perforated rear. They could have used a different shape and vapour cooling but if the result is the same as they claim in the tear-down video they need nothing but a huge space where to put all that in 😁. The only thing that worries me about PS5 in terms of cooling is that liquid metal covering.
Who was ever concerned? Hot air is meant to come out of the console and who's touching it when playing their games? Seriously fanboys have gotten very weird the last few months
I’m sure it’ll be perfectly fine. Hopefully it’s not heating rooms up, but I expect it to put out heat from the fan at the top.
@BlueOcean It's serious business over there. If they even get a whiff that you don't devote 100% of your time to the playstation they go nuts. 😂
@Nexozi Yeah if they suspect you're not a member of their sect they go nuts 😅.
The Series X will be fine, All these rumors are *****
Lol, serious tho all this "fuzz" keeps pushing me more and more towards xbox this generation.
Sony lost me this time.
And yet this morning are yet more articles from "reputable" tech bloggers and sites, spouting the overheating issues on Series X.
The guy who originally mentioned in on the cast has had this all taken out of context, and the fact is, news regardless of whether it is political or technological in nature is driven by the need to get as many clicks as possible for ad revenue, so controversial and shocking news will always trump factual.
@Jakovasaur Techradar posted "it's wonderfully quiet even if it still runs a bit toasty for our tastes". They have been writing biased information favouring PS5 for months like when they said that Xbox One will hold Series X back and when Sony did a 180° turn towards cross-gen games they gave it a much more positive spin. I wonder if they'll say that PS5 is cool as it was made of ice.
For being a technology website they don't have a clue about how cooling works.
The rumours were only being spread by sony fanboys and biased journalists..
@BlueOcean Yeh, it's sad to see, even some of my favorite YouTubers who through in the disclaimer of "I will get both consoles and enjoy them both" at the start and end of their videos, can't help but show bias, I honestly crave factual representation and calling out of speculation where present, some folks have integrity, others understand what gets those views or what their loyal fan base is expecting to hear.
@StonyKL agreed. Let the fanboys have their little war whilst the rest of us enjoy the consoles and games. Bored of seeing the FUD on both sides of the fence. I want to see more gameplay!
@Bmartin001 its like when the xbox fanboys spread PS5 not handling 4K and 60fps and developers had to debunk the claims. Half of it is just clickbait too. It is has become the norm to be subject to fanboy bs on both sides. Some just take it too seriously now like a religion!
I read an article the other day about Sony fanboys/spiderman fanboys threatening Insomniac to change Peter Parker actor back... who are these people?
@Alpha_Pulse I think that they have so much free time and are going more nuts than usually.
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