Looking for a Verdugo Boss Battle Guide for Resident Evil 4 Remake? As part of our Resident Evil 4 Remake Guide we'll be walking you through the Verdugo Boss Battle with step by step instructions and screenshots to help you.
Resident Evil 4 Remake: Verdugo Boss Battle Guide
Once you've reached the sewers you'll need to be ready to face off against Verdugo. This boss has pretty much impenetrable skin so there's no point whatsoever in shooting at it beyond staggering it a little so you can run away. Let's take a look at how to beat it.
Ok, first up and there is a clockwork castellan down here, you'll find it in the grate directly opposite the merchant's purple flame at the start of the area.
Now, prepare for battle and as you move around the corridors make sure to keep an eye out for the switches with yellow tape, like the one below, as you'll want to use these to freeze Verdugo in place once he's chasing you.

In order to kickstart this scrap you need to make your way to the power switch at the end of the corridor, as shown in the map below so that we can get the central elevator working and proceed. As soon as you flip the power switch and attempt to leave the room it's in, Verdugo will arrive on the scene. So, turn around quickly and use the first switch right near the power button to freeze him for the first time, then make a dash for the door and open it up with the wheel to leave.
Now, there's some treasure in a room in this area that you can nab if you want - there's also a first aid spray right beside the treasure - but be careful entering this small room as Verdugo will follow you and block you in if you're not quick about.
The aim of the rest of this encounter is to run around the corridors pressing "B" to evade swipes from your enemy whilst also using the switches to freeze him in place now and again as you wait for the elevator to slowly reach the floor you're on, at which point you can make a dash and escape. Just keep circling the area until the cutscene shows that the elevator has arrived and you're good to go.
We should also note that, if you happen to have a rocket launcher handy, you can freeze Verdugo and then simply blow him apart to end the battle early. We've included a screenshot of him shattered into several pieces for you to regard at your leisure. Good job!

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