Hi Folks,
Apologies if this is addressed elsewhere.
Hoping that someone might be able to help with a question on swapping an XBox One’s hard drive for a SSD.
I’m wondering about doing this to give more capacity (albeit just up to 1TB from 500GB) and possibly slightly quicker loading times.
And I believe that cloning the existing drive onto a new one will probably sort it, but am worrying that a larger drive will need partitioning.
I think that would only apply if it is >2TB but am uncertain. Does anyone know please?
(I’d like to avoid partitioning it as I don’t think that is possible with my Mac…)
Thank you.
@Hoggster The benefits of SSD is 'negligible' in either case although you are MUCH better off buying an External SSD and connecting it via USB - that way, if you upgrade to a Series S/X, you can just plug it in and play all your 'XB1' games direct from it.
It does depend on the game and how it's designed, but often the issue isn't so much the storage speed/bandwidth, but the CPU. It can't decompress and use the data any faster so it doesn't matter how much faster the storage is, the CPU can only deal with so much - so you won't necessarily see any 'noticeable' difference. If it takes 2.30mins to load on your internal HDD, at best, you may save a few seconds. On Series S/X, it can be a bigger difference because you have more powerful CPU to decompress much quicker.
I believe Digital Foundry did tests with SSD's and loading times. You are limited by internal bandwidth and hardware choices as these were designed with HDD's. You can't expect to see the loading times jump up 'dramatically' to rival SSD's in Series S/X but you may save a second or two and, if/when you do upgrade to a Series S/X, you can plug in your external Storage to transfer your XB1 library over and perhaps see another 'jump' up in loading times - albeit still not competing with Native Series S/X games. Some external USB SSD's can load XB1 games as fast as from the 'internal Series S/X' SSD's which is the 'fastest' option for loading XB1 era games.
I would NOT recommend replacing your internal XB1 HDD with an internal SSD - its not worth the effort and you'll get the same (or better) from an External SSD connected via USB...
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Thank you for your advice - it makes a lot of sense.
You’ve all persuaded me it’s not going to make a significant enough difference to warrant the hassle and will go with additional external storage!!
Thank you again!
Topic: Upgrade Hard Drive
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