1Blacksilver83Sun 10th Jan 2016 Hey all just to let you all know PVZ 2 will have a beta on the 14th to 18th this month looking forward to see you all on it Blacksilver83 X: blacksilver82
2Red620TiSun 10th Jan 2016 Woohoo! "Justin Bieber looks like a lesbian i'd like to ****..." - Megakillscreen,out of frickin' nowhere! Xbox Gamertag: Red620Ti
3Blacksilver83Mon 11th Jan 2016 Here the link for it www.pvzgw2.com/news/how-to-join-the-beta Blacksilver83 X: blacksilver82
4A_BabyRed_YoshiMon 11th Jan 2016 @Blacksilver83: I thought this was an xbox one exclusive? I never played the first one. Is it guaranteed access or is it random? Guinea pig owner, Xbox gamer. Xbox Gamertag: A BabyRed Yoshi
5Blacksilver83Tue 12th Jan 2016 It look like open beta for what i saw and read so far. @A_BabyRed_Yoshi we find out on the 14th on the website Blacksilver83 X: blacksilver82
6sorethumbedTue 12th Jan 2016 This has to be the weirdest addiction on the planet. Don't think I've ever met anyone who didn't enjoy playing it (even though some probably wouldn't admit to that in public)! Ancient, Angry, Armed and Inbound. Xbox Gamertag: Sorethumbed
Topic: PVZ 2 BETA
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