
Topic: Massive Chalice

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So, I'm starting my new stream tonight by playing through Massive Chalice. Does anyone have any tips to get me started?


Xbox Gamertag: DesignateTurian | Twitter:


Start with a joke.

Not played it yet...
@Blacksilver83 has played a lot though?

"Justin Bieber looks like a lesbian i'd like to ****..." - Megakillscreen,out of frickin' nowhere!

Xbox Gamertag: Red620Ti


Do a singalong!

Ken Barnes,
Freelance Writer, Full-Time Idiot.

Xbox Gamertag: SuperKMx | Twitter:


DesignateTurian wrote:

So, I'm starting my new stream tonight by playing through Massive Chalice. Does anyone have any tips to get me started?

Pay attention to fertility probabilities. Don't want to pair a 50 year old woman with a 20 year old dude for example

"Eat light, you stupid machine!" - Lex, Bioforge

Xbox Gamertag: tylertreese | Twitter:

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