
Topic: Halo Wars 2

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How long have I hoped for a sequel to this?
Creative Assembly have got some decent pedigree as well, so this makes me doubly hopeful that this will live up to expectations.
Not sure exactly what I'm hoping for though, which is good, because it leaves less chance of disappointment. Perhaps more flexibility with base building.

Is anyone else excited for this? What do you want to see?

Feel free to add me on Xbox Live. Currently playing: Wolfenstein New Order, XCOM EW, MKX, other stuff.

Xbox Gamertag: MakkaMan27


I'm pretty excited for it, yeah.

I wasn't massively into the first game. If I remember, it dropped during a whole bunch of other decent releases and it just got shuffled to the bottom of my list. I love RTS titles though, so I'm looking forward to giving this one some time when it launches!

Ken Barnes,
Freelance Writer, Full-Time Idiot.

Xbox Gamertag: SuperKMx | X:


Never played the first, but I do like an RTs. Command and Conquer was the knees of the honey making insects! I'll keep an eye on it...

"Justin Bieber looks like a lesbian i'd like to ****..." - Megakillscreen,out of frickin' nowhere!

Xbox Gamertag: Red620Ti


It has a timeline with a lot of the key events, can't really remember much of the story though. Depends what you consider important to the lore though I guess. I'm currently reading the third of Karen Traviss' trilogy set before Halo 4, which I'm finding great for expanding the lore around the current point in the timeline.

Feel free to add me on Xbox Live. Currently playing: Wolfenstein New Order, XCOM EW, MKX, other stuff.

Xbox Gamertag: MakkaMan27


I'll definitely play this as I did finish the first, although that was only on normal. On Heroic I couldn't get past about the third level.


Xbox Gamertag: Crippy D


Awesome news for the many people who have been asking for this for a while now. Not a fan of strategy games so I never played the first one, but I love the Halo universe so I watched some playthroughs to get the story. Thought it was pretty good. Can't wait to see where they take this one.



@SuperKMX, I'm the same. Bought it then spent about an hour on it and never went back to it. Really need to have another go at some point.

Ancient, Angry, Armed and Inbound.

Xbox Gamertag: Sorethumbed

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