
Topic: Halo 5 - struggling to get on board!

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HI folks,
I made the jump to xbox one in may (still have my ps4 and pc) for the main reason being halo...
Now i've finally gotten round to getting it...i dont really like it,getting a kill in multiplayer is really difficult,the graphics are a bit bland and the aiming is very sure vertical and horizontal are different speeds...
i love my fps games...bioshock,cod,battlefield,destiny and battlefront..ive got them all and do reasonably well...but halo seems to elude me...maybe its the fact im not used to it...but it seems stupid to have a gun and have to finished every fight off with a melee....
Any tips to get into this as i really wanted to like it...( pleasant tips..not nasty remarks and a chorus of youre just crap at it...)
playing this game currently (and the master chief collection) it confuses me how this got so popular and killzone on ps3/4 didn't...cos that was more fun!



Personally I can't help with tips etc for the MP as Halo's MP has never appealed and I don't own 5. I also own a PS3 and 4 and a fan of Killzone so wanted to comment about your 'confusion' regarding why Halo is so popular. For a start, Halo started a generation before on the original Xbox and without it, arguably we wouldn't have a lot of things we take for granted in FPS games today. It was groundbreaking and revolutionary for consoles at least. When Halo launched, the only FPS 'competitive' shooters were on PC but Halo invented the control scheme that basically every FPS game has now followed - including Killzone.
Back when Halo released, its campaign was incredible and the sheer scope of it was too. Its lore and depth unrivalled at the time. People bought it for the Campaign alone - especially as online was in its infancy and very few people actually subscribed. Halo 2 and 3 built upon that story and lore too. Like I said the MP never appealed to me so I couldn't get into it myself although I really do enjoy online FPS games. Other FPS games though appealed a lot more and I played these in preference. Halo 4 and now 5 are made by 343 studios (not the original creators of Halo and its universe) and to me have shifted the focus primarily to the MP and the Campaign is more of an afterthought.
Compared to Killzone - a Franchise I do like, Halo's campaign is so much deeper and richer. Killzones is so much more generic. Killzone 2 is my favourite campaign but it lacks a lot of the depth of the Halo-verse. I prefer Killzones MP to Halo's but again that's because its more 'generic'. Kllzone 3 has the best MP of the franchise. Shadowfall isn't that great as a story (looks awesome) and the MP is also kind of generic but not quite as good as 3's.
Point is Killzone overall is a good but somewhat generic FPS game. It borrows off of other FPS games (including Halo and CoD) and doesn't do anything to break away from the formula. I know it has utilised certain features exclusive to PS like the touchpad in Shadowfall but ultimately these don't add anything 'unique'. Resistance (another PS FPS exclusive franchise) at least was far more unique with its secondary function on its weapons and some crazy features these were. As a result, Killzone is a competent if not unique FPS game - its (almost) CoD in a sci-fi setting. Because it doesn't have the depth of Halo, because its generic and not groundbreaking etc it doesn't stand-out from the plethora of other FPS games. It still has an iconic look but the story and gameplay is generic - Something Halo isn't. Halo set the standard for the 'modern' console shooter and the control scheme that even Killzone uses. Its responsible for games like CoD and Battlefield making the transition to console so successfully. Whether it can still live up to the name, is debatable with 343 at the helm and I must admit I do find the original Halo feels very dated now (I have the MCC collection too) but in its day it was revolutionary and definitely ground breaking and why it became so popular.
Halo's MP is more 'traditional' (or at least the older ones were) and reminiscent of the Quake Arena style shooters rather than the more boots on the ground, more realistic movement of generic shooters. The latest reminds me a lot of Advanced Warfare in its movement though. Its MP also strikes me as wanting to be an eSport for MS now CoD has moved to PS.
It depends on what you like though. If you prefer the more realistic and generic MP shooters - even though Battlefront has Jet-Packs and the last 2 CoD's have more sci-fi style movement, then maybe Halo isn't for you. I know Destiny 'borrows' from Halo - they are both created by Bungie, but Destiny is more varied (classes and their abilities, supers etc, weapons and gear etc) which in my opinion gives the game more diversity and fun - although I can't say I enjoy the MP as much as more generic FPS MP games - I prefer Destiny's MP to Halos though.
I don't know if you have options to adjust sensitivity in Halo - I know you can in Destiny for example but that again has some strange aiming mechanics. It maybe that you need to 'practice' and get used to the way Halo works. I know going from CoD to Destiny for example feels a bit weird initially but having spent thousands of hours on these, it doesn't take long to get the 'feel' for the game again. I don't know if Halo offers some sort of 'Combat training' against AI bots which would be my suggestion on 'practice' and getting a feel for the mechanics - Maybe someone who plays the MP can advise you on this.

A pessimist is just an optimist with experience!

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Xbox Gamertag: bamozzy


Halo has always been MUCH harder than say Call of duty in my opinion. It requires precision aiming and headshots rather than spamming your gun and getting lucky. I play Warzone, which is more gunplay and vehicles than magnum and melee combat. It doesn't matter how good you are at Halo, you're gonna die, and die often. I've never been a multiplayer person, but I think 5 has the best overall, but I still don't see much appeal in multiplayer overall. I hate dying! And 5's singleplayer content is very lacking, just reapeated campaign runs!
In short, try Warzone if you haven't already (especially warzone assault)

Guinea pig owner, Xbox gamer.

Xbox Gamertag: A BabyRed Yoshi


Halo 5's campaign is near the bottom of the barrel for the franchise and since I'm one of the few who mostly plays games for singleplayer, I've had a hard time coming back to this one myself. The aiming does feel wonky but it's not something that totally put me off. There were just other games coming out that I got into more, including Black Ops 3, which I did not expect. I think 343 has tried chasing too much after the CoD crowd, honestly, and that's partly why I have a hard time getting into the multiplayer of more recent games. If I want to play Call of Duty, I'll just play Call of Duty.



Comparing Halo 5 to Call of Duty is completely unfair, they are 2 entirely different things, like chicken and beef! 343 have definitely been aiming more towards multiplayer, probably because the negative reception to Halo 4's multi.
I'm also surprised to see others think the aiming is "wonky", it is spot on and perfect in my opinion

Guinea pig owner, Xbox gamer.

Xbox Gamertag: A BabyRed Yoshi


As this video shows or this the movement is very similar to CoD. Its also added in ADS which is in CoD and hasn't been in Halo before. Personally I prefer the ability to ADS anyway but its not been in Halo before. The main difference of course is Kill Times because of the Shields in Halo but there is a LOT of similarities between CoD:AW and Halo.
Halo 5 also seems to be sold on its MP and its Gamescom reveal (apart from the use of vehicles) looks very similar to a CoD MP reveal - even down to the eSports commentary.
I of course know there are also quite a few differences that separate the two but lines are not so far apart anymore.

A pessimist is just an optimist with experience!

Why can't life be like gaming? Why can't I restart from an earlier checkpoint??

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Xbox Gamertag: bamozzy


@BAMozzy: To be fair, Call of Duty directly copies things from Halo that makes them seem similar, Halo isn't entirely to blame. Things like vertical movement, super strength, overheating "plasma" guns etc

Guinea pig owner, Xbox gamer.

Xbox Gamertag: A BabyRed Yoshi


@Utena-mobile: Halo definitely has one of the richest universes in gaming. Obviously it is helped by being relatively 'static' over the 14 or so years its been around. By static I mean the background, history etc hasn't been re-written or 'changed'. Its obviously going to have a deeper story to CoD. CoD at most has only ever had 3 games in the same universe (for example MW1, 2 and 3) and in between each release, there is another studio's work (W@W, BO1,2) These are all set in their own 'unique' universe and have their own history. You won't get someone from Black Ops referring to events from Modern Warfare. Also the fact these are more grounded in reality to Halo doesn't allow as much creative freedom. 'Call of Duty' itself isn't the same as saying 'Halo' or 'Gears of War', Its more like saying superhero comic book and then seeing which developer is making that 'comic book' and like DC or Marvel, these different developers don't overlap (you won't see Spiderman team up with Batman) or follow on from each other (How many times has a character died and come back?) - they have similarities regardless of who the writers are - Superhero battles bad guys and saves the day in a similar style, storylines etc - even the look/artstyle is similar (you can't always tell a DC comic from a Marvel one - unless you see the iconic characters). Even within Marvel or DC, some worlds don't overlap (events in Gotham aren't mentioned in Metropolis). Halo is one big universe and all tie together.
Point is 'Call of Duty' is not a 'series' or linked universe and each game can be a separate entity with its own history of events that are very different from another CoD game. CoD5 didn't follow on from the events of CoD4 or have any 'relation' to the story and wasn't followed on by CoD6. Even Halo's Spin-offs - like ODST and Reach - all relate to one another directly and are all in the same shared universe.

A pessimist is just an optimist with experience!

Why can't life be like gaming? Why can't I restart from an earlier checkpoint??

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Xbox Gamertag: bamozzy


I love Halo's expanded universe probably more than the game universe but that's why on the whole it's been my favorite entertainment property. Even with 5's disappointment, I'm sure when it comes time for 6 I'll get caught up in the hype again.

[Edited by Gamer83]



@Utena-mobile: As a long term fan of the campaigns, I never really enjoyed the MP, I just can't bring myself to buy 5. I watched the Angry Joe review and that just summed up a lot of my fears about it. I was also put off by the videos and details about it leading up to its release and the E3 co-op campaign reveal really put me off! Not only did the game not look very 'Halo' - More a cartoon of it, It didn't have Master Chief and was co-op!!! ODST2 or another spin off could probably get away with this but not the next big Halo and first of this gen! The reviews really were the final nail in the coffin for me on this one. I don't like what 343 have done with the franchise and direction they seem to be taking Halo in.

A pessimist is just an optimist with experience!

Why can't life be like gaming? Why can't I restart from an earlier checkpoint??

Feel free to add me but please send a message so I know where you know me from...

Xbox Gamertag: bamozzy

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