@crippyd: Like Red, not for a while, would need a bit of practice before Iron Keep. He is hard and I found the best way was the NpC summons for Manhunter. O'hara. Weak to lightning. Range works best cos if he hits you you're in the hot stuff. Up close if you can dodge roll well (he does telegraph the hits). Don't be tempted to call more than one npc.
@Utena-mobile: Thanks for that very thorough explanation... had no idea the main character was dead lol. Hopefully the rest of it will click into place when I start playing
@stylon if you want a bit of co op when you get further into the game give me a shout. From what I understand you'll need about 800k souls for me to join your game.
@stylon: It's a good but really frustrating game. I preferred the first which was hard but fair, if you died, it was your fault, simple as - you made a mistake (or met a better human player). DS2 relies all too often on cheap shots to kill you like tougher enemies that randomly spawn towards the end of a section (and by tougher, I mean it). These enemies are waaayyyy harder than the normal NPC's and the first few times I met them, I thought that they were human (other players) invaders. If the game isn't tough enough as it is, you can get invaded by another player (or worse still - dragged into their world, complete with traps of hostile NPCs that are friendly towards them. Good luck, it is a great game once you understand it but there's not a lot of handholding. You really need to do a bit of reading on the inter web thingie to get a recommended area try order. GL with the pursuer π±π±π±π±
Got a hell of a long way to go before I've got 800k souls lol. Didn't realise you could be invaded by other players, thought the online was just there so others could do co-op with you? Is there no way to turn that feature off then? Also what are the 'ghost' players that keep appearing, running around everywhere... are they other players?
If you don't become human (use an effigy) then you can't be invaded but also you then can't do co op or use the NPCs to help with the bosses. The ghost players are just as you thought, you seem to get a few seconds of other players randomly but you can't interact with them in any way (that I've noticed or found). You'll be surprised at how quick you can rack up the soul count, especially if you help other players defeat bosses. Also a tip, if you leave your summon sign so you can help others, you can't call on the NPCs to help you.
@crippyd: what you say is true for DS but not DS2. In DS2 you can be invaded whilst hollow. The only way to absolutely guarantee no invasions is to play offline. The ghost players you see are indeed other players. It's kind of a warning as you're seeing the last few seconds before their death.
Burn an effigy at a bonfire. Raises the level by 1 for that section. Raised level - better loot. It stays that way, so when you go to NG+ that section goes to NG++ and so on for every time you burn one. Resets all the enemies too. People do it on the easy sections to improve what they get.
Topic: Dark Souls 2: Scholar of the First Sin
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