Hello everyone. I am not a true gamer. I have a handful of games that I play on campaign mode and never do online play. I’m a newb. I have an original Xbox that I loved playing with but it has bit the dust. I was recently gifted a used Xbox 360 and I am trying to play my original Xbox games on there. I discovered that I needed an official Xbox 360 hard drive to play those games and that only certain games will work even with the hard drive. Of all my games, I have 5 that are on the list that should be backward compatible with a hard drive. The 5 games are
Star Wars Battlefront
Star Wars Battlefront II
Lord of the Rings: Return of the King
Cabela’s Deer Hunt 2004
I bought an official Xbox 360 hard drive and tried all of my games but only Halo worked. When I insert the other 4 I get a message saying they are not compatible. I tried calling Xbox support but they were not very helpful. They pretty much told me what I already found out. I am pretty sure my console is up to date. Does anyone here have any ideas? I would really appreciate it.
Topic: Xbox 360 Backward Compatibility
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