Since the add-on was first shown, I've know there would be a very limited field of games possible with it, so what have you come up with as impossible to do with just kinect, such as any sonic game, or are there any game do you think would work great with just your body as input? I really can't think of anything that I would want to do with it.
Full name King Boo the Nefarious
3DS FC: 5241-1931-6226
PSN: King_Boo922
Nintendo Network ID: KingBoo
Can't say what might not be possible with Kinect. I'm more excited about what is and will be possible in the future. Pretty sure we're just scratching the surface of what Kinect is capable of. Microsoft has even mentioned the possibility of hybrid games that will use Kinect and a controller. I could see them very easily adding some kind of wand similar to the PS Move for added accuracy in the future. Think they really wanted to push the hands free aspect for now though.
If anything it seems more like a way to sell Xbox 360s. If Kinect fails, at least there'll be more people owning 360s that they can sell Xbox games to.
I'd love to see if a Mirrors Edge type game was possible with Kinect. If they could pull that off it would be sweeeeet. I'd also like to try an fps game on there, it could really suck tho. I think anythings possible on Kinect, as long as the developers are willing to think outside the box a little.I'm looking forward to seeing what they come up with.
I really like the concept of being able to pick up things with your hands (like the bowling ball in Kinect Sports) and use throwing motions (like the Sonic game), and there should really be some cool indie game that's all about picking stuff up and throwing it at well, other stuff
Button Based Games for better and for wwwwwaaaaaaaayyyyyy worse
Digitaloggery 3DS FC: Otaku1 WiiU: 013017970991 Nintendo of Japan niconico community is full of kawaii! Must finish my backlagg or at least get close this year W...
I am of the view that Kinect is capable of doing a lot of things. A friend of mine who is working in Microsoft told me that they are still doing research on Project Natal. In his opinion whatever we can do with Kinect at the moment is just the tip of iceberg.
Studio's will find new ways to use Kinect when it's out for a little longer, SEGA is going to release Rise of Nightmares (hous of the dead clone) and Steel battlion is comming and so is the fable game etc etc.
I'm waiting for Kinect to be implemented properly in a sports game.
By properly, I mean being able to control the ENTIRE game with Kinect, not just a specific "Kinect Mode" that is limited to one our two events. Looked forward to Virtua Tennis 4, and they limited it. Looked forward to Champion Jockey, and they limited it.
Here's hoping that Tiger Woods, FIFA and Madden get the job done this year and have FULL Kinect support!
Topic: What isn't possible with just Kinect?
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