
Topic: Best 360 Shooter?

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So what does everybody consider the best Shooter on the 360? I'm divided on this issue. When it comes to FPSes, I prefer the WW2 variety, so I'd probably say Call of Duty: World at War, but I also greatly enjoyed Call of Duty: Black Ops. And broadening the definition, you also have my personal favorite Manic Shooter Raiden Fighters, and Alien Hominid when it comes to Run 'n' Guns. Then with TPSes there's Vanquish. I'm not sure which ones I like more so I'm gonna separate it out into Categories:

FPS: Call of Duty: World at War/Black Ops
TPS: Vanquish
Other: Raiden Fighters[Raiden Fighters Aces]/Alien Hominid

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you're all over the map.  are you talking multiplayer?  single player campaign?  If we're talking shooters and campaign, I'd go with the Gears of War series or Halo Reach.  multiplayer, Halo Reach and the CoD series.  If we're talking shmups, Raiden 4, Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved 2, and anything from Cave.



FPS: Battlefield Bad Company 2

TPS: Red Dead Redemption

[Edited by Ravage]

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Q: How many physicists does it take to change a light bulb?
A: Two, one to hold the light bulb, the other to rotate the universe.


Bioshock and the F.E.A.R. series.



I wouldn't put Red Dead anywhere near best _shooter_; it's an amazing game, but the shooting is not what makes it amazing.

Vanquish has quickly become one of my all-time favorite shooters, and Bulletstorm, while it has a number of problems, is also incredibly fun and refreshing from a gameplay perspective. It's not "best" but I feel at least deserves a mention!


Xbox Gamertag: johnnypanda | X:


Nobody's mentioned Borderlands? I'm surprised. I'm really not that keen on shooters (though I love Halo Reach) but Borderlands is my favourite FPS by far. I like that it's open world, I love the skill system and generally think it's awesome. Get it.



Darkest of Days...Nah, I'm just kidding, Halo Reach and Vanquish are my personal favorites.

The Artist Formerly Known as ballkirby1
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James Newton

Nobody's mentioned Borderlands? I'm surprised. I'm really not that keen on shooters (though I love Halo Reach) but Borderlands is my favourite FPS by far. I like that it's open world, I love the skill system and generally think it's awesome. Get it.

I just picked up Borderlands GOTY edition last week.  It was a price I couldn't refuse ($19.99 @ Game Stop).  Two more coworkers also picked it up and we've been having a blast!



Awesome stuff Magi! It's a fantastic game, really one of my favourites. What class are you playing?


James Newton

Awesome stuff Magi! It's a fantastic game, really one of my favourites. What class are you playing?

I'm playing a Soldier and am currently up to level 25ish iirc.  I've really been itching to play a Hunter though because their style of combat (stealth/snipe) is really what I prefer in my shooters.  Unfortunately, the other two guys I'm playing with both picked Hunter.  It's nice to be able to get all the Soldier-class jobs though.



My first character was a Hunter, and I had an awesome amount of fun with him. I made a Soldier too and although the turret skills were pretty cool, I missed my Bloodwing too much. Three snipers would be awesome though if they all had different skill sets and elemental damage - consider it!



the multiplayer fps I enjoyed most (and still enjoy) is mw2. Crisp gameplay, awesome graphics.



BioShock is the best shooter on any console it ever graces!

Borderlands is indeed amazing. FPS with dungeon crawling elements and guns for loot, what's not to love? Considering I've put around 120+ hours into the game, I'd say it's pretty dang great!

As for online shooters, it gets no better than Modern Warfare 2!

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Xbox Gamertag: SlappyBoy82 | X:


FPS - have to go with Borderlands. loved it solo and co-op.

TPS - Gears 2 co-op Campaign + Bonus mission

XBL - Wilkz07


Borderlands is ace; bring on the second one!



I like Black Ops the best.

Why do people point to their wrists when asking for the time, but don't point to their crotch when they ask where the bathroom is?



FPS- Halo: Reach
TPS- Gears of War 3



Best 360 shooter?  Left 4 Dead 2

Finished Borderlands since I last posted.  I would have nominated it as a close second place, until I played and beat the Mad Moxxie dlc.  Now, I just want to crack the disc in half and jump up and down on it.  100%ing that DLC was maddening.



I am going to have to go with James on this one and say Borderlands.  I really like the RPG element to it and all the variations of guns that you can get.  It reminds me of Halo meets Diablo.  Lol

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