
Topic: Streaming on Xbox Series X

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Does anyone else have issues when trying to stream on Xbox? I can get it to work properly in terms of loading the stream but ends up being a pixelated mess. Interestingly though if I go to stream via browser on my Xbox it works flawlessly.

I believe the issue must be my internet as the same happens on my phone, if stream via the game pass app it's a pixelated mess. If I stream via the browser it works fine on there too.

The only thing I can think of which might be hindering it is my ISP Vodafone currently don't support iPv6 only iPv4 and I think it's supposed to have been done in 2020 but has been delayed.

[Edited by PartyMarty]



I was playing Shredders the other day on my Series X via cloud and it would become pixellated occasionally. I use an ethernet cable and have decent Internet download and upload for the USA. I think cloud streaming is still in beta, but I also think the technology isn't there yet.


Xbox Gamertag: AxolotlKyo | Bluesky:


Agreed, streaming is a fools errand. I use it for Microsoft points quests rather than downloading the games, in this scenario it's useable.

Trying to play a game properly you are way better off downloading. The lag, graphics downgrading and crashes are too much.

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@PartyMarty I don't have that issue with streaming on my Series X. Mine is hardwired to my router with around 70Gbps download speed. Of course the image quality is nowhere near the same quality as downloading and playing locally as the stream is only 1080p and it has 'compression' on it too which can lead to compression 'artefacts' which can look 'blocky' in dark areas - compounded by the lower resolution and upscaling which on a 4k TV is not the best.

I think it works 'best' for more 'simple' artstyles and graphical presentation. Streaming some realistic, detailed and dark/night shadowed game seems more affected by compression compared to bright, more 'indie' style games. I use streaming on my XSX mostly for those smaller 'indie' style games that I want to try, but not enough that I'm willing to wait for it to download and/or have to juggle games around to be able to download due to space limitations. Most AAA games I tend to download first...

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themcnoisy wrote:

Agreed, streaming is a fools errand. I use it for Microsoft points quests rather than downloading the games, in this scenario it's useable.

Trying to play a game properly you are way better off downloading. The lag, graphics downgrading and crashes are too much.

Yeah this was my exact use case for it to do a MS points quest on Jurassic Park but it literally is unplayable it's so bad via the official streaming yet it's perfect via the browser it's so odd.

I am using a wireless connection but I just find it odd that it works so well via the web browser and not via the official means on the console.

I would only ever use streaming for PVE or single player games mostly with a more basic art style.



Streaming on the phone is a bit trash for me. Definitely wouldn't play a full game that way.

Streaming on the console at my old house was also trash. And that was with a 60gbps DL hardwired connection.

Now I have a 512gbps DL connection hardwired and streaming on console is really good. More than good enough to actually play a game. But I still probably wouldn't bother doing it for a game I actually want to play because I could download it in like 20 mins and I'd want highest possible quality.

Streaming on the phone via wifi is still trash even with the new fast connection.

I only really use cloud for doing the game pass rewards games. I also set up my Xbox to remote into with my phone so I can do the Xbox rewards app too...

See ya!

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