
Topic: Pure Xbox Game Club - DOUBLE BILL: Mafia Definitive Edition / Banjo-Tooie (Sep)

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@NintendoByNature overall quite good to be honest. I haven't been bored at all and it's sort of the right difficulty level to keep me interested i.e. not very difficult but you create your own difficulty based on how scared you are and if you fail then the consequence is little to none.

The Dark Descent and A Machine for Pigs are fairly similar due to reusing a lot of the assets but I think Machine for Pigs is much more of a streamlined experience. Rebirth is sort of the expected evolution of The Dark Descent graphics and gameplay wise in terms of the time gap between releases allowing the technology to get better and the developers to become more skilled.

I think Rebirth has some really good voice acting too. I'm finding the cast of characters quite interesting and their stories are somewhat easier to follow than in The Dark Descent, Justine and A Machine for Pigs.

How is Resi 8 coming along for you? I haven't played it myself

See ya!


@ralphdibny that's good to hear that you're enjoying it. I did give it a shake, maybe not the fairest of shakes, but that's ok. That's why we have gamepass, right.

RE8 was absolutely amazing dude! I started Wednesday or Thursday and finished it last night. It was heart pumping from start to finish, nothing was dull or too confusing.

I often find myself in older RE titles running around in the same spots for hours, not knowing what to do. It's amazing I beat REmake when I was about 14/15 yrs old when it came out, and without a guide. I tried a few years back and couldn't get halfway through lol.

But all In all, 8 was the perfect length, and awesome enemies. I'm such a classic monster fan that the game was perfect for me. Especially with the Gothic setting background instead of urban mansion-city/laboratory. The story was rock solid too and tied some pieces together for the whole franchise.

The only negative I can think of is how long the last section is( the factory). It kinda overstayed its welcome compared to the other sections. The castle feels like OG RE, house of beneviento feels like what I'd imagine amnesia feels like( I won't spoil much more than that), the 3rd area was off the rails but fun, so yea. You can probably fit it in before Halloween and focus on only that. It's well worth it, and I'd say it's potentially my favorite, right up there with 4.

[Edited by NintendoByNature]



@NintendoByNature yeah that's fair enough and to be honest, we only have so much life left to live so it is okay to bin off games if they don't gel with you immediately. I can only think of one game that I stuck with despite initial poor impressions which was Yakuza 0. 800 hours later I had beat all 8 mainline games 😂

Wicked mate, glad Resi 8 ticked most, if not all the boxes for you! Nice write up, it certainly piques my interest!

I've actually only beat 2 Resi games on release which were 4 and Revelations. I later did REmake as part of the PS game club but I found it very difficult even though I kind of understood it toward the end. I am sort of half planning to play through all of them properly at some point including 8 but what year that'll be, I don't know lol.

See ya!


@ralphdibny exactly. I don't have much time as it is. Dad of 3, wife, work, the whole 9 yards. So If it doesn't click in the first hour or 2, I'm out. In some instances, i bounce off in 30 like I did here.

Most of the newer RE games are phenomenal. Anything 4 and after are pretty solid, even 6. The remakes obviously are better than the originals, so I'd play those first. Good luck my dude, looking forward to hearing your thoughts when you actually play them. Also, I misspoke earlier, I played a bunch of 0, but never finished. That one felt outdated from the get go. It's pretty tough.



Okay, I've finished Amnesia Rebirth now!

I think I've said all there is to be said about it really so I'll just use this post to assign it a rating.

Rating: IEI for I enjoyed it.

Actually, I will speak a bit about the ending as there are 3 endings just like the first game. Like the first game, you can continue from your last save to see them all without playing the whole game again. I'd say this one has a little bit more fluff to get through from the save point to each ending though.

Interestingly, I feel like I did the endings in the same thematic order as The Dark Descent, first I destroyed the boss killing us both, then I survived myself, and then I let the boss win. I think in The Dark Descent, I destroyed the boss, saved somebody else and then let the boss win.

Anyway, downloading SOMA and Amnesia: The Bunker now! As much as I want to not play any more scary games for a while, I feel like I should finish up these Frictional titles while I am on a roll. I think I'll do SOMA first and then move on to The Bunker.

See ya!


Ok, I've started SOMA. I think I'm a bit over a quarter of the way through. As has become custom, I am playing a long with my partner watching so I don't get too scared.

But, I do think this has been quite a bit less scary than both Amnesia Collection and Amnesia Rebirth if I'm honest. The baddies in it don't seem to as scary so far at least.

But, they are completely heathenous. I haven't seen quite such a heathenous set of villains since The Lord of Dust in Metal Gear Survive which is easily the most heathenous villain in video game history IMO. I mean, good grief!

(On a side note, Amnesia Rebirth did something weird to some it's baddies narrative wise that kind of humanised them a bit which made them less scary.)

Anyway, I am enjoying the game so far. I like the narrative and the protagonist. That's a bit more than I could say for the Amnesia games, I'm definitely more invested in this than I was in the Collection and a bit more invested in this than I was in Rebirth (maybe because of the setting?) Both SOMA and Rebirth are significant steps up from Amnesia Collection.

That said, I feel like I've "called" some of the twists quite early. Maybe they are clearly signposted, maybe I'm completely wrong but I do have some suspicions about where the story is going to go. I won't say what I think here and I'd hope nobody spoils it for me by confirming or denying my theories or just telling me what happens 😂

Overall, the game is good so far and I look forward to playing some more!

See ya!


(and actually @LtSarge , I have never played this game before, I'm not sure if it was a Plus game or not. I might be thinking of something different that has a similar name. Maybe Absolver? AbSOlVER - SOMA? Who knows lol)

See ya!


Finally made a start with Dark Descent and I’m struggling to gel with it. The environments so far are so bland and repetitive, I found a key to a cellar and it was almost exactly the same area I had been in 5 minutes previously and with almost nothing in it but the next corridor to walk down. The atmosphere somewhat lifts the experience but I’m not finding the story particularly compelling so far.

I feel awful being so negative about something.

That gum you like is going to come back in style!

Xbox Gamertag: Peace Salad



This is a contents page for a guide to the game (all it lists is Act 1-4)

This is the contents page for Act 1:

The reason I send this is because it allows you to pace yourself and know roughly where you are in the game, which I think will help with the feelings you are having without actually looking at the guide itself.

It helped me because I kind of worked out the rough range of time frames that each area could last which gave me some respite. So if I didn't like an area I'd know "it's almost over, just push through".

Also, just hold L2 while walking to Run lol. There isn't much penalty for running through the game (unless there's a monster around, even then if you get caught you just respawn and in most instances the monster will despawn clearing your route)

I don't think I found the story particularly enthralling or even easy to understand in The Dark Descent but completing each area kind of gave me just enough of a feeling of satisfaction to allow me to continue.

[Edited by ralphdibny]

See ya!


@AgentCooper also, no need to feel awful lol. Some games are just crap for some people. I wouldn't say The Dark Descent is one that's really worth sticking with despite that but it might be worth approaching it with a less invested mindset for a little while and then it might hook you enough for you to see it through.

See ya!


@ralphdibny Thanks for the help and kind advice but I’m going to walk away from this one. I can’t bring myself to just push through these days as my gaming time is so limited. I’m still intrigued by what The Chinese Room achieved with their entry so I’ll most likely check that out. Thanks again friend 👍

That gum you like is going to come back in style!

Xbox Gamertag: Peace Salad


In fact, I think I’ll remove my involvement entirely as I’d love to be contributing more than I am but it just isn’t going to happen and also the admin duties over on PSQ take up time too. Sorry gang!

Please remove me from the tag list please @Balta666 thank you so much. Keep up the good work 👍

That gum you like is going to come back in style!

Xbox Gamertag: Peace Salad


I have a complicated suggestion for a game either next month or the month after. Might need somebody else to check if it's possible though.

Alice Madness Returns is on ea play available through game pass ultimate. But if you go to the MS Store, you should be able to download American McGee's Alice as DLC for it for free, which is the first game in the series.

Can somebody else check if this is the case please? Ive already claimed American McGee's Alice as DLC and I can't remember if it was straightforward or not.

If it is then I'd like to stick a vote in for that, American McGee's Alice (please confirm it's possible to even claim it before adding it to the list)

The reason I choose this game is because I tried giving it a go back when Madness Returns came out and while I absolutely loved Madness Returns, it was a straightforward platforming romp that was good for somebody who just acquired a PS3 after being strictly Nintendo for a couple of generations; I just found American McGee's Alice to be too dated and too hard to play on console (it's a conversion of the original PC version).

But it's probably the sort of game that would be good to play as part of the Game Club because of that. Especially in terms of egging eachother on and helping eachother out.

See ya!


I haven’t participated in this group in a while but I did finish Cocoon last week. I think you will all enjoy it. I’m interested to hear all your thoughts.


Xbox Gamertag: lookupmore


@Balta666 I was having a look at that article, sounds like the updates make the game scarier and a bit more like survival horror so I'm not sure if it's a good or a bad thing! I was thinking that I should have played it earlier before the update went live!

See ya!


@Balta666 I didn't vote for Cocoon because I thought I would have played it already! But I got delayed and now almost certainly will after Spider-man 2, happy to change/give it my vote. Would be nice to take part, it's been a while!

I ended up playing some games leaving Gamepass instead - Signalis, Legend of Tian Ding & Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion. Signalis can probably be safely taken off the list now it's left GP


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