PS3 Megathread 2019: The Last of Us
Multiplat 2018: Horizon Zero Dawn
Nintendo 2017: Super Mario Bros 3
Playstation 2016: Uncharted 2
Multiplat 2015: Final Fantasy 7
So far this month I've added 2815 to my GS, which is not bad at all for my standard since I'm not a player who completes every game to 100%. I think that my next 1000G game will be the recent game pass addition chant of sennar, it seems like an interesting game and it was suggested to me very enthusiastically.
If I remember correctly I had mentioned a goal of 75000 by the end of the first quarter which I actually only got this weekend (the culprit is FF XIV which I played for around 120h since released on Xbox and with a total 450GS...)
Right now I am at 75604GS with a well above average month of May with 3215GS so far. This has been achieved by a completed Hellblade 2 and very consisting Tomb Raider (2013), Rise of Tomb Raider, during the game club and ultimate ninja storm (which I have been replaying for some dumb fun).
Haven't been getting much pure GS lately (this year even) as really trying to get my completion percentage up (target of 97%). I've played xDefiant over the weekend and almost done on that for the completion. Hoping to hit 97% by end of June so i can dive into a lot of games i've bought recently or gamepass additions
I was content with just reaching my goal of 500K GS but as long as there is achievements to earn on Xbox I don’t think I’ll ever stop going out of my way for them. I’m no completionist who goes for the full 1000GS in games, there’s not enough hours in the day for me plus I like to just enjoy playing games, it’s no fun just dedicating all your time and effort for that 100% but each to their own. I will go for certain ones in my play through though but that’s it. My next goal is 1 million GS but I think it will take several years to reach, if I reach it.
@Cleofa717 that's great Cleofa. Thanks for joining in. 2k plus on any given month is great going 👍
@Balta666 I was considering starting ff14 with all the online buzz, having also played every mainline game bar ff2, ff11 and ff16. MMOs are a massive timesink though and the commitment puts me off. Well done on hitting your target.
@VOODOO85 you are almost at 500k, crazy high score. Where do you think that puts you amongst every xbox user? I would be interested if we could find that out!
@MaccaMUFC and 717k, crikey Macca. That is some achievement. I find it extremely difficult to play games these days without the added achievements. It spurs me on. I've got a bunch of switch games and none of them see much playtime, no incentive to keep going other than to see the game I suppose.
PS3 Megathread 2019: The Last of Us
Multiplat 2018: Horizon Zero Dawn
Nintendo 2017: Super Mario Bros 3
Playstation 2016: Uncharted 2
Multiplat 2015: Final Fantasy 7
@themcnoisy i'm in the top 5000 of TA users but thats a very niche part of the entire Xbox community. No idea where i'd be amongst the general Xbox player base
@VOODOO85 Yeah, there doesn't seem to be a resource which holds all the information. Microsoft are unlikely to showcase that info due to data protection it seems.
I've just had a look on true achievements and someone has finished 3707 games. Crazy. That's like completing a game every day for just over 10 years. On closer inspection, that really is completing a game less than every 2 days since achievements launched in 2005.
Good luck catching up with the Kipchoge of the gaming world. 👍
PS3 Megathread 2019: The Last of Us
Multiplat 2018: Horizon Zero Dawn
Nintendo 2017: Super Mario Bros 3
Playstation 2016: Uncharted 2
Multiplat 2015: Final Fantasy 7
@themcnoisy Wunderbar! Thanks for setting this up and great work on that current GS 👍
I’m currently replaying Fallout 4 on PS5 so haven’t earned much to speak of this month. I’ve added a meagre 650 in May haha.
Happy hunting everyone 👍 and if anyone wishes to add me on Xbox, go ahead, always fun to peruse achievement lists and always on the look out for boosting friends.
for me, my play time is quite limited as my Xbox is on the main TV and I need to let my wife watch it now and again! (jk) My current score for May is 310 and I'm playing through Star Wars: Jedi Survivor. This is taking quite a bit of time as I'm exploring and collecting as much as I can before progressing the story. The next game I'll be playing is the new Senua game and I'll 100% complete that if it's as easy as the first one to do.
Current total is 118213
Like AgentCooper, if someone want to add me to their friend list feel free to do it, my gamertag is Cleofa717 like here on the forum. I have started using xbox less than a year ago and I would like to expand my friend list.
GS: 22.725
@themcnoisy My 717k pales in comparison to this one guy I have on my friends list who has over 3 million GS, that takes serious dedication.
I also have a bunch of Switch games and PS5 exclusives that I’ve yet to finish but I’m always dedicating my time to Xbox as it’s the only console where I play online. My game library currently sits at 800+ and then there’s Game Pass so I’m never short of games to play on just my Series X.
Even if GTA VI releases on PS5 Pro with significant enhancements over the Series X I’d still buy it for the Series X because I’m fully invested into the Xbox ecosystem and it’s where all my digital library of games are, plus the achievement system is so much better than PlayStation’s Trophies imo.
@MaccaMUFC That's way serious. I think going that far, whilst impressive must feature some terrible games. Like placid duck simulator, which I'm playing ATM rofl 🤣
I've added Cleofa and Coops as friends, will add you later on Balta. Does anyone know if I can give people on xbox nicknames? As I will likely forget who is who, with our pure xbox usernames being different to our xbox names.
PS3 Megathread 2019: The Last of Us
Multiplat 2018: Horizon Zero Dawn
Nintendo 2017: Super Mario Bros 3
Playstation 2016: Uncharted 2
Multiplat 2015: Final Fantasy 7
Having tried both, I agree with Macca that achievements are better than trophies.
When I was thinking about buying a series s a few months back, one of the cons of the xbox for me was the achievement system. At the time it looked to me just like a simpler and worst version of the playatation trophies. I though that maybe with xbox I would lose interest in achievement hunting because you didn't get a platinum equivalent at the end, and this to me seemed to undermine the effort of completing a game to 100%. But I have to say, now that I'm into the achievement system, I completely changed my mind. Not having a platinum is actually a good thing for me because now every single achievement matters, whereas on PS It really matters only if you get the platinum. Often I hunt achievements for games that I know I will not complete to 100%.
@Cleofa717 spot on. I played ghost of tsushima and missed one context sensitive trophy towards the backend of the game. Messed up my platinum run. Its happened on xbox and I missed 20g. It's completely different. Still a pain but not the end of the world.
GS: 283490
Forum Best Game of All Time Awards
PS3 Megathread 2019: The Last of Us
Multiplat 2018: Horizon Zero Dawn
Nintendo 2017: Super Mario Bros 3
Playstation 2016: Uncharted 2
Multiplat 2015: Final Fantasy 7
@themcnoisy Exactly, on xbox you still got 98% of what you can get out of the game in terms of points. On PS is more frustrating than anything because for a single trophy you don't get the platinum, which is what everybody cares about. Overall hunting on xbox is more enjoyable and rewarding for me.
It would have sounded absurd to me just some months ago, but I really hope microsoft never add the equivalent of platinum trophies on xbox.
It would be really nice if Microsoft could group achievements much like trophies on PS, base game has a list and dlc has a list.
I think I’ve unlocked all base game achievements now for Vampire Survivors and have started chipping away at the dlc. The dlc maps are a definite step down in terms of design and quality I think although that could just be burnout talking. I’ve logged about 73 hours on the game this year, alongside how many hours I’ve put away on Switch. Perhaps I need a little break 😂
Keeping an achievement streak helps with slowly exploring the Gamepass library. Last month, I earned the whole 1000GS on Ravenlok. I'm no completionist, but Ravenlok is not something I would have tried if not for Gamepass.
The same for Tinykin last year. Love that game and feel even if I'm not the age range for it.
@AgentCooper I hear you mate. Scrolling through the killer instinct trophy list a couple of years ago was err... killer.
@cardcrusher29 it certainly helps! I don't have gamepass ATM. I built up quite the backlog which I am almost finished with. So I will probably subscribe again in 5-6 weeks.
PS3 Megathread 2019: The Last of Us
Multiplat 2018: Horizon Zero Dawn
Nintendo 2017: Super Mario Bros 3
Playstation 2016: Uncharted 2
Multiplat 2015: Final Fantasy 7
Topic: Dedicated Achievement Hunting Thread
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