Talking Point: What Are Your Plans For The Xbox Games Showcase 2023?

Can you believe we're a little over a week away from the Xbox Games Showcase 2023?! The huge event takes place on Sunday, June 11th at 1pm ET / 6pm BST, followed by that all-important Starfield Direct.

As we approach the big day, we're interested to know what your plans are for the Showcase. Will you be watching alone? Watching with friends? Perhaps you're planning to view it in a cinema as part of Xbox FanFest?

Here at Pure Xbox HQ, we'll be beavering away during the event, working as quickly as possible to bring you all the major news, so don't worry if you aren't able to watch it - we'll make sure you don't miss anything! We'll also be hosting the show alongside a live blog and chatroom, allowing PX members to discuss it live with the rest of the community.

Whatever you decide to do, we hope you enjoy the show! Don't forget that the Xbox Games Showcase Extended 2023 event takes place the following Tuesday as well, as you can see in our June 2023 showcases roundup:

What are your plans for the Xbox Games Showcase 2023? Tell us in the comments down below.

What Are Your Plans For The Xbox Games Showcase 2023? (644 votes)

  1. Watching it live, of course!%
  2. I'll watch the full thing, but possibly not live%
  3. I'll probably just read the news / watch the bits I'm interested in%
  4. I'm not really that bothered about it to be honest%
  5. Other (tell us in the comments below!)%