Can you believe we're a little over a week away from the Xbox Games Showcase 2023?! The huge event takes place on Sunday, June 11th at 1pm ET / 6pm BST, followed by that all-important Starfield Direct.
As we approach the big day, we're interested to know what your plans are for the Showcase. Will you be watching alone? Watching with friends? Perhaps you're planning to view it in a cinema as part of Xbox FanFest?
Here at Pure Xbox HQ, we'll be beavering away during the event, working as quickly as possible to bring you all the major news, so don't worry if you aren't able to watch it - we'll make sure you don't miss anything! We'll also be hosting the show alongside a live blog and chatroom, allowing PX members to discuss it live with the rest of the community.
Whatever you decide to do, we hope you enjoy the show! Don't forget that the Xbox Games Showcase Extended 2023 event takes place the following Tuesday as well, as you can see in our June 2023 showcases roundup:
What are your plans for the Xbox Games Showcase 2023? Tell us in the comments down below.
What Are Your Plans For The Xbox Games Showcase 2023? (644 votes)
- Watching it live, of course!
- I'll watch the full thing, but possibly not live
- I'll probably just read the news / watch the bits I'm interested in
- I'm not really that bothered about it to be honest
- Other (tell us in the comments below!)
Comments 67
I wish I could watch it at the Cinema. Instead I'll watch it at home with some friends. Tbh they don't care about video games but we had already planned to meet so it'll be on in the background. We're gonna play a game though where my friends will try to guess if I'm into a game shown or not based on different elements. Should be fun.
I'll be watching it live, keeping my fingers crossed that it will blow away that pathetic showing from Sony. I'm hoping to see Hellblade 2, Forza 8 and Starfield of course. Anything more than that (Stalker 2? Fable?) will be a bonus.
Watching it live unless Nintendo decides to shadow drop something like Metroid Prime 2 or the next wave of MK8 Deluxe DLC a few days prior to the showcase.
Same as Sony and Nintendo recent ones I’ll read about it after. They’ve all been terrible last few years. Games coming in 4 years honest. Then the most hyped arrive and aren’t quite worth 4 years of hype.
They’ll never learn.
I’m not excepting anything massive. It’ll be nice to see some Forza. That will be a 9/10 with ease.
Having lunch watching on my couch alone
Well-it is happening on my 25th wedding anniversary. And I enjoy being married and want to stay that way. So I’ll definitely be watching it later. 😃
My wife is very supportive of my gaming, but understandably not on that particular day……
I don't plan on adjusting my weekend plans to watch live. I will be fishing at the family cabin but maybe if it's raining or something i will tune in. I plan on watching the full show Sunday night or Monday morning.
Live, probably with a few friends on discord. Might rope my wife into watching a little bit with me if my daughter is in a compliant mood.
I dont think Ive ever missed an Xbox E3 show, one of my favorite events of the year. I clear my calendar. I do miss E3 proper, i watch a lot more than just Xbox and Im not a fan of the dorito pope trying to fill the gap.
I'll just catch up on the news articles after the show. After the playstation showcase I'm done watching these show live.
I'll be watching it live I can't wait I Hope hellblade 2 and avowed get release dates for next year and other surprises starfiled looks amazing I hope it's 60fps as well the showcase is going be amazing hopefully
I’ll probably be watching it on my phone at home. Depends how the weekend goes. The day before is my oldest’s graduation party from High School so I might still be busy cleaning up after the party. I’m keeping my expectations low for the showing. I don’t want to end up disappointed. I’m looking forward to it, but not expecting to be blown away.
I'm camping so I'll be watching it back home after the fact.... either with popcorn cuz I'm exhausted or on the bike cuz I'm fat lol.
Unfortunately I'm working until probably around the time it finishes. But I'll likely watch it as soon as I'm home (if it's available) so I can watch as if it was live and having not read anything yet.
Usually like to just watch it later because the stream quality tends to always be 1080p or lower, but actually a bit hyped so might watch it live.
Might be interested in the cinema stuff if it happens to be shown on the nearby theater, might be kinda fun to meet other local Xbox fans. At the same time, still wary of the ‘rona.
Oh wow it starts 1pm US time? Was expecting to be in the night and was gonna just catch up on the news the next day, but seeing as it's in the evening here in Europe, will definitely catch it live.
Here's to finally getting a damn release date for Forza Motorsport that's not 2024 or something crazy like that. 😂
Watching it by myself because I have no friends 😭😭
I will most likely be watching on my phone or tablet, I'm quite looking forward to see what first party titles are going to be shown, After the last two shows from xbox which were disappointing I'm expecting this one to be something special and for them to go all out with a lot of first party announcements, reveals and gameplay trailers.
Personally I'm hoping to see some State of Decay 3 and Avvowed.
The wife and I will watch it either live or later in the evening. Hopefully she doesn’t fall asleep in this one like she did in the Sony Showcase!
Me and the ball and chain (wife) will be watching it together like every year. Looking forward to seeing what they show
Like most Xbox fans, I'll be draping a British flag over my toilet and watching it from my throne.
Then again, for Yanks and Ozzies, that's just what we normally do anyway.
Come on here and watch YouTube videos.Isn’t that what the sensible folks do .And not listen to some person talk utter drivel for ten minutes and just to show a 45 second video clip .
I'll watch it alone because I like the no interruptions of loud laughing or taking through it.
My pet hate is when someone talks all the way through the film
I wasn't that interested, I normally just read the updates here, but now I kinda wanna watch it live. Do we know how long is it gonna be?
@Lup The Starfield section at the end is about 40 mins
We're moving about 1500 miles around that time so I'll have to watch later sad times truly.
Best believe I'll be watching it live 😇
Watching it live. It's been a brilliant week so far for reveals. Metal gear, dragon dogma 2, just to name two. Also, starfield. STARFIELD. Played almost every Bethesda game, loved almost every single one. 10000% certain I'll love Starfield.
Thanks for the answer! Might be able to watch the whole thing if it's not too long.
If I don't see any news about state of decay I will be pissed.
Gonna be live at the Xbox Fanfest in LA!!
@Lup With two hours' worth of runtime, chances are good that many of Xbox's prime upcoming titles will get their own time in the sun
According to Google
@gollumb82 We already know Starfield has its own show and they will 100% show Forza.
Yeah, guess I should have added I'm actually hoping to learn the launch dates of both.
im gonna watch live with my xbox series x. if starfield does not get a 60 fps mode at launch, my xbox and i will take a little trip to the shooting range.
@gollumb82 Starfield on 9/6! I figured winter for Forza. I really hope they didn’t show that weird teaser that looks like Fable dust trail for no reason. I need some Fable!
Used to have friends over and watch it live, this year the plan is to watch the live stream with VR since we all live too far away to do it like that anymore
I'll read the recap here.
I usually watch it live with a cup of coffee and then I’ll rewatch when they post the 4K version of the segments I want. Then I’ll watch the developers commentary. Pretty excited for it.
Going to watch live and cheer and scream at my phone at each trailer. But the Starfield segment is what I am most interested in. The rest are just cherries on my ice cream…
Gonna watch it live. In a theater if one is close.
The end of the showcase better be MS announcing that they are acquiring McDonalds.
We’ve done this for years (during E3) but my friends and I have a guys day. We play classic games (local multiplayer) in a mini tourney around the showcase. Then watch the showcase together. Then play some more. Pizza, wings, and snacks make it a party.
Granted, it was way more fun when there were four conferences in a day and we played in between. (MS, EA, Ubisoft, Sony like it used to be).
@SplooshDmg ok this officially made me laugh harder than I have for a while. Appreciate it! Lol
@FatalBubbles I’m excited about Fable too! Really hoping it shows up. I’m downloading Fable Anniversary and playing through it again right now.
Wat time’s it on UK?
Watch it live. It's at a good time of day to do that, for me.
I voted for "i will just watch the news because im not familiar with USA timing, if im home I will definitely watch it
@Lastatopiny 5pm
This would be a terrible betrayal to the legacy of the Sneak King!!! If Xbox is going to acquire a fast food chain, it better be BK, that way we can finally get Sneak King 2!
@Tharsman That's what all this merger talk is all about. MS doesn't care about CoD or Candy Crush. This is about Big Bumpin' 2!
I use to watch the E3 Xbox event with my kids but they have all grown up and moved out so I'll be watching alone.
I’ll be watching on my iPad Pro in my game room with headphones on. Hoping the next game shown is Gears of War collection. I pretty much always watch these alone. Then come to Pure Xbox, my favorite Xbox website and chat with all of you. Hoping to see y’all first appreciate all the hard work and time it takes for the Pure Xbox team to put this info out and then also that most of you will be happy with it and confident Xbox is in a good place and we can all have fun expressing our excitement.
I'll be watching it live, like every year. Counting down the days!
I SWEAR...... If they do not announce every single game thats been in development forever and a whole bunch of new ones to suprise us and tell us that they are all going to be available tomorrow and they are absolute playstation destroying awesomeneness, I'm gonna get all of my Xboxes, all of my games and anything else that is Xbox related, rent a bulldozer and run over all of it multiple times while chugging whiskey and playing Pantera as loud as the human ears can take. Then I'm gonna get the aftermath and melt it all with thermite. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH XBOX!!!! Of course I will be livestreaming it. I have to pay for all of that somehow.
EDIT: In case people didn't get it, that whole post was complete sarcasm.
@Tharsman I just remembered I have the three Sneak King games still sealed. I guess I'm kind of hoping they'll be worth something someday, but probably not.
That's about time miss 3 will be rocking in to my room (5 am) to wake me up so I'd say I'll pop it on the phone while she's cranking Peppa Pig or Bluey
Excited that you're going to do a live chat! Will definitely have to swing by for that 🤘
I'll be watching it Live on Twitch at home
I'll be watching it live, but I'm trying to avoid spoilers and hype.
FH5 was ruined for me by the reports of it ahead of the showcase, while HiFi Rush while I'd seen a rumour it seemed miles out so the shadow drop was a big surprise.
I can't avoid all spoilers I suspect as I do keep an eye on games media, but I'm taking everything with a pinch of salt (for example that stuff about Fable) and I'll be happily surprised if we get anything more than what we know is coming (Forza Motorsport and Starfield).
While Hellblade 2 might appear I'm not a huge fan, but I'll consider it amazing if I see either a new interesting game or Avowed / Fable / Indiana Jones game - keeping expectations low so I can just enjoy it
No Redfall news, No CGI, Release dates, Shadowdrop, Better GPU releases, Demo's & a Roadmap!
Dude, your Xbox is in for a rough day that day. Not a chance Starfield is gonna be 60fps. Literally, not a chance. Still gonna be an amazing game imo, but you will have to settle for 30fps if you're gonna play it. Make sure you give it a proper burial afterwards.
Probably eating an edible and immersing myself into the show on a whole different level… LFG
My plan is to look at some sort of summary article and/or video after it. Never really watch these kinda things live, then I can focus on what really interests me.
I'll be busy then so probably just check out the highlights, and these days "previews" are pretty much worthless for whether a game will be worthwhile or not. They'll hype up Starfield to high heaven, but look at Bethesda's last big Xbox exclusive...
I'll probably watch it live at home. Just the presence of starfield and Forza already makes this significantly more interesting as a showcase to me. Add it some fable, avowed and potential persona 3 remake and I'd be very happy. Would love to see a release date for a few previously announced gamepass games too
@RIghteousNixon im gonna melt the parts in acid........ very slowly ha ha ha
We at The Gamers Pass Podcase will be streaming it and reacting to it (Shameless Plug)
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