Welcome to the weekend! If you're looking for ways to keep busy on Xbox over the next few days, we've got multiple new Xbox Game Pass titles, four fantastic Xbox Free Play Days additions, the arrival of Antstream Arcade for retro gaming enthusiasts, a beta for The Crew Motorfest, and lots of great deals in the ongoing Ultimate Game Sale.
Here's what we're playing this weekend:
Fraser Gilbert, Editor
Antstream Arcade is definitely on the cards for me this weekend, as I've been having a great time revisiting (as well as discovering) some retro classics with the service over the past few days. One of the games I'm really enjoying right now is the 1993 Amiga title Soccer Kid, which is a tough platformer that I'd never heard of until this week!
The other game I want to jump back into is Police Simulator: Patrol Officers, which just received a pretty major update across all platforms. This game is always in the Xbox charts, and although it may not be the most polished experience out there, it's still a fun little simulation game that's worth considering if you see it in the sales.
Have a good weekend, folks!
What Xbox games are you playing this weekend? Let us know down in the comments below.
Comments 34
I’m at 75% completion in FF16 now, as of last night. If I have time, I will continue playing it. What a stunning game! Though it does have its issues, I think it may be my favorite game I’ve played this year at this point.
I’m also relatively close to completing the wonderful Megaman homage of Gravity Circuit on my Switch too.
Battlefield 1 story mode
I haven’t played much of anything this week since I was on vacation (Blink-182 was amazing live!) and subsequently worked once I got back; however, I finally beat Final Fantasy 16.
I did absolutely everything you can do - all hunts, trials, side quests, and so forth. Personally, I find it the best PS5 exclusive by a quarter mile and I don’t think I’ll ever forget this experience.
As for what I’ll be playing this weekend - I briefly started Killzone: Liberation on the PSP. I’ve been in an old school mood, and I have had this game in my backlog for a long time. So far, it’s fun. It’s definitely a good palate cleanser from the heavy narrative in FFXVI.
I also decided to buy The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel II. I loved and beat the first game many years ago, and then I accidentally broke my PS Vita and never got around to playing the rest of the series even though I owned a PS4 and now a PS5. I considered the game(s) the perfect handheld JRPG experience - but I am getting another PS Vita soon, and I need another game to tide me over until Starfield releases.
This weekend I'm continuing to make my way through Trails to Azure and Like a Dragon: Ishin!.
I did also beat Diablo IV's main campaign a while back so now I no longer need to worry about that game being in my backlog and can focus on better(and more fun) games.
Hogwarts Legacy. Great game.
I finished deathloop last night. I put more than 40hs to finish it (can't believe how some people said it took them 12hs) I absolutely loved it. I bounced back the first time i played it but im glad i gave it another chance.
So I'll take a few days off gaming, perhaps continue a bit with midnight suns after a break.
Have a nice weekend everyone!
Remnant 2, The Crew Motorfest (beta) and Diablo 4. Can’t start a season yet in D4 cos I still haven’t finished the main story 🙄
Angry Birds Rio (Windows Phone) - Finally in the end zone for this game.
Imperia Online (Windows Phone) - Daily grinding once again.
Antstream Arcade! The challenges are fun and quite addicting!
I've just finished Metro Exodus this week so I'm now gunna move onto Diablo 4 I think. I also started Carmageddon Max Damage as it's been in my backlog for years and I wanted to cause some chaos haha.
Persona 5R and Halo Infinite MP
I've actually started Elden Ring. Played an hour thus far. I have no idea what I'm doing yet but I'll keep at it. On switch diablo 3.
The Crew Motorfest Beta. I love it so far.
@fabisputza007 I just finished it today too. Good fame but not as good as prey
@fabisputza007 I think I beat it in about 12 hours or so. It was between 10-15 hours total. I really liked how quick and punchy the game was in comparison to what Arkane typically does.
Right so this weekend is a interesting one. The game I chose to main as the article said this weekend is Advance Wars, HOWEVER THERES A TWIST. That’s most likely for tomorrow Sunday. That’s because today I’ll most likely have no gaming as I embark on the weekend event of Barbenheimer. That’s right I’m seeing the two movies like probably half of America at this point. Technically I’ve participated in Barminheimer by picking up Pikmin 4 as well but I won’t be playing that. For Advance Wars I’m actually having slight fun by following a IGN Video Guide to the T so I’m almost done with it instead of struggling and getting really upset. I’m on Mission 19. Over on the PS5 I’ll most likely be playing some FFXVI tonight and due to special circumstances this week honestly probably some RE5, Fortnite, SF6 and other assorted fighting games but I’ll get to that in a bit. I actually beat RE5 this week so I just gotta wrap up the other DLC and then I can move onto RE6 for my marathon. As for anime this weekend it’s simple. Some Atelier Ryza, My Tiny Senpai, Zom 100, Liar Liar, Ayaka, and one of my new all time favorites Bungou Stray Dogs. As for those special circumstances this week I have basically nothing but morning shifts whereas normally I have nothing but night shifts. Now this is slightly bad for me as I stay up late hahahaha. But you know what it isn’t bad for? SWITCH GAMESSSSSSSSSSS. I’ve plans to go on a game starting Smorgasbord. Plans currently are sessions for Trails To Azure and Advance Wars to make progress in them. But also to start loads of games like Paranormasight, We ❤️ Katamari, Ghost Trick, Rain Code and of course Pikmin 4. Granted there won’t be much PS5 gaming but that’s why I labeled games that are easy to jump in and do a couple rounds in like fighting games, Fortnite and the minimal wrapping I gotta do in RE5. Very very excited about all this. Happy Gaming to everyone and have a excellent weekend everyone.
Dipping in and out of Witcher 3, Octopath Traveler 2, Chained Echoes, Tales of Arise (demo) and FF VII Remake. Too busy to sit down and make a concerted effort with either of them so I'm playing whatever takes my fancy in the moment.
Also picked up an Elgato HD60X and playing around with some captures using OBS (on M1 MBA). Takes plenty of trial and error - and research - to get anything remotely good and think I might have nailed 1080p 60.
Minimal gaming for me this weekend as I'm away. I'll be carrying on with Halo guardians when I get back on Sunday afternoon
Happy gaming everyone 👍👍
Xbox - New Super Lucky's Tale
Ps2 - dark cloud
Ps5 - probably nothing
Pc/steam deck - dying light
Switch - nothing
Still playing Zelda and Jedi survivor with break of HiFi Rush in between
@Mrta1977 yeah.. for me :
dishonored 2, prey and deathloop in that order.
All three are amazing games though
I've been playing a little of Figment 2 today. I'm enjoying it a lot. I just wish one of the main voices was less annoying, but it's lots of fun so far.
Just Beat: Dead Rising (Series X)
Now Playing: Doom 2 (Series X) & Dead Rising 2 (Series X)
Up Next: Blake Stone - Planet Strike (PC) & Dead Rising 3 (SeriesX)
Series X back compat is simply a beautiful thing. I am catching up on so many classics I missed out on and have a stellar lineup on deck. Probably in my top 5 favorite consoles!
Note to the staff* Whenever you include a games screenshot please include a footer source or games name. Thanks
I'm on vacation so I'm not specifically playing anything in particular, but I was showing my brother A Plague Tale: Requiem and Resident Evil 4 Remake on my gaming laptop since he really only cares about how games look, and we played both games for a little while. We tried to play Portal: Prelude RTX too, but it turns out it will not work with a controller, even in Steam's big picture mode, so I will have to save that for myself when I get back home.
Gotham Knights. Cracking game this and almost as good as the Arkham games, in my opinion. Definitely doesn't deserve the negativity surrounding it.
@Grail_Quest Blake Stone ❤️ Dead Rising ❤️ Great games! And I agree backwards compatibility is an amazing thing.
As for me I was planning to blast through the rest of The Ascent with a friend but we haven’t had a chance yet so it’s been either finishing FFXVI or Pikmin 2.
Remnant 2 all weekend long.
A lot of Cyberpunk for me lately, enjoying it a lot. Also picked up NBA2K23 in the sales. Great fun and love Doris's commentary.
Diablo 4 with a few games of Exoprimal mixed in.
Just got to a breaking point in DS2. Such a frustrating game after beating in order Elden Ring, Bloodborne, DS3 and DS. May just stop playing and wait for Starfield. Does anyone have any tips for DS2?
PIKMIN 4, what else.
@Grail_Quest have a good time. Dead Rising 3 is the best of the series in my opinion.
@Knightmere Same here, very addictive. How-ever, back in the day when I had an Amiga, I used to think my high-scores where unbeatable... now having them uploaded to the world, it turns out they weren't that great after all... LOL!!!
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