Talking Point: Have You Ever Bought A Controller From Xbox Design Lab?

Back in the day, we used to love getting special edition Xbox controllers - especially game themed ones. During the 360 and early Xbox One days there were some amazing official pads out there, but once Xbox Design Lab became a thing, the program sort of took over as the de facto limited edition controller factory for Xbox.

Of course, we do still get some special edition controllers, often when a big game comes around or something like that. However, even those have been shifted to Xbox Design Lab recently with the likes of Redfall and Fallout. Game themed or not though, have you ever visited the site and configured one of these for yourself?

We have, a while ago, and we've no real complaints about the service or the quality of the controller. We've got an Xbox One era Design Lab pad still knocking around here at PX HQ, and it's still going strong despite some, ahem, intense gaming sessions while using it!

Since then though, we've never really thought about dipping back into the program. The Redfall/Fallout editions did tempt us we must admit, but to be honest, we just want more game themed controllers generally - whether they're in Design Lab or not. Gears has always been a big one for Xbox hardware - here's hoping Gears of War: E-Day delivers some amazing stuff in this regard when it launches.

Anyway, have you used Xbox Design Lab before? What do you make of the program, is your Design Lab pad still holding up? Vote in the poll and talk to us down in the comments!

What Do You Think About Xbox Design Lab? (347 votes)

  1. I love it, it's a really cool program!27%
  2. It's a good service to have for unique controllers22%
  3. It needs more options, but I like the idea18%
  4. It's not great3%
  5. I've never used Xbox Design Lab / it's not available for me!30%