This is another good news, bad news situation! The good news is that Baldur's Gate 3 has received a new update featuring various Xbox fixes, but the bad news is that players are still having issues with the game deleting their saves.
This BG3 update, known as Hotfix #14, is around 1GB in size and targets a few instances of crashes on Xbox, as you can see in the patch notes down below. There are also some general fixes that focus on multiple platforms.
- Fixed a potential crash when trying to load a savegame in Honour Mode.
- Fixed a potential crash when a second player joins on split-screen.
- Allocated additional memory to fix a crash during the initial cloud sync on Xbox.
- Fixed a potential Xbox crash relating to DLCs.
- Fixed a crash related to cloths.
- Fixed a potential crash.
- Fixed the DC for pickpocketing a container not accounting for the weight and value of the items inside the container.
- Fixed a potential blocker if the host disconnects their Xbox wireless controller while there is a virtual keyboard on screen.
- Fixed a possible crash when trading with NPCs in the Underdark while a party character is near a bibberbang.
As for the deleted saves issue though? Well, some players are reporting that they actually lost progress after installing this new update, but ultimately it's something that's been going on since the game arrived on Xbox last week.
From what we can tell, this issue seems to be something to do with Baldur's Gate 3 having such large filesizes for game saves - ours is around 93MB compared to the 1MB or less for most titles. Xbox pushed out a system update this week which didn't prove successful for BG3, but another test already appears to be in the works for Xbox Insiders.
It's a problem that clearly a lot of Baldur's Gate 3 players are running into on Xbox, so you may want to hold off for a little while longer until it gets resolved. That said, our reviewer is deep into a playthrough right now and hasn't lost their save game yet, so you might get lucky! Let's hope Xbox and Larian can find a permanent fix very soon.
How are you getting on with Baldur's Gate 3 on Xbox? Let us know down in the comments below.
Comments 18
On BG3 specifically, while nobody is questioning the quality of the game, the release has been technically poor on PC, PS and now Xbox, with various issues on every platform.
It still amazes me the state games release in these days, across almost all publishers and platforms.
Do better
Sincerely yours,
Gamers everywhere
Game of the year right here, most celebrated developer right now, who had months to get this port right.
Are people doing the ‘belt and braces’ approach that I suggested the other day? Save before you finish playing, fully quit the game, don’t quick resume - just start the game and reload your save. It worked for me with the corrupted save issue on PS5 and I’ve used the same method on Xbox with no problems at all.
GOTY... this is mad
@JayJ @Sakai Thank you for saying it. I’m sort of glad that Xbox users are actually coming out about the issues because I felt the pain on PS and I had to dig to find out if I was alone in it. I told a friend of mine, even if the game is the greatest of all time, because the bugs were so bad, I could never come close to saying it’s GotY, especially not with the incredible competition it’s had. Since then, I can say that I do like the game and think it’s great, but it’s arguably the hardest game for me to personally evaluate this year.
While Alan Wake 2 is my personal GotY, I do feel that TotK objectively deserved GotY over BG3 as a technical achievement in excellence.
This fix solved all my problems. Cross saves were causing crashes and no longer do. No other save issues so far.
Maybe I am a “glass half full” kind person because I see these issues as a good thing - despite players being frustrated with it.
Clearly Microsoft has issues with large save files - perhaps it was on oversight, error, or just lack of hindsight to think save file sizes would get “too big” for the system to properly handle 100% of the time.
This game is showing Microsoft that things need to change - especially as games get more and more ambitious in scope. And given reports that Insiders have an update to help address these issues on the Xbox backend, it’s proving to already have a positive change!
Sure it sucks now as gamers are having to suffer for it; but this seems to be the kind of thing that may have only come to light when being played outside of a controlled environment.
Game of the year, people! Man, those awards are a joke.
@GamingFan4Lyf I agree totally! It's irritating me as someone who wants to play the new £60 game I bought, but if it means Xbox can fix something on the backend that remedies this situation for multiple games, that'll ultimately be a good thing.
@somnambulance Yeah I find it amazing how in an era when it seems like every big developer comes under fire for any issues their games might have, how a game like this can have it's issues, this serious, shoved under a rug so it can get praised and placed on a pedestal. Everyone has become so biased it's just ridiculous.
@JayJ No kidding. For a comparison point, a bunch of people on NintendoLife pretty much told me stop defending Pokemon Violet due to its frame rate issues and stuttery animations. Because of that and it getting lampooned so heavily on social media, people outright attacked the game regularly and anyone that said it had its perks was considered crazy. Meanwhile, we get the exact opposite story with Baldur’s Gate 3. And honestly, I never had a hard crash on my Switch from Pokemon Violet. You remove crashes and sure BG3 IS the superior game, but I can’t ignore the problems I had and I’m going to be vocal about it simply because others are so critical of other games that have had far lesser issues and been trashed. The interesting thing too is that many of the same people that posted “omg lol crap animations Pokémon” are the people that say “Baldur’s Gate 3 is perfect. Forgive its flaws. It’s beyond that.” Just saying. It’s such a direct comparison point in the group, at least that I’ve observed.
@somnambulance Yup, I am very familiar with that sort of mentality coming from today's proud e-warriors as a fan of Starfield. It's like god forbid I might actually enjoy the game and find it appealing, because there's some bugs with it, meanwhile the darling of those people, BG3, has a game-ruining problem that deletes saves, and it's like how dare you even acknowledge that, the game must be praised.
Stuff like this has made me really lose interest in being a part of most online gaming communities these days. Everyone has become so toxic and fanboyish, it's just annoying, and it's made today's buzz/hype/feedback misleading to the point where it's become worthless.
@GamingFan4Lyf was thinking the same. Short term pain, long term gain
@JayJ I totally get it. While I have my complaints about Starfield, more power to you if you enjoyed it. Games are never going to gel with everyone. As someone that really enjoyed Forspoken, well… you can imagine how I feel sometimes reading the commentary on that from people that definitely didn’t get two hours into the game. And that game, to my knowledge, didn’t even have any serious bugs at launch! It’s just crazy how “follow the leader” the population can be. I mean, I do miss the good old days sometimes of people just finding games they liked and not necessarily having a cult around or against them, unless of course word of mouth prevailed. I do appreciate this community for largely having a lot of different and unique voices. I appreciate my friends too because they are ok with arguing with me and the industry at large if they disagree. Lol.
@somnambulance Yeah, I think you just have to find good corners to stick to these days. Like this is usually a rather friendly community, and if you look around you can usually find some people who are nice to talk to, but wow, some areas on the internet can be really toxic, especially the bigger ones. There is definitely a real "follow the leader" sort of situation, where people will simply gravitate towards whatever the popular consensus is wherever they are at. As I've gotten older I've lost interest in having anything to do with that, it's like I have really developed my own taste and understanding when it comes to video games, so I am likely to conflict with others who are all about whatever the most popular or safest thing to be saying could be. I honestly think a lot of people act that way simply because they're pressured to fit in anyways, while I just prefer being more authentic.
I feel the modern day social media atmosphere has really screwed things up in a sense, where there can be all this pressure to fit in with different popular crowds, cults, and cliques. I guess some people just really love having that sort of connection, but if I can't relate I usually find them off-putting/toxic to be around, as I have been around a lot of them that just treat people like garbage. There is definitely the situation where you can become the company you keep as well, if people behave poorly, it's probably not a good crowd to be hanging out with, and they will probably have a bad effect on you in the end.
So yeah, I just think the best thing to do is to be yourself, not being afraid to be outspoken, and sticking to people who can be friendly towards others with contrary taste and opinions.
@JayJ I couldn’t agree with you more. I agree with everything you’ve said. I am personally off the big social medias and have been for about 10 years. I’ve been a forum lurker instead! Lol. But I feel like forums are “my people,” you know? I think social media has created this tunnel vision in people because the algorithms send content that either people agree with or regularly search, for better or worse. It has people charged up all the time rather than open. I am so grateful to anyone that can be civil and disagree on things and learn from opposing opinions if necessary.
@somnambulance Yeah I agree with that as well. Mass social media is basically just a tool to manipulate the general public with, controlled by big corporations with big interests. Smaller forums and sites like this can be a good way to escape that IMO. Even then, some sites and forums can fall victim to toxic crowds, smaller group settings can have their issues. It can be hard to find good corners and spots on the internet where people are open to discussions, but when you find them it can be the best place to discuss interests. Big platforms are usually overwhelming to me, and I often seem to get lost in all the noise.
@Sakai this is every larian game since the new company formed out of the ashes of the old. Their strategy for DOS1 and 2 was about halfway into fixing stuff to abanden the original launch with some complete addition nonsense that they were working on and just never fix the original version they did this with both games.
To be fair they always gave the improved version to players for free on steam not on console though and if your games that you paid for is unplayable for the next six months While they work on the super duper version thats kinda well poor on them. When they did the early access for eaons thing I thought they maybe were trying to iron the process out better. Guess not! I am still waiting for the announcement We are working on the bear love super duper version so fixes on this version has stopped we shall see.
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