Rarely does a video game stay in my regular rotation as often as this one, so I thought I'd take some time today to remember its anniversary. Even long-tail multiplayer offerings that are supported for ages typically lose my attention after a couple of years, but there's something about DICE's debut Xbox One title that's still incredibly fun to this day. Yep, 2013's Battlefield 4 just turned 10 (at least the Xbox 360/PC/PS3 version did) over the weekend - and I'm here to remind y'all that it's still well-populated and very good fun in 2023.
This was the Swedish developer's first foray into full-scale Battlefield on console, and boy did they knock it out of the park. Yes, it suffered from a buggy launch and yes, it probably should have been delayed due to the amount of platforms it had to release on in late 2013, but the core of the game was always fantastic and the team managed to turn things around in a big way post-launch.

Truth be told, I'd always been pretty jealous of the PC Battlefield 3 experience a couple of years prior in 2011 - the 360 version of that game was okay but it just didn't compare to the full 64-player experience. We finally got that with BF4 when it made its Xbox One debut shortly after the initial launch, and despite those early issues I mentioned, I've still been playing this game on the regular ever since.
The game's gunplay is fantastic; the interplay between infantry classes, vehicular combat, gadgets, environmental destruction and all the rest of it is largely unmatched to this day. A few of the Battlefield titles that arrived later last generation got some of these elements right - but things never came together the way they did with Battlefield 4. Call of Duty has done its best to go large-scale in recent years as well, and while that's been fun in its own right, Battlefield's vehicular gameplay and destruction elements play a big role in what makes BF4 so special.
You might think, this game is a bit old now isn't it? How does it play 10 years later? Well, a couple of Xbox features really do help smooth out the experience in 2023. First off, the game is part of Xbox Game Pass Ultimate thanks to EA Play — meaning there's always populated servers going — and secondly, Battlefield 4 supports FPS Boost on Xbox Series X and S - providing smooth 120FPS gameplay on both current-gen Xbox consoles. The visuals might not be the best a decade after launch, but the title still holds up in the all-important gameplay department.
I will admit there's not much to go at here for single-player or co-op fans, but if you're into your PvP shooters Battlefield 4 is still absolutely worth playing on Xbox Game Pass in 2023. Battlefield 2042 does an okay job and is much improved in its own right since launch, but for my money it still doesn't quite cut the mustard - Battlefield 4 remains the best Battlefield on Game Pass, and one of the best FPS titles in the library.
Any of you still play Battlefield 4, or is it just me that's stuck in 2013? Tell us your favourite Game Pass FPS titles down below!
Comments 20
Loved playing Battlefield 4 on Xbox One launch, Amazing game.. But my favorite Battlefield is Battlefield 1.. It's great to see alot of people still playing BF4..
What's the player count like then?
I'll throw another one out there: Perfect Dark, the best local multiplayer FPS ever made is also on Game Pass. 23 years old and still no game has come close to rivalling it's depth of options.
I'm not much of an online player really but I did play through the campaign of Battlefield 4 earlier this year and thought it was absolutely wicked 👍
To me - the last Battlefield I enjoyed and spent a lot of time in the MP mode...
It's amazing how far downhill FPS have gone over the past decade. We no longer get any good solo tactical games like Tom Clancy's Vegas, COD and Battlefield have lost their way, and live service zoomer shooters/battle royale games have become all the rage for publishers. It's no wonder I rarely see anything that excites me there anymore.
It really is a shame it never got a resolution bump.
It was one of the earliest examples of the disparity between the Xbox One and PS4 where it ran at 720p on the Xbox but 900p on the PS4.
Ultimately picked it up on PC because even a potato is able to run it at 1440p/60. But my PC is cranking it to a native 4K at 144fps without will overhead still left..
I’m going for Titanfall 2.
Greatest Battlfield was, for me, Bad Company 2 loved Vietnam Fortunate Son and flame throwers and was even in a clan for that game oh and how I loved them tanks especially blowing them up... big maps which was something COD couldnt match and vehicles you drive not just look at as you run past ...I'm not discounting the hot swap feature of the first console Battlefield which was so innovative and was dropped on next outing...
From the story timeline on the front page, the fact that the title of the article says nothing about which game the author is talking about makes this soapbox article feel like clickbait.
The holy trinity of Battlefield: Vietnam, 4 and BC2
Battlefield 3 and 4 are by far the best multiplayer of the franchise. Without question.
Downloaded and played last night found a game no problem just that arse in the helicopter killing me ruined it ha
@ebony-shabba BF4 launched with the PS4, I remember it well. I played that game for years. I recently downloaded it too on my XBS, belter of a game. Battlefield 1 I still play too.
I tried BF4 it's fine. I got into Hardline more a few weeks ago (got to again, also 360 two disks hard drive storage is fun to just have as an oddity besides it's fair storage reasons) I didn't mind the police angle like SWAT or like Immortals of Aveum theme wise (something different) as was easier but I'll try 4 again. I know it had good elements in the singleplayer which is why I do want to play it. Multiplayer I did hear bits about.
I just didn't get the strategy at a certain point even though played BF games before or ones like it like SW BF 2004/05 or BF 2015/2017 (yes I know made by Dice. I have to get into playing Mirror's Edge Catalyst to play more or their racing games in the future for retro collecting/playing). I love the Vita support in the PS4 version.
Still BF2MC is my favourite that swap feature will never not be fun/the maps were fine, challenges content, gunplay.
@ebony-shabba There's still a good number of players for it being a game that's now 10 years old. I play it fairly often and finding a full large conquest server is never a problem, there's still a que to get in some of them in the afternoon through later part of the evening if not layer.
I loved playing BF4 on PS3: years ago. In 2017 or early part of 2018 I installed it after seeing it on game pass (EA play at the time) and fell in love with it again. Operation Metro is by far my favorite map, especially for large conquest. No vehicles and tight quarter infantry, especially inside the ticket hall and subway tunnel where objectives B and C are located.
Dog I'm sorry but I hopped in a few months ago and it was dead af. Is it really "populated"?
Battlefield 4 is crazy amazing. I just find it hilarious how they tried a Battle Royale game mode and it didn't get much love. However, the squad deathmatch was it's Battle Royale in its own right. I think if they focused on that game mode battlefield would take off to the competitive scene.
@Burnthouse bfbc 1 & 2 I played so much on the xbox 360 together with cod mw1, blops 1 and mw2
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