During yesterday's Halo Infinite Season 5 trailer, the team at 343 Industries revealed that some form of Firefight is returning to the game with 'Firefight King of the Hill'. We don't have all the details just yet on what this objective-based spin on Firefight will actually look like, but we're excited about it, and the prospect of more PvE Halo Infinite is something that excites us here at PX HQ.
In the months since Halo Infinite's arrival on the scene in late 2021, it's been obvious that the game's multiplayer component needed building out. It was barebones at launch to say the least, but since then the team has added lots of new features and content to the game's online offering - such as a new ranking system, Forge mode, limited-time playlists, new weapons, new maps, new cosmetics and more.
However, we'd now argue that MP is about where it needs to be to thrive, and we'd love for 343 to explore other aspects of Halo Infinite in greater detail. We're not saying it's time to abandon the online portion of Infinite, but more PvE experiences would be great for those of us who don't always want to get continually owned in competitive PvP.
Ever since the team moved its focus away from campaign we've been hankering for more co-op Halo Infinite - the combat is just so good and the game deserves to be fleshed out more in a PvE setting. Will this new version of Firefight satiate us for a while in that department? We hope so, but we also hope it's not the end for co-op updates to Halo Infinite.
First off, a classic version of Firefight similar to Halo: Reach's effort would be great, but... why stop there? The game's campaign has a huge open sandbox that could be rife for new and unique co-op modes outside of the main story, and we wonder if this could be a new direction for the title given that campaign DLC seems a no-go at this point. Remember 'Spartan Ops' from Halo 4? New co-op missions on a regular basis would be great for PvE preferers - alongside smaller additions to the multiplayer suite of course.
Anyway, for now we're happy that Firefight King of the Hill has shown us that 343 is still considering new co-op experiences for Halo Infinite. We just hope that the team doesn't stop there!
Do you want more co-op to come to Halo Infinite? Leave your thoughts on this topic down below.
Comments 23
Honestly the game is playing great at the moment. I spent around 400 hours in it when it launched and outside of needing more content the gameplay was fun. I just got tired of playing the same 3 maps. After coming back to it half way into season 4, 343 is doing a great job finally after getting rid of a lot of staff that clearly didn’t have great content nor plans for the game. I am sure the player base will never just come running back to infinite but it needed to be said the game is in a really good place at the moment. Not perfect and still lot’s of work to do. But i am impressed by what i am seeing and playing.
With forgeable AI, I’m sure the community will come up with something.
Big changes are coming to Forge with season 5 in how game types are being created. I heard there’s going to be a mini-game game type or a less ridging game type which allows for multiple objectives. This could lead to PvE forge levels maybe?
I would love a 4-player coop mode in the same way as darktide or destiny. Spartan Ops was close but unlimited lives removed the need for teamwork and repetitive maps weren't engaging.
I think a narrative for the spartan 4 is a necessity at this point. The multiplayer cinematics were downright awful and I'd like a reason for my spartan to exist beyond killing other spartans.
Lack of co-op is one of the main reasons I haven't gotten to Infinite yet. I mostly enjoy halo as a coop experience and it's such a shame they moved away from it
I'd just be happy for them to get multiplayer right.
Squad Battle was a great start. But they've done pretty much nothing with it at this point. 4 ot 5 maps? Should have a dozen, minimum at this point. Especially with the amazing maps the community makes that puts 343's own to shame.
I should really look in on Infinite again. I absolutely battered multiplayer for a while but haven't played since campaign co-op launched (didn't finish it; the missus lost interest).
Quick after the showing of the PS5 slim get Xbox to do a video showing this is how you stand a series X horizontal and vertically straight out of the box no stand required and no need to purchase a separate expensive vertical stand.
Just to get revenge for the Sony sharing a game video in the Xbox one and PS4 days. 😂
Halo Infinite was so expandable single player wise and they have just let it drop.
They could have had us going to a different part of Zeta Ring etc etc. Dam shame as the shooting mechanic and grappling hook fps was top notch.
I agree. More Co-Op, PvE experiences please!!
@OldGamer999 HAHA right! I have a Series X and PS5 but wow is the PS5 still ugly to me and it needs a stand to lay flat. I mean that is the definition of over engineered. It’s so pointless and odd design choice. I did throw on the black Sony plates and it made it look a little better. But i hope the rumored Slim and Pro look a lot less stupid. Don’t even get me started on Sony controllers. Haha
Yeah I think it would be aswome to see more Coop content for Halo Infinity! Really hope in genereal that 343 Industries have the resources they need to expand the Halo Universe.
The slim is out and been announced today and looks no different to me.
Both disc and digital come with little legs to stand it horizontally only.
If you want to stand it vertically you have buy a separate stand at extra Sony cost 😂
They really should have designed the whole stand rubbish out with the slim versions.
@OldGamer999 oh snap. I didn’t even see that was announced. I’ve been working most of the day and barely checking in on Pure Xbox since my series X don’t need a stand haha, thanks for the info, i am heading over to Push to see what it’s all about and read the comments about how cool it is to build a console that needs a stand.
Seems a strange release though.
USA only in November and rest of the world sometime later, I guess when old stock runs out of the original PS5.
Some of the Push lot don’t seem that impressed.
Sometimes it does surprise me how Sony sell so many PS5, no one seems to care about the console look, form or functionality at all, which for me is overall bad from a design and customer friendly perspective.
But me thinks it’s a very clever as much cash as possible design for Sony.
@OldGamer999 i only use my PS5 for exclusives. It’s an ok system to me, since i only turn it on once or twice a month. It’s always a little new feeling to me. Meanwhile since Diablo 4 came out i think I’ve turned on my PS5 once or twice max. I am into 500 hours of D4 on Series X. Spider-man isn’t my thing, so it could be a while until my PS5 get’s heavy usage again. I am not getting this new console. If they release a Pro i will more than likely get it. But with that controller there is very little chance i use it as a main.
Me similar the PS5 has been a bit quiet for me lately and 2024 seems quiet for them as well.
Spider-Man not my thing either, just can’t get into it but I did try.
Might buy a pro if they release one, depending on what single player exclusives they release, seems quiet after Spider-Man.
Playing some series x at the minute but a fair bit of TOTK still as I’m exploring and taking my time.
@OldGamer999 gotta love Zelda, can’t find fault with that choice. Yeah i am not into Spider-man but really wanted to learn more about Last of Us online and it now looks dead. I am sure in 2024 we will hear more of Sony’s plans. But if they don’t have something new and fresh for me outside of Last of us part 2 & 3 i might get a little bored. I am not into Ghosts of T, or Horizon. I tried and they do nothing for me. Like to see something new. Xbox and Nintendo will more than likely carry me in 2024. Especially if Switch 2 comes out and launches with Metroid Prime 4. OH MY!!! Haha
Switch has a few games for next year and then if Switch 2 arrives with good power and MP4 and a new 3d Mario open world platform game they really could carry 2024 along with hopefully some good stuff from Xbox.
Sony are a mystery for me 2024 and are to quiet for my liking and may have nothing that big.
@OldGamer999 yeah i think switch 2 will be there at the end of 2024, for sure an announcement. So that will be huge news for the year. Not sure what Xbox and PS will have. Hopefully there are some surprises cause i could use a few new games to play. I play so much of the same game (Diablo 4) or a bunch of older games. I want something new to come out and really excite me for having 2 new powerful consoles.
Still don't think they've given a reason why Infinite had to drop the addition of couch co-op. If Baldur's Gate 3 can only have Split-Screen for the Series X, I don't see why 343 couldn't do the same for Infinite.
@shoeses I’m sorry I don’t have better news but there was a quote about 80% done and the remaining 20% was an unknown. Here’s a video about it: https://youtu.be/m0tcjkWhUgc?si=9EEoAKNAHdozvTHt
This interview was from just under a year ago around the time of The Winter Update, the foundational update before March’s Season 3.
As 343 said, they chose, the live service over couch coop which is disappointing as couch coop integral to the series. Personally I’m glad we’re where we’re at with the multiplayer otherwise we wouldn’t have had the good season 3 and fantastic season 4.
To your point about Baldur’s Gate 3. Infinite also supports Xbox One too. I don’t think would allow a flagship franchise to drop to feature parity in the same way. Personally I feel Xbox One support should be dropped at this point.
I thought Infinite was supposed to be the next decade of Halo. Yet no new campaign content? If that's the case the game will remain dead to me.
Totally agree. Coop is a core feature of Halo imo.
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