Halo Infinite Season 4: Infection finally arrives this week on June 20th, and ahead of that date, the game's Head of Live Service has had some interesting comments to share about the future of Halo Infinite's overall development.
Speaking to Xbox Wire, Sean Baron explained that he believes Halo Infinite's "Consistency" has improved significantly since launch, pointing out that Season 4 marks the "third straight on-time release" for Halo Infinite's Live Service team.
"We still have plenty of room to improve — we’ll always be working to find new ways of improving and ensuring the predictability of the service. But I’m very happy with the progress we’ve made there and looking forward to making it four in a row with Season 5 later this year.”
Baron went on to highlight that his team focuses on the "Player Experience Goals" of Consistency, Satisfaction and Quality, and while he's pretty happy with the first two, it's the latter that requires more improvements moving forward.
“Where we need to start showing more noteworthy improvements is with Quality. Both technical and experiential Quality. My hope is that over the next few releases and updates we’ll start seeing Quality make the same types of jumps that we’ve seen with Consistency and Satisfaction.”
From our perspective here at Pure Xbox, it's good to know that 343 Industries is still dedicated to making sure Halo Infinite's live service elements are significantly improved compared to where they were in late 2021 and 2022, and we're certainly looking forward to seeing what Season 4: Infection brings to the table over the next few days.
If you're interested in checking it out, we've covered Season 4 in lots of articles over the past few weeks:
What are your thoughts about these comments? Tell us down below.
[source news.xbox.com]
Comments 15
I love halo but something about online gets stale very fast , I had more fun with halo 4 idk why
It’s just too little too late
At this point I honestly think too much damage has been done to this franchise for it to ever get anywhere near where it used to be.
I was never that big a Fan of Halo Live. Its very dated with the more 'Arena' style that was originally popular with games like Quake but by the 360 era, that more 'arcade' style was replaced by more 'grounded' type combat - the likes of CoD, Battlefield etc. By XB1 era, we had Advanced Movement and Swimming as well as the rise of BR modes.
Even CoD has adapted to try and stay 'relevant' with Warzone which offers the BR and Extraction modes. Halo still seems stuck in the past, stuck in that era before the FPS genre evolved...
I haven't bought a Halo game for its MP - ever and certainly couldn't care less about H:I MP. I am only interested in the Single Player so unless we get more Halo SP content, I won't be playing anymore Halo regardless...
@BAMozzy i agree with you, but i can’t not help but say, anytime Halo took a chance to change it up some, Halo 4&5 mainly, the community outraged and said it don’t feel Halo enough and the Dev’s were stuck trying to make it feel more like a 360 game. The franchise has a cult following for the old school Halo gameplay, the problem is they aren’t large enough to make the franchise popular and profitable. The series is at a crossroads. It’s needs to find a way to attract and keep new players while letting go of the cult of players that want 3 gens ago halo gameplay.
@Green-Bandit That's often the case with LONG running Franchises. Every now and again, they need a 'reboot' or at the very least, evolve.
Evolution is perhaps more gradual so the Playerbase can still play the 'traditional' modes - like 6v6 TDM in CoD for example, but then they have Warzone adding BR and DMZ that seem much more popular today than the 'traditional' MP. But even CoD has 'rebooted' itself with the newer Modern Warfare after Vanguard disappointed. So traditionalists still have something Familiar, but its also bringing in fresh blood by evolving.
God of War, Tomb Raider etc have all successfully 'rebooted' their Franchises and others 'evolved'. Halo is in a very tough competitive genre so needs to evolve to keep 'fresh' or be rebooted.
I think a reboot on a 'new' engine is required. I don't really know what I'd want from a Halo MP but it feels somewhat dated and generic compared to other FPS games. BR, Hero Shooters, Extraction modes, Massive battles etc etc seem to be much more popular than those 'old school' Arena Shooters like Halo, Quake, Doom etc
@BAMozzy could agree more. The big question is what do they do and i think it needs to be on Unreal Engine 5. That will give it great graphics and could let other in house MS dev’s lend a hand. Coalition being one of the better if not best unreal developer, could only help having them look at your work and make suggestions. Other than that that’s about the only input to what direction they could and maybe should go that i can think of. But your points are spot on and very valid. I would love to see Halo make a big Splash again in the market. It would be a HUGE win for the Xbox brand. Xbox is stronger with a great Halo game. They know that and so fooling around with a dead infinite seems like a waste. But they do have those happy core Halo players and they do show support. I was one of them for around 150-180 hours of online multiplayer until i just couldn’t take the wait on new content any longer and got burnt out.
@Green-Bandit The series is at a crossroads. It’s needs to find a way to attract and keep new players while letting go of the cult of players that want 3 gens ago halo gameplay. that’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard, new players don’t know or care about halo. Make a top quality game for the existing fan base and then the rest will follow.
This was probably my biggest disappointment of fully commiting into the Xbox ecosystem. It reviewed pretty well too with gaming sites, the first 2 hours were kind of the "Finally I'm not missing out on a new Halo!" 3 hours later, all I could think was this feels like an empty Far Cry world with slightly better gunplay.
@Green-Bandit H:I as we know had a troubled development and they spent the 'year' supposedly working as hard as they can to get 'something' presentable out. It was missing Forge for example but I also bet that they were all hands on deck trying to get the 'base' content out instead of maybe thinking and/or planning for 'post' release content.
The MP crew for example were also working on 'co-op' and 'forge' post release - thats people that could have been working on new Maps, Modes etc. So its perhaps not surprising that 'new' content was thin.
In some ways, that's also testament to their Community and their 'hunger' for more, for new modes to bring Halo up to compete with 'other' MP FPS games etc. Its not that the Content was particularly 'flawed', its just that 343i couldn't keep up with what their Community were demanding - they 'burned' through the provided content and kept wanting 'more' that was 'too slow' to arrive - they weren't in a position to capitalise on that hunger. Forge perhaps arriving 'too late' for many, yet adds so much more Content...
@Baler Have the rest followed since Part 3 on 360? The gameplay is stale you can admit that even if you like the gameplay without saying it’s the dumbest thing you’ve heard. The dumbest thing I’ve heard is launching a live service game with no seasons for 6 months and 3 maps. Thats part of the issue, remember Halo infinite was marketing as going back to the roots, making it look and feel more like halo. Why? Cause they want to appease the small market of people that want that and disliked 5 taking a chance at new gameplay.
@BAMozzy yeah when you launch live service it must be back to back to back content and things to keep the engagement high. Plus missing features on top of issues with the game and turning off the competitive market heavily when the fixes weren’t made. Like shooting through walls, go figure the pro crowd is going to complain and ask for a fix. The game was handled poorly and yet i still found it fun for the most part. Now i don’t even want to get back into it cause i know the player count is so low, it will just be the same 1000 players matching making each other. It was kinda that the last time i played a hour of online.
Excited for Season 4. Halo is finally in a good place. It's strange even here people are saying it's dead. It's clearly not. This might be the best season and the boost it needs. MP is fantastic game play wise and the content is good. Keep this up and Halo will be back.
This is Halo Xbox fans will support it, I know I do!!
@Green-Bandit it’s their new ideas that are stale not the original bungie core gameplay
@Baler possibly, but again when they tried to mix it up, the community threw a tantrum and said the game sucked when in reality the multiplayer on Halo 5 was really good. Campaign stunk, but they had to go back to core gameplay and while i still find it fun, the average gamer today gives it one look at goes back to their favorite shooters. Sometimes a game is a perfect title for that day and age, and it just feels like Halo did what it was suppose to do and did it very well in another era. But the name of Halo is still pretty well known and something MS can’t just shut down. Hard spot to be in.
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