February has been another solid month for Xbox Game Pass, with Atomic Heart arguably being the biggest launch of the month - and one of the biggest of the year so far. Mundfish's sci-fi shooter has been out for a good few days now, so, how are you finding the game?
Here at Pure Xbox, we scored Atomic Heart 7/10 in our review. While we enjoyed certain elements — including the game's intriguing setting and its upgrade system — we did find that it fell short of some of the best in the genre.
We also found that this one brought in very varied scores from the critics, ranging from 9/10s all the way down to 4/10s. Atomic Heart seems quite a divisive title, then!
Having said all that, we want to know what score you would give the game right now. Is Atomic Heart a masterpiece? Is it a shocker? Somewhere in between? Vote in our poll and let us know!
What Score Would You Give Atomic Heart? (1,384 votes)
- 10/10 (Outstanding)
- 9/10 (Excellent)
- 8/10 (Great)
- 7/10 (Good)
- 6/10 (Not Bad)
- 5/10 (Average)
- 4/10 (Poor)
- 3/10 (Bad)
- 2/10 (Terrible)0.9%
- 1/10 (Abysmal)
Comments 37
Definitely around a 7 for me. Combat is interesting, level design is solid (not so keen on the open world parts), plays differently to a lot of other FPS' but a few too many flaws to be something great. Well worth a play however.
is the games pass version different? Sounds it with the headline. i tried it for an hour or so. its a classic 7/10 effort to me.
Wasn't really into it. I gave it a shot for a couple hours.
Im enjoying it the setting is great and the design its gorgeous. theres always something round the next corner thats visually interesting. its not really an fps shooter, its not bioshock its more half-life exploring and getting from A to B and shoot a few things along the way.
I know im enjoying it as i sit down next time i look 3 hours have passed
Desperate to start this, but Hogwarts legacy is taking forever. So much side content!
Not far enough in to give a score. I do like the Bioshock feel of it all.
Movement feels different for an FPS: like how the character ramps up speed when you move and actually slows down when strafing. I'm not saying it's bad, just not what I'm used to.
I also wish melee weapons had some "crunch" to it. Sure, it serves its purpose, but there is no visual feedback to it all. Like no matter what, it's like swinging at air.
It's a graphically impressive game. I have a VRR display, so everything always feels pretty smooth as well.
Sound design seems good so far - but I only played it on my TV speakers and have yet to give it the proper audio treatment.
So it has a decent initial impression, but time will tell if the game sticks for me.
Back when GP was putting out a lot of titles, I might have gave this a 7 or 8 in comparison. It would have been a AAA title in a pool of indies.
But how GP is now, it's just another drop in the bucket. A 5 at best.
too many puzzles.
Still stuck in Elden ring, so much things to do and discover 100 hr in it but I want to finish it before playing something else.
I was impressed with the first hour or so that I played last night. Great setting. Only downside was noticeably rough performance, if they can iron that out I’ll have no issues.
I may have actually bought this game even if it wasn’t on Gamepass, but it is, so, money saved 😄
Standards have really fallen off the cliff.. game is rough, poor performance, unbelievable control scheme, mixed visuals, and laughable voice acting and characters.
I'm about 2 and a half hours in, forcing myself to try more due to enormous download size I've stuck through. But I think I'm done.
Since the update its completely unplayable for me so it's a 1/10. Before that it was a good 7 or 8
Still debating about trying it. The graphics and enemies look fancy and neat, but the horniness is really off putting and I hear the localization is way off in tone. Will probably play in Russian if I do end up trying it.
Enjoying it a lot.
Its my current goty so far, enjoying it more than Hogwarts. I can see the puzzle element could surprise (annoy) alot of people. Its like they snuck in Portal/Zelda puzzle dungeons into a Bioshock/Far Cry/Metro Exodus game.
Also its a much bigger game than i thought.
I hate it runs worse than ps5. Why just why. Not enough time to rate
4/10. Love the artwork, love that the character is voiced by the great Jensen Ackles (seriously, when are we getting a Supernatural game!?), but the fetch quests and puzzles (the locks! Why the locks!?) are a chore. The level design is boring and there’s a lot of frustrating elements to the game, for instance the miniature font. I’ve done my long rant about the game on other threads. There’s so much of it that I want to like, but I just don’t, and the fact that it’s buggy with janky animations and sometimes broken controller inputs, it’s borderline unplayable at times. I can tell there’s a good seed that was planted, but it just wasn’t watered right or something. The game reminds me of Cyberpunk in some ways where it’s just so much lesser than I was expecting, even if I negate the bugs. Honestly, I’d say Cyberpunk at launch was a better game, and I ended up saying that game was a 5 or 6/10 tier title, excluding bugs. Sorry to be so negative about it, but I am just really disappointed in the title.
Was planning to start it next week but seeing the reviews and comments on here I might give it a pass. Sounds like it needs some updates.
For sure a 7 the art style is really nice with good gp mechanics.
The main character is buns, he really reminds me of a worse Duke Nukem, it really takes away from the story.
After 1hr i uninstalled it. I couldnt stand the protagonist and everything felt really videogamey..not sure how to explain.
I gave it another shot last night and after putting another hour i see this game is quite competent some puzzles i liked avtually
Id give it a 6 for now..not sure ill complet4 it though
7 out of 10 possibly an 8...don't get the hate atall...it is more than adaquete and I could easily see why some people would rate it higher
@Cikajovazmaj Exact same story here. So far, its a pretty game, but it plays like absolute garbage and has the wors dialogue that I've encountered in a SP game in recent memory. It makes a bad dialogue game like Outriders (for example) seem like Shakespeare in comparison. This game is a 4 for me thus far.
I like it/want to like it. But really struggling to get to grips with the combat - not felt like that in a game for a long time really. But will give it a few more hours for sure!
really enjoying it walking about exploring havnt noticed any performance problems looks and runs great.
cant understand all the hate for it
It was pretty bad.
Not completed, but 7/10 so far. Enjoying the graphics, puzzles and the nod to Bioshock.
Good but not brilliant.
…another patch today…12.37gb, downloading.
@Cikajovazmaj I couldn’t agree more! The game just feels clunky to play and missions are little more than fetch quests plus dialogue is unbearable.
I really tried to like it as the setting is amazing and graphics are impressive, but actually playing it is frustrating and boring.
I played for 5 hours and couldn’t take it anymore, was planning to give it a last ditch effort but then a 70 GB update was required so I just uninstalled it with zero regrets, it deserves at 5/10 as it’s not a good game but not the worst I’ve ever played either.
10 hours in loving it the story's getting good im loving exploring favourite game ive played so far this year
as per usual i like a game no one else does
Why isn't the title "What Score Would You Give 'Atomic Heart' On Xbox" Why does every article have to say Game Pass?? Not everyone has it nor wants it, but is happy to buy the game...
Havent had much freetime for gaming lately and when I do im usually playing Hogwarts Legacy, but I
I did try out Atomic Heart the other day.
Visually and design-wise the game is gorgeous and intriguing. I hope the rest of the game ends up fairly well.
I've not gotten very far into it though. Just past my first main enemy encounter and now where the stealth takedown is first introduced.
I'm really over the button mashing mini-game. It's been over a decade since it was introduced and it's time to put it to rest. It's never been fun. Also, tying a button mash sequence to perform a stealth takedown is both and odd design choice and a bad one. I'd rather not have stealth options at all if I have to mash a button repeatedly. 🙄
My brother is further along and tells me there is a major bug with a perk and he's holding off playing until its fixed. So I'll do the same until I hear from him that's it's been fixed.
@trev666 To be fair it seems like the only place I see anyone being negative about it is on gaming sites, they're a small world.
@Kang81 which perk is that? i havnt noticed anything yet but maybe i havnt used that perk
I gave it a 6/10 and that feels very generous. The dialogue and voice acting is awful, combat was underwhelming, nothing made sense, I didn't know what I was doing or why I should care. The demos looked great but it failed to deliver.
Has anyone else suffered from really bad motion sickness playing this? Are there settings I can change to help?
I give it a 6. I stopped playing it about three hours in. Graphics are nice, audio is nice. Framerate is unforgiveable in some areas, a lot of areas are ridiculously dark and the controls are some of the worst controls I've ever seen. left and right thumbstick and jumping from one area to another - just broken. But there was another update yesterday, maybe that addressed some of these issues. We don't know because the developer has still not stated what has been updated (and this is the second update).
Crispy critters! I am having a hell of a time playing Atomic Heart. I voted an '8'. There are some bugs, lighting issues, however, the combat, aesthetics, weapons tech, enemy & world tech as awesome. I am playing on "Nightmare" difficulty.
Right now I'm on Series X (Game Pass), though I may try the PC version. My PC has capable components beyond the console.
Regarding, the voice acting and dialog, the first thing I did was switch to Russian w/ English subtitles before starting the campaign.
AH definitely has Bioshock and Half-Life influence. The aesthetic is cool and there is also the STALKER/Metro influence, too. The one people leave out is Dead Island. I completed DI on PC years ago. The exploration and looting of AH reminds me of it. The looting mechanic is smooth and elegant.
What I really like about AH is that the world tells a story. With more time, more of the interiors would be explorable. The testing grounds dungeons are cool to discover and explore. You have to figure out how to gain entry and then beat the stages of the dungeon to unlock weapon mods.
Combat allows dismemberment and it is done well. The boss fight have been cool so far, with a save machine and weapons locker near by to respec your approach prior to engaging.
The game is about technology and the world reflects that. You have multiple methods of disabling the surveillance system. Killing power to an entire sector is even possible.
I had to text my brother to find out. His response was...
"Don't recall the exact name but it is a few points to the left in the ice skill tree. It freezes your enemies solid and when you kill them in that state if gives you extra resources. However, when you kill them in that state, it gives you ZERO resources.
It's an essential skill as enemies Don't really respawn so you can't farm them for resources."
If that makes any sense.
I barely played the game as I've been caught up in Hogwarts Legacy and trying to finally finish Control in my limited free time to game lately.
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