It's that time of year again! We're looking to crown a Pure Xbox Game of the Year for 2022, and in order to do that, we're going to need you to vote for the best Xbox games of the past 12 months — only the top ten will make the final cut!
Last year's winner ended up being the much-anticipated Halo Infinite, closely followed by Playground's Mexican adventure, Forza Horizon 5. This year hasn't seen as many big Xbox Game Studios releases, but there have still been a lot of great games across Xbox One, Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S and Xbox Game Pass in 2022!
We'll publish the full top ten here at Pure Xbox around Christmas time, but we'll need a few days to put the results together — so we're asking if you can submit your votes by Sunday, December 18th. If the game you want to vote for isn't in the poll below, write it in the comments instead and we'll still count it.
You'll also have noticed that we've changed the voting structure this year — instead of just picking five games from the list with no kind of weighting system in place, we're now giving points to each vote, meaning you can pick your top five games and actually prioritise them in order. Hopefully that helps a bit!
So, get those votes going, and may the best game win! (we already know it's going to be Elden Ring...)
Comments 59
As dusk falls for me
A Plague Tale Requiem, Tunic, and Gotham Knights for me. TMNT Shredder's Revenge as my honorable mention. Also really enjoyed Deathloop.
1) Grounded
2) Elden Ring
3) Crusader Kings 3
4) Persona 5 Royal
5) Sniper Elite 5
Of course I haven't managed to play everything from the list provided, but of the ones I've played the above are my favourites.
A plague tale: Requiem although the ending was a bit brutal. Also Hugo could be annoying.
None of the Xbox exclusives as barely released anything apart from the awful Pentiment.
Sony killed it with Horizon Forbidden West and God of War: Ragnarok. Hopefully next year M$ actually has something to offer of their own. Phil and co were happy to praise and advertise for PS while they had nothing but broken promises for another year.
A Plague tale: Requiem
Dying light 2
Crusader kings 3
Tiny Tina's wonderlands
If you choose the "Other" option, please tell us what game you want to vote for (along with how many points you'd give it) in the comments section, otherwise we can't count it!
Ah I made a mistake with my “other” vote. I choose A plague tale for 4 points. I know I could’ve chosen it but as I said, mistakes were made.
@jongred No problem, will count it!
High on Life, As Dusk Falls, Call of Duty/Warzone, Plague Tale, Fortnite. Those are the ones I’ve had the most fun with this year game wise. Don’t know what’s on the list things as the drop downs aren’t working on my browser. So just need to fix that myself haha.
EDIT: I managed to vote for the ones I could. So all done now!
@Cyberpsycho personally thought horizon forbidden west was massively disappointing
@trev666 Still loads better than what M$ put out this year.
@Cyberpsycho personally i enjoyed As dusk falls alot more than horizon forbidden west
Vampire Survivors at the top; will think about the rest.
@trev666 I thought As Dusk falls had a weird PowerPoint presentation where characters didn't move I don't think it worked very well. I appreciate that they tried something different.
Also thought the ending of the story was rushed and could have done with another book or two. It wasn't a bad game overall but Horizon Forbidden West beats it hands down but it wasn't as good as the first one.
I agree mate - loved that game.
But Elden Ring takes the crown and GOW is above it too despite it being s PS4 title. So HFW was only 3rd in my yearly tally despite how much I enjoyed it. Its still the best looking open world game ever made to date though.
On Xbox I picked Plague Tale just after Elden Ring, but I didn't love that game, its just xbox had a poor year for my tastes.
Vampire Saviours comes in at no 3 for me - although I play it more on PC. Classic old school design and choons!
Its been a great year for games for me, and I've every reason to be excited for the next year, especially on xbox which I expect to start catching up next year..
I bought elden ring near launch and bounced off of it almost immediately (I'm terrible at those games). In September I happened across a video teaching me how to quickly raise my level early on. I re- specced my character and started over. I LOVE this game now, easily my game of the year, just took a little while lol
@Cyberpsycho your entitled to your opinion i just dont agree with it.
Horizon forbidden west was the biggest disappointment in gaming for me since mass effect andromeda
@trev666 Nothing wrong with Mass Effect Andromeda it's a good game after the bugs were fixed.
We obviously are never going to agree and have different tastes. At least we have been civil to each other.
1. Grounded
2. Omori
3. Sonic Frontiers
4. Pentiment
5. Cult Of The Lamb
Honorable mentions to Vampire Survivors, Tunic and Shredder’s Revenge.
1) Pentiment
2) TMNT: Shredders Revenge
3) As Dusk Falls
4) A Plague Tale: Requiem
5) Grounded
@FraserG thanks a bunch Fraser!
For me:
1. Elden Ring
2. Immortality
3. Signalis
4. Vampire Survivors
Special nod to Beacon Pines and Sonic Frontiers too. It wasn’t a strong year for Xbox on the exclusives front, but Immortality, Signalis, Vampire Survivors, TMNT, and Beacon Pines being on Gamepass was a huge win for the service. Gamepass quietly improved throughout the second half of the year. Hopefully 2023 is the year us Xbox fans have been waiting for.
Tunic not getting the love it deserves. I get people not picking it for game of the year, but it deserves to make it on the scoreboard. Loved that game!
I actually had a golden year of gaming. Elden Ring is maybe my all time favorite game. Right now I'm playing Crusader Kings 3 and Pentiment and loving it, with Persona in the background. No tinykin love eh?
Are we having a fun laugh day today with this question 😂🎄🎄
Tiny Tina's Wonderlands is actually a lot of fun. I loved the Borderlands series, but the post-apocalyptic setting isn't my favorite. End game is fun as well.
Only played a handful of games on my Xbox this year. I'll probably get to a lot of the exclusive stuff next year like Pentiment and.... Well Pentiment.
My GOTY is Elden Ring no doubt. The game to beat this gen for me.
My next spots would be Shredders Revenge, Citizen Sleeper and Nobody Saves the World. Highly recommended all of them 👍
Haven't played five 2022 games on Xbox yet. Catching up with the backlog. Lots of great games played on Game Pass though like Deaths Door, Tunic, Life is Strange: True Colours, Unsighted, Mass Effect Trilogy, Escape Academy, The Artful Escape, Walking Dead, The Forgotten City & Record of Lodoss War: Deedlit in Wonder Labyrinth (phew)
@FraserG could I give Escape Academy 2 points please, it wasn't on the list. Good game if you like that sort of thing!
1) Atari 50 The Anniversary Collection
2) TNMT Shredder's Revenge
3) Gotham knights
4) Vampire Survivors
5) Elden Ring
Honourable mention High on Life
Something clearly wrong with this poll
I was the 15th person to vote and Need for Speed Unbound was at 13% now its at 0%.. But then again it could be at 0.4 which would represent 0%
Anyways not that it was in my list.
Forward Horizon 5 as 2nd
@BBB i feel the exact same way - a turd year for Gamepass and how can you make an Xbox best game list and it not be Xbox only games?
It’s not been a great year for Xbox imo, therefore I’ve spent more time on my PS5. Saying that, I bought Cult of the lamb on Series X and absolutely loved it.
No Tinykin. Fun little game
Road 96 and Citizen Sleeper for me. These kind of games never get a look in during polls. I absolutely love them. Polished, unique, fresh and engaging. Yes they are in no way comparable to Elden Ring or the glorious Persona 5 but I actually treasure them even more.
Shadow Warrior 3 got snubbed I see. Also silly to count Deathloop and especially Personal 5 Royale. I realize this is for Xbox only, obviously, but it's still pretty silly to say a game that came out in 2019 is your 2022 game of the year.
1) A Plague Tale: Requiem
2) Elden Ring
3) Vampire Survivors
4) High on Life
5) Sniper Elite 5
That’s my list. Personally, I think this year, and Game Pass as well, has been fantastic. I know as a whole it’s been lacking, but I’ve played my Xbox Series X more than my Switch and PS5 this year, and that’s very uncommon.
@Trmn8r Tunic is in my top 5! Great game!
@BlackMayge I’ve also played my Series X way more than my PS5 and Switch this year, mostly thanks to GamePass. Only game on PS5 that really excited me was GoW Ragnarok. Horizon Forbidden West was not great IMO.
Haven’t been disappointed with my Series X at all when there’s only been a few exclusives on PS5 this year. Plenty of great games to play on the SXS and saving money with GamePass.
Persona 5 Royal! This was my first time ever playing it and I became obsessed!
@Sebatrox The stealth sections are a pain and the overall gameplay could definitely be improved.
Especially considering how often you're forced into fighting people.
For what it's worth, I stuck through it because I thought the story was worth it.
Midnight fight express.
@EliJapan - I haven’t voted as I couldn’t see Tinykin on the list. I think it deserves some love, cracking little game.
Most of my time seems to have been taken up with older games which obviously aren’t on the list - but from this year Tinykin followed by Deathloop for me.
Voted for elden ring and other
Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous
High on Life was my #1 choice. Yeah, I enjoy it that much.
Tinykin (not in the list?)
A Plague Tale: Requiem
Sniper Elite 5
High On Life
But played so many games on GP I wouldn't even think of playing ...
The downside of being a "patient gamer" is not being involved in these end of year discussions. Alomst every game I played this year was at least 1 year old if not more. But I'm happy enough playing Gamepass games and cheap games on sale on other platforms. And there's only one game out next year that I plan on buying day one (Zelda).
@blockfight I feel like I've become a backlogger myself, or "patient gamer" when it comes to buying games. GamePass is the only thing keeping me playing new releases.
Vampire Survivors 100%
everyone acting like Vampire Survivors wasn't the saviour of Xbox this year.
1. TMNT: Shredder's Revenge (my Game of the Year across Xbox, Switch and PlayStation)
2. Sonic Frontiers (despite its flaws, this is some of the most fun I've had gaming in 2022)
3. The King of Fighters XV
4. Gotham Knights
5.A Plague Tale Requiem
@JayJ And there hasn't been too many new releases on Gamepass this year. Not many that interested me anyways.
Honestly? I think it’s Halo Infinite that’s gotten to its actual form with the brilliantly implemented online coop mode. As it’s not in the list, it gets the remaining 1 point from me:
1. Elden Ring
2. Deathloop
3. High on Life
4. Tunic
5. Halo Infinite
Bonus point? Beacon Pines. Completed and loved it.
As you can see, Elden Ring and A Plague Tale: Requiem are MILES ahead of everything else right now, but all the other places in the top ten are still up for grabs - it's very, very close outside the top two!
@blockfight Yeah most of the time it feels like I am simply demoing games that don't do much for me.
Plague Tale for me. Just so good although there were times I just let the rats take Hugo as he does get annoying! Great writing and really immersive gameplay.
Elden Ring…. Meh. One of the most boring games I played this year.
This should just be your game of the year not Xbox game of the year, because Microsoft didn’t release anything this year did they?
Other: TMNT Cowabunga Collection 3 points
1. Shredders Revengs
2. Tunic
3. Cowabunga Collection
4. Atari 50
5. Callisto Protocol
Hon Mention: Capcom Fighting Collection
A Plague Tale Requiem
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