When we look back at the list of January 2024 Xbox Game Pass additions, Palworld will probably be the title that stands out the most - and that's pretty crazy considering this month has given us Assassin's Creed Valhalla and Resi Evil 2!
This new 'Pokémon-like' has been an absolute smash hit for developer Pocket Pair, selling in ridiculous numbers on Steam and also enjoying a very successful Xbox and PC launch on the Game Pass service.
The question is, have you been enjoying it so far? Have you been pleasantly surprised by what Palworld has to offer, or has it left you disappointed based on what you'd seen pre-release? Everyone seems to have an opinion on this one!
Let us know down in the poll and comments below, and if you're intrigued but haven't had a chance to download it on Game Pass yet, you can check out our full early access review of Palworld in the video at the top of the article.
What do you think of Palworld on Xbox Game Pass so far? Tell us down in the comments!
If You Had To Give A Score, What Would It Be So Far? (1,087 votes)
- 10/10 (Outstanding)
- 9/10 (Excellent)
- 8/10 (Great)
- 7/10 (Good)
- 6/10 (Not Bad)
- 5/10 (Average)
- 4/10 (Poor)
- 3/10 (Bad)
- 2/10 (Terrible)0.5%
- 1/10 (Abysmal)
- I haven't played it yet, but I will!
- I haven't played it yet, and I probably won't
Comments 47
It's nice to see an Xbox site recognising its success on Steam. All I've seen all day online is its success being attributed to Gamepass despite its player base being 78% on Steam at one point.
Regardless of how you play though, this looks a lot of fun and I'm going to try it out when I get home
Strangely really enjoying it despite never having been a Pokemon fan. It’s not exactly original - Pokemon meets Animal Crossing and has a baby with Breath of the Wild.
Pop in graphics are nearly as bad as the Switch Pokemon games.
But it’s good for a chill out game and got some more layers to it.
Player numbers are insane.
Xbox - release a bundle with this game.
That's the good thing about Game Pass. Download awesome games like Resident Evil 2 and play them like a hardcore experience on the most powerful console or try those casual games you don't care about but might like, regardless.
This game is really fun and addicting. I really hope the devs fix some of the issues though.
I started the game but I don't want to progress to far only to have to start over again if / when dedicated servers become a thing on Xbox. I'm not putting all my eggs into one basket banking on my single player save data transferring over to official servers. Would much rather be in a server full of people right from the start.
It's so-so. I'll check in again in a few years when it's finished. Feels very rough. Too many good finished games to catch up with first.
They went and dropped it at the same time F1 23 came to Game Pass, so it'll be a while before I get to it.
Having a blast with it. So glad it seems viable to play single player.
Nothing is more annoying than playing on a server with a group of friends and one of them stop paying for it so you lose dozens of hours if progress.
@oopsiezz They've already said they're going to have a transfer tool.
It runs like butt atm and has major audio issues (on consoles). I rated it a 3/10, but I’ll try it on PC later as I heard it runs fine there. I know it’s in beta but it feels bad and I’ll wait for it to get patched up before reinstalling it on my Series X.
Crashes so much I cannot accomplish anything. I'll wait until it is playable.
Looks and runs better than Arceus, ZING!!
But seriously, it's in early access and it shows. The game crashed straight to dashboard like 4 times yesterday but even then it's been both a fun and interesting experience. I doubt the game will have legs for me unless they continue to update it and the novelty of squirrels with machine guns will wear off but honestly this is a pretty good balance of Pokemon and Ark, which to my knowledge hasn't been done before. Doesn't exactly cater to people who solely prefer one or the other but it's a solid little experience. I gave it an 8 and would probably give it a 9 if graphics and frame rate issues are patched.
Love. Love. Love. Love. Just wish on gamepass they’d have dedicated servers. I joined a multiplayer game with a friend and can only play when he’s online.
@InterceptorAlpha they said alot about Craftopia as well. Still no dedicated servers or crossplay with steam for gamepass versions of the game. I don't trust the Pocket Pair, they have abandoned games in the past and never delivered on their promises.
Very addicting game!
@BaldBelper78 personally I see it more as Ark with a Pokemon skin.
A 6 currently. It is a fun game underneath it all, that full polish is probably an 8/9.
But you can certainly tell it’s in early access currently.
To be fair they haven't had a game blow up like this before. A smart business man would put everyone on the team focused on this game, releasing patches and pushing out updates. They managed to gain mass appeal, now they have to see if they can keep it.
@oopsiezz having followed crafttopia, I don't remember them saying anything of the sort for that game.
What games have the abandoned by the way? Overdungeon(a 2019 game) was updated in August 2023. Crafttopia(2020 game) was updated in December 2023.
AI: Art Imposter is the closest thing to "abandoned", and that is due to Japanese legislation regarding AI art, a core part of the game.
Do you have anything to back up your claims?
@InterceptorAlpha To be fair, you are mistaking updated with actually fixing the game.
One can have updates without fixing what's wrong with it.
An enjoyable & fairly fun game. I'm not far into the game yet, though, because sometimes it just crashes for no reason. It definitely copies BOTW & Pokemon, but because I was hoping for something like these games on my Xbox, I won't say anything further 😛
@AM2fl4m3 copying and taking inspiration are two very different things. This game seems to have enough of its own ideas to make it its own thing.
For early access the game is a blast. Like a more forgiving ARK Survival Evolved but with Pokemon
Really enjoying it right now, Big W for Xbox..
over 4 million sold in 3 days.....
Not my thing. I tried it for a bit today because of all the talk but ended up deleting it after half an hour
I was really enjoying it until I got stuck in a wall after nearly 10 hours playtime and need to start from scratch
Well I gave it a try and it's definitely buggy. Even trying to create a character avatar wasn't working properly for me as every thing I selected wasn't showing on the model but apparently it did actually take effect when I gave up and started anyway. Even the game itself is very glitchy and buggy so I can imagine the experience now won't be anything like the final game or I hope not anyway. So I'll give it a miss for now as I feel early access stuff like this isn't always representing what the final game will be and may take away my enjoyment.
I doubt I will try this, It doesn't look like my thing. The last time I got on the hype train against my better judgement I got BG3 and sorely regretted it. I am currently playing Prince of Persia and will then be moving onto Like a Dragon and P3R so I can't see myself carving out time for this.
I've not played it yet, I am going to it once I've gone through hi-fi rush but it's great to see it taking eyes off from all of the battle royale modes we have had over the years because I cannot stand those games as a service type shooters now but I can imagine it won't last, people want those skins.
not my cup of tea.
One heck of a ride, very addictive game. And in shorts a Pokemon game for adults lol. Capture creatures and humans alike lol. Be the good guy and take good care of them, or be hard ruler and make them do whatever you want (humans alike) i am more of the "good guy" part.
@Chaotic_Neutral u could have just respawned instead of starting again , on the options menu
@Martsmall I didn't know you could do that thank you. I still have the save so will try it out when I get on.
Playing on PC, you can tell it's early access but have had a fun time playing it. Will be even better once the latest update is approved by Microsoft.
@Chaotic_Neutral yw enjoy your gaming
@Kaloudz glad your enjoying it I thought u would
@Kaloudz it really hit me as a suprise how addictive it was , I'm not into Pokémon at all and thought I'd give it a go to pass time .....13 hours later I'm still on it lol I've finished all the achievements, u will find traders selling stuff at a few places and you can sell all your crap , that 1k won't buy u much ,later on u will have loads of money
I give it an 8. I am a very casual gamer but boy am i having fun with this game as i loved pokemon blue as a child (i am 34 now)
and i put in countless hours into ark when i was a alot less casual. My xbox wrap up said my top game of 2023 was Diablo 4 at 89 hours....I must have put in atleast 20 hours into this game in the past 3 days lol
This game had me locked in all weekend. I've never played any pokemon games. This game is much like Ark. You're basically farming these Pals to work your base. Each one can do a different job around camp. You'll have a team of Pals that travel with you... and also a team of Pals that tend to the base needs. It's one of those games where you don't realize how much time is passing while you're playing it.
The game is very addictive and it really came from nowhere! amazing pick from the xbox/pc gamepass team. Palworld is the game that make me stop playing Starfield after ng+9 and more than 500ours. Was playin all weekend with my son co op.
palworld is great but Microsoft needs to look towards to future and to a game called Doke V releasing in q3 2024
watch the gamescom gameplay trailer... this might be the best trailer ever created and that game will also explode in popularity... please Phil Spencer get it into game pass and Pokémon will be a footnote
@Kaloudz I played for longer than that ,13 hours was my first session , played for about 21 hours altogether could have done it in about 16 hours but was having fun exploring places
I give it an 8. There is a amazing game here. It just needs a few QoL improvements and bug fixes and it could possibly be a 10
I had never heard of it until yesterday when I saw two different friends playing it on game pass. I downloaded it and the kids have all been fighting over who gets to play it. We have two Xboxs and they alternate joining each others game. Everyone is enjoying it so far. I would like to have a server we could all join though.
@Kaloudz ner take Ur time , u can get on the world options and put on that u hardly take any health damage if u have probs
@Kaloudz loads of settings you can change lile rate of xp and whether you have raids ,that's one I turned off as I got annoyed when they'd come and smash my base in
The gun for me was amazing once u get firearms it's bring it on !!!!
I didn't have the cleaver cause the pet option would change to butcher the pals and I don't have the control not to punish em when they not working fast enough, my base is a pal sweat shop and that's the way I like it lol
@Kaloudz exactly them so called pals better work hard or they will get replaced ,plenty of em to go around , pity I can't get a whip
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