Wow. Stuff just happens doesn't it. You spend your whole week waiting and expecting a big game remake to drop that's gonna be the main topic of conversation for January 2023 (although the Dead Space Remake does look excellent) and then Tango Gameworks goes and stealth drops an absolute banger out of nowhere to reprioritise your priorities. We've been thoroughly reprioritised.
Hi-Fi RUSH, and we don't want to get too excited because we'll need to play the whole thing first, but listen, Shinji Mikami vibes all over this one. Shinji. The master. It's got that unique Vanquish vibe, dare we say's got that God Hand thing going on. You know that thing, yeah? That mad perfect meshing of saccharine style, OTT gameplay, pumping music and cheesy attitude that just makes you sit back and smile and....oh yeah...this is videogames, baby.
There's Crazy Taxi flavour here too, Crazy Taxi and Vanquish and God Hand all in the same breath? What's going on? But that's the vibe so far. Hi-Fi RUSH is a rhythm action game, attack enemies to the beat, just like last year's excellent Metal: Hellsinger, except here it feels even better, fresher, more fluid. It's easier to comprehend the beats, to let the music get under your skin more naturally. Listen, Metal: Hellsinger is a banger, play it and love it, but this instantly puts it in its place. This is stylish stuff, incredibly addictive, self-assured, swaggering into the room fully aware that it's fantastic and polished and original.
We'll be bringing you a review of this one as soon as we can but for now, get it downloaded off Xbox Game Pass and get stuck in. There's tight platforming, moreish combat, slick visuals and banging tunes to get involved in here people!
What do you think of Hi-Fi Rush so far? Tell us down in the comments section below.
Comments 24
This game doesn’t kick my teeth in like God Hand, but I can see some similarities in spirit.
I beat the second boss this morning before work and I can’t stop thinking about the game. It really is fantastic and is an early contender for GOTY (for me, anyway). What a surprise gem of a game.
I was thinking it’s a mashup of Sunset Overdrive, Jet Set Radio and Crypt of the NecroDancer…. and I absolutely adore it!
It’s also making me really want to pick up some headphones for my Series X now. Do Apple AirPods work with it? I’m guessing not. Otherwise I guess I could always try my PS5 Pulse headphones.
@The_Pixel_King I agree wholeheartedly. I also think you could throw Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater in the mix too, purely for the soundtrack, collectibles, and overall style and presentation of the game.
I've only beaten the first boss so I can't speak fully yet. I went with average, it seems pretty good.
I'm hoping I like the combat a little more when I progress further or unlock more. It's kind of repetitive already and not challenging.
@The_Pixel_King Xbox's own wireless headphones are great for their price range, way better than the PS5's Pulse, I own both. The closest PS5 headphones to the Xbox ones are the INZONEs which are woefully overpriced, this is coming from someone who loves Sony's headphones (and that's why I thought the Pulse and INZONE would be better).
The only downside I see with the Xbox Wireless Headphones is that you can only connect them wirelessly, unlike the Pulse which can be used with a cable.
Not really a rhythm game fan, as i have none, but dang this is pretty fun and easy to keep a beat to.
Also, thanks to the designers for not making it mandatory to keep the beat, just a bonus.
I haven't played it yet but it looks like a new gem.
This is a real breath of fresh air, I love games that are just dumb fun. Stuff like Lollipop Chainsaw, Killer is Dead and Shadows of the Damned are some of my all time favourites and this is right up there with all of them. More like this please Microsoft!
So good. And 98% positive ratings on Steam with almost 700 reviews. Congrats to Tango!
@OskarRex @SplooshDmg Thanks for the advice, guys! I’m definitely going to pick up the Xbox headphones at some point. Hopefully sooner rather than later, but I only just upgraded to the Series X from an S, so I guess it’ll be a couple months at least.
Je to naprosto skvělá hra 🥰🇨🇿
Small games by studios yes please, Song of the Deep and Pentiment were great examples of something small by AAA devs in the meantime waiting for the big games and for Microsoft to have something come out whenever the devs are ready and also really fun.
Something like God Hand, Vanquish, Bayonetta (not so Wonderful 101), feeling like a Capcom 6 then 5, Sunset Overdrive/Jet Set Radio like maybe. Give me dumb fun action game for sure and I'm interested.
I am not going to take the hype/whatever people come up with to compare it with that seriously I still will judge the gameplay if I like it or not as visuals and dialogue and all that mean nothing to me but I am interested in this game.
A rhythm game mechanic focus yes please I like weird ideas like this to games to keep them interesting it's like the sixth gen but not the same exactly but still I like weird ideas in games and it's cool to see some magic to some games is there than more standard experiences especially in AAA.
Not that there is anything wrong with being standard I just have more fun with fifth/sixth gen games because even with no/little gimmick controllers/peripherals it was an experimental era and I like it a whole lot more so retro gaming becomes fun for me than nowadays where more standard experiences don't interest me.
I haven't played it I was curious about physical copies I assume it's digital only which is fair as it's a small game/budget price (even though I got Song of the Deep physical but it was a Gamestop/EB publishing deal so that's different I guess).
But still I'll check it out on Gamepass I never use the service so why not, got to use the Series X for something it just sits there most of the time and I only use my Xbox One when I'm really in the mood to.
Sunset Overdrive got me to use my Xbox One heavily once I got around to it as didn't like it at first but come around to it to the point I won't get rid of my Xbox One because I have that game for it among a handful like ReCore and Rare Replay of course or Forza 5 & 7 (even if prefer older entries).
I've DLd it on GP. Will check it out tn.
@SplooshDmg let me preface this by saying I’ve heard wired ones are better.’
But I’ve had nothing but issues with mine as well. I stopped using them a while back.
Im two boss fights in and I absolutely love this game. I like how it doesn’t punish you for poor timing, but regards you when you hit the beat perfectly. The art style is gorgeous, and the voice acting is really strong. I’m loving this.
What a great shadow drop!
I'm looking forward to trying this over the weekend as it looks genuinely entertaining and fun..
@The_Pixel_King Personally don't care for wireless 'gaming' headphones which are often tied to one system.
Instead I recommend getting a great pair of all round headphones plugged into the controller that can also be used for other things.
@itslarryyo glad to read this comment, i have no rhythm and not sure i'll be able to get into this
@themightyant That’s a great shout. Thanks man, I think I’ll go that route instead. Is there a particular brand and/or model you’d recommend?
@The_Pixel_King Absolutely depends on your budget and what you like in terms of sound. Everyone's different here. Trying them on to check they are comfortable and like the sound, especially if you wear glasses, is recommended.
Personally I use a pair of Sony WH-1000XM3 (where do they get these catchy names) which are one of the best wireless noise cancelling headphone ranges on the market for general use (The XM3's have since superseded by the XM4's, and now the XM5's which are a bit of a different, maybe worse, design). Great sound and they fold down into a small-ish case for travel (case included). I just use them wired to the controller for gaming. Works on everything from Switch to Xbox, PC to PlayStation, Apple to Android.
Not sure what they cost now but I got mine 3-4 years ago for about £179 in a Black Friday sale. Shop around for good prices.
Before that I used a pair of Steel Series Arctis 1 wired just for gaming. Which is a low budget option but still really good for the price. Around £35 now, used to be double that. It has the same basic drivers as some of the more expensive models but without features like Wireless, RGB lighting (really) etc.
Another classic pair is the Bose QuietComfort 35 (series II).
Good luck, it's a minefield of information, and in my experience 90% of the stuff they try to sell gamers is just needless markup for a more niche product.
Ive only just had a chance to play this. Its really very good!
It seems polished and well made, but most of all, good fun. I've only done the first boss, but I can tell I'll play this through.
Not sure its goty material for my tastes, but its a great gp title that reminds me why im glad to be on the service!
Im now watching my wife play it, and its a good game to watch as its so visually appealing..
Nice one MS.
It's Jet Set Radio but with rhythm.
What a great game !
@themightyant Thanks for such a detailed reply, buddy. I used to have a really good pair of Bose headphones that cost me over £300 getting on for 5-6 years ago, but I lost them during… a difficult stage in my life.
Yep, you’re right about it being a mind field. I think I’ll just work out a budget and take a look next time we go shopping. Yes, I do wear glasses, so that’s indeed another factor to consider. I do like noise cancelling cans, so I’ll see what I can afford.
Thanks again, my friend. You’re a legend.
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