Almost a decade since it first released for Xbox 360 all the way back in 2013, Grand Theft Auto V gets its third Xbox outing this week on Tuesday, March 15th, this time in the form of a dedicated version for Series X and Series S. It's not a free upgrade from the Xbox One version, so you'll need to consider whether you want to pay for the next-gen improvements. Is it worth dipping into your pocket for? That depends on what you're hoping to get out of it.
The biggest difference with this version of GTA 5 (and GTA Online) compared to the Xbox One version relates to visuals and performance. We've only had a chance to try the Xbox Series X edition so far, which features three performance modes in Fidelity (native 4K, 30fps), Performance RT (upscaled 4K, 60fps) and Performance (upscaled 4K, 60fps). All three of these modes look pretty similar to each other, so even if you opt for the latter, the visuals are undoubtedly a welcome upgrade over the aging Xbox One version.
Fidelity mode is where you'll start, and it looks pretty great considering this is a game that was made ten years ago. In particular, the three main characters (Michael, Trevor and Franklin) look sharper and more detailed than they've ever done on Xbox before, while the game's lighting is also notably improved across the board. The downside to Fidelity is that it's still locked to 30fps, and just like the Xbox One version, it just feels a bit too choppy in our opinion. If you've ever played GTA 5 on PC, you'll know what a difference 60 frames per-second makes to the experience, so Fidelity is probably best reserved for taking beauty shots. The upgraded detail is certainly evident in this mode though, even if we wouldn't describe it as a huge transformation.

Performance RT is intended to be the sweet spot, still containing ray-tracing features (although these seem quite subtle at first glance), but also targeting 60fps at an upscaled 4K resolution. You can just about see the difference compared to Fidelity in terms of the visuals, but it's only a small downgrade. Plus, you get the benefit of that increased framerate, which makes an absolutely massive difference to the performance. The game feels very fluid at 60fps and doesn't noticeably chug (albeit with VRR turned on), even if you're doing something like firing a homing launcher into a pile of busy traffic. The third option, just called "Performance", is again another minor downgrade in visuals, prioritising a smooth 60fps above all else on both Series X and Series S.
We feel like the game's use of HDR might be a little bit bugged at launch, as certain scenes appear overly dark to us, but we're only basing this off a couple of initial hours of impressions — there's more testing to be done before we can give a final verdict on this. In regards to everything else, we're suitably impressed with the visual and performance improvements in GTA V for Xbox Series X, much like we were with the Xbox One version in 2014.
Both GTA 5's story mode and GTA Online allow you to transfer your progress over from Xbox One to Xbox Series X and S (permanently in regards to the latter), and GTA Online also features a few other new features specifically for this next-gen version. If you want to start from scratch, you can take advantage of a one-time Career Builder feature that gifts you $4m to get a business up and running, and there's also a new intro sequence, exclusive content including new vehicles and missions, migration bonuses and more. It's still basically the same game (although it doesn't feature cross-play with Xbox One), but with a few quality of life upgrades.

Another thing we should mention is that the game's notoriously long loading times are improved on Xbox Series X and S compared to Xbox One. Jumping into GTA V or GTA Online is still definitely not instant by any means, but you're not sitting around for over a minute just waiting for Story Mode or Online to load up. That's a relief in our book.
So, is GTA V worth buying for Xbox Series X and/or Xbox Series S? Again, we should point out that these impressions are only based on a couple of early hours with the game on Series X so far, but this version ticks most of the boxes for us. Sure, it's not a massive visual transformation, but the Xbox One version has felt outdated for quite some time now, and the addition of greater graphical detail throughout the game coupled with that all-important 60 frames per-second target (in certain performance modes) breathes new life into GTA V for next-gen consoles. Whether it's worth the money depends on how eager you are to revisit the world of Los Santos on Series X or S, but after playing this version, we'd admittedly find it very difficult to go back and enjoy its sluggish Xbox One counterpart.
Got any questions for us about GTA V on Xbox Series X and S? Let us know down below.
Comments 39
I keep seeing "upscaled 4k". Do we known upscaled from what? 1280x720p? 1920x1080p? 2560x1440p?
@InterceptorAlpha Yeah, the only official information I have right now is that it's "upscaled".
@FraserG Ah I see. Here's to hoping Digital Foundry digs into it then. Thanks!
Owning a series S and and only being interested in single player, I’m unsure if this is worth it for me? The price is admittedly cheap at the moment
@Darylb88 For me personally, the 60fps benefit compared to the 30fps Xbox One version is worth the money alone. Obviously I've only tested it on Series X though, so I don't know how the Series S version compares.
The single-player campaign itself is fantastic in GTA V, I don't think you'd be disappointed there.
Waiting until I can play it at 12am before I go to bed. Can't believe I bought it again. 60fps is worth it though.
How much of an improvement are the loading times? I know you touched on it but have you timed it? Also, how about switching characters? That seemed to take ages to me as well, although I haven’t played the game since its original release.
Also, welcome back, Fraser! Hope you had a nice week off.
I'm hearing the save file from Xbox one gets deleted after transferring to series X , so if I need to go back and finish some single player achievements ill have to start my single player story again is this true ?
Oh mah gawd! This is the problem with gaming, etc...
...and I'm contributing, cause I grabbed it😅. I had 33000 ms points. It'll be a nice, chaotic diversion from elden ring.
@P3nguinprisM Thank you! It was a nice break
Single-player is just over 20 seconds, online is a bit longer. Switching characters is basically instant now, but again it takes a bit longer in online because of the servers.
@Martsmall The single-player save file stays on Xbox One even if you transfer it (you have to upload it using the Xbox One version and then download it on the next-gen version).
GTA Online is different, once you've migrated your character to the next-gen version, it's no longer accessible on Xbox One.
@FraserG That’s a significant improvement. Thank you!
@FraserG thank you , good I've been wanting to finish GTA v Xbox one single player but my disc drive decided no not gonna work lol glad to to know I can go back to it to finish off the achievements
@FraserG Thanks! definitely something to consider
Yeah, but if it's 10$
I'm glad I still haven't played this game. Sounds like the Series X version at $10 out of pocket is a good place to start.
? Huh, no cross play?
That's a big fat NO from me.
Did they now finally add new cars from online to the single player
I already pre-ordered the full package of Story Mode and Online and looking forward to playing through Story Mode for the third time in Performance RT.
Anyone having doubts about the next-gen upgrade going off the screenshots and trailer can’t really judge it until they’ve actually seen it running on a big 4K HDR tv.
I’d like to know the difference between both Performance options with and without RT. Does having RT dip below 60fps and without have steady 60fps? Any difference in graphics between both modes? I don’t expect any answers until Digital Foundry go in-depth with all the modes but those are the questions I’d like to see answered from them.
Also it seems Rockstar still can’t get HDR right seeing as they had issues with it in RDR 2. HDR makes a big difference so if they can’t implement it properly into their games they should hire specialist/experts to do it right.
Wondering if there’s much difference between PS5 and Series X on this one. Was going PS5 due to it being $10 less.
I am so done with GTA V wish they would bring out VI already.
I’ve owned/bought this game 3 times now including the series X version. Still have only got about 10% of the way through!
I had it on PS3 and the load times drove me mad so binned it off. Got the xb1 version on sale for a fiver thinking it might have an upgrade path and now bought the SX version which will be the one I will finish(hopefully).
Curious what performance numbers are on the Series S.
Does anyone know if you can migrate cross platform (PS4 to Series S)?
I would have to say No! It's bad enough how I bought this again on Xbox One/PS4, not buying it again this gen. Plus, after playing the same game for 3 generations I am tired of it. It looks and plays great on last gen consoles, and this next gen version is just a glorified PC version.
@Clankylad Yeah GTAV probably has my least favorite story. I didn't like how it jumps all over the place with the character switching, and the characters were definitely kind of annoying after a while, especially Michael with all his family drama.
Everyone saying it is only $10 bucks... I just went to the Xbox store to see whats up with it and the $10 version is for just GTA5 Online. If you want the full version of the game, online and story mode, it is $20 to upgrade it to the Series X/S version (you must already have the game and are just upgrading it).
I would be more down if the entire game was for $10, and if it looked like some of the insanely great graphic mods I see on youtube, I swear people have modded the game to look damn near real haha.
@PhhhCough You didnt spend the whole 33K points on it right? I am guessing you bought like 2 $5 gift cards for like 5500 each or something like that?
I have quite a few questions, as I’m confused. Anyone who can help me out would be appreciated.
Firstly, I went on the store last night to try and preorder and I could only find the original version which I already owned. Is this actually called GTA V next gen? And why can I not see it?
Second question is, I have a save game on my console but the whole point of buying this again is to do the story mode again. I played it through originally on the 360 so it’s been long enough that I want to play it again. When I originally bought Hotshot racing after having the gamespass version there seemed to be no way to erase my original save. I tried locally, and online and I couldn’t erase it and start again. I want to make absolutely sure I can start afresh before purchasing.
Finally - my understanding is online and story are purchasable seperately. I’m not interested in online. Do I HAVE to buy online to make the story mode work?
If anyone can help with this I’d be really grateful.
Same here. £8.50 for 60FPS and faster loading times feels like a great deal.
Considering I haven’t really played it since 360 £8.75 is worth it.
I feel disappointed in two areas: The loading times still seem too long. There's no additional content. Remember Rockstar has spent several years on this remaster.
I’ve found out why I can’t see it. It’s not available where I live. The original is but not the remaster
I got the online part with some xb gift cards, it looks pretty decent in 60fps Rt performance mode, no drops, although I have a VRR screen. Very much the same game though! I've not done the recent ish heists, so that'll be fun.
wasnt going to buy it but i figured hell i havent beaten the story and im glad i did this game looks damn good... this is how rereleases should look and play...
I like that they've put a path in to help people coming to online for the first time or returning to it. I only marginally played the online years ago on Xbox One and can't remember what I'm doing with it.
@Stoned_Patrol oh no. I used about 18k. I think that's what 2 ten dollar giftcards were. I accrued some more, recently. Just waiting on that risk of rain 2 dlc to land.
@PhhhCough Word, I have been all about MS Reward Points for years now. I have not paid for Game Pass Ultimate since it was revealed haha. I either get the monthly or 3 month game pass ultimate passes with MS reward points. Sometimes I have enough to get gift cards too, but mostly I just make sure I always have enough to pay for my game pass for free.
I am gonna be switching over to Xbox series s and I was wondering if I have to upgrade my GTA V in order to play it or does it work on that system as well? I am completely new to the new Xbox. So, if someone can help me out with this I would really appreciate it very much. Plus, what is with this GTA+ thing?
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