Comments 36

Re: This Video Wants to Convince You Kinect Star Wars Has Depth


I agree, they said that they have improved the motion tracking but from the updated game play clips it still looks a bit laggy and i wished that they just focused on improving that aspect of the game instead of adding other modes. I got turned off after seeing that they included a dance mode bcuz i dnt really believe it is needed.

Re: Review: Hulk Hogan's Main Event (Xbox 360)


3 is way to high for this's beyond un playable. I was not able to get pass the 2nd opponent and that's not because the game is challenging it was because i REFUSED to start a new match and go through that tedious posing mini.( which last up to about 5mins b.t.w) THIS IS ALMOST WORST THAN FIGHTERS UNCAGED!!!! SHAME ON YOU HULK HOGAN!

Re: Rise of Nightmares Racked Up a Scary 200,000 Sales


Well honestly. the game isn't bad . matter of fact I enjoy this game more than dead island, despite what most of the reviewer as sayin i felt dead island was a un finish repetitive game that i never finished. I can say that i finish rise of nightmares because despite the minor fault ppl found with this game it was quite enjoyable for me and even they didnt nail it with this tittle i feel that they are in the right direction and maybe the next installment shud b on rails.

Re: Review: Kinect Sports: Season Two (Xbox 360)


Gr8 review. I found that KS2 has much more depth and gives a much better realistic feel. You will get a workout!!! Golf has to have the deepest game play of all and its by far one of the best motion based golf games made. Darts was also a next game that surprised me ... it's very addicting and very intense especially when its down to the last minutes of the game. Tennis is OK... im still kinda feeling it out. Football is awesome and most important very fun. i think its the most fun of all the games, my only gripe with KS2 is that the voice controls kinda work when it wants to i been screaming "mirror" for 20 secs in football before i decided just to use my hands it didnt really matter tho also i wished that they included a basketball sport and some kinda go kart or mayb a more in depth improved boxing instead of darts... my opinion tho... but KS2 IS A BLAST!!

Re: Champion Jockey Screens Race Down the Home Stretch


Agreed. The trailers has made so many kinect games look awesome and responsive then when you finally play the game it's the opposite . Personally me i do not see any benefit of a horse racing game and i would have preferred the focus to b shifted on a more balanced tittle. I dnt think i will be gettin this one. I'll Pass!!!

Re: First Impressions: Kinect Star Wars


I dnt know how long it will take before Microsoft realize in order to make games like this to work efficiently they would need to have some kind of controller for free movement. Yes! it defeats the purpose of having a full motion control peripheral ( kinect )BUT Microsoft has already establish that they can make full motion tracking games, so why on earth are they forcing motion controls in games like this?????

Re: Review: Michael Jackson: The Experience (Xbox 360)


This game is pretty fun only thing that i dnt really like is that all the moves seem to be dumb down alot. Alot of ppl are comparin this to the wii version but i dnt see any comparison ... it may b faster and to sum look better but heck i dnt hav 2 dance 2 play tht i cuz jus move me arms .with kinect version i feel more like im performing like Mj not jus dancing. So for me ... im happy!!!

Re: Review: Deca Sports Freedom (Xbox 360)


This has to be the worst game made for kinect!!
The controls are awful ..... i love my kinect but if you'd play this before kinect sports you would think that the kinect on the whole is a bad idea.
this game suffers from
1. Terrible controls.....VERY TERRIBLE!!!!!
2. The graphics sux! Not impressed.
3..The games are not fun! VEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERY BORING the only playable one on the whole cd is archery.

Re: Review: Game Party in Motion (Xbox 360)


truth be told.... this game isnt as bad as alot of ppl rate it ... i mean dont get me wrong ... its not as fun as kinect sports, but on the flip side its not as bad as deca sports either. It's pretty responsive for the most part but you do have some laggy parts. I would not rate it a 1 tho .... maybe a low 5.