Comments 12

Re: Review: Call of Duty: Black Ops III (Xbox One)


Seems to be the most divisive game in the series so far, but as always there seems to be more glowing reviews than scathing ones. And as always, my friends and I had a blast in the campaign and zombies, and we're just dipping our toes into the multiplayer, but it feels excellent. Does that make us shallow people? Dunno.

Re: Rise of the Tomb Raider Exclusivity Deal Is Only Good For One Year


@Tasuki Capcom's year-over-year operating income has been rising for the better part of a decade. They're hardly the most profitable game publisher out there, but they're in the black and have way more than enough money to develop and publish a game (especially something like Street Fighter, which really only receives mostly cosmetic upgrades with each new iteration).

The only official mention in a press release by either Sony or Capcom indicates that they had entered into what they called a "strategic partnership," which is just a fancy way of saying Sony gave Capcom a little extra tip to publish their game exclusively on their system. Capcom in no way needed extra funding to finish or publish the game.

Re: Rise of the Tomb Raider Exclusivity Deal Is Only Good For One Year


@PokeMario Well, the "benefit" you're talking about is extremely minimal this generation, seeing as how both consoles are using the same CPU architecture and somewhat similar GPUs. We saw the best graphics last generation from PS3 exclusives like Beyond: Two Souls, because the cell processor was confusing and complicated to develop for but possessed a ton of potential. In contrast, PS4 and X1 are both just middling PCs with custom operating systems, basically. So making a third-party game exclusive does absolutely nothing but screw over a sizable number of potential players.

tl;dr I'm really happy this has finally been confirmed to be multiplat even though I'll still be playing it on Xbox

Re: Rise of the Tomb Raider Exclusivity Deal Is Only Good For One Year


@flameboy84 I do feel the same about both games.

Microsoft "financing" Tomb Raider and Sony "financing" Street Fighter are a different beast entirely from something like, say, Nintendo financing (no quotation marks this time) Bayonetta 2.

Truth is, neither Microsoft nor Sony financed anything. They bought exclusivity deals from publishers who were going to publish those games anyway (both Capcom and Squeenix have tons of money already to publish their games, but hey, if a bigger company like Sony or Microsoft offers to foot the bill to fuel their side of the console exclusive fire, why should they say no?)

Don't believe for a second that Street Fighter V wasn't going to come out without Sony's help after SFIV sold 8 million copies. That's just corporate dribble.