Got to say I'm not finding much to agree with in this review.
I'm probably a little biased in that I love these sorts of games but this is the best of it's type I've played in a while. I've currently clocked up 36 hours and I haven't lost interest yet. It reminds me a little of a 3D Escape Velocity if anyone remembers that classic from the 90s? At the same time you can see the Torchlight influence in that's there's always cargo to collect and sell and always that next upgrade you're working towards!
I'll add my two pence to the review. (if I'm not too late!)
I never got round to playing the PC version as I knew a console release was on the cards and I'm putting it up there with the Witcher 3 as my game(s) of the year.
Graphically it's not as exciting as it might be (although I'm told it looks a lot better than the original PC version - before the recent patch) but since it came out two weeks ago I haven't played anything else.
Hugely deep RPG systems, fantastic writing and endless loot...I can't think of much else I look for in my games these days! £32 I think I paid and the Xbox app tells me I've put in 72 hours so far!
Gonna try my hand at Ys on the Vita despite my ridiculous backlog on the Xbox One...Dragon Age Inquisition requires alot of time...don't expect to go out for a while...
Just started Dust: An Elysian Tale and I'm really loving it so far. But honestly this is just to stop me from burning through all 6 hours of the DA: Inquisition trial in one sitting. C'mon EA, no reason why once we've paid for the digital preorder (and agreed to no refunds) we can't just play the full game a week in advance...wishful thinking?
Comments 12
Re: Two More Indies Announced For Xbox Game Pass In February 2022
@ParsnipHero Released on PC a couple of years back to pretty positive reviews so I'm excited about this one!
Re: Review: Rebel Galaxy (Xbox One)
Got to say I'm not finding much to agree with in this review.
I'm probably a little biased in that I love these sorts of games but this is the best of it's type I've played in a while. I've currently clocked up 36 hours and I haven't lost interest yet. It reminds me a little of a 3D Escape Velocity if anyone remembers that classic from the 90s? At the same time you can see the Torchlight influence in that's there's always cargo to collect and sell and always that next upgrade you're working towards!
Absolutely love it!
Re: Here Are Your Xbox One and Xbox 360 Digital Black Friday Deals
@Gamer83 Battefield Hardline is free on EA Access if you're interested...
Re: Talking Point: What Games Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue Eighty One
Fallout 4! Fallout 4! Fallout 4!
Re: Talking Point: What Games Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue Eighty
@VioletTusk what is this games sale of which you speak?
Re: Review: Wasteland 2: Director's Cut (Xbox One)
I'll add my two pence to the review. (if I'm not too late!)
I never got round to playing the PC version as I knew a console release was on the cards and I'm putting it up there with the Witcher 3 as my game(s) of the year.
Graphically it's not as exciting as it might be (although I'm told it looks a lot better than the original PC version - before the recent patch) but since it came out two weeks ago I haven't played anything else.
Hugely deep RPG systems, fantastic writing and endless loot...I can't think of much else I look for in my games these days! £32 I think I paid and the Xbox app tells me I've put in 72 hours so far!
Re: Talking Point: What Games Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue Sixty One
@A_BabyRed_Yoshi thanks! I'll add you shortly, is your GT the same as your name on here?
Re: Talking Point: What Games Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue Sixty One
In other news, I wasn't that keen on the previous Batmans (blasphemy!?) so I picked up a cheap copy of Dying Light and can't wait to jump in!
Re: Talking Point: What Games Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue Sixty One
Is it easy enough to get into the preview program? I can't seem to find any reference to it on the Microsoft website!
Re: Talking Point: What Games Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue Forty One
Gonna try my hand at Ys on the Vita despite my ridiculous backlog on the Xbox One...Dragon Age Inquisition requires alot of time...don't expect to go out for a while...
Re: Some Day One Purchasers Of Xbox One To Get Free Limbo On Release
I guess you shouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth and I wasn't expecting anything. Quite happy...
Re: Talking Point: What Games Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue Thirty Five
Just started Dust: An Elysian Tale and I'm really loving it so far. But honestly this is just to stop me from burning through all 6 hours of the DA: Inquisition trial in one sitting. C'mon EA, no reason why once we've paid for the digital preorder (and agreed to no refunds) we can't just play the full game a week in advance...wishful thinking?