Comments 288

Re: Talking Point: What Games Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue Forty Three


@Jairo_MC It totally is!When i started this game it already blew my mind how deep the story and gameplay is.Just like you i couldn't play any other game besides this one,been playing it nonstop.But i will say this,game is hard as balls!Cause holy crap it's brutal and very unforgiven!But overall the game is awesome,should'ave bought this a long time ago!

Re: Review: Assassin's Creed Unity (Xbox One)


Another glitchfest assassin creed game? Nothing new and with the pictures and videos i been seeing of these glitches wow.Ubisoft you're pathetic i'm sad especially with all these new released games that have bugs.Talking too you Master Chief collection can't even play online!Is just sad seeing these developers releasing unpolished games sick and tired of it.

Re: Poll: What's Your Most-Anticipated Game of November?


I didn't find smash bros on this list! Just kidding it's Halo: The Master Chief Collection. Cause COD? I hate the franchise, Assassins creed unity? That franchise has been burned to the ground and turned into a cash cow, i can't play any new game of the series knowing that.Far cry 4? Maybe it's the only game Ubisoft is releasing this year that doesn't make me want to talk trash about it.

Re: Review: The Legend of Korra (Xbox One)


Yikes Platinum what did you do to this? But this game is rushed and low budget.Maybe if they had more time developing the game and had a bigger budget then maybe this game would'ave been good who knows.

Re: Review: Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition (Xbox One)


So nothing new? Just a fresh coat of paint?Well i already have this for my Xbox 360 and by the look of it their's no reason to buy it again.Great saved myself some money and i really hope developers stop doing this just using next gen power to remake games.Cause if that's all they got, then for me i'm thinking to myself what's the point of buying a next gen console?