Comments 34

Re: Xbox Will Continue To Consider Buying New Studios, Says Microsoft


@TheFrenchiestFry it would be suicide for the franchise to be locked on xbox console but it wouldn't be, it would be on PC and Android through streaming which would be huge in Asian markets. I think you're right that a partnership is far more likely. If Microsoft wants its gaming services to appeal to other markets it would make sense to have internal Japanese dev teams (besides tango) supplying content to those services.

Re: Xbox Will Continue To Consider Buying New Studios, Says Microsoft CEO


It's just logical.
If the move makes sense and if they have the money, why not?
We all think they can't possibly buy more because of how much they already spent but their wallets are still full.
Personally I hope they buy Sega so we can finally get Persona games on Xbox, I have no clue how likely the purchase is.

Re: Xbox And Crunchyroll's 'Good Surprises' Revealed To Be Competitions


Damn was hoping they would add it in with game pass. To have a multi media subscription for like less than 20 bucks a month would be sweet.
People who hate on Japanese games/anime don't seem to realize that Microsoft should be trying to appeal to as many gamers as possible not just a pure Western audience.
It's part of the reason Sony kicks their ass in worldwide sales.

Re: 343 Founder Bonnie Ross Apologises For Halo Infinite Delay


@BlueOcean I'm not saying he is a bad guy but I'd like to know what makes him the best in the biz? Under his watch crackdown 3 was crap, scalebound was canceled, phantom dust remake was canceled, fable legends canceled, halo infinite is the mess it is, f2p games still need gold unlike competitors, even games like ori and cuphead go to switch and in cupheads case even ps4.
I do like game pass though so kudos there.

Re: 343 Founder Bonnie Ross Apologises For Halo Infinite Delay


5 plus years and millions spent, then they showed off a mess with everything popping in and low textures. Seriously how many chances does 343 get? And why does everyone love Phil Spencer?
I feel like a serious shakeup is needed at 343 and people need to stop giving Spencer credit until we see some serious output.

Re: Talking Point: Is It Time For Xbox Live Gold To Be Phased Out?


If you are going to charge people for access to online game modes it would be scummy to force a higher subscription fee by having game pass ultimate as the only option.
If you made online play free but moved games with gold and gold discounts to game pass ultimate that would be much better.
Xbox talks about player choice a lot so reducing options would mean it's just talk.

Re: Sony Has Delayed This Week's PS5 Games Event


If people think they did this for any reason other than money they are kidding themselves. Like when they were "thinking of the children" with crossplay. You can also look at how games like overwatch have lgbtq characters for Western release but then censor that stuff in other regions. Companies try to maximize profits.
Smart move by Sony.