Comments 36

Re: Review: Kinect Disneyland Adventures (Xbox 360)


Great game, really suprised how much I enjoyed playing this, there's so much to do and discover, they've really put a lot of detail into this game. I've found myself playing on this more than my previous favourite Kinect games (Kinect sports1&2) my 3 year old loves watching me play too!

Re: Talking Point: What's Kinect Doing Right or Wrong?


Doing right: voice recognition to navigate menu's etc, more acurate control- can capture slight movements eg head tilts (forza) hand n feet (dance central2).

Doing wrong: too many wii ports and not enough original games made for it, can count on one hand what games work for Kinect.

Re: Wipeout In the Zone


Hope this makes it to UK shores! Looks fun just concerned that it might not be a game you'll want to come back to and play for long spells? Hope they get motion controls working correctly on this one!
Maybe is would have been better as a download??

Re: Microsoft Already Building the Future of Kinect Hardware


Maybe more camera shots from different angles so they can create more of a 3D image or include the player in scenes of games more? The sound from speaker needs to be better too, clearer and less echo! Maybe a moving kinect on a rail- connecting to top of TV screens to get various angles! Just sign me up Microsoft- I'll sort it out for ya! Lol

Re: Review: Yoostar 2 (Xbox 360)


Was close with a 76% score! Great start from a new company covering new ground (kinect and move), think with slight improvements the next game in the series could be quite special! Great Review!

Re: Dance Central


Top game, this and kinect sports is the reason why Kinect has sold so well! The menu controls are the best used in any kinect game so far! Just wish there was better downloadable tracks to buy!

Re: Yoostar 2


Cant wait for this beast of a game to come out- hopefully it'll be worth the wait and not another "Your in the movies" fail.
Liking the amount of clips and downloads becoming available for it though!
Roll on 11th March.