@SuperKMx Thanks for taking the time to clarify these things. I loved the site, but I'm sad that I discovered it a bit late, when I got my Xbox One. I loved the articles and reviews, however I didn't comment often because I'm kinda impacient with the internet lately... I'm glad I got to read a lot of great stuff here and you and the staff were always great.
I'm a recent Xbox One owner and this site was my go to place for everything related to Xbox. I have great respect and appreciation for the team and you truly had something special here. I didn't use to comment often but out of the 3 sites this was the most level-headed and wasn't fanboysh at all. I hope that all the team get to write soon as I loved reading pureXbox. Thanks for all the great work!
Bravely Second, Kirby: Planet Robobot and Donkey Kong Country 2 on 3DS.
On Xbox One, I wanna try Rocket League, since it's feee this weekend, but I can't get it started...
I got a broken finger on my left hand, so the only thing I can manage to play are 3DS or Vita games, and mostly RPGs, since they don't need a very quick response.
Because of that, I'm playing only Fire Emblem Fates: Conquest.
I got it in a sale last year and explored very little of its world. I loved the intro and the art direction but I got a bit distracted by other games. I think I'll upgrade, if the price is right, and play it trhough.
Vita - Persona 4: Dancing All Night Xbox One - Halo 4 and Batman: Arkham Knight Wii U - Guitar Hero Live and Xenoblade Chronicles X 3DS - The Legend of Zelda: Tri-Force Heroes
Wii U: FAST Racing Neo Xbox One: Assassin's Creed Syndicate and Tales from the Borderlands PS3: Saint Seya: Soldier's Soul 3DS: Chibi-Robo: Zip Lash Wii: Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes
Well, at least that's the plan. I think I'll play just a bit of these titles and the focus will probably be on Chibi-Robo, Saint Seiya and FAST Racing Neo. However, since I decided to start Tales from the Borderlands and AC: Syndicate, they may surprise me and end up getting all of my attention.
Xbox One: Mortal Kombat X. PS3: Saint Seya: Soldier's Soul. 3DS: Hatsune Miku. I really want to start The Witcher 3 after all the awards it's getting, but I just don't have the time to dedicate to it right now...
@TwilightAngel 999 is AMAZING! One of the best stories I've ever played. When you finish it, get it's sequel, Virtue's Last Reward, also fantastic.
As for me, I finished Rise of the Tomb Raider during the week but I'm a bit reluctant to start something new. I want to start playing Watch_Dogs, The Witcher or Tales from the Bordelands, but then I remember that Xenoblade Chronicles X is coming next week so I wont have much time for those games... I think I'll end up playing Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes and I'll also try to remember where I stopped in Halo: CE, so I can continue it.
My sister is visiting me this weekend, so I don't have much time to play. I managed to finish episode 6 of Game of Thrones, on Xbox One, and play a bit of Hatsune Miku: Project Mirai DX on the 3DS.
I'm going to focus on Rise of the Tomb Raider on Xbox One. i got to play it a bit during the week and I loved it, so I'm looking forward to playing it more. Other than that, I'll try to wrap up Yoshi's Wooly World on Wii U.
I finally finished the main story of MGSV: The Phantom Pain and I even got the true ending, so, for now, I'm done with it. I want to start something new, like The Witcher 3 but I'll probably end up playing Devil Survivor 2: Record Breaker because I'm on The Last Day. I'm also enjoying Yoshi's Wooly World a lot, so that's definetely on the cards. I want to start Tales from the Borderlands, but I have a feeling I'll just begin another playthrough of Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes...
Mario Kart 8 with my cousin. Then MGSV: The Phantom Pain because I really want to see the end of the story and I'm already at chapter 2. Also, I plan to keep playing Devil Survivor 2 and Yoshi's Wooly World.
@Gamer83 Agreed. I managed to make a total media blackout before MGS V was released because I didn't want to have anything spoiled. I still won't read any articles or comments about the game because I don't want to risk running into spoiler territory.
I was away the last 3 weeks, so I want to play more on my consoles this weekend. Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain and Gears of War: Ultimate Edition both on Xbox One are my main picks. Super Mario Maker arrived yesterday, so I'll be trying that out too.
Just came in to say that I discovered pX recently and I love the site and its community, which, as others pointed out, is small and civil. I also agree that the console wars is pointless and I'm so tired of it that I'm posting and reading very few comments.
I'm currently on vacation, so gaming happens only on handhelds. I'm playing right now Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate and Devil Survivor 2: Record Breaker on 3DS and the first Danganrompa on Vita.
When I feel like changing a bit, I go with Little Big Planet PSP and Kirby Mass Attack.
Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain. I got it the day after launch and I love it a lot (being a fan of the series and all). I'm also really glad I replayed Snake Eater, Portable Ops, Peace Walker and Ground Zeroes before launch because I remembered a lot of the plot I had just forgotten.
This weekend I already played Splatoon (Go Autobots!) and a little bit of Super Mario 3D Land. I also played Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker HD on PS3 and there's only the final bosses left, so I expect I'll beat it again this weekend. After Peace Walker I wanna play Ground Zeroes on Xbox One, so I get to play the whole Big Boss saga before The Phantom Pain arrives. I also just got Gears of War and was gifted with Dead Rising 3. If I manage to squeeze more gaming this weekend, I'll probably start Gears and play some more missions on Perfect Dark.
I wrapped up Banjo-Kazooie yesterday, so now I think I'll finally start Conker's Bad Fur Day for the first time (though Perfect Dark is tempting me at the moment). I'm also at the very end of Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops, which I hope I can finish this weekend so I can start Peace Walker. I also plan to play a bit more of The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess and Pokemon Alpha Saphire.
I love this collection so much! It brings a lot of good memories from the past. I wanted to start with Conker's Bad Fur Day (never played it), but I ended up starting with Banjo-Kazooie. I also tried out Battletoads Arcade and I'm liking it so far. The rewind feature is great for a game like this too. I haven't played anything else because I'm having a blast going through Banjo again.
Played a bit of Splatoon and Zelda: Twilight Princess. Rare Replay did arrive today and I wanted to give a spin on Conker's Bad Fur Day, as it's one of the few games I missed in the N64 days, however, nostalgia spoke louder and I ended up playing Banjo-Kazooie, which I think will be the only game I'll play for the rest of the weekend.
On Wii U, I'll be playing Splatoon, as I love the Splatfests and this weekend has another one. I'm still playing Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops on PSP, and I'm enjoying a lot more than I thought I would, as I remember not getting too much into it when I beat it a long time ago. I'm also playing Pokemon Alpha Saphire on 3DS and the GameCube version of The Legend of Zelda: The Twilight Princess on my Wii. I think my copy of Rare Replay will arrive tomorrow, so, there's a pretty big chance that, when it comes, I'll only play it, and mostly the N64 games.
I'll be playing Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands on PS3 and starting Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops on PSP. I also plan to star the GameCube version of The Legend of Zelda: The Twilight Princess. Other than that, I'll play Episode 4 of Life Is Strange and Game of Thrones on Xbox One.
I'm a big fan from Rare and loved them in the N64 era. Back then, they seemed to do Nintendo games better than Nintendo. I already pre-ordered this and the first game I'll play will be Conker's Bad Fur Day as it is one of the few I didn't get a chance to play when it was released. Then, I'll go full on nostalgia with Banjo Kazooie, Banjo Tooie and Perfect Dark.
@flameboy84 It plays more like Peace Walker as you can crouch walk like on the PSP game. The frame rate suffer a little and there are some drops here and there, but it controls really good. I'm playing with my New 3DS, so I have the C-Stick for camera control. The 3D effect is great too giving a more cinematic feel to the game. Also, you really should play Peace Walker on PSP as it's a great entry in the series and a lot of the characters that appeared on Ground Zeroes, if not all of them, made their deput on Peace Walker.
I'm going to advance a bit more in D4: Dark Dreams Don't Die, Sleeping Dogs and Game of Thrones: Episode 4, on Xbox One. I'll also continue and probably finish Metal Gear Solid 3 on 3DS and luckily start MG Portable Ops on PSP. If I manage to have the time, I'll also continue my playthough of Danganronpa on Vita.
Just finished Assassin's Creed Unity and, with that, all the 3D AC games. This weekend I'm going to participate in the splatfest of Splatoon and I'll star Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater on 3DS because I want to play all the Big Boss games of the series befores The Phatom Pain arrives. I guess I'll try out some Sleeping Dogs (Xbox One) and Danganronpa (PS Vita) if I have the time
@sinalefa Great! I'll be adding you now. Also, Revengeance is a great game from Platinum. it's kinda short too but it's very replayable. BTW, I just finished Xenoblade Chronicles 3D and it's awesome!
I'll continue my saga with Assassin's Creed. This year I decided to take it down my backlog so I've been playing every major entry since 2 (AC 1 was so bad I couldn't bring myself to finish it). I only have 2 left: Rogue and Unity. I started with Rogue, on PS3, and I'm almost at the end of it, so I think I'll begin Unity, on Xbox One, this weekend too. I also have to do some grinding on Xenoblade Chronicles 3D as the final boss kicked my @$$ and I want to see the end of the story this weekend too. Other than that, I always have some time for Splatoon.
@flameboy84 First of all, I think I need to clarify that I was mostly a Nintendo guy. I had a Super NES, a N64 for the longest time. Then, I got a PSOne, REALLY late in its cycle (I think the PS2 was already out), which a later traded for the PS2 (thank you backwards compatibility for that!). The PS3 and the Wii I got when I was almost graduating from college and they were both very different and had such a good library of games that I was really entertainned. I also got a lot of portables, such as the GBA, the PSP, the DS, the 3DS and Vita. I got the Wii U when Zelda: Wind Waker HD came out. So after all that, I decided to wait a bit to see which company would offer better games as I knew that the Wii U couldn't provide all the other games I wanted due to the lack of 3rd party support. The PS4 seemed to be the obvious answer at first, as it seemed that Sony really wanted to please its fans and I had already owned the PSOne, PS2, PS3, PSP and VIta, so I knew they wouldn't screw up. Also, the initial reaction after the Xbox One was unveilled was pretty bad, so it seemed that it was dead certain to get the PS$. However, as time went on, I was REALLY bothered that most 1st party games from Sony were remasters (The Last of Us is considered the best PS4 "exclusive" to this day, losing only to GTA V on metacritic) or sequels. The library wasn't appealling to me and I started to realize that Sony was getting all the sales mostly due to hype than to delivering the goods. I was also really annoyed by the lack of support of Vita, a device that Sony killed 2 years after launch... On top of that, PS Now was an outrageous idea and I couldn't believe that even PSOne or PS2 classics wouldn't be playable on PS4, making me need a PS3 or Vita to play them. The only game that would make me get the PS4 in a heartbeat (Persona 5), was also coming to PS3, so I didn't need to make the switch as I'm not bothered about playing a game on old hardware. Because of that, I started to play attention at what MS was doing with the Xbox One and I started to get really impressed. After a bad E3, they made the next all about its games, and I was really interested in them. I never played Halo, so the Master Chief Collection got me intrigued and was a really good value for my money. But the game that made me think I NEEDED a Xbox One was Sunset Overdrive, as everything about it screamed fun. Also, knowing that Platinum was making an exclusive in Scalebound got me really interested as I loved all of their games (Bayonetta 2 is probably my favourite action game of all time). On top of that, MS seemed to listen to its fans complaints and worries and responded to them (such as the removal of DRM and the need of always online, although, as you pointed out, it can't do much offline...) as opposed to Sony, who, IMHO, seemed to just keep generating hype... What made me jump the gun was something a lot more practical, though: last year's Black Friday had a really good deal on the Xbox One (which is already a lot cheaper on my country - Brazil - than the PS4). I got one that came bundled with Assassin's Creed: Unity and Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare for a really good price and a lot of the multiplatforms games were cheaper on Xbox One than on PS4. So, to sum up, it really was a combination of various factor: need of a multiplatform machine with good 3rd party support, good games already out (instead of promisses) and a much more friendlier price. After i got it, I didn't regret it at all. I like the controller a lot more than the Dual Shock 3 (which I now have a hard time adjusting to), the online store is better and more user friendly and the games are pretty good and usually cheaper around here. Also, I get to experience a good library of games right now and the backwards compatibility was just the cherry on top to make me really happy about it because I can play all the games I missed.
I also switched from the PS3 to the Xbox One, so backwards compatibility means I can play a lot of games that I couldn't before. I mostly want to get Tales of Vesperia, as its the only Tales of that I'm interested (as a lot of its characters were in Project X Zone), but I can also try out some other stuff too.
Little time to play games this weekend, but I managed to beat Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag on the Wii U and I also was able to participate in the Splatfest on Splatoon. Other than that, I played more of Xenoblade Chronicles 3D as I'm getting near the end and I plan to start Sleeping Dogs on Xbox One or Assassin's Creed: Freedom Cry on PS3.
I'm back home, so I'm also going back to my consoles. Splatoon arrived earlier this week and I'm loving it! I'll definetely do more matches and play more the single player campaing, as I barely touched it so far because I'm busy with turf battles. Other than that, I want to start Episode 2 of TellTale's Game of Thrones and Episode 3 of Life is Strange on Xbox One. I also plan to play some more of DmC: Definitive Edition and Xenoblade Chronicles 3D.
Comments 89
Re: So Long, And Thanks for All the Clicks
@SuperKMx Thanks for taking the time to clarify these things.
I loved the site, but I'm sad that I discovered it a bit late, when I got my Xbox One. I loved the articles and reviews, however I didn't comment often because I'm kinda impacient with the internet lately...
I'm glad I got to read a lot of great stuff here and you and the staff were always great.
Re: So Long, And Thanks for All the Clicks
I'm a recent Xbox One owner and this site was my go to place for everything related to Xbox. I have great respect and appreciation for the team and you truly had something special here. I didn't use to comment often but out of the 3 sites this was the most level-headed and wasn't fanboysh at all. I hope that all the team get to write soon as I loved reading pureXbox. Thanks for all the great work!
Re: What Games Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 107
Bravely Second, Kirby: Planet Robobot and Donkey Kong Country 2 on 3DS.
On Xbox One, I wanna try Rocket League, since it's feee this weekend, but I can't get it started...
Re: Talking Point: What Games Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 106
Bravely Second: End Layer on 3DS and Transformers Devastation on Xbox One.
Re: Talking Point: What Games Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 102
Fire Emblem Fates: Revelation
Re: Talking Point: What Games Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 100
I got a broken finger on my left hand, so the only thing I can manage to play are 3DS or Vita games, and mostly RPGs, since they don't need a very quick response.
Because of that, I'm playing only Fire Emblem Fates: Conquest.
Re: Talking Point: What Games Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue Ninety Four
Only Fire Emblem Fates: Birthright and Super Mario World on 3DS.
Re: Talking Point: What Games Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue Ninety Three
Fire Emblem Fates: Birthright and Super Mario World on 3DS.
Re: Ori and the Blind Forest: Definitive Edition Coming March 11th
I got it in a sale last year and explored very little of its world. I loved the intro and the art direction but I got a bit distracted by other games. I think I'll upgrade, if the price is right, and play it trhough.
Re: Talking Point: What Games Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue Ninety One
Probably only Dangamrompa 2: Goodbye Despair on Vita.
EDIT: Also, Splatoon because I want Team Red to win!
Re: Talking Point: What Games Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue Ninety
Halo 5 and Final Fantasy Explorers
Re: Talking Point: What Games Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue Eighty Nine
Xbox One: Halo 5 and Perfect Dark on Rare Replay
3DS: Mario & Luigi: Paper Jam
Wii U: Smash Bros (Bayonetta is awesome!)
Re: Talking Point: What Games Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue Eighty Eight
Mario & Luigi: Paper Jam and Halo 5. My weekend is kinda full already...
Re: Talking Point: What Games Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue Eighty Seven
Persona 4: Dancing All Night (Vita)
The Legend of Zelda: Tri-Force Heroes (3DS)
Batman: Arkham Knight (Xbox One)
Re: Talking Point: What Games Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue Eighty Six
Vita - Persona 4: Dancing All Night
Xbox One - Halo 4 and Batman: Arkham Knight
Wii U - Guitar Hero Live and Xenoblade Chronicles X
3DS - The Legend of Zelda: Tri-Force Heroes
Re: Feature: Our Top 3 Xbox Games of 2015 - Staff Lists
My top 4 are:
1- Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain
2- Rise of the Tomb Raider
3- Life Is Strange
4- Rare Replay
Re: Talking Point: What Games Are You Playing This Weekend? - Holiday Break Edition
Wii U: Guitar Hero Live
Xbox One: Tales from the Borderlands and AC: Syndicate.
3DS: Chibi-Robo: Zip Lash.
Wii: Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes.
Re: Talking Point: What Games Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue Eighty Five
Wii U: FAST Racing Neo
Xbox One: Assassin's Creed Syndicate and Tales from the Borderlands
PS3: Saint Seya: Soldier's Soul
3DS: Chibi-Robo: Zip Lash
Wii: Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes
Well, at least that's the plan. I think I'll play just a bit of these titles and the focus will probably be on Chibi-Robo, Saint Seiya and FAST Racing Neo.
However, since I decided to start Tales from the Borderlands and AC: Syndicate, they may surprise me and end up getting all of my attention.
Re: Talking Point: What Games Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue Eighty Four
Now that I remembered, I'll also play Splatoon as there's a Splatfest this weekend.
Re: Talking Point: What Games Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue Eighty Four
Xbox One: Mortal Kombat X.
PS3: Saint Seya: Soldier's Soul.
3DS: Hatsune Miku.
I really want to start The Witcher 3 after all the awards it's getting, but I just don't have the time to dedicate to it right now...
Re: Talking Point: What Games Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue Eighty Three
@TwilightAngel 999 is AMAZING! One of the best stories I've ever played. When you finish it, get it's sequel, Virtue's Last Reward, also fantastic.
As for me, I finished Rise of the Tomb Raider during the week but I'm a bit reluctant to start something new.
I want to start playing Watch_Dogs, The Witcher or Tales from the Bordelands, but then I remember that Xenoblade Chronicles X is coming next week so I wont have much time for those games...
I think I'll end up playing Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes and I'll also try to remember where I stopped in Halo: CE, so I can continue it.
Re: Talking Point: What Games Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue Eighty Two
My sister is visiting me this weekend, so I don't have much time to play. I managed to finish episode 6 of Game of Thrones, on Xbox One, and play a bit of Hatsune Miku: Project Mirai DX on the 3DS.
Re: Talking Point: What Games Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue Eighty One
I'm going to focus on Rise of the Tomb Raider on Xbox One. i got to play it a bit during the week and I loved it, so I'm looking forward to playing it more.
Other than that, I'll try to wrap up Yoshi's Wooly World on Wii U.
Re: Talking Point: What Games Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue Eighty
I finally finished the main story of MGSV: The Phantom Pain and I even got the true ending, so, for now, I'm done with it.
I want to start something new, like The Witcher 3 but I'll probably end up playing Devil Survivor 2: Record Breaker because I'm on The Last Day.
I'm also enjoying Yoshi's Wooly World a lot, so that's definetely on the cards.
I want to start Tales from the Borderlands, but I have a feeling I'll just begin another playthrough of Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes...
Re: Talking Point: What Games Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue Seventy Eight
Mario Kart 8 with my cousin. Then MGSV: The Phantom Pain because I really want to see the end of the story and I'm already at chapter 2.
Also, I plan to keep playing Devil Survivor 2 and Yoshi's Wooly World.
Re: Talking Point: What Games Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue Seventy Seven
Metal Gear Solid V: The Phanton Pain and I'll finally try Gears of War online.
I also plan to play Devil Survivor 2 and Chibi Robo on 3DS.
Re: People Just Suck: Some Folks Are Trying to Ruin the Halo 5 Ending For As Many People As Possible
@Gamer83 Agreed. I managed to make a total media blackout before MGS V was released because I didn't want to have anything spoiled. I still won't read any articles or comments about the game because I don't want to risk running into spoiler territory.
Re: Talking Point: What Games Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue Seventy Six
This weeked I'll be playing (hopefully):
Xbox One - Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain and Gears of War: Ultimate Edition.
PSVita: Persona 4: Dancing All Night
3DS: SMT Devil Survivor 2 and Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer.
Wii U: Splatoon and Super Mario Maker.
Most of the games are only for a little bit of time, but I hope I can make more progress with MGS, Gears and Devil Survivor 2.
Re: Talking Point: What Games Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue Seventy Five
I was away the last 3 weeks, so I want to play more on my consoles this weekend. Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain and Gears of War: Ultimate Edition both on Xbox One are my main picks. Super Mario Maker arrived yesterday, so I'll be trying that out too.
Re: Phil Spencer Finds the Console Wars "Distasteful"
Just came in to say that I discovered pX recently and I love the site and its community, which, as others pointed out, is small and civil.
I also agree that the console wars is pointless and I'm so tired of it that I'm posting and reading very few comments.
Re: Talking Point: What Games Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue Seventy Three
I'm currently on vacation, so gaming happens only on handhelds. I'm playing right now Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate and Devil Survivor 2: Record Breaker on 3DS and the first Danganrompa on Vita.
When I feel like changing a bit, I go with Little Big Planet PSP and Kirby Mass Attack.
Re: Talking Point: What Games Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue Seventy One
Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain. I got it the day after launch and I love it a lot (being a fan of the series and all). I'm also really glad I replayed Snake Eater, Portable Ops, Peace Walker and Ground Zeroes before launch because I remembered a lot of the plot I had just forgotten.
Re: Talking Point: What Games Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue Seventy
This weekend I already played Splatoon (Go Autobots!) and a little bit of Super Mario 3D Land.
I also played Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker HD on PS3 and there's only the final bosses left, so I expect I'll beat it again this weekend.
After Peace Walker I wanna play Ground Zeroes on Xbox One, so I get to play the whole Big Boss saga before The Phantom Pain arrives.
I also just got Gears of War and was gifted with Dead Rising 3. If I manage to squeeze more gaming this weekend, I'll probably start Gears and play some more missions on Perfect Dark.
Re: Talking Point: What Games Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue Sixty Eight
I wrapped up Banjo-Kazooie yesterday, so now I think I'll finally start Conker's Bad Fur Day for the first time (though Perfect Dark is tempting me at the moment).
I'm also at the very end of Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops, which I hope I can finish this weekend so I can start Peace Walker.
I also plan to play a bit more of The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess and Pokemon Alpha Saphire.
Re: Review: Rare Replay (Xbox One)
I love this collection so much! It brings a lot of good memories from the past.
I wanted to start with Conker's Bad Fur Day (never played it), but I ended up starting with Banjo-Kazooie. I also tried out Battletoads Arcade and I'm liking it so far. The rewind feature is great for a game like this too.
I haven't played anything else because I'm having a blast going through Banjo again.
Re: Talking Point: What Games Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue Sixty Seven
@jasper81 It's truly fantastic. My favourite platformer of the N64.
Re: Talking Point: What Games Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue Sixty Seven
Played a bit of Splatoon and Zelda: Twilight Princess.
Rare Replay did arrive today and I wanted to give a spin on Conker's Bad Fur Day, as it's one of the few games I missed in the N64 days, however, nostalgia spoke louder and I ended up playing Banjo-Kazooie, which I think will be the only game I'll play for the rest of the weekend.
Re: Talking Point: What Games Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue Sixty Seven
On Wii U, I'll be playing Splatoon, as I love the Splatfests and this weekend has another one.
I'm still playing Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops on PSP, and I'm enjoying a lot more than I thought I would, as I remember not getting too much into it when I beat it a long time ago.
I'm also playing Pokemon Alpha Saphire on 3DS and the GameCube version of The Legend of Zelda: The Twilight Princess on my Wii.
I think my copy of Rare Replay will arrive tomorrow, so, there's a pretty big chance that, when it comes, I'll only play it, and mostly the N64 games.
Re: Talking Point: What Games Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue Sixty Six
I'll be playing Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands on PS3 and starting Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops on PSP.
I also plan to star the GameCube version of The Legend of Zelda: The Twilight Princess.
Other than that, I'll play Episode 4 of Life Is Strange and Game of Thrones on Xbox One.
Re: Don't Panic! Rare Replay Games Can Be Played Full Screen and Without Borders
I'm a big fan from Rare and loved them in the N64 era. Back then, they seemed to do Nintendo games better than Nintendo.
I already pre-ordered this and the first game I'll play will be Conker's Bad Fur Day as it is one of the few I didn't get a chance to play when it was released. Then, I'll go full on nostalgia with Banjo Kazooie, Banjo Tooie and Perfect Dark.
Re: Talking Point: What Games Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue Sixty Five
@flameboy84 It plays more like Peace Walker as you can crouch walk like on the PSP game. The frame rate suffer a little and there are some drops here and there, but it controls really good. I'm playing with my New 3DS, so I have the C-Stick for camera control. The 3D effect is great too giving a more cinematic feel to the game.
Also, you really should play Peace Walker on PSP as it's a great entry in the series and a lot of the characters that appeared on Ground Zeroes, if not all of them, made their deput on Peace Walker.
Re: Talking Point: What Games Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue Sixty Five
I'm going to advance a bit more in D4: Dark Dreams Don't Die, Sleeping Dogs and Game of Thrones: Episode 4, on Xbox One.
I'll also continue and probably finish Metal Gear Solid 3 on 3DS and luckily start MG Portable Ops on PSP.
If I manage to have the time, I'll also continue my playthough of Danganronpa on Vita.
Re: Talking Point: What Games Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue Sixty Four
Just finished Assassin's Creed Unity and, with that, all the 3D AC games.
This weekend I'm going to participate in the splatfest of Splatoon and I'll star Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater on 3DS because I want to play all the Big Boss games of the series befores The Phatom Pain arrives.
I guess I'll try out some Sleeping Dogs (Xbox One) and Danganronpa (PS Vita) if I have the time
Re: Talking Point: What Games Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue Sixty Three
@sinalefa Great! I'll be adding you now. Also, Revengeance is a great game from Platinum. it's kinda short too but it's very replayable.
BTW, I just finished Xenoblade Chronicles 3D and it's awesome!
Re: Talking Point: What Games Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue Sixty Three
I'll continue my saga with Assassin's Creed. This year I decided to take it down my backlog so I've been playing every major entry since 2 (AC 1 was so bad I couldn't bring myself to finish it). I only have 2 left: Rogue and Unity. I started with Rogue, on PS3, and I'm almost at the end of it, so I think I'll begin Unity, on Xbox One, this weekend too.
I also have to do some grinding on Xenoblade Chronicles 3D as the final boss kicked my @$$ and I want to see the end of the story this weekend too.
Other than that, I always have some time for Splatoon.
Re: pX Asks: What Does Xbox 360 Backwards Compatibility on Xbox One Mean to You?
First of all, I think I need to clarify that I was mostly a Nintendo guy. I had a Super NES, a N64 for the longest time. Then, I got a PSOne, REALLY late in its cycle (I think the PS2 was already out), which a later traded for the PS2 (thank you backwards compatibility for that!).
The PS3 and the Wii I got when I was almost graduating from college and they were both very different and had such a good library of games that I was really entertainned. I also got a lot of portables, such as the GBA, the PSP, the DS, the 3DS and Vita.
I got the Wii U when Zelda: Wind Waker HD came out. So after all that, I decided to wait a bit to see which company would offer better games as I knew that the Wii U couldn't provide all the other games I wanted due to the lack of 3rd party support.
The PS4 seemed to be the obvious answer at first, as it seemed that Sony really wanted to please its fans and I had already owned the PSOne, PS2, PS3, PSP and VIta, so I knew they wouldn't screw up. Also, the initial reaction after the Xbox One was unveilled was pretty bad, so it seemed that it was dead certain to get the PS$.
However, as time went on, I was REALLY bothered that most 1st party games from Sony were remasters (The Last of Us is considered the best PS4 "exclusive" to this day, losing only to GTA V on metacritic) or sequels. The library wasn't appealling to me and I started to realize that Sony was getting all the sales mostly due to hype than to delivering the goods. I was also really annoyed by the lack of support of Vita, a device that Sony killed 2 years after launch...
On top of that, PS Now was an outrageous idea and I couldn't believe that even PSOne or PS2 classics wouldn't be playable on PS4, making me need a PS3 or Vita to play them. The only game that would make me get the PS4 in a heartbeat (Persona 5), was also coming to PS3, so I didn't need to make the switch as I'm not bothered about playing a game on old hardware.
Because of that, I started to play attention at what MS was doing with the Xbox One and I started to get really impressed. After a bad E3, they made the next all about its games, and I was really interested in them. I never played Halo, so the Master Chief Collection got me intrigued and was a really good value for my money. But the game that made me think I NEEDED a Xbox One was Sunset Overdrive, as everything about it screamed fun. Also, knowing that Platinum was making an exclusive in Scalebound got me really interested as I loved all of their games (Bayonetta 2 is probably my favourite action game of all time). On top of that, MS seemed to listen to its fans complaints and worries and responded to them (such as the removal of DRM and the need of always online, although, as you pointed out, it can't do much offline...) as opposed to Sony, who, IMHO, seemed to just keep generating hype...
What made me jump the gun was something a lot more practical, though: last year's Black Friday had a really good deal on the Xbox One (which is already a lot cheaper on my country - Brazil - than the PS4). I got one that came bundled with Assassin's Creed: Unity and Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare for a really good price and a lot of the multiplatforms games were cheaper on Xbox One than on PS4.
So, to sum up, it really was a combination of various factor: need of a multiplatform machine with good 3rd party support, good games already out (instead of promisses) and a much more friendlier price.
After i got it, I didn't regret it at all. I like the controller a lot more than the Dual Shock 3 (which I now have a hard time adjusting to), the online store is better and more user friendly and the games are pretty good and usually cheaper around here. Also, I get to experience a good library of games right now and the backwards compatibility was just the cherry on top to make me really happy about it because I can play all the games I missed.
Re: pX Asks: What Does Xbox 360 Backwards Compatibility on Xbox One Mean to You?
I also switched from the PS3 to the Xbox One, so backwards compatibility means I can play a lot of games that I couldn't before.
I mostly want to get Tales of Vesperia, as its the only Tales of that I'm interested (as a lot of its characters were in Project X Zone), but I can also try out some other stuff too.
Re: Talking Point: What Games Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue Sixty Two
Little time to play games this weekend, but I managed to beat Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag on the Wii U and I also was able to participate in the Splatfest on Splatoon.
Other than that, I played more of Xenoblade Chronicles 3D as I'm getting near the end and I plan to start Sleeping Dogs on Xbox One or Assassin's Creed: Freedom Cry on PS3.
Re: Review: Batman: Arkham Knight (Xbox One)
I'll join the others and wait for the GOTY edition.
BTW, great review!
Re: Talking Point: What Games Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue Sixty
I'm back home, so I'm also going back to my consoles. Splatoon arrived earlier this week and I'm loving it! I'll definetely do more matches and play more the single player campaing, as I barely touched it so far because I'm busy with turf battles.
Other than that, I want to start Episode 2 of TellTale's Game of Thrones and Episode 3 of Life is Strange on Xbox One. I also plan to play some more of DmC: Definitive Edition and Xenoblade Chronicles 3D.