Tag: Free Demos
News PGA Tour 2K25 Joins Latest Batch Of Free Demos On The Xbox Store
"Step up to the first tee and get started..."
If you've been eyeing up PGA Tour 2K25 ahead of its Xbox release later this month, you'll be pleased to hear that a free demo has just gone live for the game on Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S - complete with a bunch of cool features! Specifically, by downloading PGA Tour 2K25 'First Look' on the Xbox...
News It's Already Been A Good Year For Free Demos On The Xbox Store
You should definitely check some of these out!
Remember when free demos were all the rage? Back in the days of the original Xbox and Xbox 360, demos were an amazing way to generate hype for upcoming titles, and they were even given away with magazines for a long time! Since the arrival of the Xbox One in 2013, we've seen far less free demos on...