Oh boy, where do you even start with this one? You might remember that back in March, destructive Xbox Game Pass racer Wreckfest received a very generous free 4K, 60FPS patch for Xbox Series X, making it run better than ever on next-gen consoles. It was a genuinely fantastic addition to the game, but the PlayStation 5 never received it, and so another upgrade (this time at a cost of £9.99 / $9.99) has arrived to improve the visuals even further.
Unfortunately though, the upgrade process is unnecessarily confusing on Xbox. Instead of acting as a native Xbox Series X version of Wreckfest, the upgrade simply serves as DLC for the main game, and there's never any indication that you're playing a next-gen edition of the racer, which is bizarre to say the least. It's better to think of this upgrade as more of a graphics add-on, rather than a brand-new 'optimised' Xbox Series X and S addition.
In-game though, it genuinely does look better than ever on consoles, with significantly improved lighting and shadow effects, along with noticeably higher resolution textures across the board. If you're a massive fan of Wreckfest, you're going to be happy with the additions here - although keep in mind that (minor) frame rate dips seem slightly more common in this version when lots of vehicles are on screen at once, although never to any hugely detrimental effect.
You also get the benefit of up to 24-player multiplayer races with this upgrade - and races are always better and more carnage-filled if you can add more competitors into the mix - but unfortunately the vast majority of lobbies are still made up of 16 players on Xbox at the time of writing, and the few 24-player lobbies that crop up often seem very quiet.
The biggest bit of potential bad news arrives with the Xbox Series S version (which we unfortunately haven't had a chance to test), with early reports suggesting the frame rate can drop to unplayable levels when lots of action is happening on screen. We're assuming this will be fixed in a future update, but it seems like a false start for Series S.
Undoubtedly, Wreckfest itself is an absolutely fantastic racer and you'll have a blast on Series X regardless of whether you stick with the free 4K, 60FPS patch or go one step further with this paid next-gen upgrade. This is without doubt the definitive way to play the game on Xbox Series X, but thanks to that free patch a couple of months ago, there's really no need to pay the extra money unless you're a devoted Wreckfest nut.
Comments 13
Yeah, not sure about the dips being 'minor'. They are really bad on some tracks and come with screen tear.
Hoping for an update and have uninstalled it for the time being.
"Xbox Game Pass racer Wreckfest received a very generous free 4K, 60FPS patch for Xbox Series"
What exactly is generous about a patch that put the game how it should have launched to begin with.
That's like saying "Oh hey, X developer just released a generous patch for Y game that gives you modern resolution access" on a PC game. Makes no sense.
Seems more like lip service for a scummy developer that is now trying to charge for a settings update.
Fun game to do the single player challenges. I laughed quite a few times. Online was a mess. I had to wait for every player to press a button to ready up. And you need so many votes to remove inactive players. Took half an hour and no match started and I logged out. I only favor that lobby style in custom servers or top tier ranked.
@InterceptorAlpha It couldn't have launched with 4K, 60FPS support because the Xbox One couldn't have got anywhere close to that.
At the end of the day, it would have been really easy for them to hold off on the free patch and just give us the PS5 treatment - make us pay for the resolution and frame rate bump - but instead they gave us that bit for free.
And so, this extra bit is essentially just a paid graphics pack that is totally optional and far from necessary. Because of the free patch, the base game is still really, really good on Xbox Series X without having to pay anything extra.
Not sure how that comes across as "scummy"? It's literally the opposite in this case. Plus, I highly doubt the developer has any input in charging for anything - it's the publisher that will make those decisions.
@FraserG Wreckfest launched when the One X was out which would have happily ran the game at a higher resolution. So any and all arguments about the Xbox not being able to handle it are kind of moot.
Per your own article, the new update is not purely a graphics patch with game play elements such as 24 players being locked behind this pay wall.
All the while, all of these featured are included with the base game on PC.
Regardless of if the decision is on the developer or the publisher, it is still a scummy practice that should never be supported.
Thankfully I purchased it on PC early enough I was able to get a refund when they announced this for consoles. Specifically purchased it because of the low resolution and 16 player count on Xbox actually. Not supporting them in anyway at this point.
To date I have not supported a single practice such as this. That won't be changing either. Voting with my wallet and all the jazz.
@InterceptorAlpha I understand your viewpoint on the PC thing for sure, but I personally feel in this instance THQ has been pretty fair.
They gave us a free patch just a couple of months ago when, actually, it probably would have made more business sense to hold back and just make us pay for the resolution/FPS boost like on PS5.
Wreckfest was on my wishlist for ages. I tried it when it came to Game Pass and got over it pretty quickly. I can't for the life of me see what all the fuss is about and have no desire to play an iffy paid upgrade.
The devs have put work into making the game run smoother and look better. I think they have an argument to charge for the update. If nice graphics are what you are after this is a fair price for the devs work. We have been pretty lucky on the new consoles that more devs havent charged for updates.
@Diotz Or you can just get it cheaper on PC with all the upgrades included in the same price instead dof getting nickel and dimed for a graphics is slider and the 24 player limit that was removed for console release. If you like having features removed and sold back to you, that's good for you.
It wasn't okay when EA did it. It wasn't okay when 505 games did it. It isn't okay when THQ Nordic does it.
@InterceptorAlpha Strange, I thought this was a Xbox website. I don't have the PC to get anywhere near 4K 60fps with updated textures on a modern title so that fact that this is now available on console is great news to me. Devs need to make money at the end of the day and I still have a choice not to purchase this if I feel its unfair. Like I said I think this is a fair price to pay for the extra work to have this included in the console version. The game is available with my Xbox Ultimate so this is great value.
Exactly this.
A fun game that is ruined by the slow, frustrating and poorly executed online matchmaking.
Such a shame... Sort that out and it's a blast to play.
But for now, I've stopped playing it... better thinks to do with my time than sitting in lobbies forever.
I got this for my XSX and was equally puzzled by the even lack of X/S on the new icon... followed by the fact it doesn't even force an install to the internal drive. Wreckfest remains dutifully on my external even with the upgrade. It certainly looks better and no, we haven't seen 24 yet either.
In 2023, I just bought the game and all of its DLC, on sale. It's worth every penny.
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