Well, this is a bit unexpected. As big fans of Starfield, who had plenty good to say about the base game upon release, we were pretty sure that Shattered Space was going to be a slice of DLC that was right up our intergalactic street.
Sure, there were plenty of reasons to be irked with this hugely-anticipated sci-fi universe when it originally launched, and we totally get why some other outlets chose to score it lower than we did back at the time - Starfield was a big, messy thing, and it's been a real love it/hate it affair all over. Of course, all of these various issues are well-documented by now, there's no need to regurgitate everyone's dissatisfactions, but the one thing we were convinced of due to the mixed reaction, was that Bethesda would use the first major expansion for its beleaguered game as a chance to refresh, rework and reintroduce players to an experience revitalised.

There was an expectation that this would be best-foot-forward time. However, what we've actually got with Shattered Space is a roughly 15-hour fix of very average narrative content, set in a new environment that does very little to impress. Yep. It sucks to say, but Shattered Space is a disappointment on nearly every level, and it's one that begins to annoy as soon as you boot into it - if, indeed, you can even get it started in the first place.
Rather than grabbing returning players and new recruits by the scruff of their spacesuits with some awe-inspiring opening sequence that showcases the very best of Starfield (or even by refreshing them with regards to the game's rather overwhelming controls), Bethesda has instead decided to run with a zero-gravity shootout that's sure to have everyone tearing their hair out from the word go.
It's a terrible way to welcome anyone to Starfield, we hate zero gravity - especially against cheap, warping enemies - and, once the gravity is turned back on, things never really take off, or add anything of worth to the base experience. We've still awarded Shattered Space an "average" score, and that's all based on the fact that we enjoy the core shooting and exploring - remember, plenty of folk don't even like these parts - but everything else here just feels very badly judged.

The new narrative strand sees you, once again, framed as a very special messiah of sorts who everyone knows and recognises (it's getting a little old now, Bethesda). You receive a distress beacon from The Oracle space station, which has warped into your view in full-on emergency mode, and then set off on a quest that takes you in and around every nook and cranny of the DLC's new chunk of space, Va'ruun'kai. This new planet is definitely an upgrade over those you'll have explored in the base game; it's busier, better organised into districts, and it's also got a fairly impressive city in the form of Dazra, which is initially interesting enough to encourage some excitement.
But then it all just flaps around for 15 hours. Where are all the dazzling set-pieces or meaningful changes? Where are the big surprises or new mechanics? Heck, where are all the new ships and guns and new companions? Where are the interesting new enemies? It's all very auto-pilot in its vibe, this DLC. Jeezo. It feels more like a shrug than a proper attempt to redress the balance, especially given how much flak Bethesda got on initial release.
We don't want to spoil the plot, we won't go into detail on the story, but it's just not up to much. The acting is odd in places - we even had a discussion about how weird it sounded, in fact - the gunplay hasn't seen any changes, and there's been no dice on any of the stuff we actually thought we'd see, like genuinely new biomes or even actually unique enemies (these ones are reskins). Surely now is the time, Bethesda, to do something cool. Another bite at the cherry? No?

The best thing about Shattered Space, in the end, is the new map. That's how bland this DLC is. The new map is a bit better than the old maps. That's your lot. The opportunity to do anything interesting hasn't been taken, we've got no meaningful upgrades or additions to any aspect of the huge experience that is Starfield, and as a result are more than ready to put this one to bed. It does sort of seem as though that's what Bethesda has decided to do too, to be fair.
Finally, and with regards to performance, there are consistent framerate issues in the balanced 40fps mode on Xbox Series X. Jetpacking across open terrain results in fairly egregious stuttering, for example, and we also ran into plenty of bugs, with one workbench sending us back to the console's dash and another getting us stuck in a loop that we had to shut the game down to rectify.
We've also got braindead enemies who stand still during scraps, NPCs wandering into conversations, texture glitches and falling through scenery are, of course, all present at points too. So, not a great report in terms of how they've fixed the performance, either.

There are other problems, stuff like the fact your companion has no idea of the current mission when you interact with them, instead continuing to talk about whatever previous mission you happened to be on before jumping into the DLC. You can exhaust their conversation options, but it never fixes itself...so yeah, that sort of breaks immersion. And it's indicative of how much effort it feels has been put in all over with this one in general. What a shame.
Starfield: Shattered Space is a big disappointment in almost every way. We loved the base game, for all its flaws, and we were willing this to be the big, exciting DLC drop that'd make us love it all over again. However, what we've got here is a very average narrative expansion that fails to add any big choices, upgrades, new enemies, biomes, loot or anything that could potentially excite or draw in new players. It's buggy, janky, badly acted in places, and there are a myriad of bugs and performance issues to be ironed out. What a missed opportunity.
Comments 102
Same score my buddy gave it after playing it for about 10 hours. I'm convinced that Microsoft (and/or the developers they own) have lost the ability to make great exclusive games.
At least, the wallpaper was cool.
Very nice tagline there.
Sounds like a 9.99$/29.99$ DLC. 🤷♂️
@PsBoxSwitchOwner Thank you. I am VERY CLEVER.
dang, what a shame
At this point, this team at Bethesda has just lost the ability to make good games. I genuinely feel bad for fans of these titles. Like, what faith can anyone have that ES6 won't be a mess? What about the next Fallout? Just a bummer all around.
I 100% agree with this review. I just wrapped up shattered space about an hour ago and all I could think is I paid $30 for this? Just mediocre all around
I'd love to comment on my opinion of the dlc , but I can't because I can't even get my game to start , also apparently the loadings got worse , what an absolute mess for a flagship title.
I finished the story in the DLC yesterday and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Running through the extra sidequests now and still have a few misc achievements left. I understand every criticism mentioned here (except for gamebreaking bugs as I havent encountered any, yet). I'd give it a 7.
This is such a bad take id swear it was by a one brand Sony fans.(Btw I do have a PS5, its just very boring compared to the SX) .
Starfield expansion ---9/10
-from someone actually playing the game
Also, no bugs at all for me on the SX
> there's no need to regurgitate everyone's dissatisfactions
This should be a warning label on every video game comment thread on the internet. I swear people constantly go out of their way to always bring up this game and everything they don't like about it - even completely out of context.
I can’t be bothered anymore.
@Krazee5255 Yeah I heavily disagree with this review, which is nothing new for me considering the critic.
@Krazee5255 So explain why its a bad take. What does the dlc do different or better to make it stand out from the base game. Did the reviewer miss some new mechanic or system?
Give some context to your comment please.
“very average narrative content”
Sounds like the main game.
Oof. What has happened to Bethesda? They used to make amazing worlds. Now they make this.
@Medic_alert It will be a total banger.
Because it is multiplat.
That's the kind of content that makes me sure PureXbox editorial is formed mostly by Xbox haters.
The game is great, so is the expansion, way far from 5/10. Its an honest 9/10.
I haven't finished the DLC yet, but I think the start is good, because if this game is a game with space elements and Nasa punk, I think missions in zero gravity are extremely welcome.
I'm sorry, but you have to be absolutely irrational if you think an Xbox fan site is intentionally disparaging an Xbox branded game because Sony.
Most of the fan reviews I've seen that think it's brilliant have 350+ hours and adore Starfields base game. Or feel the same way as PJ and are devastated with how lazy it is
@Medic_alert I think it allows for critical negotiation decisions for the Xbox, but in terms of games, I think they are at a good pace, as they had a prominent Xbox Showcase and by 2025 they intend to launch Avowed, South of Midnight, Fable and Doom.
@Romans12 I think there are a lot of talented people within Xbox and I think they are at a good pace, as they made a prominent Xbox Showcase and by 2025 they intend to release Avowed, South of Midnight, Fable and Doom.
This review is waaay off the mark imo. To the point that i wonder if they actually played the expansion or just rushed through it for the review.
Also: "No effort to dazzle or convert naysayers" should never be a goal for developers let alone a point of criticism in a review.
As time passes PureXbox becomes more and more like it's sister site PushSquare. As in completely unreliable outside of just reporting news.
People saying it’s off the mark need to go read a few of the other reviews out there - they are saying similar things.
"No effort to dazzle or convert naysayers"
What? That's been the hope for a lot of DLC's, the whole redemption arc.
Starfield is extremely devisive, and with new, F76, Cyberpunk, NMS, the're were distinct points made to whether it made games worth revisiting.
I really don't get why people insist on living in Echo chambers..... people have differing opinions 🤐
Currently has a worse Metascore than Concord. Sick of this.
Yes, everyone working on PureXbox is secretly a Sony fanboy. Sure.
Or, Starfield isnt that good. Hate to say it but its true.
So far I think it’s been OK, but nothing more, which is a real shame. But the biggest issue is it’s £29.99. At that cost I was hoping for a proper meaty expansion, something like Far Harbour, Dawnguard or Shivvering Isles, but it’s not remotely close to that so far. £14.99 would be far more fair for what you get.
@Shalooda I was thinking the same about load times, they seem longer than I remember. Some are shorter than others but loading into the game takes an age for this gen. Had a few crashes and bugs too, but had those in the base game.
I think 5 is really harsh. The main game is, for me, one of the best space games ever made and is a massive world. I think the DLC just adds even more to explore and to so.
I don’t actually see much difference between this and many brilliant Bethesda games that have gone before yet this gets so much harsh treatment and I’ve still yet to work out why.
@Sifi Are you referring the scre that matters on metacritic, user score, which shows or 7.2 vs 1.7?
Or are you talking about the critics score, that only has 4 reviews for Shattered space while Concord has over 10x the reviews at 46?
Seems like a fairly disingenuous comment.
And this is from someone that is well known for pointing out Xbox's faults. Much to the chagrin of some here.
9/10 on Xbox Era and reads like a review to a totally different game!
Gaming Bible 8/10...
I won't get to play this til back from holiday but purexbox do seem to be far harsher than most in the review...
@InterceptorAlpha the score from reviewers who've played them.
Wow, they really went all out on this one! "Very average" is not going to be a big selling point for future DLC's!
Maybe we all expected too much from Starrfield as a new IP ...
Nah-field. Shame this game was such a disappointment day 1.
@Sifi Shattered Space only has 4 reviews from "critics" which seems to be the one you're interested. Concord has 46. Over a 10x difference.
You'll need to wait until more reviews are there because 4 is hardly a sample.
This is getting too many mixed reviews, both from critics and players, to just drop £30 on it. I’ll wait until it’s 50% off in a sale then I’ll buy it.
@InterceptorAlpha Will gladly be proved wrong. I wanted this to be good but 5/10 from PX and 58% not recommended from owners on Steam doesn't bode well
@PsBoxSwitchOwner All Reviewers are off the mark because they disagree with the minority opinion that it's amazing.
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@PsBoxSwitchOwner FFS. That's what I get for not actually digging.
Thanks for the heads up.
What happened to the days that everyone just stuck to the handle they made, any hate they got be damned?
I'm sounding like a geriatric now.
Wow wasn't expecting that...was highly doubtful I was going to get it anyway as I got burnt out on star field before I even finished the main game...and while I thought the main game was great for what it was ..it would of been immense if it came out 10 years ago ...it's just that it's the same old formula..and I've had my fill after playing so much fallout in the past
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@Krazee5255 same here
Ouch. Well I will take this with some salt as I liked Starfield mostly from the jump so the complaints are probably not shared with me. But with a new Zelda out, reviews like this don’t inspire me to pick up this dlc. I’ll swing back next year or if a definitive edition comes out. Still awaiting TES6.
This generation has been easily the worst one in gaming to date.
Almost every big game to date is a big fat dud. Whatever the way games are developed now it must be some by the numbers cookie cutter system because there's no passion, creativity or anything anymore.
These basic generic titles with massively bloated budgets and dev time lead to 7/10 games.
Can Bethesda even make a good game anymore?
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@Syndrome Pretty big difference in PJ's score vs the user score here as well. Honestly I usually find his reviews to be very polarizing at the least, he seems to be overly critical of a lot of Xbox related stuff for someone who writes for this site.
"Can Bethesda even make a good game anymore?"
I realize this is only one game, but I think there are concerns, especially with the LENGTHY dev time this game had.
There are some game mechanics, that I would factually consider the worst I've ever encountered, the Temples..... how does that make it into a core game design. To actually double down on years and years worth of atrocious UI that everyone and their uncle has complained about since at least Oblivion
I downloaded the game again, excited about them hitting that DLC goodness and....
What the hell are they doing.....
I regret so much buying the Premium upgrade, I didn’t even play that much on early access (since I found the base game boring) and now I won’t play the already paid expansion as it’s seemingly worse than the base game, what a disappointment…
@OldGamer999 please do
OK, enough of the BS.
I've played Starfield constantly since release.
That's 100s of hours = NG+ 11 the first play through and probably as many as 20 play throughs altogether, including going through Unity immediately after finishing Shattered Space.
Here are my issues with the DLC:
1. The story ts all talk. Yap yap yap with very little substance.
2. The world is hand crafted? So what. It looks like a bad acid trip.
3. The quests are just plain crap and the fights are repetitive as hell. The void horrors are laughable, I mean come on. Is this supposed to be a horror twist? LOL, walk around the streets late at night where I live if you want fear.
4. It is way too short. The zero gravity part is just the bounty hunter mission re-badged.
5. There are no traders so you constantly have to zip off to Neon to restock. This breaks immersion.
6. There is no plot worth talking about.
7. There are no unique new things except a crap house you get at the end? I saved your f-ing planet. You should make me the ruler. All I get is a shack next to a meat house.
8. There are very little unique new items. Everything is just a rebadge of an existing item.
9. I agree 100% with the review. This was BGS time to put things right and the blew it.
After finishing, I immediately hopped through unity and saved my copy in the cloud and deleted everything from XBOX. That was the final straw for me. That and the crashes and ***** frame rates when in heavy action. No excuse for any of this BGS.
That Zenimax acquisition is looking worse and worse by the day. BGS turning out duds since Fallout 4. Arkane Austin was closed after the disaster that was Redfall. Tango was sold off for... god knows what reason.
At least id is still goated, and MachineGames' new Indiana Jones title looks pretty fun.
@Medic_alert Black ops is DOA to people who don't need to take adderall
Am I the only one that thinks its wrong to charge anything, let alone £29.99. I'm paying GPU prices a month, which have gone up and up and up, to play first party games on day one, to then be told to pay loads of money to continue the story.
I know I'll be completely alone with this opinion but I bought GP for it's value for money, yet I'm still missing out on first party content and paying through the roof for the privilege??
Probably the first time its really bothered me because I played about 150 hours of Starfield base game so would have probably given this a go.
@EvilTed Amen!
Have they added a vehicle for exploration? Can you take it to the main game? If so it's probably worth it if you enjoyed the main game which I did (despite its overly-analysed shortcomings).
@BrandNewOldSchool an exploration buggy was added in a recent update, before this expansion. Just speak to any shop services technician.
But it’s not great imo and doesn’t change the fact there’s little of worth exploring on each planet- if you’ve done it once you’ve done it a hundred times. But it’s better than nothing, choice is good
Good discussion here.
People need to figure out that Microsoft makes more money with COD/ Activision than it does with the entire Xbox brand.
That changes everything. Xbox is an afterthought now.
@StonyKL DLC has never really been part of Game Pass, other than the odd exception, so I don’t think it should be expected.
That said £30 does seem steep to me though for what I’ve played so far, feels like half that would be fairer.
Bartig wrote:
That’s not quite true. While Microsoft don’t always give full financial breakdowns their Xbox revenue was up 44% Year on Year in Q4 FY2024 after the ABK merger (likely with plenty coming from the Mobile based King part of the equation).
But the Year on Year part of the statement is important as it has been a slow quarter the previous year, in reality ABK has increased their gaming revenue from around $14 - $15 billion a year pre-ABK to $18 - $21 billion after, according to analysts. Still sizeable, as it should be for what they paid, but not nearly half.
Removed - trolling/baiting
Aww darn. Like most people it seems I enjoyed Starfield, but got bored with it pretty soon for an RPG. I'd hoped this would have been a great expansion that spices things up and improves the base game too, but seems like it's, at best, more of the same.
I won't be getting it as if I want more of the same old Starfield I'll play the rest of the game I didn't finish.
@Dimey I think 8 is perfectly reasonable. Some of the buggy bits have been fixed so whatever the reviews by others were done were or after I don’t know but it’s all about opinion at be end of the day and if would be dull if they all gave the same scores.
But personally I think 8 is more reflective overall
@andrewsqual It’s all about opinions. The 5’s and 8’s and 10’s are all based on opinion. At the end of the day, reviews are only a guide and ultimately the only opinion that matters is that of you when you play a game.
If a site gives a 3 out of 10 but you enjoy it still, it doesn’t make the site right or you wrong. It just means that your opinions and expectations differ.
@Krazee5255 not a chance it's rubbish same as the base game
It does astonish me that everytime anything is said that doesn't praise xbox or its games, you get fanatics popping up trying to blame sony or pretend there is some kind of bias.
PJ, in my opinion, is the best reviewer across these sites and has proven time and time again that he has a good feel for a good title and is able to call it when its not. He would clearly prefer to find it was a fantastic dlc, but there are still zealots here that will suggest he is somehow being untruthful to try and hurt the brand?
When most people, including paying customers on steam are dissapointed, that will be because its dissapointing, nothing to do with an imagined agenda.
@themightyant if you removed the profits they bought with the abk merger, profits were down 1% year on year.
Its quite clear those 'extra profits' were bought, and the underlying buisness without the aquisition wasnt going anywhere. Im glad they bought some extra profits, but it will take a very long time to recoup the 70 billion it cost them.
Thats why they are engaged in so many rounds of layoffs and studio closures and I understand there are more to come. Thats not the behaviour of a company that just increased its profits by 45%.
Monday, at the end of the day this site announced it just got its copy of the DLC and were working on a review. How is it possible to deliver a serious review only 25 hours later? Even if the reviewer didn’t sleep in between it seems unlikely he could form a solid opinion AND write an article about it.
Please just take at least a week extra and deliver something good, instead of desperately trying to be the first. I can’t take this seriously.
Starfield is just a dull game the premise is dull and that's hard considering it's a scifi game it's to much up it's own arse thinking it's something special when it's not plus the game desperately needs aliens very odd decision not to have any other intelligence races but humans in the game!
@Darude84 I had plenty of time to play and deliver my opinion. Sorry you feel this way, but I think you'll find lots of bad reviews of this DLC coming in over the next few days. It stinks.
@Titntin completely agree they bought those profits, didn’t say otherwise. Was just making it clear to OP that ABK doesn’t make more money than the rest of Xbox, that’s false info.
As for recouping 70 billion, it doesn’t quite work like many assume. They traded cash and bought an asset that is added to their share price. SOME of the returns will be through added stock value, and other business metrics, it doesn’t need to be 70 billion made back through ABK games back to cash.
The layoffs are a complex topic, because even studios with huge profits and strong financials were doing it. The reality is the cost of making games has vastly increased, not just the scope of games but if you were to make the identical game to 5 years ago it would cost considerably more, well above inflation.
For a company, and for divisions within a larger company, you need to stay on the right side of that, and to do that you typically don’t look at profits TODAY you look at forecasts years ahead and make strategic decisions based on that. Microsoft’s Xbox division were in a particularly tough spot as they had just increased their wage bill by 15,000 - 20,000 employees with Bethesda and their intent to buy ABK when the financial crisis hit. That isn’t consolation for anyone losing their job, nor it is meant to defend the layoffs, but it is the reality of how multinational business are typically run, because those who don’t run it like that are often in a worse place in 5+ years as they didn’t make hard decisions and cuts today.
To be fair to the reviewer, they aren't the only one that found it a bit meh. Only XboxEra really rated it highly. Go check the opencritic score.
How on earth are you awarding this 5/10 when the review reads like a 2?
Come on, guys. If the only thing you're happy with is the new map then this is not a 5/10 game.
Good lord some of these people sound so bonkers, it's kinda alarming tbh. Y'all know it's okay to have a different opinion about a gosh darn video game, right? It's not the end of the world! Some of you were perfectly fine expressing your disagreement but many of these comments are so dripping with vitriol and I don't know why?? Not everyone likes Zelda. Not everyone likes Sony games (made very clear by many users on this site). Not everyone likes PC gaming. But it's okay to like and dislike different things, guys. Go touch grass
Reviews will always be subjective. I actually like that a reviewer isn't tempted to go against the grain and gives their honest view on something even if it's not what people may want to hear about their favourite game.
@themightyant Thanks for the reply. Absolutely agree abk are not pulling in half of xbox profits.
I understand the principle of ever increasing profits to feed sharehokders needs to make ever increasing profits, but I utterly reject the idea thats that the way it has to be. Whilst all companies have to make money to survive, companies used to have many other goals as well as bowing to the almighty $, and often saw the betterment of the people who make the company as one of those goals. There are still companies who do that, we dont need to look further than nintendo to see a company where the top brass will take bonus cuts or forgo then alltogether inorder to ensure they can retain and keep their teams.
As Ive gotten older Ive realised that the capatalist system I was raised in is no longer one I agree with, with money being more important than peoples lives. Too big a topic for here!
Unfortunately Xbox is suffering from the "Too Many Cooks in the Kitchen" Syndrome.
In this case with Bethesda we very well know Todd Howard is making all the crucial development decisions, and while Matt Booty is the actual boss in charged of that studio, he wouldn't contradict Todd Howard on that regard and that's the reason why Starfield can't get off the ground.
The next round of layoffs at Microsoft should be to eliminate all the unnecessary bosses that can't seem to make any positive difference, starting with either Todd Howard or Matt Booty.
I don't get why people think bad reviews come from haters.
I loved the based game. Sure it had some flaws, even major ones, but I still loved it and was thrilled to get into this DLC. 9 hours later, I got all the achievements but I can't recall any "now that's cool" moment. Everything is meh. After a few dialogues from the main quest I skipped almost everything I could because of how boring everything was. The loot was meaningless, no special weapon or item, no new power, Andreja was useless... Exploration was fun at first but then I saw how bland stuff was. And do I need to mention the 15FPS final fight (on Series X 60FPS target, performance mode)? Damn.
Now I'm angry, because it hurt the love I had for this company and the games they made. This DLC is so poor compared to the competition. Do you remember that Blood and Wine was released for 19$? I mean, Blood and Wine!
The only hope I have is that now that they've hit rock bottom, with all the reviews and all, things will change before TES VI hits. This one is (was?) my most anticipated game of all time.
@Titntin I understand that point of view, and I'm definitely not for just blindly increasing shareholder profits. But I also think the "line must go up" is a gross oversimplification that people use as a catch all, basically because they aren't happy with late-stage capitalism (neither am I btw). But I do think it's far more nuanced than that.
Having run a company (granted only around 50 people, not thousands) where we were the stakeholders, you are always looking at longer trends and trying to react to market conditions especially things outside your control. Even if the company has done well this year, that may not be enough if there's a cloud on the horizon. You are trying to prevent getting into tight positions in several years that would ultimately impact MORE staff and more negatively affect both the company plus morale in the long run, than if you were to make tough calls today.
Whereas most gamers simply look at the last financial years profits and wonder why jobs are lost now, the executives are trying to play several years ahead. Do they always get it right? No of course not, especially when looking at the future you should be overly cautious but also have less sight. I don't expect that to be a popular view or evoke sympathy for the people making those calls, but I believe it is usually the reality.
As for Nintendo I absolutely applaud Satoru Iwata for halving his salary, and for making some other executives cut 20% - 30%, it was a great gesture that also sent a powerful message of solidarity and belief in Nintendo at a time where they were really struggling.
But people often forget the context of this, which is important. This was during the Wii U failure, they had literally just announced that they has massively missed ALL their targets... and not just by a bit. e.g. they reduced annual Wii U sales estimates 69% from 9 million units to just 2.8 million and even the popular 3DS was down 27% from 18.5 million units to 13.5 million. All very costly mistakes.
My point is Iwata and the executives also did this in order to keep THEIR jobs, it prevented most executive heads rolling. But people completely forget that side of it and reframe it to a purely "for the people" act. Hogwash! and a gross retelling of history. It saved their own bacon as well as saving other jobs. Granted it was a masterstroke, and the smart thing to do, i'm taking nothing away from Iwata here, but lets not pretend it wasn't also self serving.
The fact Iwata and most of the execs even had their jobs after the Wii U debacle says plenty. For comparison what happened to Dom Mattrick after XBO or Ken Kutaragi after PS3, neither of which were remotely close to the Wii U's utter failure.
EDIT: Sorry for the long post. You were right, too big a topic for here!
Well, dang. I bought my Series X in anticipation of Starfield a little over a year ago, and upgraded my Game Pass version the game to get the early access. It has been the most disappointing console experience ever, and this comes from a guy who owns a working WiiU. Xenoblade Chronicles X is amazing, btw.
Now that we know Shattered Space is also mid, I can confidently pack up my barely touched Xbox Series X into its pristine box, and put it on eBay. That will go towards the lofty charge on my credit card for the PS5 Pro pre-order.
@themightyant yeah, not the right forum. But Nintendo have never laid off staff, and whilst that covers Wiu that also covers all other times, and thats because they are not slaves to the bottom line and believe in more than the company as a route to riches. I understand projections and readying for future conditions, but much of this is simply done to appease some shareholders as thet didnt quite hit 20% growth. Its obscene.
@8bit4Life I hear you bro. Its with dissapointment that Im putting mine on ebay too, but I stupidly haven't got the box - I never thought I'd get rid of a working games machine part way through its generation. Lets look on the bright side, ebay stopped its selling fees last week!
It's hilarious to think that the dastardly Sony used their unfair power and influence to... plant a reviewer on an Xbox fansite to mildly irritate the readers.
Anyway, I'm still undecided on the main game because as much as I love space and RPGs, I have no experience with Bethesda games. You can find brand new copies on eBay for $20. Might take a punt.
Read, "Bugs galore and performance issues"
Well? It is a bugthesda game. Should be no surprises at all.
Agree with the review sentiments. A missed opportunity. I was looking forward to a new chapter with some new, original content beyond an expanded environment. And to think I bought the Xbox X specifically for Starfield. It's fortunate Game Pass has a pretty decent library and jumping back into ESO has been more fun than I expected, otherwise I'd be back to the PS5 which has been gathering dust for several months.
@IGN_Commenter Played starfield since day one. Enjoyed every moment.
I just refuse to pay full price for any DLC, ever.
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@8bit4Life @Titntin as somebody who just recently sold mine.. they are not flying off the shelf. Had to take a bit of a hit just to move it before a flud of second hand consoles hits the market (xbox disappointment and PS5 regular upgraders).
Just to chime in on Nintendo layoffs discourse, I love that company (although it hates it's fans) but I think that is part of Japanese culture more than stakeholders bottom line. There is a very strong consciousness about common prosperity/good in that country, on all levels, that it would be a suicide in public eye to go against it.
@PJOReilly I don’t understand Monday afternoon’s article then. It says: “…As a result, we're all going to be jumping in today, and we'll bring you our review ASAP.”
This was posted 25 hours before the review…
@JayJ Right. I've read some of his reviews here and elsewhere and I disagree with most of them. Reviews are just opinions, but some reviewers are less biased and more reliable than others.
@Medic_alert So you're saying if Avowed is game of the year but only 30 fps? It's a failure?
@shoeses Majority does not mean it's correct. Not even close.
Betamax was superior, but majority bought VHS. Zune superior but majority bought ipod. Majority go to taco bell and think it's legit Mexican food.
That’s disappointing. Ok Todd Howard you made the game you wanted… now make the game we want (please)
I enjoyed the base game and expected more of the same so enjoying the DLC too.
Purexbox posts an article about what players are saying about it with the headline "This is an absolute must play". Then proceed to give it a 5/10 2 days later lol
@GuyinPA75 If it's not correct then why can none of you explain why it's good? No duh if you liked Starfield you'll like the Starfield DLC, and that's all any of the people who like this DLC can say. No talk of a great story, characters, enemies, missions, areas, set pieces - just 'it's more Starfield and I liked the base game'. Which is the majority view of the DLC - it's more of the same. Nobody's saying or has been saying you can't like Starfield and any DLCs it gets, but can you all please stop getting moody when other people don't share your objectively niche enjoyment?
@shoeses How very ironic. I'd really not like see all that solely jumps on every starfield article just to get moody and trash it when other people not objectively share their perceived negative connotations of the game.
@GuyinPA75 So are you gonna answer how or why it's so good and different or not, because you're exclusively proving my point doing this.
@Banjo- It's funny how they removed one of my comments, especially considering how I usually try to be mature and respecting but honest. I guess they really don't like me being critical of Hookshot and IGN around here.
But yeah, PJ has often been one of the critics here at Hookshot sites that I find myself usually disagreeing with. I mean that's just life, you won't always view things the same way as others, but I think it's wise to take note of people you often have polarizing views with so you know to not take them as an authority on how to view things. That's just the nature of media though, there is no true correct or wrong opinion.
@MjJmediablogger Just chiming in because I am playing it right now. The frame rate stutter is horrific outside the city right now, 100% not fixed.
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