Star Wars has had plenty of notable video games over the years, and two titles that continue to hold a special place in fans' hearts to this day are the Battlefront games. They first debuted on Xbox and multiple other platforms in 2004 and 2005 and were praised at the time for allowing Force-sensitive individuals to relive iconic mass-scale battles from the original and prequel trilogies, while also taking control of both Jedi Masters and Sith Lords.
This brings us to Aspyr’s repackaged title, Star Wars: Battlefront Classic Collection. Admittedly, the developer’s Star Wars re-releases have a mixed history - with several titles living up to expectations and others, at times, falling short. It’s even had some drama in the lead to this particular release, so how does this latest version of Battlefront hold up and can it match the extremely high expectations of fans?

On Xbox, what you’re getting in the collection over the backward compatibility releases is the return of online battles with bigger player counts than before. To make it clear, this is the main selling point from the perspective of Team Green, as the online play in the original console releases is no longer officially accessible. There’s also some bonus content included in this repackaged collection, but the original Xbox versions were already spoilt with some updates and DLC back in the day, so this arguably isn't quite as exciting as it might be for Star Wars fans on other consoles.
When you first boot up the collection, you’re presented with a screen asking you which game you want to play. While it’s nothing special, it serves as a reminder that this is a relatively straightforward re-release for modern systems. And if you’ve already played one of Aspyr’s previous Star Wars titles, you’ll likely already have an idea of what you’re signing up for. If you are a returning Battlefront player, in general, this collection should bring back plenty of memories – with familiar menus, maps, characters and modes. It’s mostly intact and this includes split-screen multiplayer and co-op options (which are still great fun with family and friends), although in BF2, Aspyr seems to have opted with PS2 split-screen over the four-player Xbox version.
Where you’ll really notice the differences is out on the battlefield. Load times are speedy, the resolution and textures look sharp, and the frame rate appears smoother. While we’re admittedly no Digital Foundry, the collection seems to have found the right balance here - delivering a package that feels authentic to the original experience and still feels like a glow-up.

The battles also play out like they used to, and while there are some bugs Aspyr has already flagged (yes - this includes the ability invert X and Y-axis on control setups, which is “temporarily unavailable”), our own experience in the offline modes have been mostly fine across various modes and maps when using different classes and characters.
This brings us to arguably the most important aspect for the Xbox release – the return of online. While this experience was fun and largely stable for a handful of Pure Xbox staff during pre-launch, unfortunately the global launch has got off to a bumpy start. Our own experiences in public multiplayer battles have had some rough patches where gameplay didn’t feel as smooth as it should, but across hours of matches we’ve not encountered any seriously game-breaking scenarios (at least for now), although there were times where online made us feel like we had the aim of a Stormtrooper, with shots not always seemingly connecting due to apparent connection issues.

However, this doesn’t completely match the community experiences – with widespread reports of issues with official servers, match hosting problems, connection issues, not enough servers, and many more problems which has made this crucial selling point a frustrating experience. Aspyr has officially issued a statement about this now as well – admitting its network infrastructure has experienced “critical errors” at launch and it’s working to address these issues, but unfortunately some members of the community are already at boiling point. Another letdown of this experience is the fact it doesn’t support crossplay, which could potentially shorten the lifespan of this particular release.
Despite these teething issues with online, what you're provided with Star Wars: Battlefront Classic Collection is two games that still offer a lot of replay value. Yes, instead of a live service, battle pass, or locked heroes and villains (we’re looking at you Star Wars Battlefront II), you’re actually getting a mostly complete package. Just don’t expect certain other modern systems that you may have become accustomed to in newer games.
On Xbox, there was always going to be some serious debate about whether fans should consider checking out the Star Wars: Battlefront Classic Collection. If you’re not in it for online play, and only want to participate in solo play and local multiplayer (or you simply want the original experience), we would argue the affordably priced backward compatibility versions are still more than enough. If you are really eager to relive the online battles of yesteryear on an even bigger scale though, the Classic Collection is the (only) way, so hopefully Apsyr can overcome these launch issues.
Comments 25
So what actually has changed with resolution, textures and frame rate compared to the BC versions?
@awp69 higher resolution textures and higher frame rates. And ideally a removal of the Vaseline filter.
For example BC version is 30fps. This version is 60+. Hoping 120 is an option.
How do the cutscenes look? Iirc weren't they compressed low Res vids lifted from the films?
@ralphdibny The cutscenes from the films look really good now. Not 4K, but probably 1080p or something like that.
@FraserG cool, sounds interesting! I guess the most effective way for them to do it would be to re-rip and re-encode the video from the source but I wondered if there'd be any rights issues from using anything other than the compressed video in the original game
Cheers for the reply!
Galactic Conquest ahoy!
@ralphdibny Cutscenes are BUGGED. Half the cutscenes from the Campaign are gone. No way to invert Y axis either. Classic Aspyr move.
I don't know what the term is but there was some sort of audio cracking when a lot of stuff was going on screen that doesnt happen on bc version. The achievements would pop at launch but console said achievements weren't supported at launch, haven't checked back since. I haven't checked the online multiplayer yet. Its good but should have waited for a sale. Wish they'd make a third game in this style with the tv series stuff in it.
They’ve removed the ability to invert the y-axis for aiming, making the game completely unplayable for me! Booted up the originals and the option is there, so why they would remove that particular option is totally beyond me.
Think I’ll be applying for a refund as this is unbelievably poor.
Also seemed like there were a bunch of options enabled by default that I don't remember having to change like auto lock on enemy, felt weird
It's getting blasted on social media for it's broken multiplayer, lack of invert y axis option, buggy cutscenes, fps drops and general lack of polish. I'm really glad I didn't get blinded by nostalgia this time. No matter what anyone says, these games are extremely dated and can't hold a candle to EA's Battlefront II.
@UndyingInsurgent95 I get that ea battlefront 2 is really good but I think the original releases were good, these are just pretty bad ports. I didn't know aspyr was doing these otherwise I wouldn't have bought it, still annoyed about the switch Kotor 2 undelivered dlc.
Got around to trying the online multiplayer and quit and requested a refund after one match, wow it was bad. Thanks for processing it so quickly. Should have bought dark forces instead I think.
@Beetlebum91 Don't get me started on their botched Kotor 2 remaster! A terrible studio when it comes to ports...
I'll just stick with EA's 2017 version.
@UndyingInsurgent95 yeah I might do that myself too
@Beetlebum91 I never even got that far. Started the tutorial for the nostalgia of it all, realised that the option to invert the y-axis had been removed, and gave up. Thirty-five or more years of playing with inverted means this game is currently unplayable for me.
@ChopperCampbell man that sucks, I didn't even try any space battles. I'll just play against bots on the bc version if I want to enjoy it. The online game I played had so much slingshotting I don't think I made a kill or even shot someone from the other team I think. It all just felt weird playing it and I compared it to the bc version of bf2 and something is off. Turning characters is really slow, aim assist on as default. I know it's not an issue for everyone but it's bizarre to get an achievement and then you go to the list and it says the game doesn't support achievements.
@UndyingInsurgent95 I still play the original Battlefront 2. Both in 2D and VR. Definitely still holds up. And tons of full servers on PC even prior to this release. Nostalgia has nothing to do with it.
Planned to get this on Steam but apparently it's broken there so I'll wait a while for fixes and then get it.
This review is no longer "in progress" and has been updated to reflect our impressions at launch 👍
It does seem to be a... silly idea to have these be a true collection (not a combined single package with all the maps across the two games in one) and not support crossplay.
That means not only are you limited to your platform but the player base is going to be split between the two games.
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Can anyone speak to the current state of the game?
The EA Battlefronts will always triumph!
I'd also consider buying the actual games and not the Classic Collection. I bought Star Wars Battlefront 2 (2005) and plan to buy Star Wars Battlefront (2004). Then I will have all 4 Battlefront games, but I don't plan on buying Classic Collection anytime soon.
Do you have the Twi'lek Girl skin in Battlefront 1 and 2? She is my favorite, as well as Clone Commando and ISB Agent. Does anyone still play Battlefront 2015? I've always played Battlefront 2 but I just started Battlefront 2015 this year.... kinda late to the party right? 😂
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