Harry Potter games have always been popular on Xbox dating back to the early 2000s, but we've never had a particularly great one, perhaps aside from LEGO's Harry Potter Collection. Sure, the Philosopher's Stone and Chamber of Secrets games were definite highlights on the original Xbox, and maybe you even liked some of the Xbox 360 titles like The Order of the Phoenix, but if you compare any of those next to Hogwarts Legacy, they absolutely pale in comparison. This is the game that Harry Potter fans have been waiting two decades for, and it's an especially incredible effort from a developer that was previously only best known for its work on the Disney Infinity series. Unfortunately, it arrives at a time where the franchise is enveloped in very valid controversy related to the opinions of the series' creator, and we can very much understand and respect why a lot of people are choosing to ignore this title entirely.

To sum up the actual experience, then, Hogwarts Legacy is the fantasy that we always wanted from a game like this. You create your own character, go on quests to progress the story, search for loot and upgrade your gear, take part in various classes to earn new spells, engage in a large number of side missions, brew your own potions, decorate your own Room of Requirement, look after Fantastic Beasts, explore the massive Hogwarts and the rest of the huge map... the amount of things you can do in this game just goes on, and on, and on. To give you some context, even after 10 hours you'll still be feeling like you're only just starting to get to grips with all the various mechanics.
So, what's the actual focus here? Well, you play as a fifth-year student coming to Hogwarts for the first time, but on the journey you discover that you have the ability to wield a powerful Ancient Magic, which immediately throws you into a situation where you'll encounter a strange mystery at Gringotts Bank, an evil Goblin named Ranrok, and a whole lot more besides. We don't want to get into spoiler territory, but rest assured it's an engaging campaign which will see you exploring everything from the Hogwarts Castle to the Forbidden Forest to eerie tombs and alluring chambers. All of this is complemented by AAA-level cutscenes and impressively creative visual sequences, particularly in terms of the major "trial" levels which tend to utilise environment-changing mechanics as part of some well-designed puzzles. You'll understand what we mean when you play it for yourself - it's pretty cool!
Speaking of visuals, this is a very nice-looking game as you'd expect. You can see from the screenshots just how stunning Hogwarts looks during the day in particular, and the character models are also very good. The part that sticks out the most to us though is just how much attention has been put into the little things. Hogwarts is a joy to explore because of all the fine details that you can spot, as well as the various interactions happening around the castle. Hogsmeade is very much the same, serving as a surprisingly large recreation of the Harry Potter village in which you can visit around 10-15 shops in order to buy and sell everything from potions to brooms to plants... or even just get a haircut at the hairdressers! You can definitely feel just how much care and attention has been put into making these main locations as detailed, sizable and interactive as possible.
In terms of the feature set in general, there's a sense that Avalanche Software has really gone the extra mile to elevate the game beyond a generic quest-to-quest format. The fact that you can search for all kinds of collectibles, complete puzzle-based "Merlin Trials", find hidden tombs, buy and sell items on a whim, make your own potions from the ingredients you've either bought or collected, customise your Room of Requirement with a wide range of colours and decorations, and care for Fantastic Beasts by petting them, feeding them and even playing with them (and those are just some of the side attractions), means you could spend hours doing all of this without ever accepting a new mission if you wanted to, vastly increasing the game's long-term appeal.

When you do want to go on those quests, or simply explore some of the more dangerous areas around Hogwarts, you'll come into contact with a wide array of enemies, from goblins to giant spiders. The combat system in Hogwarts Legacy is once again the best we've seen in a Harry Potter game, allowing you to utilise the many spells you learn at Hogwarts (and beyond) to attack and defend in a variety of ways. The animations are great, there's a nice degree of depth with plenty of room for combos, and enemies are graded using a level-based system so you always know whether you've got a good chance of winning the battle or not. The one criticism we have about combat is that the targeting system can feel a bit clunky. To Avalanche's credit, there are a couple of ways you can choose to target enemies, but they sometimes don't feel precise enough when you're in the heat of battle against a large group, which can lead to frustration particularly on harder difficulty levels. It's not a deal-breaker by any means, but it definitely takes some getting used to.
To be honest though, there aren't really any major negatives we can pick out with Hogwarts Legacy. Sure, the voice acting is a little rough at times (particularly in terms of the main male character), the map is made up of a lot of largely empty wilderness areas, and the fact that Quidditch isn't playable in the game is a huge shame considering the flying feels great and the Quidditch pitch looks fantastic, but don't get us wrong - we've been totally enamoured with Hogwarts Legacy during our 20 hours of review time so far, and there's still so much more for us to see and do. It's one of those games where we're really tempted to go for the full completion!

And by the way, the performance on Xbox Series X (the platform we reviewed this for) is very good as well, perhaps aside from some very short-lived loading sequences that occur in some parts of the castle. You've actually got up to five graphical options to choose from on Xbox's most powerful console ranging from "Fidelity With Raytracing" up to the high-FPS focused "HFR Performance", and we've found that the standard "Performance" mode offers a great balance of impressive visuals along with a near 60FPS lock for the most part.
It felt like Hogwarts Legacy was always going to struggle to live up to the hype, but somehow Avalanche Software has managed to deliver an absolutely fantastic open world adventure that will surely go down as comfortably the best game based on the Harry Potter franchise so far. If you've been following its progress for a while and were keeping your fingers crossed for good reviews, we're pleased to report that it's definitely been worth the wait.
Comments 135
Hogwarts Legacy does not exist in a vacuum. There are important discussions being had about the views and opinions held by the creator of the Harry Potter universe – views and opinions which we do not agree with.
Our goal is to create and foster a positive environment for people – all people – to discuss and celebrate video games, not to amplify ignorance or provide a forum for unconstructive arguments. As per our community rules, we do not accept any form of hate speech on our platform.
If you have any questions, feel free to send them my way! Please tag me (@FraserG) just in case I miss anything.
pretty much expected.
id be surprised if this isnt the biggest selling game of the year.
Seems to be reviewing well. This could be the biggest hit of 2023 just going by sales alone I’m not sure anything else will come close to it.
Thanks for the review @FraserG !
How long is the main campaign if you just focus on that?
@Kalvort So, I've played 20 hours as stated in the review, and I've still actually got 4 main missions to go.
I know that sounds quite short compared to the 35 hour estimate that was previously quoted, but keep in mind that I've been rushing for review purposes, and I've also been playing the second half of the game on "Easy" difficulty which makes combat much quicker and simpler to get through. FYI, there are five difficulties you can choose from.
I'd estimate most people would actually be looking at around 30 hours to beat the main campaign if they take their time a bit and play on normal difficulty or higher.
@FraserG Actually, I'm one of those poeple who plays EVERYTHING on easy mode and I love shorter campaigns, especially with a packed February, so this is good news to me!! Thanks again, I'm looking forward to it even more now
Great review and I’m sure this game will be bringing the magic to many Potter fans lives. It really looks like the best experience of the Harry Potter universe that you can get in a game.
However, as I said on Push Square, it’s a shame that these publications have taken a side on this issue. This controversy has been blown out of proportion.
Now that’s the one we wanted on Game Pass 😂
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@purexbox Nobody cares about that, gamers only want to know one thing and one thing only, is the game good or not?
And I'm glad the game is great, can't wait to play it
@Kienda this review deals with the ‘controversy’ much better than PS embarrassing one. Please PXB don’t go down the hole PS has.
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Ok. You convinced me. I’m getting it. Started at zero on the hype meter. But it slowly built up over time. And now I’m ready.
@Sebatrox Let's just say that you can wield some pretty nasty spells if you want to...
Nice! I really want to play this but not at 75€... Will wait for a physical copy for 40-50€
@FraserG Which house did you choose? when I get this game eventually, I'm definitely choosing Slytherin.
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Still rocking the One so I'll wait to see how that version comes out...
@FraserG rushed for the review? Brilliant…..
@Solidchief I was picked for Hufflepuff and just went with it... but you can overrule the decision if you want to.
@Kienda Agreed... It didn't need to be mentioned. Especially if they're not going to allow that discussion or let the other side speak.
@Baler No choice, my friend! I got access on Wednesday, worked on the website all Thursday and Friday, and used the evenings/weekend to play the game and write the review.
You might say I could have held off on a final score and put another 10 hours in, but I feel very confident that I've played enough and seen enough that it's deserving of a 9/10 at this stage.
@FraserG - Sorry currently at work all day and I skimmed through the review (couldn’t help myself) just a quick question. Is it 60 fps on series S? Apologies if it’s in the review somewhere and I’ve missed it but I’m really keen to know 👍🏻
Good review! I will get it for Series X when it's cheaper. This will be a very interesting Digital Foundry video being released for Xbox One, PS4 and Switch.
@Kienda When reading that, remember also that Push Square subtract points to multiplatform games and add points to Sony's exclusives.
Thank you for the review Fraser. Good to see this game is getting some good reviews. I'm not the biggest Harry Potter fan, but love open world games with a fantasy/magic setting. This seems to be right up my alley.
This year is starting out great with HiFi Rush and now a good scoring Hogwarts Legacy.
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@LordFunkalot There is a 60FPS mode on Xbox Series S as far as I'm aware, but I'm still working on finding out more... my review was done entirely on the Series X.
@Lavalera No worries! For what it's worth, I'm not the biggest Harry Potter fan either (much prefer Star Wars).
This is a fantastic review! I have the game pre ordered, pre installed, and ready to go! I can’t wait.
Fantastic review! I'm only an hour in, but so far it's absolutely stunning! So frickin excited to sink hours in it.
Great review @Fraser. Can't wait to get my copy. Going to be enjoying this game a lot.
I'm also not a Harry potter fan but I've gotta say this game is amazing ,it has everything i want ,plenty to explore and stuff to collect and it seems like I've only hit a small fraction of what is available ,it's gonna keep me busy for a while
I will admit I was prepared to read the reviews saying that this is a broken buggy mess of a game that was just put out to capitalize on a big name franchise, I am really glad to read that it wasn't. Looks like I got a new game to pick up.
Thank you @FraserG and also thank you and your team for keeping the comment section under control.
@FraserG Off topic but I only just noticed there was a fellow Walsall lad in here. Haha. Up the Saddlers!
After a string of disappointments - Saints row, Gotham knights, Forspoken - I’m so glad this lives up to the hype. Can’t wait to dive in 🙂
@FraserG Thanks for the reply
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@SoulChimera UTS! If only we had Danny Johnson on Saturday, eh? 😅
can you use spells whenever you want outside of quests?
in the order of the phoenix game you could move random objects at will with wingardium liviosa for example,does this game allow you to do that or is casting tied to quests and puzzles?
@jdv95 You can use spells whenever you want, but they don't work on all objects. Most of the objects you interact with are generally only intended for one spell, whether that's levitation, fire, pulling things, fixing things, etc.
As you suggested, casting is mostly tied to quests and puzzles from what I've experienced so far, but I've been following the main campaign very closely and not really playing around too much, so there might be more leeway than I'm aware of in certain situations.
Nice review that certainly seems on point with others feelings too.
Im looking forward to Friday... 😀
Controversy this, controversy that. Seriously, if it wasn't for gaming sites I wouldn't even know about said controversy.
Still, pretty much the score I expected. Super happy the game delivered!
Part of me is curious what P.J.'s review for this would have been, lol.
Saving this one to be a "Christmas game" I think, what's more Christmasy than Hogwarts? But following it all the same.
@FraserG Sounds like the main quest is moderate length, but how about side content, did you get the impression there's tons of side content to the point where like a Bethesda, Bioware, or RGG/Yakuza game there's more side content than main story content in the game, or the side stuff is really just short side stuff occasionally.
@NEStalgia There's quite a bit of side content from what I can see, but a lot of it is fairly generic stuff. Go and talk to someone and do a mini quest, play a minigame, compete in a duel with students, find things that are hidden around Hogwarts, complete "assignments" from professors so you can learn a new spell, stuff like that.
Don't expect the side quests to be incredible, but I personally find them enjoyable for what they are. I think I've already read that there's around 100 of them? Maybe slightly less.
Sounds like a great game, I'll probably wait for a sale seeing how the Series X version is canada is 89.99, But I'll definitely be picking this up eventually..
@Fenbops Realistically it had no place to be mentioned IMO.
We don't talk about how awful of a human being Christian Bale any time a review comes out for a film of his does do we?
That said, we got two copies of the deluxe edition, one for each of our Series Xs, both as members of the LGBT+ community. She especially demanded it for her maternity leave.
Cool, I've been wanting to try JKR's universe but at the same time the Harry Potter theme/setting doesn't appeal to me (just not interesting to me/not my cup of tea), I'm going to give this a go to see if it makes me interested in the franchise more.
@FraserG ok 👍 🤞
After watching some reviews and reading @FraserG review im gonna have to give it a shot. Love the look even though im not a HP fan.
Might wait till Like a Dragon Ishin comes out
@FraserG Ahh, kinda disappointing, I was picturing a bit more RPG with questing. I suppose nobody said it was that but the high fantasy setting just makes my brain assume RPG with story quests. So it's more "old school" with just the linear campaign and random activities without much story to them. Sounds better than nothing though.
Super relieved that the game is good! I’ve peeked at some of the early Twitch feeds and they looked good, but appreciate confirmation.
Seems they've finally gone and made the game that fans have wanted for ages to live out a fantasy of going to Hogwarts yourself. I know I (like many others my age) always wanted to go to school there instead of boring regular school
It's a shame that this has come out at pretty much the lowest point for the franchise. No new books, the movies are dead, and the author is actively alienating the fanbase, and poisoning the franchise.
Just reviewing this game is going to get sites a boatload of traffic.
@wiiware I agree 100% keep the politics out of the review. This is about the game.
Played a few hours myself now and I am loving it so far! Def agree with the 8-9 range.
Great review and very glad to hear it lives up to expectations. Cannot wait to start playing.
Does the game employ the impulse triggers on the controller?
@cubswin If it does, I didn't specifically notice it.
@FraserG Shame, thanks. I've read PS5 reviews that claim the haptics actually make the spellcasting/combat better in terms of timing, etc.
I for one am very glad Pure Xbox and Push Square have opted not to ignore the issues at hand. If Rowling gets to use her platform to spread hate, it’s fair to use this game reviews to spread awareness.
As for the game, I’m actually glad it turned out good. I’ll likely give it a shot at some point in the future, even if there was nothing making me feel dirty about spending money on it, I refuse to pay $70 for games I’m not 100% hyped about. But I’ll likely play it, eventually.
@Savage_Joe I’m not going to be highlighting that hate here, and it’s very obvious we will simply never agree on this, so just move on, ignore me, block me, but move on. Don’t try to turn this into the flame fest that is going on at Push Square right now.
@Tharsman but who gets to define ‘hate’? A lot of people agree with Rowling. I seen a lot of the deleted comments over at Push and I did not see any ‘hate’. Most are just unhappy with the reviewer pushing their own personal ideology and opposing views not being allowed. An opposing opinion is not instantly ’hate’. Push Square showed their true colours today.
Not really a fan of Harry Potter, but this looks really good. I’ve just finished Dead Space, just doing a second play through but think I will pick this up.
@Fenbops People in general need to keep their opinions on religious/moral/LBGTQT topics to themselves. No one cares if you are anti or pro trans, and if they do they are trying to push their beliefs on you, kinda like you are here.
Sometimes hate is easily defined. Like how Hitler hated the Jews.
While I have no interest in Harry Potter this is great news for gamers who do. Game on.
I just want to say, that as someone who has been hyped for this game since I grew up watching HP, PureXbox is such a breath of fresh air compared to Nintendolife and Pushsquare.
No Politics, regardless of which side you lean(Obviously NL and PS, the way they lean is very obvious), none of that. Just asking about the game and being excited for it.
Just want to say thank you to Mods and other users.
Atomic Heart on Series X just updated to full download from place holder to 78.66gb.
Down loading it now on Game Pass.
@northofthewall I'm a Trans Woman, and yet I don't care at all what JK thinks or believes, that's her life and her words have no impact on me at all.
Or are you going to say her "hate" wasn't directed at me because I don't have enough time in my busy life to care?
@Dezzy70 I’m not expecting much from that game but good to know👍🏻
I think it will either be very good or just mediocre.
Time will tell.
Now if only Voldemort didn't make any money off of it.
@cubswin "People in general need to keep their opinions on religious/moral/LBGTQT topics to themselves"
my life has been politicized because of people like you and JK Rowling
@AceFurry Your life hasn't been politicized, just like mine haven't. LGBT, the topic itself has been, but the life you live isn't affected at all by what others think.
Unless of course, you go out of your way to make it affected.
@northofthewall Who cares what kind of person she is? She's a rich Old woman who will never have to work a day in her life again, and makes stupid tweets...Which every twitter user ever does on a daily basis.
This is a video game, you know, the thing we play to ignore the real world?
@AceFurry he doesn’t. Being a fictional character and all. Reality matters.
Thanks for the insight (the review) I've just pre-ordered, I was going to jump straight into the latest Sniper Elite 5 game but this seems more appealing and not to long so I'll give this a shot first.
@Korsica_Is_Best_Girl thank you for incorrectly trying to dictate what my life has or hasn't been
@Hexamex-Tex no, voldemort she totally does. would it have made you feel better if i had called Joanne "Dolores Umbrage" instead?
@Korsica_Is_Best_Girl I wish she was just an old woman on twitter, but she is a millionaire that has openly advocated against trans right legislation very openly, insisting trans rights equate the destruction of women rights. Thankfully she has not been successful (to my understanding) but that still is active attempt to harm.
Nice review, better (not because of the score) than your sister site. I still believe the pinned comment is unnecessary, but still kudos for staying on topic in the actually review.
Looking forward to midnight.
@PhileasFragg The good thing is that the actors are all kind of against that, they see the Harry Potter universe as a separate thing and so should we. Yes, part of the money belongs to that person because of IP ownership but it's not like more money is going to make a difference when you're filthy rich.
Many people stopped reading Eurogamer when it became a politics magazine and the quality of the content went downhill and I mean the quality of the video game content: reviews, article, hands-on, guides, etc. Some reviews and articles are so bad that they are embarrassing to read. I celebrate Pure Xbox for focusing on games and I've met friendlier people here than on Eurogamer, generally, even though I never discussed politics there. @NEStalgia Aren't you the one that usually hates bloated games? 😝 What did I miss?
@Banjo- there are some times that politics just can not be escaped. And honestly, this is not the first time Pure Xbox covers politically charged topics. Topics like unionization and sexual harassment are heavily politicized and have been heavily covered on this site.
@AceFurry now you’re calling me Voldemort- still having issues with distinguishing fantasy and reality I see. Think I will buy the game in your honor.
What's the tone of the writing like in this game? Is it tongue in cheek or humour filled? Been playing Fable 3 recently. Any comedic similarity?
@Tharsman I won't escape politics. I will tell you my opinion more sincere than I've ever been on the internet. I'm 100% against the sexual harassment being covered in sensationalist ways because judges are the ones to say if it's true and if it is, they will pay with fines or prison but not with the world harassing them in return. I'm against reporting the names when it's not certain, before the verdict. I'm not talking coldly as if I can't imagine being a victim, I could tell you a true story about a certain 12 year-old years ago and nothing is more innocent than a child but I don't know if it's right to tell it here. I'm against the society becoming destructive "judges" and I let Justice deal with it.
We live in developed countries. If you're gay as I think you told me in the past, you can live your life as you should because you are just a man like any other and you shouldn't care if someone disapproves your sexual/loving preference. Very often I disagree with you, although I think it's more that you disagree with me, but I fully support you as gay=man. Or the girls saying they're trans, I don't know any but @AceFurry I think that what @Korsica_Is_Best_Girl tries to tell you is that you are what you are and nobody has the right to affect you negatively even if they try, if you don't give them that power. If Rowling says something I disagree with, I just laugh and I could tell her what I think if I knew her but she's just another person in a big wide world. Finally, we all should be more worried about the environment, pollution, microplastics in our blood, carcinogenic additives in our food and everything that's killing us (and killing everything else).
@Banjo- I don't recall making any statements about my personal identity one way or another, but your closing statements about environment, pollution, etc, are also heavily politicized, if you recall the recent outrage about Xbox going "woke" on its embrace of power saving features.
@Tharsman If that's all you have to say, I won't invest so much time and energies on this, ever again 😅.
@Banjo- Trying to not push this comment section any further in new directions, and just focus on the point I initially replied to you about this site touching political topics not being anything new. I don't think you have to worry about this ever turning into Polygon or Kotaku (or Eurogame as was your example, but I have zero exposure to that site.)
@Tharsman I mean, not to keep this topic going, but she's just a pebble in the grand scheme of things. Red or Blue, doesn't matter, every politician is after votes at the end of the day.
The Red's appeal to the Anti-Trans crowd, the Blue's appeal to the Pro-Trans crowd, but do you really think either of them truly care? Florida will pass every anti trans bill in the world because the majority of voters are red, while Cali will pass every single Trans bill in the world because the majority of voters are blue.
But if the shoe was suddenly reversed one day? If for some reason the Red's began supporting Trans, and the Blue's began to be against them? The politicians in those states would force through new bills to appeal to the new majority voting block.
JK can advocate for whatever she wants, but anybody she "Persuades" was going to pass whatever bill anyway, they might just use her or whoever as a shield against and and all criticism.
I wanna play, but don't wanna pay. I'll wait for a big sale maybe.
but you said you dowonna pay)))
Been having a lovely day in New Zealand today. Very fun game, production values are too notch, great graphics, haven’t had any glitches. I’m not even a fan of Harry Potter, pleasantly surprised.
I'll probably check this out at some point. Not the biggest Harry Potter fan. Haven't read a book in the series, or watched the movies, but im Intrigued by the game.
@Deadeye13 but I wanna play. So a huge sale will convince me. Second hand perhaps.
I'm trans. my life as a trans woman, has been policitized by Rowling and every sale of this game goes to fund this.
@Benjamin It takes itself seriously. I've been playing for a few hours now - nice graphics and fun. They haven't cracked any jokes as of yet. I didn't like the Harry Potter movie series mostly because I didn't like the main characters (except that red head kid) - so in game-form is better for me.
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@Banjo- Heck no, I'm an RPG nut, that's why I have a backlog 10 years deep! I don't love boring filler content (ahem, Forspoken...) But I love lots of story based questing. Elder Scrolls, Yakuza, classic Bioware/Obsidian, are some of my top series. Heck Horizons the only current Sony series I love, love, love.... Definitely love my lengthy side quests. I consider it the Bethesda standard when the story is 8 hours and sucky but you don't notice because you never play the main story, the game is about the 150 hours of side stories
Not even a big Harry Potter fan but tempted to give this a go based on the review and how the game looks. Maybe this will suck me into that universe.
@Savage_Joe he blocked me too. Oh well 🤣 you can easily see which side is willing to talk.
@FraserG if this wasnt harrry potter would it still be as good... what i mean is does one have to love harry potter to like this game or can a person who enjoyed the movies or not seen the movies like this still?
@Blessed_Koz I'm not a massive Harry Potter fan but I've seen the movies and read a couple of the books... there are obviously plenty of references and things.
You don't need to love Harry Potter to enjoy Hogwarts Legacy, but you at least need to be interested in the concept and the fantasy of it.
Stayed up to play at midnight and managed just under an hour before I had to go to bed. It looks awesome. I'd assumed sorting ceremony would be in first few minutes of playing....nope! 45 mins in! Going to explore as soon as the intro steps are done.
@NEStalgia You know, I know you love RPGs but I thought because you start many games and quickly add them to the backlog that you didn't like bloated games and preferred shorter games but it was a wrong conclusion. I think that Hogwarts Legacy might be like Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy in terms of quality, story length and side quests structure (Hogwarts Legacy looks bigger). I haven't played Harry Potter's latest video game but after reading reviews is the conclusion I reached.
@Banjo- Haha, yeah I jump around a lot, and then eventually get back to them and either binge it, or end up chipping away at it every other year until I eventually binge it and finish it. I started AC Origins in 2018............ lol
Good comparison to Guardians. Short game, but it was fantastic.
I almost always just binge a game, right now playing Skyrim (again, for the toomanyth time) and I been spending basically all my time doing side quests and crawling through every dungeon I find in the world. I love me some properly done open work game (UBisoft needs to learn more from Skyrim, it’s not just the open world, it’s not just random side missions, it’s also the bunch of linear dungeons you find in said world, fort/base/camp takeovers get boring fast) but also miss the days open world games were the exception, and I could play through more of my backlog.
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Just started playing today and all I can say is that I am unbelievably impressed. I have spent most of my time just looking around. The detail that went into this game is ridiculously impressive. So far I have found the wand combat to be way better than what I thought it was going to be. Everything is smooth and glorious. This has far surpassed my expectations.
I'm REALLY surprised at this point that nobody has pointed out the obvious here... LEVIOSO!
@WOBNIARP I did wonder this last night... <Quoting Hermoine> It's Levio-saaaa HAHA
@Banjo- "they see the Harry Potter universe as a separate thing and so should we"
It's about putting your money where your mouth is. This game is giving money and attention to people who wishes harm and hardship on people I love. If the franchise is successful then it will make that worse.
As long as you need to pay Rowling to do anything HP related then any "separation" between the two is wilful ignorance.
If some people keep quoting or answering one sentence from my whole speech, and not the most important one, no way it's possible to understand anything that I'm saying 🤦.
@NEStalgia I did that with Bravely Default because the game repeats itself in a very boring way, I still have to beat it completely! I didn't like that and it's not usual because I'm the kind of player that explores everything gladly, even in second playthroughs, so it's Bravely Default's fault! Actually, I have enjoyed more the second or third playthrough in some cases when I was able to find everything, increase the difficulty, not look at the map as much as the first time and feel more comfortable with the controls. I love playing some games again and again, Perfect Zero/Fatal Frame and Resident Evil come to mind.
Other IPs are as excellent as massive and the first time is the time to do everything and I don't think I'll ever come back to them: Immortals Fenyx Rising or Kingdom Hearts franchise, the latter is very repetitive to beat 100%. I usually like completing the game almost 100% because that's how I find them more enjoyable. If I rush them, I don't really enjoy them, unless it's some kind of engaging story with mediocre and rough gameplay such as my collection of PS4 exclusives (except Wipeout Omega Collection, of course).
Another game I should mention here is Xenoblade Chronicles. I bought it at launch (Wii): started, stopped, continued and finally beat it many years later and not 100%. I think that the cutscenes and the story are great but the game itself really wore me out because of the confusing combat visualisation, extremely boring exploration and hollow side quests. However, Xenoblade Chronicles X improved absolutely everything, gameplay especially, and it is the best Wii U game, in my opinion, not counting the HD remaster of Twilight Princess.
You could say that I prefer to play fewer games that I really love but I admit that, thanks to Game Pass, I have enjoyed beating some games I would have never tried, at no extra cost.
@Banjo- I second that while most games are most magical the first time when you're starting out and have no idea what's what, others are more fun when you know the area and controls. It's been a long time since I've re-played a game that way, just too many to play, though the Yakuza series naturally gives that effect since you spend most of the series in the same place!
The "open map marker" type games I almost think are designed to give you that whole cycle of "repeating it multiple times" within that one playthrough. Their repetitive type content that just makes you retread areas or concepts really includes the "replay" in the first play. Maybe that's their "secret" that makes them so successful.
For me there's just SO MANY games that interest me, though I never know which ones will really addict me, or when. It's often random. It's often less about the game and more about the mood at the moment I think.
@Tharsman I've done Skyrim buying binges (X360, Switch, PSVR, X1X/XS).....started playing it launch day 2011.....still haven't made it past Whiterun, LOL. I almost started it again about 2 months ago.... and then ended up on Tinykin, and P3, and Yakuza.....
TES us one of my favorite series, but Skyrim still never purely addicted me like Oblivion and Morrowind... It will. Someday...
@NEStalgia I forgot to write the increased difficulty as a factor. I added that to my comment. Precisely, it's Project Zero/Fatal Frame and Resident Evil some of the games I'm able to beat in hard mode in subsequent playthroughs. I fully agree with you, those massive games such as Assassin's Creed, Kingdom Hearts, Immortals Fenyx Rising, Breath of the Wild or Monster Hunter are designed to be a "replay" or loop the first and only time that you complete them 100% and that loop or replay makes them addictive. At the same time, games designed to be played multiple times such as Resident Evil and Project Zero/Fatal Frame are delicious. I haven't played the Yakuza games yet but I've bought most of them.
@NEStalgia I have played Skyrim in so many platforms, but only beat it when I picked it up on Switch, interestingly, that's when I fell in love with the Switch, up to that point it was a novelty gift given to me by a sibling... now I own over 261 physical games and more arriving on the mail today....
Anyways, being able to play it anywhere, on the move, allowed me to play it in places I simply couldn't play videogames otherwise (like on an airplane) and so I was able to eventually beat the story and a ton of side content.
Today I work from home full time, with lots of idle time, so I am trying to beat it on XBox and aiming to get all achievements.
@Captain_Chao5 Are we the only true HP fans here? Nobody else seems to have noticed! Haha.
@Banjo- Best way to describe Yakuza's gameplay loop is "classic Bioware" I think. Sploosh and I talked about that once. It has that KotOR, ME, Baldur's Gate sort of addictive questing loop going on. Great games. Huge with tons of content/side content. Yet also manageable in size vs "open world", where the environment is constrained to a tiny slice of a city, and Kamurocho is in every game with the same city. You walk the same streets over and over, for, what, 7+2 games now? And it never really gets old.
But they're huge, I spent 150 hours in Y0 alone, and still didn't (and never will) 100% it. Kiwami (1) is much smaller but still huge. And I still have most of the rest of the series barely touched! (FWIW, the locales are real world locales which facilitates walkability and the general accessibility of the on foot locations and distances. Kamurocho is a fake name with fake street names for the real city/district of Kabukicho (part of Shinjuku, Tokyo.) Y0's "Sotenbori" is a hardly disguised Dotenbori, Osaka. Y7:LaD just went all the way, stopped making fake names for real locations, and just went with actual Yokohama by name for the second location. Real Yokomama is a much bigger location so it's only a slice, but bottom line is the game uses real street layouts from real places, so it's actually designed to be walkable in a small area.
Despite being 10 and counting 100+ hour games, though, and despite the repetition of them all covering a lot of the same streets, there's so much unique content in each you actually do end up wanting to replay them though.
@Tharsman see the thing with Bethesda games is the main story basically doesn't need to exist. The only point of the main story is to give you incentive to start going to specific locations where you pick up the quests. The "side" quests/guilds etc are the actual main game. The "main" story has no purpose but threading the locations together so you get to them. Which is why I never even left Whiterun But somehow Skyrim just doesn't pull me instantly in the way Oblivion, Morrowind, and Daggerfall did. Kinda sad that that, plus Arena are the only TES games we have when it's literally one of the very oldest series in gaming...
@NEStalgia they are very large games that take a lot of time to make.
As for story, Skyrim alone has a ton of "main stories". Technically there are two main-main stories, the ongoin war you can take a side on, and the dragon stuff (they overlap but they have their own arks.)
Then every guild has its own story arc, that tend to be beefy enough to qualify as a full game on their own (maybe not a full Triple A game on their own but more than most indie games offer.)
And then you got every major town/city having their own bits of story.
Only wish Skyrim had Fallout 4's base building system... i just cant wait for Starfield!!!
@NEStalgia I haven't played any of the games that you mentioned 😂 but you explained it well. Yakuza gives you that sensation of reality and it's fun to play in that real world. I don't know what "ME" is.
@Banjo- mass effect.
@NEStalgia Of course, see, you should stop using acronyms! I want to play the Legendary Edition. I think I'm going to like it. I will play Hogwarts Legacy... someday. Right now is the most expensive game I've seen, apart from special editions and bundles: £64.99, €74.99? WTF 🤣, $69.99. Well, I guess Sony players are used to this pricing now. No joke, I just checked, PS5 games cost £70, €80.
@Banjo- Hah you really didn't know the $70 games controversy? That's been raging since the PS5 unveil showcase.
Sony technically didn't start it, Activision and 2K did for cod and NBA. Then Sony normalized it. Ubi held out but recently said all games will be 70, then Xbox just announced it a few weeks ago, so it's officially universal standard. Xb doesn't matter because GP. Sony games usually go on sale 4-12 months later to at least 43. Annoying but with my backlog waiting isn't bad, I just treat launch at early access. By the time forspoken works correctly it'll be $30.
The real ugly one is Nintendo. I keep dreading switch 2 because once Nintendo does $70, it's 70 for life. But my nightmare came early. They listed botw2 for 70. Then they deleted the page after the Internet blew up. Maybe they'll drop it maybe not. But either way the night Perma hike comes soon....
Other than Nintendo the only thing 70 games means to me is I changed from paying $60 for games to waiting and paying 45 or less. They lost money from me. But Nintendo.... 😩
@Tharsman To be fair, I do find it laughable how much everyone is focusing on this author's apparent hate for a certain community when the UK government has just blocked Scotland's recent bill on trans rights. That is a much bigger slap in the face than anything JK Rowling can do and yet everyone is focusing on a couple of tweets.
Social media in a nutshell folks. Glad Hogwarts Legacy got a good review though as I preordered the standard edition for my Series X.
@NEStalgia I've read it but thing is that games were about that "$70" price last generation around here (€70) but now PS5 games are £70/€80. €80 is $86.12, not 70! I checked and it's the price of first-party Sony games as soon as PS5 was released, so Sony was "convinced" very quickly.
Breath of the Wild and Super Smash Bros. 4 were and still are €70 as well ($75) and then add the DLC 🤣. Similar price in UK, I can use both currencies with my credit card but Nintendo's variations in both markets are minimal. I understand you, Nintendo's discounts are rare and ridiculous. As a Wii U owner, I have only bought one Wii U port for Switch and I'm ignoring Nintendo's releases more than ever before because most of the times it's not worth it.
Considering all that, Hogwarts Legacy is not that expensive 😅 but I haven't bought a more expensive game yet, except bundles like Forza Horizon 3 Ultimate Edition that didn't include the expansions, in between. That game and the expansions pass cost a fortune. I will wait.
Well I was going to wait for a sale but couldn't hold myself anymore ups... 60€ it is with the 15% preorder discount and this weekend I will start my journey in Hogwarts!!
@Acurisur I don't agree with her, something that some people don't seem to read but, yes, it's just another person in a big wide world. I'm tired of people (not you) on the internet only replying for disagreeing and not even reading properly. I reply for agreeing, not just to say negative things about decontextualised sentences.
It's not exactly that I don't agree with her but that I don't care about her opinion about others because I wouldn't dare to say things like that even if that was my opinion, not because of fear, Twitter can be anonymous but because I don't think that anyone has the right to say what's right or wrong regarding other people's circumstances nor "define" people the way she does.
As you're saying, if they are politicians, then I bother to say if I'm against or not because it's citizens' duty to choose the politicians that are going to rule and legislate and express acceptance or opposition. Whatever someone thinks about someone else should not matter but if it's a negative thing I'd never say it because it can be offensive or spread some kind of rejection or hatred towards them. It's like damaging the personal freedom and dignity that belongs to every person.
My conclusion is that she has the right to think whatever she wants but I don't think that she has the "right" to say that about other people publicly and, if she does, the least she can expect is some backlash although she doesn't seem to care.
@Acurisur The reason so many are focusing on her is because large voices like her do have an impact on governments decisions like this one. The loudest, wealthiest voices always do. Just look at the Microsoft merger and how a single wealthy voice with concerns about a single game has basically dictated, word for word, regulatory agencies concerns.
I don't personally feel the game needs to be boycotted due to her relationship with it, I still don't want to spend money on it, since a small amount (as insignificant as it might seem) makes it to her pockets. Personally, I prefer what many are trying to block: cover the game, review it fairly and objectively and use the platform to promote disagreement with Joanne's message.
Hell, the developers themselves seem to be trying their best at it too, with a character creator that gives trans players the tools to create a character that is rather close to their view of themselves, and even features a canonically transgender character in the story.
So personally, I prefer the IGN/Pure Xbox/Push Square approach over the Polygon approach, and hope Nintendo Life does the same when it's their time to review that version (whenever it comes out, if it comes out.)
Anyways, the issue you bring is a real one, but it has way less direct connection to video games, other than note that such decisions are potentially the result of lobbying from anti trans rights activists like Joanne.
@Banjo- Yeah, well, the currency conversion doesn't always work out to mean the same thing, but yeah it's even worse over there. I know game enthusiasts will defend it all as "but games haven't kept up with inflation for decades so hat's actually cheaper than it was in the 80s!", but that ignores in the 80's people were fine with 5 games total on a platform, today we're expected to want to consume dozens as there's tremendous available and the oversupply necessarily pushes price down naturally. With the high prices you end up in that situation where people just buy their FIFA and CoD, and that's that. Yet, I see games sales still always posting high numbers. I guess the average consumer that buys just FIFA and CoD and now pays that extra $10 more or whatever in EU, just moves the needle much more than those of us that buy 30 games but aren't going to pay that kind of money for them so much that we don't even matter. But that bodes a future where only a dozen games matter and the rest just can't sell. Or there's just enough wealthy customers that it doesn't matter if anyone else buys anymore.
Technically I spent too much because I'd buy EVERYTHING I wanted at $50. Then when it went to $60 I started cutting things out and being choosier, but still buying a lot. $70 just crosses a mental barrier for me that I look at the number and just say "I'm not buying anything if it's not on sale." Where I was eager to pay 50, and willing, often to pay 60, 70 is just a hard "never paying that, ever" ceiling, that makes me refuse to now pay over 45. "The market" unfortunately seems to be paying, and I don't get why. But I just refuse at this point. I bought one game at PS5 launch for that price and that's the last. Having said that, Nintendo pushing to that price raises a conundrum. I like Switch but I've already really cut spending on it to just a few games as they were already the most expensive without sales. At a $70 price point, without sales, I could see dropping back to just Mario, Zelda, Kirby, Pikmin and little to nothing else. Some people can justify "but inflation, I'd gladly pay $100+ for games as I should!!' but reality says "if everything else costs 30% more, and everyone doesn't make 30% more....the money has to come from somewhere, so the obvious overspending then is the rising price on games."...
One thing in the UK is it seems like digital is basically just barely functional on price. Retailers seem to actually compete on price there, people talking preorder discounts, fast price drops, etc. I see why UK is stuck on physical so heavily over digital still as the pricing just is all based on physical. We don't have price competition here, we have 4 retailers left, so prices are hard-fixed, there's (almost) never preorder discounts or fast price drops or anything like that. If selling rate is $69.99 all stores are 69.99 except Walmart that's $69.90 so they can live up to "always the lowest prices." and everyone believes they're so cheap. "|
NEStalgia wrote:
RIght, sir:
Why not released the new Zelda for $140? It's the right price.
We used to find bargains at launch on websites in UK but the economy has changed and it's not as great now. Besides, now I prefer digital so I wait for digital sales, like you, with some exceptions like today's pre-order of the digital deluxe edition of Mask of the Lunar Eclipse.
@WOBNIARP It's all good. Leviosa is learnt later on
@Captain_Chao5 Yes, I have since been surprised to find that Leviosa and Levioso are two different spells. Seems a bit silly because supposed the only difference is whether or not they move rather than stay in one place, but both float so would have just made sense to keep as it one.
"Valid criticism against the creator"? Good to see even game reviewers have joined the complete denial of reality camp and are pro grooming children. Not that they will post anything from anyone who disagrees with them. Why do games, our escape from reality and a relaxing hobby have to become political at all? Oh...because progressives have to make EVERYTHING political. Nice they reviewed the game decently though. I picked it up and loved it. Really looks and plays wonderfully on XSX.
@Tharsman Ummm, yeah, have you paid any attention to the US lately? The only ones that have a voice anymore are the loud, screaming, whining minority. Many corporations and all the mainstream media are bowing to the whims of a few people who want to act like there is no objective reality in the name of not hurting anyone's feelings. Reality does exist. You don't get to just say you are something and poof, it happens. I identify as someone who has no debts, but i still get sent to collections if i don't pay my bills. Most people do not agree with modern progressive agendas but you wouldn't know it to read places like this site or MSNBC.
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