Editor's Note: The majority of our Alan Wake 2 review time was spent playing the PC version of the game. We have also tested the Xbox Series X version out for a short time, and have noted our Xbox performance impressions towards the end of the review.
Remedy Entertainment's Alan Wake is an adventure that this particular writer never fully got along with during several aborted attempts to play through its campaign back in the day. It's not that it's a bad game, far from it, just that it never managed to overcome a few mechanical shortcomings, making for an interesting story that's a little too clunky in places.
So, over at Pure Xbox we headed into Alan Wake 2 perhaps not quite as excited as some are for this highly-anticipated return to Bright Falls. We are big fans of Control, Max Payne and the whole shared universe that Remedy has been building up around its games though — we dig the whole overarching vision — we just weren't sold on Alan's first outing due to combat that had us bailing on the adventure out of frustration.

And so, from a position of "well, let's just see what happens" we've been absolutely blown out of our chairs by Alan Wake 2, there's really no other way to put it. This is, by some margin, Remedy's masterpiece; a confident, mature and bold slice of survival horror that treats its players like grown-ups whilst delivering a delightfully messed up story that's in another league to the one told with the original game back in 2010.
Of course we don't want to ruin anything, it's all about unravelling the mystery for yourself, just know that Remedy has really nailed the writing and world-building this time around. They've got the Twin Peaks/XFiles/90's Twilight Zone vibe down to a tee, they've upped the ante on their trademark hallucinatory sequences and incredible symbolic imagery, and they've combined all of this with combat that actually feels pretty good. Not perfect, but a big improvement for the series.
Alan Wake 2 also feels like Remedy fully mastering their use of mixed media in a game, too. We've seen it a few times with varying degrees of success in the likes of Quantum Break, but in Wake's new nightmare it's used to truly impressive effect. Real actors exist and mix & match with their virtual counterparts seamlessly, scenes switch from real life to digital and combine aspects of both with ease - making for a world with the power to truly twist your outlook. From a technical point of view, it's breathtaking stuff — never showy or obvious — just very slick and integral to the overall style of the game.
From a mechanical point of view, the big shake up in this sequel is your ability to switch between Alan Wake and newcomer Saga Anderson; an FBI agent sent to Bright Falls to investigate ritualistic murders. It isn't long before Saga starts to make some sort of contact with Alan, who's trying to write himself out of a 13-year nightmare, and before long you can switch between the two in order to progress their separate storylines.
Giving us two leads like this helps not just to broaden the scope of the story, but also in allowing the devs to give us more in terms of gameplay mechanics to dig into. Saga and Alan both have slightly different tricks up their sleeves, with Alan focused on using the power of light and his writing abilities to shift states around and advance through levels, whilst Saga is much more investigation-focused.
Saga's portion of the game is all about collecting clues, examining scenes and using her Mind Place to put together story strands, slotting things into the right place to unlock more info and give you new breadcrumbs to follow. Whilst these sequences take part in and around Bright Falls, Alan's portion of the game takes us to the Dark Place where you'll need to warp reality and use manuscript pages to shift the world to your advantage. None of this detective work is particularly tough, and you can make as many mistakes as you want while you piece together info on your evidence board, but it gives you just enough to figure out and work on that you find yourself completely absorbed into the narrative by virtue.

Both main characters indulge in their fair share of combat too and, just as with the original game, this is the weakest point of the entire affair. As we've already mentioned, it is much improved - not nearly as annoying as it once was, but there's still a slight awkwardness to the action here. Both Alan and Saga can use light to temporarily stop and disorient foes, just as in the first game, and it still feels a bit too cumbersome - but thankfully improved enemy placement means you'll never find yourself in big trouble against a large group of foes. This one tweak means that most encounters give you enough space to use your torch and dispatch enemies without getting thumped from several other directions.
There's a purposeful heft to movement, and a slowness to how you heal and reload, that suits the survival horror style perfectly - however, the enemies aren't up to the task of making this fully convincing. It may look and feel like a Resident Evil 2 Remake type of deal, but with baddies who follow more simplistic routes and routines — who really only ever make a beeline for you without dodging any bullets — it doesn't match up to Capcom's outing with regards to employing multiple strategies in action.
This slight downer aside though, and this is coming from someone who couldn't make peace with the combat in the first game at all, everything else that Alan Wake 2 does right makes its slight combat woes feel like a massive nitpick. Genuinely. There's so much inventiveness and style on display here. This second story takes far bigger risks in how much it leaves you to discover, to figure things out for yourself - it trusts players to work with their tools, to toy around in this warped world, pull strings and struggle forward, which in turn makes the whole thing feel extra-rewarding. We also clearly remember that we found ourselves groaning quite often at the writing in the first game, but this time around there's been none of that. The writing has taken a big leap and feels much more confident in its tone and in the world it's presenting.

There's stellar acting across the board from all of the cast, and the use of developer Sam Lake as Saga's partner Alex Casey is... such a strange combination of new character, recognizable voice and face. Is it Max or isn't it? Why is he here? It all feeds into that busy bubbling pot of conspiracy theories and cameos and interlinking fictions that makes Remedy's output so fun for fans to engage with.
With Alan Wake 2, we're getting a much darker, more confident and complex tale. This is a clearly a more successful stab at psychological/survival horror that the first game managed - it's very clever in how it mixes its mechanics between two leads, and it never drops the ball in terms of overall quality. The puzzles speak to a level of trust in the player that is often missing these days, with some delightful headscratchers that the game is happy to sit back on and let you deal with. The writing, acting, presentation are all top notch and, besides a few audio issues on Xbox and PC, we've had a clear run in terms of bugs or other hiccups.

Indeed in the game's quality mode, where the graphics are easily up there with the very best we've ever seen on Series X, there's no framerate bumps or other issues to speak of. Performance, although we didn't spend too much time in that mode, also seemed to perform smoothly with some of the bells and whistles dialled back in exchange for extra frames.
In the end, and without wanting to spoil a second of the fun for you, what we've got here is Remedy's very best game thus far. This is survival horror with style to spare; a grown-up, thought-provoking thrill-ride that's packed full of fantastic performances, incredible visuals, excellent music, genre-defining use of mixed media and all of the fourth wall-breaking and clever winks & nods we've come to expect from Finland's finest. Strap in, it's a wild ride.
Where Alan Wake was a very good idea executed with a few too many flaws, its sequel serves up a survival horror masterclass. Yes, the combat is still not 100% there, but this one slight misstep aside, what we've got with Alan Wake 2 is superlative stuff. This is an incredibly clever, refreshingly grown-up and wonderfully well-made slice of psychological horror. The acting, writing, sound design, graphics... every aspect has been nailed in a game that makes for another addition to 2023's incredibly long list of absolute bangers.
Comments 30
What kind of audio issues?
Push Square had a review that mentioned audio issues on Lords of the Fallen, but never said what they were. Now Pure Xbox has a review that mentions audio issues, but never says what they are.
Dialog cutoff? Missing music? Crackling? Bad dynamic range? What happened?
Also, I can't wait to play this tonight!
EDIT: Regarding Alex Casey. I think it's Max Payne in all but name as Rockstar owns the rights to that character. I am sure if Remedy had full control (no pun intended), Alex Casey would be Max Payne - especially since it feels like the Remedy-verse, so far, has Alan Wake at the center pulling the strings from the Dark Place. But I guess I'll just have to see how that all plays out.
I bought it and just finished the prologue.
I'm entirely hooked after just 5 minutes, unfortunately I gotta go to work now
Also worth mentioning.. the audio cut off after I started the game..needed to restart the game.
I CANNOT WAIT to play this tonight. One more legitimate GotY contender, let’s go! Huge fan of Remedy and the original, so I have no doubt I’ll love this one. I think the last game I was THIS excited for was perhaps Death Stranding. Grabbing my coffee thermos at the ready
Defo going to buy this...but I need to finish Assassin's creed first..then Spiderman 2...nvm Starfield which i was playing alot for 2 week then just stopped
im watching a streamer play it. its boring lmao. maybe i tuned in at a slow part but im pretty sure this isn't an action game at all. imo re 7 has the best pacing for horror.
And this incredible year of gaming keeps going. Really looking forward to this, but will wait for the story DLC and play all at once, plenty to play in the meantime.
Played for about 30 minutes last night and had to shut it down bc it was so late. Definitely starts out with a bang though.
@GamingFan4Lyf The sound randomly cuts out completely on the Series X
Edit: I'm not sure about the S though.
@MrMagic Thanks - good to know! I have the Series X version (haven't booted it up yet). Hopefully it gets resolved in the coming days.
@fabisputza007 yeah same here. But after that there hasn't been any audio issues. I know some of the water sounds don't sound great but it isn't broken and will definitely be patched. As for the combat it's much more improved than the first and is akin to something like the RE remakes so not sure what's the issue there.
6 hours in for me and this is an absolute banger. No other game out there is as creatively rich as this in artistic design, graphical fidelity,story telling, level design. 10/10 for me.
I’m glad this turned out well. I played the original on the 360 so will be buying this for the Series X. Remedy are magic, no one else makes games like they do.
I did the same watched a streamer and thought what the hell is all the fuss about over this game.
I’m playing RE4 remake on series x at the moment and there seems so much more action and in day light action areas as well.
Would be interesting to know how much of AW2 you actually play in action shooting type mode
I know it’s about 17 hours long but how much of that time are you really in the shooting action.
I really enjoyed the first AW on my Xbox360 but this new one AW2 seems like you just take part for a while in a movie and detective 🕵️♀️ investigation rather than being in the main shooting action mainly in the dark.
@OldGamer999 i decided not to buy this and down loaded the dead space remake on gp.
@rustyduck Dead Space remake is great. I've played it probably five, six times when it came out.
I've only played 30 minutes, but it's a cracker. Well worthy of my arduous *13 yr wait.
Cannot wait to fire up this game later on.
That’s what I’m gonna do once I finish RE4 remake as it’s also sort of free on GP.
This wasn’t really on my radar as I’ve never played the first game, but I can’t ignore so many good reviews! Guess I’ll have to watch a story recap on YouTube or something before diving in.
I've only played for an hour or so but this game is great so far and on a high end PC looks stunning, it still looks very good for console players without RT. I wasn't the biggest fan of the original but did enjoy the story and Control was one of the highlights of recent years and this seems to be at least as good
@OldGamer999 Resident Evil 4 is practically a straight up 3rd person shooter, this is very much a phycological horror game with the emphasis largely on it's story with a bit of action too. If you're looking for something along the lines of RE4, then this isn't it
@GamingFan4Lyf My little bro had audio cutting out completely within the first 2 minutes. Managed to sort though and hasn't reported any further audio issues since, although he has had various bugs and glitches, and framedrop when in combat. He is playing on XSS though, although all consoles are reportedly experiencing performance issues of some kind. He's loving the game though.
Ok, thank you for the heads up on that, cheers.
Don’t think I will buy AW2.
Does one need to play AW1 before playing AW2?
@jedinite no but I'd say at least look up some of the story
So it's Alan Wake where you don't play as Alan Wake? Guess they pulled a MGS2 bait-n-switch.
I'm working thru the first one and oddly there have been a couple times where audio cut out. Funny that it has carried over to the 2nd one. I was going to wait for AW2 on GP, but hearing so many good reviews has me reconsidering.
About an hour in an the story is already getting crazy good
Absolutely loving the game so far. I’ve put almost 5 hours into it and I’ve only just finished the Invitation chapter as I’ve just been exploring and collecting collectibles.
It does suffer from visual glitches which I’m hoping will be patched over this weekend as I’m ready to get into it again on Monday.
Well after completing it, I cannot help but feel this game is very over-rated and has some major flaws which are over-looked by the gaming press as a whole.
There are moments of genius in the game, but there are also moments that are so dull and poorly designed.
I generally hated the Mind Place. Just randomly placing pictures on a board was thoroughly boring and just dragged on in places, especially right at the end. Why a mechanic such as this was used as much as it is I have no idea. Its not fun.
The game is also really poor at signposting what to do or where to go next. I got to a bit near the end which just said "come up with a plan". Like, how the ***** would I do this then? No clue whatsoever where to go or what to do. I had to google it so I didn't waste the next 2 hours of my life. Turns out I was missing a document, but it would of taken me ages to retrace my steps if I hadn't read a guide.
Very poor pacing as well. I can understand why some would call this a walking simulator. Remedy are clearly very talented people, I just wish they made their games more fun to play.
The actual gunplay (when you get to it) also isn't that great and feels a big step backwards from Control. It's slow and clunky to the point it was frustrating at times.
Voice acting was hit and miss as well. Saga in particular was dreadful, hardly any emotion when delivering her lines.
The jump scares are over-used and they are of the cheapest kind, just constantly throwing up an image on screen accompanied by a loud noise.
I have completed Dead Space twice this year and plan on a 3rd run. RE4 I have completed twice. I don't expect I will replay Alan Wake 2, at least not for a long time. I just cannot bring myself to get through the tedious, drawn out sections again.
Very over-rated. Is a 7/10 game at best. I think the gaming press gets carried away sometimes when they see nice visuals and forgets that gameplay is king. Now that the dust has settled, I see a lot of people on forums expressing the same thoughts as what I had.
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